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    Friday, August 21, 2020

    Fire Emblem Regarding Mangs and the /r/fireemblem Subreddit

    Fire Emblem Regarding Mangs and the /r/fireemblem Subreddit

    Regarding Mangs and the /r/fireemblem Subreddit

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    In early July of this year, Mangs was accused by Goosaphone and many others of making many inappropriate sexual advances that stopped short of rape. He admitted to most of them. If you need a refresher on any of this, or weren't up to speed on the broader English-speaking FE fandom at the time, please take a look at our megathread about the whole incident here.

    Now, it seems that Mangs has announced his intent to continue making and uploading content to YouTube, so there are a few things we (the moderators) need to establish.

    1. Any content posted from Mangs's channel to this subreddit will be removed.
    2. Although he deleted his original reddit account while the allegations were unfolding, and technically speaking never broke any rules of the subreddit, on principle Mangs himself is banned from this particular part of the community.
    3. Even though Mangs is unwelcome here, this does not mean that this is the right place to bemoan him or make death threats or any such thing. The point of de-platforming him is to get him out of this space. The less he is talked about, the better. (This isn't saying that he's forgiven; quite the opposite.)

    There is a recent video from him circulating. Please don't post it. We're not sharing it here, and we're going to be removing it if it gets shared elsewhere in the subreddit. We appreciate your understanding.

    EDIT: After thinking it over, this all can pretty much apply to Chaz as well. Making a separate post won't be necessary (or a good idea for the moment, since we can only have two pinned messages on the subreddit), so point to this if anyone asks in the future. To be clear: this means do not post any of Chaz's content to this subreddit, or it will be removed.

    the /r/fireemblem mod team

    submitted by /u/Cecilyn
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    Injured Brave Edelgard (OC)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:46 PM PDT

    Leonie Fanart

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    I drew Camilla dressed as Lara Croft!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 04:46 PM PDT

    I made a comic ><

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    Drew Azura!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Happy b day Leonie!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    [Original Art] The Blade Breaker II, Leonie

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    Quick sketch of Leo~ He'll teach you all you wish to know (except how to wear collars correctly)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    [OC] "Of Lances and Resistance"

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Retrospective: Three Houses

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 03:32 PM PDT

    Hi all, here's my previous post on SoV.

    So we're finally here. After 15 games, more if you want to count Fates separately, we're up to Three Houses. This was my fourth run of the game, and 3H is actually only the 4th game that I had played in the series at the time of its release (FE9 -> 10 -> 13 -> 16). I played Black Eagles first, but missed Edelgard's trigger and was sent down Silver Snow. Did a Deer run that I dropped around chapter 15, then a maddening blue lion run, and this last run was Crimson Flower. So what do I actually think about the game? Well, to be honest, it's largely negative. Please understand that this is merely my own opinion about the game, and I am not looking to claim that it's bad to enjoy the game if you do.

    The story portion is gonna steer clear of spoilers, since to be honest I don't care that much about 3H's story and talking deeply about it, it'll be mostly generalities. If I bring up a spoiler, it'll be blacked out.


    I guess the first thing I'd like to say about the story of Three Houses is what makes me disconnect from it so much. I often read posts about why it's good, about the multiple perspectives allowing interesting storytelling, and when reading about it on a wiki or reading someone's post, I can often say oh yeah, it's good, but when actually playing the game there's this huge disconnect for me. Perhaps it's because of how formulaic the chapter by chapter storytelling is (briefing for what your mission will be at the end of the month, hey look it's finally mission time, mission story happens, debrief, rinse repeat). Perhaps it's because of the multiple routes, where elements of the story will be randomly relegated to another route and you're basically told to play the other route if you want to learn about something. This could be fine if it was minor things, but it's often major, like when you learn that Dimitri died off-screen in Silver Snow. Or perhaps the mole people being taken care of off-screen in Crimson Flower. Or perhaps it's because Byleth is the driest main character since the FE1 incarnation of Marth, and even then Marth had more character in his proposal to Caeda than Byleth does in most of 3h. Whatever the case, I just find myself unable to actually care about the story as it unfolds in front of me due to any (all) of those reasons, and that's a shame. It also takes a bit too long to get anywhere imo. By chapter like, 7, not a whole lot has happened. You've learned about the world, but there hasn't actually been that much that is plot-y so to speak, it's more events happening next to each other but you don't have a big overarching narrative yet. By chapter 7 in Thracia 776, Nanna was kidnapped, Leif captured in Manster, Nanna rescued, Eyvel stoned, and Leif has escaped Manster after a tough struggle. I understand that it's a different type of story. I don't want Thracia 776-2. But it'd be nice if more stuff, like... Happened?

