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    Monday, October 12, 2020

    Fire Emblem I wanted to share one of my favorite photos of my Byleth Cosplay!

    Fire Emblem I wanted to share one of my favorite photos of my Byleth Cosplay!

    I wanted to share one of my favorite photos of my Byleth Cosplay!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 06:32 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem Black Ink II - Dimitri

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    Bernadetta doodle

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    I drew a witch Hilda!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    [OC] 3H:When Crimson Flower is Your First Route

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 05:29 AM PDT

    Sketched Hilda! What do you think of the style? (twitter: @jtwen4)

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    I drew Linhardt cuz why not <3

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 07:19 AM PDT

    Adrift Camilla

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    The Norden Line - The worst handled map of narrative and gameplay integration in Thracia.

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:28 PM PDT

    Chapter 16A, the Norden Line (or whichever title you choose to use) is a chapter with quite a number of events that can go on during them.

    For context, the map is more vertically based than most one with a noticeable blockade formed by our favorite General Kempf.

    At the start of the map, you get told about this blockade and you get to hear about the eventual Alster reinforcements coming after you. Leif and Augustus ponder on how to easily break this formation that doesn't want to move. They both wonder if anything could entice their familiar foe. As long as Olwen is alive and deployed for this map (the character who Kempf openly despises for her family connections/position) she'll come up with a solution for this blockade is and offers up her life.

    Olwen: Leave that task to me, Lord Leif. I have... a history with their commander. I'm certain I can lure him away from the bridge—and his troops will be forced to follow.

    Leif: J-Just what are you proposing, Olwen?! I won't allow you to put yourself in such grave danger!

    Olwen: Then I ask it from you as a favor, Prince. I want to help you just as you helped me!

    The game doesn't punish you for following through on this. In fact, Olwen can actually die in Ranked Thracia play, which grades you on full recruitment because the game offers a substitute that's only recruitable if Olwen is dead. In a way Ilios (the new possible recruit) is a real thematic interesting point to replace Olwen someone with his first dialog being:

    Damn it all... Now I'm serving in that buffoon's vanguard... Where did I go so wrong? Are all commoners like me just doomed to be pawns of the nobility?

    Directly calling out the fact he feels commoners are under nobility and he himself strives to gain some nobility in his recruitment convo. Olwen meanwhile is a noble essentially walking away from her house, but still using her family's connections to help her accomplish something here (even if it is just to antagonize Kempf) for other's sake.

    So on paper, this is a really cool idea for the series that ties in a unit's death into the story without penalties to the player even in ranked play, what could go wrong about it?

    Oh right the title.

    This map absolutely bungles its execution so hard it's honestly impressive.

    Issue 1: Olwen's sacrifice is not going to actually happen in this map

    Do you... perhaps move on the bridge and call out to him in an event?


    You need to get within talking range. Kempf has literally one tile right in front of him open, with all routes to access that surrounded by like 10 enemies that will attack you and like 6 ballistae. In other words something literally impossible without the warp staff unless you can just.... not need to break his position and use the talk convo clearly.

    Do you know what else you can do with the warp staff?

    Skip the entire chapter by killing the boss and making every single enemy retreat. Funnily enough, this is like the few maps where you can be on terrain while you boss kill. As a forest tile is in range of the boss's throne.

    Issue 2: Olwen being dead for Ilios recruitment doesn't really make sense

    You know how Ilios is a replacement for Olwen? And contrasts what she does in a way with a drastically different character. Also he has really meaty base stats

    He doesn't acknowledge her existence prior to recruitment. And you know what? Neither does the character that recruits him!

    Karin hasn't spoken a single thing since leaving Manster and just randomly recruits this person she's never seen before only if a person she has not ever talked to is not under Leif currently.

    Then neither of them mention Olwen in the recruitment convo.

    So why is it tied to her death?

    Hell it's technically not even tied to Olwen being dead you can just not recruit her in 12x (Fred will still tag along) and he's recruitable.

    Minor Issue: Conomor's ""Ambush"" is just really weirdly handled

    When you start the map you get to hear "Count Conomor is bringing nearly 100 men—the rebels will be ambushed by the mightiest army in North Thracia!"

    They spawn on turn 20.

    Then they all retreat if you kill a single one of them...

