• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    Fire Emblem Announcing the /r/fireemblem subreddit banner contest!

    Fire Emblem Announcing the /r/fireemblem subreddit banner contest!

    Announcing the /r/fireemblem subreddit banner contest!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    Hello, readers of /r/fireemblem! It has been a long time since Three Houses was released last year, and a lot of things have happened since then, for better or worse. One thing that hasn't really changed in all this time though… has been our subreddit banner. Some people have asked us about it, others have poked fun over it, and some people probably don't care because they have custom CSS disabled. In any case, the current banner's a bit old and can be replaced now, so we'd like to hold a little competition!

    How it will work:

    • Submissions will be open until October 31st, so a little more than a month from now.
    • Submissions will need to follow the guidelines listed below, or else they will not be considered.
    • Once we've closed submissions, we will select a short list of our favourite submissions and set up a new thread open for public voting to let users determine the winner.
    • The four submissions with the most votes will receive prizes, listed below.


    • First-place will receive one month of Discord Nitro as a gift, a Reddit Platinum award, and their submission will be used as the subreddit banner one week after the results are announced.
    • Second-place will receive a Reddit Platinum award, and their submission will be used as the banner for that week before the first-place submission is put up.
    • Third-place will receive a Reddit Platinum award.
    • Fourth-place will receive a Reddit Platinum award.

    Submission guidelines:

    • Static banner submissions must be 1920 pixels wide by 250 pixels tall. (Scrolling banners can be wider or taller than this depending on the way they're going to scroll.)
    • The content of the banner must be FE-themed or related in some easily identifiable way (for example, by featuring characters or a prominent item/location from the series). Submissions that do not directly or easily relate to Fire Emblem will not be considered.
    • Please, no spoilers, NSFW, or gore/violence of any kind, even if it's within the rules of the subreddit. We can mark posts for those things, but not the subreddit banner.
    • Assets used in a submission must either be from official FE material (for example, OA/portraits from the games, Cipher art, FEH art, any series fonts, etc.) or original material created by the person making the submission.
    • Do not use artwork or other assets created by other fanartists, even if you obtain their permission. Doing so is grounds for immediate disqualification.
    • Trying to pass off artwork from other fanartists as your own is plagiarism (this includes tracing and "referencing" someone else's art). Plagiarising or tracing someone else's art will lead to both an immediate disqualification and a ban from the subreddit. Please do not do this.

    We hope everyone interested does their best!

    Click here to submit your creation!

    P.S. We are also holding a competition on our Discord server to design a new banner there as well! Check the Announcements channel there for more details!

    Technically there is also a 500kb file size limit on images for stylesheets, but there are ways around it.

    submitted by /u/Cecilyn
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    Just sharing my Alm cosplay here to remind yall to play Echoes

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:57 AM PDT

    Drew Claudeleth!

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    [Original Art] The Queen's Sword, Lucia

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    we love roy!

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    i drew olivia

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    [OC] Timeskip Lysithea

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    Hilda Halloween Fanart

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem Black Ink II - Ephraim

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:17 PM PDT

    (OC) Some preparations ahead

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Made a little drawing of Ophi

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:32 PM PDT

    I drew Caeda!

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    [OC] Yet More Micapell

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Ingrid is not a good artist, but she tries!

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Tricksters' Treat

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    I made a dimitri x Marianne manga thing? for my weird au (oc)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Will Nintendo ever make Thracia 777?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    It is no secret that Thracia 776 is one of the best games in the series. You'd think by the 776th entry, Nintendo would run out of ideas. However, the game surprises you with innovative new mechanics, such as Capture and Stamina. The story also holds an insane amount of twists and surprises at every corner. The moment the game starts up, you'd think that the blue haired, majestic Finn would be the protagonist, similar to past FE protagonists like Marth and Sigurd. However the game subverts your expectations by making the protagonist the brown-haired Leif. Another neat detail about the game is how it reinforces themes through gameplay. For example, despite being the main antagonist, Raydrik actually has lower stats than the chapter 8x boss, Gomes. This was a deliberate decision to show that the working class is stronger than the nobility.

    My question is - will Nintendo ever make Thracia 777 as a true follow-up to Thracia 776?

    submitted by /u/The_new_dealer
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    Phillip from FE4 is more interesting than you think, and here's why

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    You know, for some reason I get the feeling that this guy has never been mentioned on this sub before. I guess it's time to change that.

    So Phillip is the Heirhein general from chapter 2 of FE4 who stands between Castle Heirhein and Castle Nordion. I don't blame you if you don't remember who he is, considering how he has only one line aside from his battle quotes and nothing that he says is particularly memorable.

