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    Saturday, October 17, 2020

    Fire Emblem Fire Emblem Black Ink II - Mercedes

    Fire Emblem Fire Emblem Black Ink II - Mercedes

    Fire Emblem Black Ink II - Mercedes

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    Petra x Ashe - Hug for Petrashe Week 2020

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    I did a self portrait in the fe3h art style :)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    My attempt at painting Cherche for her birthday. ��

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:45 PM PDT

    Oktoberfest Hinoka

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    Halloween edelgard?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 01:09 AM PDT

    I painted Lyn!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I drew Sprites of Genealogy Gen 1! ^-^

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 12:22 AM PDT


    Posted: 16 Oct 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    Happy Birthday Cherche! [OC]

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 06:12 PM PDT

    Can we all take a moment to appreciate some aspects of FE echoes: Shadows of Valentia?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    I've recently made my way through the game (late to the party, as usual) and I'm in love with everything. I'll just list some stuff if anyone wants to ralk about.

    1. The amazing cast: the characters are very good and well written (Yes, I'm looking at you, Fates). Almost everyone of them is likeable with nice support logs and voiced dialogue. They're just well fleshed out in general. One of my favorite bits is the 4 DLC stages, where you get to play as the deliverance on events previous to the game. Gives python, Lucas, Forsyth and even Fernand that much depth.

    2: The soundtrack: Oh boy, do I need to?? Every battle the opera singers come out I just burst with joy. It makes it much more dramatic, like a play, such as Faust or any some shakesperian tragedy.

    3: Gameplay: I know this is a divisive one and I enjoy the challenge in RPGs like FE and SMT but I'm also happy this title is more accessible than previous ones. I like to play classic mode and not let any character die, EVER. So I always restart chapters from scratch since FE7. I'm glad for mila's turn wheel for sparing me so much trouble. Also, I'm completely fine with the vanishing of the weapon triangle I didn't want it necessarily gone, but I'm really ok with it.

    1. Presentation: the game storytelling is really nice. I like the overworld map which was abscent in fates and visiting and navigating around is cool. The 3d models of alm and celica look awful on curscenes but ok. I also like the games UI and color choices, really nice.

    There's a lot more to it but that's all I wanted to address. Let me know what you guys think, I'd love to hear it (or read, whatever).

    submitted by /u/mu150
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    I Drew the Monastery Snobs

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    [OC] ������

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    God Shattering Star English Lyrics

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    So, as I'm sure most of you know God Shattering Star is sung in what is more or less a made-up language. What a Travesty. However, I'm bound and determined to cover this song in English. After a few redbulls and quite a bit of time sunk into this, here's what I have so far. It's fairly difficult to match the syllables and candor and whatnot of a nonexistent language but I think I got it down fairly well. The timestamps jump to moments before the lyrics kick in. The link is to the original soundtrack. Let me know what you think, what improvements or themes you would recommend, and any cadence issues you might be unsure of.

    Also, before you ask or ree in the comments, Fodra is the Japanese name for Fodlan and generally fits in more easily

    My main issues with it in its current state are the last two sections as well as a feeling of general theme missing. I feel like the lyrics should answer questions such as "what's a god shattering star" and "why is Nemesis on my screen". Although neither of those questions has a strong given answer in the game, I could definitely hint at it. Anyways, below are the lyrics and a link to the soundtrack.



    An awakened foe before

    Fallen evil of the past

    Wielding immense fury

    We press on!


    Take on your sacred arms

    Defeat our darkened past

    We must unite and conquer the fear

    Or fall to a great evil


    Fight against the fallen church

    They claim to love shattered gods

    We must reunite the people of Fodra

    We must reclaim a fallen land and bring back peace

    We press on!


    Look back to the pained Fodra

    She cries out in agony


    With our might and tactics we will overcome

    The ancient evils faced before mighty warriors

    Oh, to win and reunite our peoples,

    The stakes of battle never before seen

    Fail Not!