    Another big issue I have with the story is that the characters, though they are good, are often super disconnected from the actual main story that is going on in front of them. When I picked Crimson Flower, Dorothea and Caspar spoke one after the other, and Dorothea lamented having to kill people while Caspar was like 'let me at 'em fuck yeah' which causes a massive disconnect because it feels that rather than talking to each other, the class is just standing in a semi-circle talking at Byleth and the main lord. Only the main lord, and sometimes their retainer, is allowed any sort of interesting story beats within the playable cast, with everyone else being relegated to monastery and supports. And mind you, some of these supports are really good! I'm not saying I don't like the cast, because Seteth is one of my favorite characters in the series. He's great. But it'd be nice if characters properly had conversation in the main story rather than it all being done in supports.

    Speaking of supports, I guess I should address those. They're mostly good, but there are so many of them that I kinda feel a bit of support fatigue sometimes, with the most egregious part being post-skip where suddenly a ton of A supports will open up that were locked until then. There's also an issue where some supports feel really weird due to the time skip, since they resume from the B support as though nothing happened and the issue wasn't resolved in the intervening 5 years. Am I truly to believe that Annette and Mercedes didn't make up for five years? Another issue I have with them is that due to the removal of the S-rank support, this can lead to the occasional odd A rank support where say, Lorenz, will be romantic with two different girls at the same time, whereas if it was locked behind an S, he would presumably keep the confession for the S, at least, making it less awkward. It'd also be nice to have them as a way to lock in paired endings.

    So that's where I'm at. I don't like the route system, I like the cast but I wish they were more integrated into the main story, and I don't like the structure of the story where it bends over for the monastery to like, exist. It especially bugs me post-skip where you still return to the monastery every month despite being at war. I sure am glad that the villain of x route is so stupid or incompetent that they never counter-attack you once while you're away from the frontlines.


    This is the more contentious aspect for me. You can skip a bad story, but you can't skip a bad game. So what's wrong with the gameplay of Three Houses?

    Imo, a lot.

    To get the low-hanging fruit out of the way, the map reuse is out of this world. There are less maps in Three Houses, all routes combined, than certain older FE games. My problem isn't with the number of maps, but rather with the sheer amount of maps that are re-used when you're expected to replay them to get all the routes done. 36 unique maps would be great for one route. It would be great for two routes even, assuming the maps had variants. But as it is, the maps do not play significantly differently for the most part. The Great Bridge of Myrdin is the same on GD, the same on BL, and the same on church route. It's slightly different on CF, I guess. The entire first half of the game is always the same. I understand that they might not have been able to make a satisfying number of maps for four routes, but then why make four routes at all? And if four routes is something needed 100%, why not at least change up the maps a little? Enemy placement, starting positions?

    The game is ugly and runs like ass. I understand that the first is subjective, but I think the character models (while fine for battles) are terrible out of battle. This kind of overlaps with the story stuff, but they just cycle idle animations in cutscenes. There's also the issue of pop-in, where sometimes you'll fast travel to an area of the monastery and have to wait for character models to pop in if you want to see them and interact with them (though you can interact with the empty air where they would be). I've even had a situation where I tried to talk to someone and the little diamond where their portrait would be loaded, but the portrait itself did not load. And let's not get started on loading times in general when entering cutscenes or fast traveling.