    The moment Elliot's squad runs off to capture Lachesis, Phillip says this:

    Phillip: Our task is to form a defensive line. Don't let the enemy lure you from your post. Stand your ground! Understood?

    Aside from being a gameplay clue about Phillip's squad's behaviors, this line also has a pretty interesting interpretation that was expanded upon in non-canon material. The Suzuki novelization (partially translated here by a gracious soul) actually gives more characterization to Phillip than the Oosawa manga and the game do: it explicitly states something that the game only hints at very subtly.

    General Phillip commanded an armored unit, and therefore marched very slowly. Once Elliot and his cavaliers were out of sight, he ordered his soldiers to halt in the middle of a field.

    "We will prepare for battle and be on standby here, as our only duty is to keep the enemy from reaching Castle Heirhein."

    He did not think it proper for Augustrians to fight amongst themselves.

    The novelization makes it clear that Phillip was against the idea of fighting against Nordion, so he purposefully split his army off from Elliot's to avoid escalating the conflict.

    I didn't think anything of this at first, but when you think about it, it actually makes a lot of sense. At this point in the game, Nordion is being defended by three lone knights and an underleveled princess who Elliot can kill in one blow. Its military power pales in comparison to Heirhein's. And if Elliot's battle quote is anything to go off of, Heirhein doesn't yet know that Sigurd is going to be involved in the battle, until Sigurd actually shows up on the battlefield to assist Nordion.

    Elliot: Wha...? Why is the Grannvale Army here!? Let's finish this and wipe 'em out!

    Why would Lord Boldor order half his army to make a defensive line when he didn't know about Sigurd coming, and the likelihood of Eve, Eva and Alva breaking through Elliot's squad and charging towards Castle Heirhein is practically zero?

    So yeah, I might be looking too hard into this but I think that Suzuki was on to something with their interpretation of Phillip – his decision to make a defensive wall was a subtle but deliberate attempt to de-escalate the infighting without directly disobeying his lord. Phillip's still a very straightforward character, but I think this makes him a little bit more interesting than, say, the other guys who share his portrait like Maikov or Fisher.

    TL:DR Agustria's story is friggin' amazing and Chapter 2 is the best chapter in FE4

    submitted by /u/BobbyYukitsuki
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    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:39 PM PDT





    3. DON'T BE DICK



    submitted by /u/LaqOfInterest
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    [OC] Micaiah and Pelleas as Hamuko and Ryoji from P3P

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    And it's time for one of my favorite characters! Byleth!! Bunnification complete! What other character you'd like next?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    Teatime with Tharja! (my art)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    The Importance of the Weapon Triangle

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    When Three Houses came out,quite a few people were disappointed when they found out the Weapon Triangle (WT) had been ``demoted`` from major gameplay element to a skill. Some thought it was a good move because the WT wasn't strategic element in the sense that the answer is always the same; sword beats axes, axes beat lances and lances beat swords. It's more on the RPG side than the strategy side.

    I was on the fence, but after playing some Conquest and Genealogy (games where they are most pronounced), in my opinion the weapon triangle is a good addition.

    One reason is it better diferentiates characters/classes. This one is obvious. If there is no WT, then a steel sword and an iron axe feel will be similar stat wise without much else to set them apart.

    But the main reason is something I'm going to call RNG mitigation (for lack of a better term). What I mean is Fire Emblem is about forming plans to beat maps but taking into account the possibility of critical hits and missing hits. This means that you will do everything in your power to increase your chance of hitting. And the weapon triangle is another tool. If you really need to hit that guy on the throne you'll set up support bonuses, skills, weapons, rallies, combat arts, leadership points, status staves, gambits and the weapon triangle to get that sweet sweet 100 % hit.

    This i just a roundabout way of saying I hope the weapon triangle returns in the next non-remake installment.

    TL,dr; I like the Weapon Triangle

    submitted by /u/smashbrosemblem
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    just Mekkah and Bismix playing Radiant Dawn

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Interesting Recruitment's throughout the Series

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    So like a lot of people i started playing this series with Awakening and it will always be among if not my definitive favorite, but after playing every subsequent games and going back and playing most of the older games as well (all except fe1-fe5 and currently tipping away at fe12) im not blind to its short comings.