    Triumph awaits, the plan is quite clear

    We wield our power with pride and strength

    God Shattering Star

    submitted by /u/RellikGaming
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    Early Morning Training�� (IG:artbymacc)

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    Cherche Birthday Sketch!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Halloween monster Robin ✨ {twitter: jxh_soda} {commissions open}

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 08:11 AM PDT

    A possible way to improve Kronya?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 03:58 PM PDT

    Hi FE sub! I'm new both to this sub and the series in general, given that the only Nintendo console I've ever owned is a Switch. Still, I really, really enjoyed Three Houses; it sucked up two months of my life in quarantine. However, after replaying the game and all the routes a few times, I feel like there was one huge, HUGE missed opportunity, and that was Kronya. She just dies one chapter after she becomes important! What's the point of that? She could have been made Byleth's quarrel with TWSITD a lot more personal (obviously), but she also could've tied up a couple loose end in White Clouds and provide more content to a very content-starved route.

    White Clouds

    Obviously, the Zaharas scene would need to change. I think it would be interesting to use Zaharas to justify a couple weird decisions TWSITD make that just don't amount to anything. They explicitly say that they want Flayn's blood, but... nothing. Not once do we see them do anything with it. Meanwhile, Remire just... happens for the lolz. So, what I suggest is that instead of having Zaharas be powered by Kronya's heart, make the source Flayn's blood. Meanwhile, Remire could have been a trial run for the spell that just went wrong. Meanwhile, instead of performing some incredible acrobatics, in the scene where she runs away, Kronya could lead Byleth into a trap that immobilises them, Solon grudgingly admits she performed her part well, and she warps out. Some dialogue lines from the monastery in the next chapter would have to change to remove any mention of avenging Jeralt, but not majorly. Kronya then would not reappear until part 2.

    Verdant Wind / Silver Snow

    In these routes you literally go to Shambhala. The only character you officially have to defeat is Thales, but in order to get to him, you need to get past a random dude called Chilon. Simple solution: replace Chilon with Kronya, since you do have to defeat the general in that position. Easy peasy, gives her more importance in the story, all good.

    Azure Moon

    Kronya would appear in Fhirdiad in the battle against Cornelia, in that central area with the three Titanuses (Titani?). If Byleth is the one to land the final blow a scene like this could play, where she says "I lost to that vermin? Again? Don't come any closer! Are you deaf? Wait, please! You don't have to do this! I'm sorry! I swear- (slice) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!", since revenge is a key point in this route. (Cornelia could acknowledge her defeat with "Oh my, you've just done me a great service. I'm almost inclined to let you go. Almost." or something similar - remember how even TWSITD hate her.)

    Crimson Flower

    This is the route that she'd have the most impact on. She'd first appear after Arianrhod gets nuked, where Edelgard and Hubert, instead of being all "oh we can still put them off, in fact there's some good in them revealing their trump card", are actually worried about Enbarr being the next target. Kronya would reveal herself and make them an offer: she'll help them take down TWSITD in return for being allowed to live afterwards (remember, TWSITD hate her, so this could be used as her excuse for why she'd do this). Edelgard and Hubert reveal this plan to Byleth, who is furious at first, but calmed by Hubert's reassurance that they plan to remove her at the earliest possible opportunity, and are well aware that she's up to something. The Tailtean and Fhirdiad chapters would be pushed back in favour of a back-to-back two-part Shambhala arc.

    Part one would be similar to VW, where they break in and the objective is to kill Thales/Arundel, split up into four groups of three, with three required deployments: Byleth, Edelgard and Kronya herself (in casual mode, Kronya would not be allowed to fall). It'd be fun to be able to play as her for one map, like Aelfric in Cindered Shadows. As for the map itself, it'd be a little easier than VW, with the ingame reason being that TWSITD were unprepared (in the other routes they lost their puppet so they're more on guard) and the gameplay reason being that Shambhala is no longer the penultimate map, so it can't be more difficult than Tailtean. After killing Thales, however, in his dying breath, purely to spite Kronya, alerts Byleth and Edelgard to the fact that Kronya and some Agarthans loyal to her are kidnapping the rest of the Black Eagle Strike Squad. As a result, Byleth and Edelgard escape, setting off part two of the arc.

