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    Sunday, October 18, 2020

    Fire Emblem haha i'm in danger

    Fire Emblem haha i'm in danger

    haha i'm in danger

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem Black Ink II - Cormag

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Drew my fav, Annette

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    Made a little drawing of Mia exploring someplace

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Fall guy xander. That’s it.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    Inheritor of the Gae Bolg

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:14 PM PDT


    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    dondon plays FE7 HHM 0% growths - chapter 21 [New Resolve]

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    I drew edelgard! I'm really happy with how this turned out :)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    Survey: How do you perceive RNG in FE.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    I played FE4 ranked, and it was a pretty good experience

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    As a reminder and disclaimer, the requirements for ranked are 1000 level ups, 3 or less losses, full recruitment + survival, and finishing the game in under 399 turns. I finished with 1101 level ups and 355 turns. Regarding the combat losses, I decided to use save states to avoid replaying long section of maps. I just don't have the time to do it otherwise, and the part of ranked that interests me is the interesting money/unit management, rather than perfectly playing to avoid losses. Besides, you can work around this without using save states by just resetting on enemy phase before a death happens, so I don't feel too awful about it. As a bit of a rule to prevent this from turning into a degenerate rig fest, I prevented myself from going for strategies that had obviously ridiculously low chances of success, like going for a 5% hit crit proc from Ethlyn vs a baron with pavise while facing lethal damage if she misses or something along those lines.

    With all that said, I had a pretty good time. I spent about an hour or two planning pairings and inheritance, going with Lex/Sylvia (Sleep sword vantage arena cheese + Paragon on a dancer seemed like a good idea), Dew/Ayra (Paragon sword kids are great, and this is just one step removed since you can basically buy paragon on them every arena except the first one. I had them paired off quickly to Johalvier and Lana for funds reasons), Arden/Brigid (vantage sleep sword patty, bargain ring to replicate bargain utility), and the rest of the pairings were pretty much standard basic pairings of Lewyn/Erin, Lachesis/Beowulf, Midir/Aideen, and Azel/Tailtyu. If I had any regret, it's not doing Claude/Aideen instead for early rescue staff, seeing as I was fine on level requirement anyways and this would have brought me even better turn counts.

    Gen 1 was pretty shaky for me, or at least it was at the beginning. I ended up with 538 levels by the end, and took 194 turns. Azel was by far the hardest unit to train, I would argue even harder than Arden. He required a stupid amount of favoritism, holding the bargain ring for two chapters and paragon for the first castle of chapter 3 in order to even get to promotion in the first place, along with an unhealthy amount of arena rigging. Everyone else, though, were pretty easy to get high in level. Ethlyn reached 30 by herself with her own arena money, Aideen needed a little bit of gold from Dew, Lachesis got there on her own, and Deirdre got a gold infusion from Sigurd. Otherwise, even Arden was kind of easy to train up by just leaving the pursuit band on him for chapter 3 and having him slaughter wyverns and pirates while holding paragon + brave sword.

    Gen 2 was more or less a victory lap. With how well gen 1 went, I was able to nearly reach the exp requirement in the chapter 9 arena, and more or less tried to play as fast as possible from then on, finishing c9/10/endgame in 20/21/20 turns each (which I understand isn't quite LTC pace, but hey, faster than the other two times I played FE4 I'll say that much). Funnily enough, despite Patty being much more competent than Dew, she was also far less important. Kids are just better in the arena in general and were able to reach self-sufficiency much faster than gen 1 units ever could. It got to the point where I was so satisfied with everyone's gold, that I gave Faval the thief band just so he could sell it.

    As for how good I thought the experience was? I wouldn't want to play every run like it, but it was super fun. It was novel having to actually try to use everyone and having to hold back certain units in order to make sure everyone got some training. Passing around the paragon band like a blunt is somewhat addicting to me, since it's so fun to try to get them past the arena at all cost while they're holding it by trading around weapons and so on. And having a fully promoted army at the end of the game is somewhat satisfying, even if it ended up being not all that helpful considering I rescued Seliph across most of Grannvale rather than actually using everyone. The turn requirement was generous enough that I didn't really ever feel like it was oppressive, but still required somewhat moderately fast play, which put just enough pressure on to make it feel like a challenge. Plus, when you're holding back Sigurd to make sure he doesn't steal that precious exp (unironically, this time, he only had like 68 kills at the end of gen 1), you really notice how much units like Noish shine. There's something special about him ORKOing with a brave lance in c4 and a brave sword in c5.