    So basically your anti-turtling encouragement and partial incentive to sacrifice Olwen is a joke. You could argue that this ties into the narrative about how they don't want to fight for the empire which is probably true but once again... doesn't make it a better map. Just makes the pacing, in general, a weird whiplash of pretending to have pressure but none really.

    In conclusion?

    Should you not do 16A and instead go towards 16B the mirage forest like Augustus said?

    hahahahhahahahahahahahahahah of course not, this map doesn't have random warp tiles and gives you a Base A staff unit with 10 skill

    submitted by /u/SubwayBossEmmett
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    My blessed Eliwood. No stat boosters, nothing. Pure levels

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    I beat FE11 and 12, here’s my thoughts on Archanea

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    When I posted my Gharnef write-up earlier this week, I mentioned that I beat Shadow Dragon in July and New Mystery in August. And then SOMEbody (u/AiKidUNot) said they wanted to know my general thoughts on the Archanea games. Thank goodness I took a bunch of screenshots (originally to entertain folks on Twitter) that can now aid my memory. Here's a smattering of thoughts as I think of them:


    Just to get this out of the way: if you don't know me already, I am a casual scrub. I played both games on H1, and I did not think either one was too easy. There were chapters that were teeth-gnashingly hard for me in both games (more so in 12, iirc). I hope it will be a slight relief to any nauseated community experts reading this that I feel like playing both games made me a better FE player overall. In Archanea, you git gud or you die. (Unless you're playing on Normal; I suspect it's a bit of a cakewalk there.)

    I have no plans to ever play FE1, 2, or 3. The NES was my first console, but I don't have that much nostalgia for it. I think things are absolutely better now. Games were both uglier and way more punishing back then. I can probably count on one hand the ones I think actually stood the test of time and weren't done better by the SNES and onward. 100% my opinion, but there it is. Anyway, the remakes are plenty for me. (And don't come at me saying "FE3's story is different from FE12's." It's pretty bloody obvious where Kris and the assassins were shoehorned in, so I'm confident that I'm not missing anything. More on FE12's story later.)


    I think I remember starting and quickly aborting this game back in the day, but it both played better and even looked better than I remembered. (It's not THAT ugly, you guys. Or maybe my rom had cleaned up sprites or something. I can't keep track of the changes people made.)

    On the one hand, I probably dislike the "change classes at any time" system more than I like it, because it causes the units to lose what little identity they already have and doesn't feel terribly strategic: just "make units best stats into Dracoknights" and that's about it. ...on the other hand, there's definitely fun to be had in having the Wyvern Squad of Abel/Caeda/Hardin/Palla/Catria/Minerva charge around 10 squares at a time and stomp people into the dirt, swapping them into Paladins if there are too many bows and terrain permits.

    I really liked the dramatic dialogue in this game. "Drink deeply now of these injustices, sup on these slights they serve," and similar lines are a hell of a way to set the tone.

    On the other hand, the sparse text even in this remake made things just a little hard to follow at times. A lot of the countries have similar names (pro tip: Gra and Grust aren't the same place) and the relationships weren't always clear.

    It was really cool to learn about how dragons and magic work in the Archaneaverse, seeing as it formed the basis for all other games to either crib or diverge from. Tomes locked to bloodlines, manaketes sealing their powers, all valuable stuff to know when discussing your FE lore in general. (Some of this was in FE12 as well, of course.)

    Ballistae are fun to use. I felt like their best use was killing other ballistae (forged Thunderbolt ftw), but that's still plenty valuable to me.

    Caeda fucking rules and should be featured more and have all the fans.

    Speaking of, I know it's realistic to have most of the enemies be cavaliers and armor knights, but then also having effective weapons AND the ability to forge those weapons… maybe it's a bit much? Although I'm pretty sure forging wasn't in FE1, so it seems like another remake mechanic breaking the game (along with on-demand reclassing).

    Getting to have a strong Tiki was pretty fun. Sucks that Marth was so weak, and it's pretty shenanigans that a good strat vs. Medeus is to have Tiki intentionally die and then resurrect her, but at least it's kinda funny.

    Hardin was my second favorite unit. He's cool and strong and has a neat turban! Hope he's just as good in the next game! :)


    While being overall more difficult, I did enjoy this game more due to there being much more fleshed-out story and dialogue. Also, this might sound weird, but the very fact that it was bringing back the same cast for another go-around made it immediately nostalgic, in a way. Seeing these characters for a second time made me even more fond of some of them than I was the first time around. Humans love familiarity, and it feels like we should consider this a cheap trick to generate appeal, but I can't deny that it worked.