    For part two, Byleth and Edelgard would start in Thales's room in the centre, and the objective would be to defeat Kronya, who would be standing behind the broken door directly across from the central room. Also on the map would be nine other generals (though none in the back on the map), all of whom have one of the other units used in part one captive with them. They would take the class of whichever unit they kidnapped (for instance, if Bernadetta was used and you had her as a Bow Knight, one of the generals would be a Bow Knight), unless the unit was a Death Knight (in which case a Dark Knight would stand in) or a Dancer (in which case a Warlock would stand in). Defeating the general would give you the unit back (in the case I mentioned earlier, defeating that Bow Knight would give Bow Knight Bernadetta back to you to control), though if Kronya gets defeated first, the units will be returned to your party regardless of whether you freed them or not.

    I think the Shambhala arc would be good for Crimson Flower, since it would get rid of the lame endings where we don't get to deal with TWSITD, as well as give it more content it desperately needs. As for a lot of the endings that mention TWSITD (as well as Jeritza's S-support), just make it so they're dealing with the last remnants, who snuck back into Shambhala, thinking that the Empire wouldn't check there, or to recover some tech to fight back with.

    General notes for Kronya

    • She'd get a timeskip appearance. At the very least, her hair would go down to her waist and she'd be a little taller.
    • When playable, she'd be an assassin, equipped with Athame and an iron bow.
    • Her crit quotes would be the same as in White Clouds (let's just be real here, no-one hears them), while her battle selection quotes would be an evil laugh for high health, "Still invincible" for mid health, and "Maybe I should run" for low health. Her victory quotes could be "Scum", "That was fun", "Ahahahaha, really?" and "Filthy vermin", while her heal quotes could be disgruntled sound effects, like "Ugh" or "Hmph".
    • She'd have unique part 2 dialogue against Byleth, Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, and Leonie
      • Generic: K: "Back again, are we? How generous of you to indulge me in this!"
      • Byleth: K: "Aww, still missing your Daddy? Don't worry, I can bring you to him. Ahahahahaha!"
      • Edelgard: K: "I wonder. What'll the empire do when their beloved emperor is gone?" E: "There can never truly be peace in Fodlan with the likes of you around. I will strike you down!"
      • Dimitri: D: "Why did you do it?" K: "That foolish old man got in my way, and it had been so long since I had any fun." D: "... There truly is no good in you. You truly are a monster. For the good of Fodlan, you must be stopped!"
      • Claude: C: "Oh, now that's a familiar face. Stabbed any more unsuspecting dads in the back?" K: "Probably. I can't remember. I doubt you'll make much of an impression either."
      • Leonie: L: "Monica. You're not getting away this time." K: "How many times do I have to tell you? MY. NAME. IS. KRONYA!" L: "How many times do I have to tell you? I don't care. I will make sure you pay this time!"

    Wow, that was long. Sorry for that. I don't know if stuff like this is appreciated on this sub, but I'd really appreciate any thoughts / criticisms you have. I just thought she had such potential, yet she was utterly wasted in the end. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/AzureAxolotl
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    Fear the Deer! My first ever fan art and tshirt design

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    Dumb idea curtesy of a bad joke.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    Most Creepy Pairings

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Robin/Lucina/Any future child really: Uh...Robin literally held Lucina as a child and then can marry her. Same for the other kids.

    Patty/Lester and Lana/Febail: First cousins. I guess I should also mention Shannan/Larcei and Ares/Nanna.

    Elise and Sakura/A good chunk of the Fates cast: Only Hayato and maybe Takumi and Leo are somewhat close to they're age, Sakura's 15 at most and you cannot convince me that Elise is older than 14.

    Nowi/Everyone: C'mon...she's over 1000, I know, but she looks no older than 15 AT MOST.

    Serra/Oswin: Serra's 16, Oswin's 30.

    Lucina/Owain: Cousins.

    submitted by /u/CustardPuddingHoney
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