    Honestly, doing this run has made FE4 go up in my rankings rather than down, which is the opposite of the consensus I usually hear when FE4 ranked is brought up. If you're even vaguely interested in playing for rank, I'd say go for it.

    submitted by /u/peevedlatios
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    Edelgard the Red Empress [oc]

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:04 PM PDT


    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    I drew marianne

    Posted: 17 Oct 2020 11:53 PM PDT

    Made a phone wallpaper for Navarre :)

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Everybody's Favourite Desert Cryptid, Stefan!

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Potrait of me in Fe3h style! I think it turned amazing and even if its just a potrait u can clearly see my class :D / Art by @reviwhe on instagram.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    SoV Drama CD audio with visuals

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJPgldi75UL34nzB51fmOEg3Ea9WZ4EDd

    Translation my garmmy: https://garmtranslations.wordpress.com/2019/02/20/fire-emblem-echoes-shadows-of-valentia-drama-cd/

    The translation for this drama CD has been up for a while, but I didn't have access to any of the audio until recently. Big thanks to garmmy who has working with me and for providing the translation!

    submitted by /u/Fudgenuggets980825
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    If FE4 gets remade, how will the RNG system affect the gameplay?

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 08:01 AM PDT

    Normally, most people talk about FE4's most well-known and unique mechanics such as the large maps, pawnbroker system, and love system when discussing a potential remake; however, I want to talk about something different. For this post, I want to talk about a technical aspect of the game that seems minor but will undoubtedly have a major effect on the game: the RNG system.

    RNG & Hit Rates

    One change that's essentially guaranteed to occur is the method of RNG used. Being an old game, FE4 used 1RN for its hit rates, but there's virtually no chance IS would ever go back to single-roll RNG even in a remake. To reference other remakes, FE11 (Shadow Dragon) & FE12 (New Mystery of the Emblem) both use 2RN despite FE1 & FE3, respectively, using 1RN, and FE15 (Shadows of Valentia) uses Fates RN despite FE2 using 1RN. For those who don't know, hit rates are rolled differently in different FE games.

    1RN System

    Hit rates from FE1 (Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light) to FE5 (Thracia 776) use single-roll RNG (1RN), meaning the game generates a random number from 0-99, and if the random number (RN) is less than the hit rate displayed on-screen (Displayed Hit), then that results in a successful hit (RN < Displayed Hit). In practical terms, hit rates in 1RN are perfectly accurate and honest, so the displayed hit rate is the exact percentage that's calculated in practice, meaning a 90% on screen is a 90% in reality.

    2RN System

    Hit rates from FE6 (The Binding Blade) to FE13 (Awakening) as well as FE16 (Three Houses) use double-roll RNG (2RN), meaning that two random numbers from 0-99 are generated, and if the average of the two numbers is less than the Displayed Hit, then that hit is successful ((RN_1 + RN_2)/2 < Displayed Hit). For example, if both a 60 and 65 are rolled, the "random number" used in the comparisons is 62.5, so if the Displayed Hit were 63, the hit would indeed be successful.

    Because of this new independent variable that's added to the calculation, the actual number of possible successful outcomes completely changes, so the hit rate you see on-screen (Displayed Hit) is completely different from the actual hit rate in practice (True Hit). To put it bluntly, THE HIT RATE IS A LIE.

    Basically, hit rates above 50% are more likely to be successful than the Displayed Hit while hit rates below 50% are less likely to be successful than the Displayed Hit. For example, 80% Displayed Hit = 92.2% True Hit while 30% Displayed Hit = 18.3% True Hit.

    Purpose of 2RN

    The purpose of this method is to make high hit rates more reliable for players and low hit rates more likely to miss. In other words, the numbers are rigged, but they're rigged in your favor to match humans' biased perception of probability. Dodgetanking with high-Avoid units becomes much more reliable in 2RN games since enemies' already-low hit rates will become even lower in practice.

    Often times, you'll hear people joke in FE that "90% is 100%," and in games with 2RN, that's not so far from the truth since 90% Displayed Hit = 98.1% True Hit, meaning it's almost a guarantee. In a 2RN FE game, you could probably count the total number of misses for 90% hits on your hand (two hands at most) in a single playthrough. If that 90% Displayed Hit were truly accurate using 1RN, then you should've had WAY MORE misses when you consider the hundreds of battles you accumulate over the course of the game. Take it from a guy who got hit by a 1% in FE4.