    General thoughts on Kris: Overall, they didn't bother me much. While I agree that self-insert avatar characters worshipped as saviors of everybody should stop happening, I can't help but be easy-going about such characters in practice most of the time. Yes, Marth and Caeda's "A supports" go a little far in praising them (shouldn't your closest companion be each other??), and there's a lot of Jagen talking to them like they know jack shit at the beginning of chapters, but I let it slide off my back. Kris being a bodyguard and confidant to the lord is probably the best way to implement this sort of character. They also had just enough personality to keep from feeling like a completely blank slate, especially compared to the rest of this duology's sketchily outlined cast (even if most of the personality was Alm w/ a pinch of Ike: royal knight trained in the country, very polite and kind if a little rough around the edges, only cares about training and sometimes food, all the girls love them regardless of Kris's gender). It was also very nice to have someone reliably strong for the entirety of this difficult game. I never felt like Kris could solo - there are too many enemies that simply hit too damned hard for anyone to solo in this game, imo - but they were powerful. I went Swordmaster, btw. Fem!Kris, purple hair, Cecille's headband, which is too cute to be wasted on such a crappy unit.

    I only played this on H1, remember, but damn are those prologue chapters tricky. I've heard they're a nightmare on harder modes, and I absolutely believe it. And there's so many of them! Seeing "Prologue 7" felt like a bad joke.

    General thoughts on the assassins: They're blatantly a tacked-on Remake Side Story that every single freakin' JRPG remake feels is absolutely necessary for some reason (new content for old players? New writers wanting to leave their mark on the game?) complete with an equally required Remake New Girl Who Loves the Protagonist. Joke's on you, Maeda, I thought Katarina was hella boring and Kleine is way cuter, albeit sick in the head. They also seemed to be fodder for tricky, small-scale, puzzle-like chapters that sometimes had some total bullshit involved (hi, Legion). They're inoffensively dumb, but I can definitely see the precursors to some of the worst aspects 3DS FE and beyond's writing here.

    General thoughts on the story: I think it's kind of lame that it's a total rehash of FE1… it reminds me of another NES game series: Mega Man. "The bad guy is doing literally exactly the same thing he did last time, with a few minor differences!" While I appreciate Gharnef's tenacity (as shown in my writeup), it was a little disappointing to go through "beat up all the enemy nations, then Gharnef and Medeus" again. On the other hand, we have supports and more dialogue and characterization overall, so that's pretty great. I guess I enjoyed this more the second time around? I also really like Hardin as a villain; definitely my favorite aspect of this story. The fact that he was one of my top units in SD while Marth was a wuss really amplified his jealousy, at least for me.

    Fuck same turn reinforcements. Did FE11 have them too? I don't even remember, because they were SO MUCH WORSE in this game. Kaga go lol, 12-move fliers appearing both ahead of and behind you on a 2-to-4 tile-wide bridge. What the hell, man.

    Luke is Archanean Junpei Iori. He also hits like a truck. He is easily my favorite FE12-exclusive character.

    After Linde was so disappointing in the last game, getting her early so I could make her kickass was a lot of fun. …...they made her available way earlier exactly for that purpose, didn't they. Oh well, don't care, she got to be the one to nuke Gharnef this time.

    Holy fuck, who thought it was at all okay to have a flier, with a Silver Lance and dem bases, show up at Level 10, on the first map w/ a Master Seal in the game, which is also Chapter 3?! The New Mystery of Who Balanced Palla indeed. …...after my observation about Linde, I wonder if this is a similar story...

    When you suddenly realize that Olivia's being a dancer who can become a kickass combat unit w/ swords is appropriate, because Awakening is far-future Archanea and Phina is a dancer who can become a kickass combat unit w/ swords. I mean, I didn't do that, but apparently you can. Anyway, Phina's cool and pretty funny.

    In conclusion, I enjoyed my romp through Archanea. On the gameplay side, I can see why the hardcore love these games, and I had fun with them as well, even if they'll never be my favorites in that aspect. As for the story, it was great to get to know Marth, Caeda, Gharnef, Hardin, and the rest of the original FE cast, and to see where it all began.