    One such weakpoint that i dont see brought up is the process of recruiting. Theres nothing really WRONG with this, its just pretty bland with almost every character that isnt given automatically, recruited by just having Chrom approach them and talk to them. Literally the only exceptions are Donnel (Which the game explictly spells out how to recruit) the children characters who can be recruited by being spoken to by Chrom or their mother, some of the SpotPass character, (Emmeryen and Aversa who join upon not dying, Gangrel who has to be approached and spoken to by Chrom 3 times and Walhart who has to be fought with Chrom) and i guess you could say Laurent who has to have his village visited by Chrom. Hell even its recruitment theme is kinda bland comparatively

    But to be honest im actually kind of glad i experienced this system first so instead of being dissapointed from past entry's, its made more complex and exotic recruiting methods really stand out and impress me while going through the other games. At first just having specific secondary characters recruit characters instead of the main lord was enough to impress me, (Eg Caeda in Shadow Dragon with Navarre Roger etc or Karel with Fir/Bartre) but im enjoy even more so coming across some of the REAL weird ones. So today im just gonna ramble about some of my favorites and hope some of you will do the same. So anyway lets start with

    Tiki: Shadow Dragon This is pretty simple one but as i said i had pretty low standards coming from awakening and i do like how while mechanically pretty straight forward it rewards your foresight and exploration with really cool iconic and useful character. So basically in chapter 7 of Shadow Dragon if you go down a side path and visit a village with Marth you recruit Bantu a red dragon manakete. Awesome... except he doesnt have a dragon stone, cant transform or use other weapons and is literally useless other than cannon fodder. Except he does mention that hes following you just because he hopes on your journey youll meet a young manakete named Tiki who he was separated from and cares for like a granddaughter. Bantu remains completely vestigial for 12 whole chapters until you get to chapter 19 where you find Tiki has been brainwashed to fight for Gharnef. And if you didnt visit that village, keep Bantu all this time and use him in this map then thats it. Tiki is the Boss of this chapter and must be killed. But if you DO bring Bantu to the far side of this map and have Bantu speak to her, her Trance is broken and you get Tiki in addition to a really touching conversation between the two.

    Again its pretty straight forward and i could just be a little over impressed going from Awakening to Shadow Dragon but its was one of my favourite moments and has always stuck in my mind as an excellent recruitment that cemented Tiki as one of my favorite characters and i always look forward to this part of the game.

    Hugh: Binding Blade Coming off that little ramble this one is pretty simple but i still found it pretty unique and honestly kind of Funny. So basically in Chapter 16 of Binding Blade your introduced to Hugh Simple mage who hints that his loyalty is less to Narcian and Bern and more to cold hard cash. So pretty simply if you have Roy approach him and talk he will agree to join your side if you hire him.

    Simple enough right? Its not THAT unique you can see similar methods of recruiting with Volke in FE9 and 10 or Farina in FE7. The difference is, if you dont have the pretty steep 10000 gold Hugh is asking for, you haggle him down to a more reasonable 5000 (or any multiple of 1000 in between). The Catch? His stats will lower the less you pay him. Im not sure why i find this so funny. Just the image of this avaricious refusing to pull his weight and work to his full potential cause he feels hes being underpayed. I just have this image of minimum stat version of Hugh getting killed seconds after being recruited and just glaring back at Roy shouting "F*cking Cheapskate" as he bleeds out. Idk i have a weird sense of humor.

    Shinon: Path of Radiance To understand why I think Shinons recruitment is so masterfully done I have to give a bit of context. And I Probably should have mentioned this earlier but I am going to be as vague as possible with spoilers. So at the beginning of Path of Radiance we are given a kind of prologue tutorial for the first 8 chapters - same kind of deal as Lyns campaign in FE7 but much less overt and better handled- and as such we are given a couple of much more powerful late game units, Shinon and Gatrie.

    Both of them are members of the Greil mercenaries like Ike and Co, but both of them take issue with the stringent honorable policy of the the mercs and believe they could be making more money by being more lax in the contracts they take. And to make matters worse Shinon just has a massive grudge at Ike. So naturally when at the end of these chapters EVENTS happen, and Ike ends up leading the Greil mercenaries Shinon and Gatrie both strike out on their own

    As the story progress you reunite with Gatrie and he's pretty chill and amiable with joining back up with you.... but Shinon has always been kind of a dick. He's arrogant and argumentative and even just straight up racist to the Laguz. The only person he shows any trace of kindness to is fellow archer and Junior member of the Greil mercenaries -Rolf- who he shares a sort of big/little brother dynamic. So you probably wouldn't be surprised to find out when you find Shinon fighting for your long time adversaries the Daein army that recruit him involves speaking to Shinon with Rolf. The catch is if you only do this Shinon tells Rolf its time to be a man and strike him down. See in addition to this conversation, in order to recruit Shinon you have to fucking kill him

    Okay being a little dramatic but you do have to reduce his Hp to zero. See as I touched on earlier Shinon just REALLY despises Ike and the only for Ike to earn a modicum of his respect is to beat the ever loving shit out of him. If both these conditions are met than after you finish the map your treated to a little extra scene where Ike patches up Shinon who then grudgingly Agrees to rejoin the crew.