    Fates RN System

    Hit rates from FE14 (Fates) & FE15 (Shadows of Valentia) use a completely different hybrid RN method known as "Fates RN" (since it was introduced in Fates). To be honest, it's needlessly complex and not worth explaining, so let me just sum it up quickly: Hit rates below 50% use 1RN and are exactly like how they're displayed (True Hit = Displayed Hit) while hit rates above 50% use a hybrid curve between 1RN & 2RN, meaning the True Hit is still greater than the Displayed Hit, but it's not as high and generous as it would be using 2RN. For example, 80% Displayed Hit = 92.2% True Hit using 2RN, but 80% Displayed Hit = 90.14% True Hit using Fates RN.

    Due to the fact that hit rates below 50% use 1RN and are completely honest, that makes dodgetanking in games with Fates RN not as reliable of a strategy as in games with 2RN. Anyone who's played Fates or SoV can tell you that a 30% Hit from an enemy in those games is way more scary than a 30% Hit from an enemy in 3H.

    How This Affects an FE4 Remake

    I mention all of this because my guess is that a hypothetical FE4 remake will use 2RN. Considering Three Houses went back to 2RN after both Fates and SoV used Fates RN, I doubt IS would suddenly revert back to the Fates system again or use 1RN (which hasn't been used since FE5 in 1999). Who knows? Maybe IS created a whole new RNG system just to mess with us, but more importantly, if 2RN ends up being used, that would significantly affect the gameplay more than people realize.

    In the little bit of FE4 I have played, I've already missed several 90% chances, gotten hit by several 20% chances, and even gotten hit by both a 1% and 2% chance. Under 2RN, a character like Sigurd, who was already pretty OP in FE4, would be even more overpowered assuming everything else is kept the same. Enemy units could barely touch him in the original game, so a remake using 2RN would make him even more accurate and even more of a dodgetank. Even if Fates RN is used, he'd still be better overall than he would be with 1RN. Simply going from 1RN to 2RN would create many unintended consequences, even if the rest of the game is hypothetically kept the same.

    1. Would enemy stats get buffed?

    One possible side effect is that enemy stats could get buffed in order to prevent Sigurd from being even more busted. It's certainly possible if there's going to be a Lunatic/Maddening Mode. The original game never gave you the option of a harder difficulty unless you beat the game once in its default difficulty, and from what I've heard, Clever Mode in FE4 doesn't make too much of a difference since only the enemy's AI is changed while all their stats are kept the same.

    Modern FE games (including remakes) always have multiple difficulty modes available from the start, so I could see him being a bit less OP if the remake includes a Lunatic/Maddening Mode. Strangely enough, the last remake in SoV never added a Lunatic/Maddening Mode, but Hard Mode was still a step above the original Gaiden's difficulty.

    If an FE4 remake were to happen and the game had difficulty levels of Normal, Hard, and Maddening, I could see Normal basically being FE4's original difficulty while Hard includes slightly buffed enemies at higher levels. With 2RN instead of 1RN, Normal Mode would technically become easier than FE4's difficulty, making it more welcoming to newer/casual players. If Hard Mode follows SoV's example, enemies would probably get beefed up in terms of HP, so even if Sigurd had the same displayed percentages in battle from FE4 along with the boost of 2RN, enemies wouldn't all just melt at the touch of his sword.

    2. Would other playable units receive completely different stats and growths to compensate?

    To be fair, FE4 was never a "balanced game" to begin with, so it wouldn't shock me if the OP units (the cavs) become even stronger. While 2RN would also help the infantry units land hits more consistently, the cavs would become virtually unkillable as long as they have a weapon triangle advantage. Even non-Holy Blood cavs like Noish and Alec would become gods with 2RN. Regardless, an FE4 remake will undoubtedly play differently from FE4 in its gameplay no matter how faithful the rest of the game may be. Certain units will be better in the remake while others will be worse.

    Units with Holy Blood were already tiers above the other units in FE4, and switching to 2RN would only expand that gap assuming everything else is the same. I could totally see other units getting buffed growths to make up for that gap increase. To be clear, I'm not suggesting that non-Holy Blood units should suddenly be just as good as Holy Blood units. The gap is there for story reasons. I'm just saying that the weaker units could get slightly buffed to make them a bit more viable.

    To use SoV as an example, the characters' growth rates in that game were not the same as the growth rates in Gaiden. A unit like Forsyth was worthless in Gaiden, but he got buffed growth rates in SoV, so even though he's still among the weaker units, he's much more viable in the remake since his attack and speed growths are legitimately decent for an armored unit, meaning as long as you promote him to Knight, he'll remain a decent unit for most of the game.

