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    Friday, October 23, 2020

    Fire Emblem Fire emblem x Kirby part 1/2

    Fire Emblem Fire emblem x Kirby part 1/2

    Fire emblem x Kirby part 1/2

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Quick resplendent Marth to celebrate Shadow Dragon!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Black Ink II - Alm

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Marth WIP based on Fire Emblem Warriors design

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    inktober edelgard! (@dustythesnowman)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Lucina - drawn by me

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    Dorothea Support Analysis

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    In a remarkably stupid choice of time management for a university student, I decided to binge every single support of my favorite Fire Emblem character, Dorothea. In an equally stupid use of sunk cost fallacy I decided I might as well apply this knowledge to writing one of those character analysis posts. There's an audience for those around here. Or, more accurately, just my thoughts, but "analysis" sounded nicer and more sophisticated. Every support chain will receive a rating on an F to A+ scale, along with a short summary of my thoughts. Endings will be in consideration to an extent, but they're not the main point of interest here. Going with alphabetical order because... sure, why not.


    Bernadetta — B
    This is really dark and yet sweet, I honestly really like it. But I can't really justify an A because it's almost exclusively about Bernadetta. Now, Dorothea is certainly capable of playing the secondary part well, but the makings of a great support is one that can juggle both its characters, and this doesn't even try. Good but not a home run.

    Byleth — A
    This one had me worried. Teacher-student romance is always gonna be a fine line, and having Dorothea really show her vulnerable side here which can be easy to make feel forced. All on top of the baseline difficulty of trying to write a one-way conversation that works. But, despite my doubts, it really impressed me. The start was just the slightest bit shaky and it just got better with each support. We really get to dive into her fears and view of herself, all while slowly building up her closeness with the professor. She only lets Byleth in a little in the B support, and then really pours herself out for the A support, after the timeskip. This makes it feel natural that she'd be close enough to the professor to talk about these things. Finally, the S support is just wonderful, absolutely perfect. Sweet and heartwarming as all hell and does a great job showing her hidden self-esteem struggles - she is absolutely shocked someone would actually love her, choose her over anyone else. Overall, gives a ton of insight to her character and manages to balance on an absolute tightrope of a setup with ease. Great job, overall. Last thing I'll say is that Allegra Clark did a great job. Her tone of voice feels a bit different than when she's talking to the students, which makes sense for Dorothea talking to a professor.

    Caspar — E
    Yeesh. What an utter mess of a support. This doesn't even annoy me like the other really low rated ones, it's just such a confused mess that it lands this low on pure incompetence. Don't try looking for any sort of connecting tissue between the convos, because there is none. The C is passable without really doing much to admire, either. The B is weird, accomplishes nothing, and frankly feels out of character for Dorothea. As for the A, it's... the most bizarre support I've ever seen. So... she's super into him, then just wants to be friends... then she goes for a "if neither of find anybody" agreement before backing off to just being friends again. Even the ending can't decide! It reads like it was written by whoever did all those gal pal endings. Just... what? It's like the "just kidding... unless?" meme.

    Edelgard — A+
    I... wasn't expecting this to be the one to hit the top rating, but it's just doing great all around. We can absolutely see why Dorothea would hold a lot of respect and admiration for Edelgard. They've got great chemistry together - whether you see it romantically or platonically - and hint at some romantic feelings without it taking over completely. All the while we get real insight into both of their characters, both on a personal level as well as their ideological stances. It's doing about everything you can ask from a support and I really can't pick out any flaws to take issue with. Also gotta give it points for really involving the performing arts side of Dorothea.

    Felix — B+
    Holy shit, a support with a guy that's not explicitly romantic? Now, they certainly leave more than enough room for the shippers, but you can absolutely take this platonically and I really appreciate that. It's refreshing, more of this please. Anyways, as for the rest of the support, I really like it. They have a very fun dynamic, certainly having their differences but managing to find a weird sort of way of getting along. Having a fourth conversation definitely helps, though I can't help but wonder if some of the more romantic ones needed the extra time a bit more.