    Feel free to ask questions, either about stuff I didn't mention or elaborations on what I did!

    submitted by /u/RaisonDetriment
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    She came in today!! FEF was my first FE game so she has a special place in my heart

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    Timeskip Edeleth!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2020 11:18 PM PDT


    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    Who are you guys' favorite villains?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    My absolute most hateable and most satisfying to kill villain is Lekain from Radiant Dawn. I think they did a great job with him, because he's behind the war, but instead of being some vague dragon thing you don't really care about, like Anankos in Fates, he's actually on screen, frequently, to be evil and gloat, so that when you finally kill him, it's extremely satisfying. Plus, it's satisfying for multiple characters, Micaiah for destroying Daein, Sothe for what he put Micaiah through, Pelleas as the culmination of Pelleas's whole arc, Sanaki for imprisoning her and turning her empire against her, Naesala because he was also controlling Naesala.

    In terms of Villains that you also like despite their villainy, I have to go with the Black Knight, also from Radiant Dawn (I never played Path of Radiance, so I might be biased a little). He oozes cool, dominates every battlefield that he's on, and you don't know why he does what he does until the very end. Plus he's usually on you side, for reasons you don't fully understand.

    In case you hadn't guessed, by the way, Radiant Dawn was my first Fire Emblem game.

    submitted by /u/ThorgilsBoomer
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    Cute Tharja pic to test out my Apple pen

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    (In)famous Maps: Binding Blade Chapter 7 - The Rebellion of Ostia

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    First of all, sorry for the delay in the posting of this week's thread, some life stuff got in the way. But now we can finally get to week 3 of (In)famous Maps. This week we'll be looking at Chapter 7 of Binding Blade - The Rebellion of Ostia. (It was tied with Chapter 15, but since we can only discuss one my arbitrary coin toss said Chapter 7)

    Binding Blade is already known for its punishingly hard early game, and Chapter 7 is arguably its difficulty peak. The map is pretty large for a chapter this early, and prominently features an assortment of Cavaliers and Knights, supported by 2 priests with a Physic Staff and 3 powerful Wyvern Riders. The latter 5 enemies are a large part of what makes this chapter so infamous: The Wyvern Riders are tanky, hit hard and can easily reach your squishier units if you're not careful. Adding to this is that, if you don't manage to take them out in one turn, the physics priests make sure they're at full health again for next turn. And while the rest of the enemies in this chapter aren't particularly scary, they're no pushover either. Especially the boss, with an effective 19 defense, can be hard to take down fast. For slower players there's another nasty surprise in store: on turns 10,15 and 20 a small roster of cavaliers with pretty high stats and good weapons will spawn at the bottom of the map, leaving no safe space for your units.

    Once again, there's a strawpoll to decide which map we'll look at next week.


    FeWoD page

    FeWiki page

    Joining Characters: Zealot/Jerrot/Zelots, Treck/Trec, Noah

    Last week's thread

    As always, leave suggestions for future chapters that aren't already in the strawpoll in the comments. With that: fun discussing!

    submitted by /u/Morrorwind33453
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    FE11 H5 No Forge & No Warp LTC - Chapter 24x in 6 turns

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Edelgard but she’s a World War II fighter pilot

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    If Awakening got a Switch remaster for it's 10 year anniversary, what would you like IS to change or implement? Would you want a remaster of Awakening?

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    If their was a remaster, I personally wish for their to be more supports between same-sex units. Not necessarily romance, just more friendship supports. Like I want Ricken to talk to Chrom or have Olivia get to know Sully. I'd also want more unique supports between the child units and their various fathers, but that would be more difficult to implement. I'd also wish certain other supports were changed.

    Besides that, I'd just like better graphics than 3H (3H's graphics aren't that good), full voice acting, change the character designs of certain characters, tone down the anime cliches and characteristics of certain characters, and maybe the implementation of combat arts.

    However, despite all that, I'd be okay not getting a remaster of Awakening. It be nice and I'd get it, but I don't think it's necessary. I'd personally want them to do a remaster of Fates instead and fix all the issues with that game.

    How about you guys?

    submitted by /u/TheMorningsDream
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    Tikki - my favorite sleepy dragon goddess!

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    Summer Cuties

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    Average Stats Special - Altina (500 Subscriber Special)

    Posted: 12 Oct 2020 02:15 PM PDT

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