    I think this is great for two reasons. 1) it's rare to have 2 separate conditions necessary. I expect a lot of people assumed that when Rolf spoke to him it would be a simple recruitment but it doesn't and it subverts your expectations in a good way.

    2) it clearly puts both aspects of Shinon on display. If you just had to defeat him with Ike to recruit him he'd come across as a massive douche and it wouldn't make sense that he'd choose following "little lord Ike" over even death. Conversely having him join just from talking with Rolf would seem pretty sappy and out of character but this way we get to see the complexities and inner dilemmas that imo make Shinon such a good character. But this isn't the only time the Tellius games have used insanely clever ways of synchronize recruiting a character with who they are as a character.

    Zihark: Radiant Dawn This one is a little tenuous but fuck it I wanna talk about it anyway. There's probably a few people reading this thinking "isn't Zihark just given automatically in chapter 6?" And while that is true, I'm talking about another instance.

    I'm not going to break down all of Radiant Dawns plot but suffice to say there's a lot of intersecting warring factions most prominently the Dawn Brigade of Daein led by Micaiah and the Greil Mercenaries of the Laguz Alliance led by Ike. Zihark is a patriotic citizen of Daein and believes in Micaiahs leadership but has friends on both sides of the conflict and is of Part 3 having a bit of crisis of faith about who he should be fighting for

    And something you should know about Zihark if you don't already is that he is basically a LITERAL social justice warrior, fighting for the freedom and rights of the oppressed Laguz

    So if during an attack an encampment of Laguz Zihark should happen to come face to face with Mordecai or Lethe -both Laguz and comrades of his during the events of Path of Radiance- Zihark is left with an ultimatum, to follow his countrymen or his own ethos and chooses the later turning on his own companions and by extension YOU becoming a enemy unit for the rest of the map, and becoming a member of Ikes army permanently.

    Again technically this is the opposite of a recruitment but I'd argue that it still counts its just showing you one from the opposite perspective, which is field Radiant Dawn excels at in general. Honestly Zihark is one of my favourite characters in the series and if your interested in him I recommend you check out Faergeists video on this subject it's much better than my rambling

    Those were some of the big ones i wanted to go into but heres just a few quickfire honorable mentions

    Dedue: Three Houses Three houses probably had the most different approach to recruiting characters, with every character at monastery able to be recruited in a pretty clear straight forward manor, just keep building uo the right stats and building affinty and BOOM you can have pretty much anyone. There are a few character post timeskip that you can recruit on the battlefield, but the only other different recruitment is Dedue, who will only join up post timeskip in the blue lions route, if you you complete his Paralogue beforehand. Again pretty simple but it makes sense for his character and stands out is a memorable moment of Azure Moon.

    Lorenz: Shadow Dragon This kind of just a personal anecdote, but In chapter 20 of Shaodw Marth comes head to head With Camus, who has been hyped up as this big noble sympathetic antagonist while Lorenz is a generic Armoured Unit on top of the seize spot. So naturally on my first blind playthrough, i expected for Marth be able to approach talk to and recruit Camus and dispatch Lorenz without fanfare. Turns out the opposite is true which im not sure of was an intentional subversion or my own preconceived notions but ive always remembered this chapter because of it and i felt like it was worth mentioning

    Lehran: Radiant Dawn This is the only Character im mentioning here that i have never personally recruited, but its probably one of the the most convulted recruitments in the series as in order to recruit him you need to

    1) Be on new game plus save file

    2) Deploy the Black Knight in Part 1:Chapter 10

    3) Have Ike Battle the Black Knight in Part 3: Chapter 7 without defeating him

    Okay maybe not as hard as i thought when i put it step by step, but still definitely worht mentioning while on the topics of unusual recruitments

    So yeah thats just a topic thats been on my mind for a while that i felt like putting out there. Any recruitments that stick out to you? Do you prefer the simpler method of Awakening and Three Houses or miss some of the more complex methods of old? Its an innocuous part of the series to focus on i know but it kind of has the same energy to me as all the weird methods of pokemon evolving with (Automatic and talks being the equivalent of level ups and Thunder/Fire Stones and Lehran being the Equivalent of having turn your 3ds upside down) and im always interested to see what new methods theyll come up with.

    Edit: Formatting

    submitted by /u/yoshiauditore
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