    Ferdinand — A-
    This one was actually pretty good. The C and B use her tried and true "ribbing on a shallow noble" shtick and it works great. Ferdinand fills the role perfectly - he actually thought putting in a little work to make cookies himself makes any sort of comparison to what she's been through, it's almost adorable how naive he is about it. The A support is handled very well; she's willing to give him a second chance, but they're not going to try and pull the proposal shtick right away. They very much emphasize the weight of this, how it's not easy for her to trust him. The whole bee thing also works as an effective throughline. But it loses a couple points cause the ending turns it romantic, which... isn't how the A support reads. Now I have no issue believing they could hit it off and fall for each other some time after the A support, but it's just really awkward that this happens offscreen. I feel it would have been more natural to leave it open to interpretation like with a couple of the other male supports. Hence I have to bump it down just a bit to an A- ranking.

    Hanneman — F
    Yuck. Absolute yuck. No, having her marry someone over twice her age wasn't an automatic F. Maybe if the rest of the support was good it could earn an E or D-. But no, the rest sucks too. I don't feel any need to elaborate on the A/ending being atrocious so let's talk about the rest. The C convo is absolutely dominated by him; the middle is just this one big monologue where she doesn't even interject. The balance of the two in the conversation is completely off. Then we get to the B support and she's suddenly willing to spill the darkest demons of her past to this random professor. Absolute forced nonsense, even if it is interesting to hear about her father. Unless she felt pressured to talk about it since he's a superior she respects, in which case it's even more yuck! For how to do all of this better go see the Byleth support.

    Hubert — C
    This actually starts really well, but sadly ends up turning for the worse bigtime. For the C and B supports they've got a fun dynamic and it's a good exploration of Hubert's character. Dorothea is kind of acting as the player stand-in here, trying to understand Hubert's mindset from a more conventional romantic perspective. But she's not just around to play into him, we do get some brief looks into Dorothea's own romantic position. But, sadly, a man and woman just have to be forced into being romantically involved, no matter how little sense it makes. It's forced as all hell and just doesn't work for me at all. Sadly, her male romantic supports feeling forced is a recurrent trend.

    Ingrid — B
    Just like her other two convo chain, this is a case of "good but not a home run". We get to see her flirty bisexual energy on full display and yet they seem to have learned from the failings of Soleil with that whole "asking for permission" thing. I'm not a big fan of the "girl forces other girl to get into fashion/makeup" trope but they avoid it getting overly annoying, perhaps because it's not stretched into a third conversation.

    Linhardt — C
    Hubert's got this ranking cause it bombed hard at the end. Linhardt's gets it for just being painfully mediocre. No real chemistry and the romance feels pretty forced, but it's not painfully bad in any way either. Just kinda exists. They try a bit to explore their characters and they try and make this throughline about pride but... neither works all that effectively, if you ask me. I truly can't find much else to say about it.

    Lorenz — D
    Ugh. The shining jewel of the forced romance problem. Okay, so remember how I talked about the Ferdinand A support putting the correct amount of weight onto her giving him a chance and not rushing into it too directly? Yeah, well, this support is the antithesis to that. Tries to pull some absolute bullshit that she was into him the whole time and forces them together despite any lack of believably these guys would like each other at all. Thankfully, the prior two conversations were better, the C especially. Seeing her dunk on nobles is always fun and Lorenz earns it more than anyone. But it just isn't enough to pull it any higher than a D.

    Manuela — C-
    Pretty disappointing. Plenty to work with here but they fail to dig beyond just the very basic premise of Dorothea having a lot of respect for her. As for the romance, it's... well, it's nowhere near as bad as Hanneman, but it's still a pretty huge gap. I think they were going for a bit of a "neither of us can find anyone so how about we just try each other", which is an alright angle but the delivery was a bit unclear. Overall just screams missed potential, they have extensive history, shared interests, and some deep personal connection to work off of. Manuela is almost literally Dorothea's fears about her own future given flesh and this is the best they could come up with?