    The maps aren't exactly the worst thing I've ever played, but for the most part they're not very good either. Because everyone starts with low movement, early maps can feel awful to traverse, chapter 5 coming to mind, especially on Black Eagles where you don't have Catherine available to trivialize it. And while there are only two maps that are outright trash that make me think "Wow, I am not looking forward to playing that" (Hunting by Daybreak, Chapter 5), there aren't any maps that make me look forward to playing them either. When I play CQ, I look forward to 10. When I play RD, I look forward to 3-13, to endgame. There's nothing like that here. I just want the maps to be over with asap.

    Cheese in Fire Emblem is a pretty common tactic, but what the actual cheese is will vary from game to game, and I find that cheesing in Three Houses is severely unsatisfying compared to cheesing in a game like FE5. In Fe5, you have a ton of warp staves, but you also have a ton of uses for them, and you need to prepare for the cheese by training multiple staff users to A rank. Further, because warp is a plentiful (though limited) resource, you have to think about where you want to use it. It's something that requires planning. But in Three Houses, because all of your cheese-related resources (except Aymr I guess) are unlimited, it requires much less effort to cheese, much less planning. The actual execution is often easier too, compared to say the Chapter 21 mountain + warp cheese from FE6. As such, it leads to a situation where the unsatisfying maps aren't satisfying to cheese.

    This wouldn't be so bad if I actually liked what went on outside of the maps, but unfortunately no such luck there. To begin with, I think the class system is worse than it was in Fates. I don't particularly care for reclassing, but at least Fates reclassing is centered around the idea that units have a base identity and are able to become something else through putting effort in. Effie is definitely an armor knight. If you read Effie, you're not gonna think archer, you're gonna think armor knight. But you can make her an archer via Mozu, get quick draw, pass down that skill to Percy via Arthur, and get quick draw on wyvern Percy. Selena is a merc, but you could also make her friends with Beruka to get her into wyvern. Different units have different needs and different methods of getting there, and because of the fact that you can only A+/S one person per unit, you have to decide who gets what from who. As such, units have identity, but can stray from them. But I don't really get that in Three Houses. Yeah, units have growths, but they all start at level 1 as a trainee, and to me that leads to just making them feel like the same unit. They have minor differences in learned combat arts or learned spells, boons and banes, but for the most part everyone wants the same investment. They want meals for motivation, instruction from Byleth, and they want to go down either mage or brigand for fiendish or death blow, with perhaps darting blow for girls. There are very few units, though they do exist, that stray outside of that. Funnily enough, the spell system makes who makes a good mage even more restrictive than it should be for a true sandbox experience.

    Weapon ranks are bloated, and because they wanted every rank to give one skill or combat art, those are bloated too. Nevermind the balance issues, it leads to your builds often not feeling very good, because you'll have the blow skill(s), the prowess for the weapon you're using, and that's already two slots gone, leaving you three to mess with. Meanwhile in Fates, you could make full builds much easier since there weren't as many filler skills. Fates units will also be largely used in a very different way, while most Three Houses units feel much the same. Using Camilla is a very different experience from using Beruka, despite them being in the same class. What is the functional difference between using Ferdinand and Sylvain, who both want basically the exact same skill build to become swift strikes paladins or wyverns?

    Next comes the monastery, and I hate it. A lot of people often talk about liking the story elements of it, and I actually kinda agree that it's fun to talk about what's going on with your students in the monastery, but unfortunately this is also something that has zero use in gameplay, and the actual gameplay aspect of the monastery is a chore. It should be noted that even if the monastery wasn't there, you could have had base conversations instead of the monastery. So what's the actual gameplay like? Well, you load in, go to your garden, do that, then do your meals, then maybe your advanced drills if you need some. It doesn't take that long per run, but it's fluff, and it's uninteresting fluff at that. You can skip it, but skipping it is unsatisfying because it leaves resources on the table, resources which you might need if you're playing maddening. It doesn't help that gardening is such a gold sink that you're going to want to arena grind for money if you want to sustain gardening for the whole game.