    3. Would mechanics such as the weapon triangle get nerfed?

    FE4 was the first game to introduce the weapon triangle, and it its original form, it was absolutely busted. The game gave you +20 Hit/Avo for having the favorable weapon matchup. If that statistic looks familiar to you, it's the same boost you get from the Breaker abilities in 3H, but the main difference is that Breaker abilities in 3H are equippable abilities you don't earn until you get at least a B in a specific weapon type. In FE4, any favorable weapon matchup in any battle throughout the game gave you that boost, which made axe enemies in particular absolute fodder for Sigurd or any other decent sword character.

    In the games after FE4, the weapon triangle Hit/Avo boost got reduced to different values depending on the game. Even though other games do incentivize you to play the favorable matchups, the triangle isn't going to make or break a unit. For example, Titania from Path of Radiance isn't suddenly going to suck just because she's fighting a Swordmaster. In FE4, the triangle has a major influence on how you play the game. Even a major character like Quan will struggle if you put him against too many axe users. Going from a favorable matchup to an unfavorable matchup is potentially a staggering 40% swing in the battle forecast.

    Considering how integral the triangle is to FE4's gameplay, I highly doubt IS would just outright remove it. The weapon triangle had been used in every game since FE4 until SoV removed it; however, SoV had no choice but to remove it since Gaiden had no triangle as well as no playable axe units. 3H was an original game, so IS could implement system whatever they wanted. With an FE4 remake, the weapon triangle could possibly be nerfed if IS feels it's too strong. Then again, they could easily keep it as it is for the sake of being faithful.

    Anyways, how do you think the RNG system will affect a hypothetical FE4 remake?

    EDIT: After reading some of your comments, I acknowledge that it was presumptuous of me to assume that the weapon triangle was busted. I've only played a portion of FE4, so I assumed this was the case after seeing my lance units become such liabilities against even the generic axe enemies. I compared this to FE9 where units like Titania, Oscar, and Ike made the weapon triangle seem like a complete afterthought.

    submitted by /u/Mr96POP
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    (In)famous maps: Conquest Chapter 26 - Treason

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 04:34 PM PDT

    Welcome to week 4 of (In)famous maps, a series designed to reignite discussion around map design on this subreddit. We can discuss the map's great design aspects as well as is drawbacks, or just share a fun story from that map.

    This week we'll be looking at Chapter 26 of Fates - Conquest: Treason. Unlike last week's Binding Blade, Conquest is known for its insanely hard lategame, and while I'd like to say this Chapter is the pinnacle of that, almost every Chapter in Conquest's lategame is just as hard. The most prominent feature of this Chapter is the Boss: Iago. He starts in the map's central room, with you having to make your way around it while he bombards you with status staffs. On Lunatic, he gains a particularly nasty Skill: Staff Savant, which makes him not consume staff uses, while ensuring his staffs never miss and boosting the range of status staffs to at least 10. However, Iago won't always use the status staff fit best for the occasion, instead he'll rotate through them turn by turn in the order they are listed in his inventory. On your way to him are 2 Corridors, one filled with mages and Maids, the other one with Faceless and Stoneborn. Right in front of Iago's Room is a room full of Berserkers, Generals and Maids containing this chapter's Mini-Boss, Hans. On Lunatic, all the Maids in this Chapter also carry Staff Savant.

    Once again, there is a Strawpoll to decide next week's chapter


    FeWiki page

    Enemy Stats by TheHelpfulMercenary

    There are no joining Characters, and there sadly is no FeWoD page for this Chapter, either.

    Last week's thread

    As with every week, if you'd like to see a chapter added to the strawpoll, say so in the comments. Happy debating!

    submitted by /u/Morrorwind33453
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    A "discussion" of FE6 Chapter 14.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 01:47 PM PDT

    Alright so I seriously think Arcadia might be the hardest map in the series. Conquest maps, Thracia maps, none have the sheer ability to give me an aneurysm as Arcadia. I've beaten FE6 5 times and have always suffered, and its not even the fog of war thats frustrating, it's everything else in the map. Wyvern lords that can kill even Melady, sleep staves, that killing edge hero... Oh and the fact that its a desert map that requires beating in 25 turns with a horrible unit alive to acquire the gaiden. Anyone else have a stroke whenever they play this level?

    submitted by /u/MetabolicR
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    Neimi appreciation post; I'll start, I like Neimi.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2020 03:26 AM PDT

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