    Petra — A
    Dorothea has the most romantic chemistry with Petra of any of her possible pairings. That's... mostly it, really. It's just them being really fucking adorable and wholesome together. It can't secure that A+ ranking cause it's pretty light on actually expanding their characters, but I couldn't give them any lower a score given how great their dynamic is. Since this one's pretty simple I don't have a ton else to say, moving on.

    Sylvain — A
    Of all her male romantic options, I think she had the most romantic chemistry with Sylvain. Still can't match Petra, but it makes up for it by giving a bit more character depth as they discuss their experiences with marriage proposals in their A support. Said discussion gives them a layer of personal connection that, again, puts it above most of the other romantic options. This is also helped by her not having quite the same level of disdain for him as she shows to other nobles like Ferdinand and Lorenz. The C support is super fun, him thinking he's all that and flirting up a storm while she just deflects it all completely effortlessly. Feels they rush into them hooking up a bit too much at the end with that "until we're old" stuff, but if they didn't I'd be here complaining about them falling in love offscreen like with Ferdinand. It's about as good as they could do in lack of an S support.

    Yuri — B
    Another pretty good romantic support, but I find it struggles to quite compete with those last two. I'm quite fond of the A support and them falling for each other is definitely believable, but the C and B are quite bland and so pull the overall chain down from great to just alright. I do like the angle they go with of her love for singing having waned. Her interest in performing arts is something more used for other parts of her character (her romantic life, her self-esteem issues, her noble hating) to work off of instead of being explored for its own sake, and this is a welcome exception.


    Having looked at them all, how is her overall record? Well, it's... very distributed. We've got absolute stinkers, a collection of great ones, and things bridging every step of the gap inbetween. She's a thoroughly mixed bag. In the terms of the good, I think what she most brings is just her presence. We certainly get a lot of insight to her character, but ultimately a lot of her supports are enjoyable primarily because she's just an enjoyable person to be around. Her supports are fun, more than anything. She's willing to tease but she's not a dick about it. Manages to be likable yet also a bit cheeky. Flirty but not imposing. Meanwhile, her fears and anxieties feel properly fleshed out and believable without them dominating things, either. We never had a chain that felt either too laid back and comedic nor overly serious and dry. I appreciate how they handle her bisexuality. It's not made into some huge deal but it's given enough time to shine, too. It's neither overblown into a gimmick nor sidelined out of view. Overall her character has sufficient depth to prevent her supports feeling repetitive at all, even with similar setups like Ferdinand and Lorenz they all remain distinct from each other and we get to look at her in a different way each time. Oh, and Allegra Clark does a wonderful job all around. Didn't find time to mention it much elsewhere since it's just a general thing, but she absolutely brings life to the character.

    The most recurrent issue is her romantic supports feeling a bit forced. Now, this is far from unique to her - it's been common since Awakening for obvious reasons - but I think it's exacerbated by her noble hating. Her baseline in a lot of cases is disliking the other character if not hating them outright. So it's a lot bigger of a jump to getting married than in a usual case. Especially with only three conversations to work with; we skip right past her liking them as a friend and go right from finding them annoying to being in love. This is reflected in the ratings too; Lorenz starts off on the worst footing and so feels the most forced, whereas her issues with Sylvain are a lot less extreme so they make it work. Meanwhile Edelgard, Byleth, and Petra at the top start off with them already on good terms. I don't think this means her disdain for nobles was a bad character trait - it's very fun to see her ribbing on them - but it falters when they try to transition it into romance. Handling more like they did Felix would be how I would prefer it, but of course I'm sure others would be bothered by a lake of outright marriage endings. If S supports still existed outside of Byleth I think a lot of these could've gone way smoother.

    With that, I think I'll cut it. While there's plenty of depth to Dorothea to discuss, this isn't an overall rundown of her character, merely of her support quality. Nor do I care to do a ranking; I think the ratings speak well enough there own. Don't plan to do anymore of these, I don't have the time and this was just because she's my favorite character in the series.

    submitted by /u/LittleIslander
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    I accidentally made a Japanese fan think that the new translation of FE1 is the 17th installment in the whole franchise by the American fanbase.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    I'm talking like "FE17", "this translation is the new big blockbuster" installment.