    The last thing I really want to touch on is the difficulty. Normal is too easy, but that's fine, it's not for me. The problem is more that hard is too easy, while maddening is too frustrating to play. It's tedious. It's either cheesing maps, or slogging through enemies with bait and switch the whole game. There's a chunk of maddening (roughly chapter 6-7 to 11 or so) where it actually feels good, because your units have started to get their build together, they start being usable, they feel good to use and the enemies aren't oppressive, but then you reach the endgame and you've got warmasters/assassins that are quadding even fast units like Felix. It's absolutely ridiculous, and when your only two options are "too easy to engage" and "too tedious to have fun", it just really makes me not want to play the game. There should have been a difficulty between hard and maddening.


    I'm sure there's something I forgot, and I should really say that I didn't come into this hoping to hate the game. Like, I found things to like about Gaiden of all games, so surely it couldn't be that bad, but I just don't vibe with Three Houses at all. I can't stand playing it, and I really don't like the direction it seems to be taking the series if they double down in the sequel. This isn't to say that you can't like it, because if you do, great, I'm always happy to hear that people like a game even if I don't like it. But to me the game fails on a fundamental level to be fun and engaging, and as such it's my least favorite entry in the series.

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    [OC] Brave Lysithea is a very fluffy yet a dangerous nuke

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:14 AM PDT

    Shadows of Valentia Discussion Series - Celica: Caring Princess

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    Today, we are discussing Celica.

    Celica is one of the two protagonists of Shadows of Valentia.

    In the year 385 in the Valentian calendar and year 590 in the Archanean calendar, Celica was born as Princess Anthiese of Zofia, daughter of Lima IV and Liprica. Anthiese bore a great resemblance to her mother, but her mother died while she was very young. Anthiese bore a special mark on the palm of her right hand, one that would tie her to a great destiny alongside another individual who bore a similar mark. In her brief childhood in the royal villa, she became close to one of her half-siblings, Conrad. Ten years prior to the game events, the villa housing Lima IV's numerous wives and children was set ablaze by Desaix as a means to instigate a coup against the king. Mycen, managed to locate Anthiese in the blaze and rescued her. She had hoped that Mycen could find Conrad, but Mycen informed her that he could not find him, leaving Anthiese as the sole survivor of the fire. To most of Zofia, however, it was believed that there were no survivors. Mycen brought Anthiese to Ram Village for her safety and she was given the name Celica, her new name that she would go by for many years.

    In the Prologue of the game, we see Alm and Celica talking in a field of grass. Noticing the Brand on both of their arms, Celica makes a promise with Alm, before returning to the village. On the way there, they are attacked by Slayde who notices Celica's Brand. However, Slayde is repelled by Mycen and Celica is forced to leave the village.

    After having a dream of Alm's death, Celica, along with Mae, Boey, and Genny, leaves the monastery to investigate the cause of the crop failures occurring the consecutive years prior, believing Mila is somehow related to it. At the Novis Harbor, she hires a mercenary, Saber, to protect her and the group during the journey to Mila's Temple.

    On her way to the Valentian coast, Celica is forced to overcome numerous pirate ships through the sea, eventually defeating the pirate leader Barth and gaining the forces of Valbar and his men, Leon and Kamui.

    Upon reaching the mainland, Celica detours to Zofia castle once she catches wind of the new leader of the Deliverance and deduces it's Alm. Inside, she finds the residents of the castle still celebrating Desaix's departure, as well as Mycen, much to her surprise. Greeting him, Celica informs him of her goal to reach the Temple of Mila to ask Mila's role in it. Mycen is not surprised at this, and tells her that someone she may be interested in seeing is upstairs. Reaching the balcony, Celica and Alm reunite. However, their reunion turns sour when she tries to tell Alm that Rudolf may not be as evil as he is. When Alm refuses to listen to her, Celica departs in a huff.

    Immediately after leaving the castle, Celica, Mae, Boey, and Saber are ambushed by mysterious men claiming to be followers of Duma. With the intent of kidnapping Celica they close in on her when a mysterious Masked Knight appears before her. With their combined forces, they repel the would-be kidnappers. Celica thanks the knight for his assistance and for his name, but he merely tells her that he cannot reveal his identity and leaves. Upon departing Zofia Castle, Celica re-encounters Masked Knight near a mountain path who warns her to take a particular path towards the eastern half of Zofia. Ignoring his warning, she chooses to go through a mountain path, only to nearly be caught out by a landslide. Thanks to the Masked Knight's intervention, Celica is saved, however the landslide completely cuts off Celica from returning to the other side, preventing her from reuniting with Alm in the meantime.

    Celica and her party begin their journey north again, though they make a detour when they encounter Palla and Catria embroiled in battle with pirates and vow to help save their sister, Est, from Grieth, a pirate who has been pillaging local villages for years. Taking a small detour east, Celica and her forces stop Grieth once and for all, recruiting Atlas, a villager who lost relatives to Grieth, Jesse, a mercenary who attempted to rescue Est, and either Sonya or Deen, former henchmen of Grieth.

    At Grieth's fort, they find a priestess of Mila Irma held captive. Irma immediately recognizes Celica as princess Anthiese as she bears a striking resemblance to her mother, Liprica. Pledged by Celica, Irma reveals her mother's past.

    Celica eventually arrives at the Temple of Mila, which she finds under the control of a priest of Duma, whom her forces defeat. Celica enters the Temple of Mila and finds Mila absent. The temple priestesses tell Celica that Rigel attacked the temple and Emperor Rudolf sealed Mila away with the Divine Blade Falchion.

    Learning that Mila is being kept at Duma Tower through the Masked Knight, she sets off in order to unseal her. Along the way, she is confronted by numerous members of the Duma Faithful. One in particular, Dolth, is defeated, but he plays on Celica's selflessness by telling her that if she continues the route with her friends, they will suffer alongside her. He threatens her by hurting Mae. Celica nearly agrees to follow him back to Duma Temple alone, but the Masked Knight intervenes, killing the Cantor. Unable to contain himself any longer, the Masked Knight removes his mask, revealing that he is actually Conrad, who had miraculously survived the villa fire as well. Vowing never to sacrifice herself again, Conrad formally joins her party and Celica is overjoyed to be reunited with her beloved half-brother.

    Conrad leads her to the Sage Hamlet where she speaks to Halcyon, a banished sage of Duma and Conrad's master. He allows Celica to send an astral projection of herself to Alm so she can speak with him. The two reconcile and she admits to Alm that she is indeed the long lost princess, Anthiese.

    Rounding Duma's Tower, Celica and her group ascends the tower where Jedah awaits. Jedah shows Celica and her party Mila's current fate. Deep in the basement of Duma's Tower is the remains of Mila in her Manakete form, petrified with Falchion impaled in her head, much to Celica's horror. Playing off her concern for Alm, whom was at the time being attacked by Draco Zombies, and for her friends accompanying her and the Zofian people should Mila remain petrified, Celica willingly allows herself to be captured by Jedah to spare Alm as well as her own party. Though Jedah agrees not to kill either group, he warps Celica's party out of the Temple to an unknown location as she is the only person who matters in his plans. After witnessing Alm killing Rudolf, who was revealed to be Alm's father, she tells Jedah that she will willingly offer to surrender her soul to Duma on the condition that Jedah will not harm him and to revive Mila for the sake of the innocent Zofian citizens, and Jedah leads her to a cell in the basement of the Temple.