    I was just going to tell my hubby this story but since I just kinda need to make it in one go I am just posting my thoughts here. Sit down it's like story time and shit.

    I would be providing like images and such but they have their Twitter private so I feel it's best I leave this mostly just funny "hearsay". So I met someone through Twitter who's from japan because of all the FE12 related artwork I do. From this point moving further I'll refuse to them as their avatar on twitter which is just a screenshot of Ryan's Legs from the artbook. Because of them and my other factors, I finally felt compelled to try to learn Japanese/ And like it's cool because they're like willing to help me with me just sparking chatter with them. So we've been talking for about like a couple of months on and off about news and such, I've been doing the DuoLingo grind for like 60 some days right now, then boom, the translation of FE1 gets dropped. I fangirl to them about it, then come to Reddit to see the fan fair. Then like u/Zmr56 makes this thread and I bust a lung laughing. It's like the first time I laughed since this Covid shit. I feel so happy that I try to explain the joke to them in my very broken Japanese and heavy use of symbols. I'm going to be just saying what I said roughly in english here because I don't wanna be copying and pasting a whole lot of Japanese symbols. I gotta do it with the Emojis already.


    "...! ... 😂 The amarican fans are calling this Fire Emblem 17

    Fire Emblem New Mystery Heroes of Light and Shadow = FE12🇺🇸

    fire emblem shadows of valentia = FE14🇺🇸

    Etc etc I go through the list, giving them some examples of FE11, FE13, so on.... Then I get to FE1


    ファイアーエムブレム 暗黒竜と光の剣 = ... FE1? 🇺🇸

    🎉✨ 💥FE17💥✨🎊

    And they responded...with roughly

    Ryan's Legs: Oh! Thank you for explaining that to me 😄

    ...And they DIDN'T use the laughing emoji. Just the smile one. Needless to say, I was a LITTLE worried? But then I was like "eh whatever, Maybe they'll get I'm joking". So then I go to sleep. Next morning I'm scrolling through Twitter and I see their account, they're posting in japanes, I can't read it... HOWEVER. I reconize a few symbols as I'm passing by it.

    "FE1", "FE17" , "🇺🇸", and "🤔"

    I'm sweating like Mrs. Puff right now the second I see that. So I click on the thread, cause I see people are talking in it. And I see someone with a Shannan avatar typing a lot of sentences using the letter "か?" Now what little I know of Japanese is that か or "ka" is like... it FREQUENTLY if not ALWAYS must be used at the end of a sentence to imply a question. Think about how you always got to have the QU together, but it establishes context instead.

    Now I bring up someone with a Shannan avatar not because they're too important but it feels like Shannan the actual character is talking about me because of the language barrier and I know that's stupid but it just added further embarrassment. So basically their conversation went like this;

    Shannan: Do the forgeners not know how to count...? Shouldn't it be "FE1" and not "17"?

    Ryan's Legs: No no! They call Awakening FE13, and New Mystery FE12.

    Shannan: Huh.... 🤔 That's werid.

    At this poin it feels like I'm being shit talked about by the godly Shannan and little Ryan themselves, and I'm panicking. The embarrassment of both me giving my friend false information, my interpretation that these characters that I love are shit talking me, AND the gull I have to be this nerdy and even think that these two humans are fictional characters is crushing me right now. SO to like try to solve it - my friend knows that I talk through drawing images because I'm an artist so I quickly make an infographic and just kinda hop into the thread like.

    Me: Uhm.....(;゙゚'ω゚'):::::

    UHM..!!!!( 0 W0') 💦 💦

    I am SO sorry!! ヽ(;▽;)


    And I think after that all was good! Because like they hit me with the " L(゜∀゜L)💦 💦" and then ask me in English if they could take the images and could show it to their followers. I said yes.

    Then I felt good! and that good feeling stayed for a few hours... And then I had a thought.... a nagging thought... that I should probably go check on them and see if they were saying it right. So I looked at their Twitter. I had to dig around for the image but I found it, and they were talking about it..... "respectfully". Like they were using the 😌emoji. And they only ever used the 😌with me whenever they were being soft and kind and understanding.

    I go into full flight or fight response mode. Like dead ass, my palms were sweating the whole time. I claw at the language barrier trying to figure out the correct way to say "it's just a joke". And yeah, I COULD just type in English and let Twitter translate it for me, but I'm trying to LEARN the language here. If I did that's cheating. THE WHOLE POINT OF TALKING TO A FORGENER IN THEIR LANGUAGE IS SO THAT I CAN LEARN THE LANGUAGE. So I spend like 30 minutes doing as much searching on the internet and my own deduction of HOW to properly say that I'm joking - I'm not kidding when I said I entered in fight or flight response - I checked my pulse It was above resting, I was scared, I take a hot second to learn how to properly SAY it, THEN post "It's an American joke".

    I can now only hope that my translation was correct, but I'm just smiling so big because I wouldn't have been in this situation if it wasn't for this Reddit community so It just feels fun to share this story. Thank you for reading. 🤣

    submitted by /u/catgame21234
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    battle before dawn.... is a map

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Some Fire Emblem goodness: my current collection. I was late to the series, the first one I played was through an emulator but then after getting my 3DS in 2014, I fell in love Awakening and later Conquest. Fire Emblem will always hold a special place in my heart.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 09:26 AM PDT


    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    To commemorate her addition to FEH, here is fanart of my lovely Flayn in a wedding dress, by @ViverneGraphics

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem 30th Anniversary Preorders available INSIDE Gamestop!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    Just fyi, As of right now (Oct 23rd, 6pm EST) You can go in Gamestop and preorder the physical anniversary edition. They said they were not even told that they could reserve it in store and it just was on. Web in store and Online are sold out however. So if you were looking to preorder. Here is your chance now for 5$ down!

    submitted by /u/Mysticales
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    Got a fire emblem dark dragon and the blade of light cart today, cant wait to play the first game in the series!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Special Edition is available for pre-order in GameStop stores

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Go preorder!!

    Edit: to clarify, it's available in physical GameStop stores

    submitted by /u/YamYoshi
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    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    BestBuy Canada just sold out so for those of you who couldn't get it, keep an eye on EBGames on the weekend. I read that someone called them directly and they said it should be up by Monday.

    submitted by /u/AJPunkBoy
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    Whose Line Is It Anyway? r/fireemblem edition - August 2020: Pantsless Marth Revival edition

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    For those who don't know what a "Whose Line" thread is, it's a thread where someone posts a prompt, (such as "Things less interesting than Gaiden's map design") and someone responds with a funny quip that plays off of it (such as "The Sable Knights' personality")

    Keep it fun, be creative

    And mark your spoilers

    submitted by /u/Bullwine85
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    Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon & The Blade of Light is Bad For Gaming History & Video Game Preservation

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem 30th Anniversary Edition Pre-Order Advice

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! Like most of you right now, I have been trying to pre-order a copy of Fire Emblem 30th Anniversary Edition. I tried waiting for the GameStop and Best Buy pages to show new stock, but they have been very glitchy and unreliable. However, I was eventually able to snag a copy from my local GameStop simply by calling them! Each store has its own expected inventory that is separate from their website. JUST CALL YOUR LOCAL GAMESTOP OR BEST BUY AND ASK IF THEY HAVE A COPY AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER. You are more likely to find a copy by physically pre-ordering it in the store rather than refreshing the online pages. Give it a try and see if you can snag one! Happy hunting, and good luck!

    submitted by /u/No-Understanding5410
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    I recently commissioned a nowi figure for my girlfriend, and she finally came home today :D

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Next New Fire Emblem Game

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    I know a big chunk of the fanbase would rather have more remake( me included to an extent ), but is anyone looking forward to the next brand new Fire Emblem game? If so any hopes or ideas of what the next Fire Emblem could be about.

    submitted by /u/Naruto3s
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