    When Alm arrives at the temple of Duma, he finds Celica, who tries to tell him to not kill Duma, as she fears Rigel would be even more barren. Jedah allows her to say one final farewell to Alm before offering her soul to Duma. As she says goodbye to Alm, she confesses to him that her only desire in life is to not want Alm or anyone else to be hurt or killed, and tells him that she wishes that things could have play out differently and that she could have lived a peaceful life in Ram Village with the others.

    When Alm reaches a further part of the Temple, he crosses blades with the now-possessed Celica. After using Falchion to kill her, magic fills the room and Celica's body gains life again. With Celica now by Alm's side, the two use their turnwheels to open the gate to Duma's domain and finally quell Duma.

    Celicia is supported by:

    submitted by /u/Branded_King
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    Blue Lion convos in a nutshell

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:37 PM PDT


    Dedue - No homo, but Your Highness is my everything. Also, I love farming.

    Felix - I HATE Y'ALL!!! Except Annette. She's cute smh

    Ashe - I'll be the best knight ever and-- hey, stop giving me a headpat.


    Annette - Learning is fun <3 Also, Felix is the evilest people in the world

    Mercedes - Ara ara 🤭

    Ingrid - I'll be the best knight ever. Also, I'm still in love with my ex.

    Who's your favorite? I love Ashe so much because he is such a pure bean 🥺👉👈

    submitted by /u/zyronbenedict13
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    Where's the love for Abysskeeper?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    I understand that Gatekeeper is pretty much the most loved character in the game, but Abysskeeper deserves more love. He's just like Gatekeeper but very slightly edgier. And when the Church Knight comes down and Abysskeeper names him Mr. Backup and grows to care about him is just really sweet.

    submitted by /u/GuyBeardmane
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    Are we allowed to post content that's related to Chaz?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Just wondering cuz like he's an alleged rapist too

    submitted by /u/PrinciaSpark
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    HDB LEONIE! Fanart

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Ironically, despite having weakness in Faith and negative view toward religion, Hegemon Edelgard has some characteristics of a Seraph.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:57 PM PDT


    In Hebrew, Seraph means "burning one" and these beings were depicted as angels with six fiery red wings . She bears a Crest of Flame and there are 6 red orbs on her body, represent 6 wings of a Seraph: 2 on her shoulder pabs which are resemblance 2 wings, 2 orbs near her wings and 2 ords on her dress.

    While some might say her dress doesn't look like a pair of wings, in Christianity, one pair of wings of a Seraph would cover their feet and legs, which is what her dress do.

    She even learns Seraphim, the spell that named after the six wings angel.

    submitted by /u/huflit1997
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    Which characters in 3H should have had a support but didn’t in your opinion?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    I can see relationships between certain characters in 3H forming within the game given their status or personalities. Ashe and Yuri definitely should've had one since they're both adopted by a noble and grew up in a rough environment. Manuela and Jeritza could've also had a support discussing what happened to her Chapter 6 and how she was able to forgive him in the end.

    Which characters did you feel should have gotten a support chain but didn't?

    submitted by /u/DClordz
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    Whatever Happened to Mitsuki Oosawa?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    So as we all know, Mitsuki Oosawa is the one behind the best manga adaptation of Genealogy of the Holy War. However, I cant find much else about her outside of that. Does anybody know what happened to her? Any other works? Is she even still alive?

    (Sorry if I used the wrong flair, I'm new to reddit)

    submitted by /u/Lalafell_Lala
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    Part 26 of Path of Radiance is up! This doesn't have anything to do with the video (or anything else) but I start college on Monday! That also means I don't have to work full time (thank you GI Bill) so there may be more coming down the pipeline. Anyway, enjoy and please like, comment, and subscribe

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 05:46 PM PDT

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