• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 15, 2020

    Fire Emblem My Mercedes (Three Houses) cosplay! I love how floofy her hair is!

    Fire Emblem My Mercedes (Three Houses) cosplay! I love how floofy her hair is!

    My Mercedes (Three Houses) cosplay! I love how floofy her hair is!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Pawns of Loki is fun, but this 2nd round is more hard than the 1st round, I hope you like it this little cartoon

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:40 AM PST

    The calm before the storm.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:50 AM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - New Heroes (Princess of Bern)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 07:00 PM PST

    Marileth Week Day 1: Picnic (Byleth x Marianne)(OC)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 11:45 AM PST

    Robin as a Galar Pokemon Trainer

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:13 AM PST

    Hilda x Dimitri twt @mystigrx

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 06:24 PM PST

    Fire Emblem teacher (update??? Idk)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 10:43 AM PST

    A few years ago, I made a post to this subreddit detailing a conversation I had with my english teacher about Conquest. That post blew the hell up, and encouraged him to open an AMA.

    In my original post, I gave him the nickname of Mr. Greil, and in his AMA he gave me the nickname of Ike. I figured I would do a little update, for anyone who remembers that original post.

    I am now a senior in High School, and while I don't get to see Mr. Greil as often anymore, we still chat about Fire Emblem (among other things) in the hallway from time to time. I've played through all of the routes in 3H, and I'm much more knowledgeable about FE than I was in my original post (though I still haven't beaten Conquest....hmmm.....). That's about all I've got! Pretty sure nobody asked for this or cares, but I was bored and wanted something to talk about lol

    submitted by /u/AnthroRoadkill
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    (Heroes) Top 5 most wanted Heroes not in the game (Post Princess of Bern)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 07:18 PM PST

    What’re your thoughts on 3H’s gameplay, and do you want FE17 to be similar?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 04:13 PM PST

    (In)famous maps: Radiant Dawn Chapter 2-E - Elincia's Gambit

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:19 PM PST

    Welcome to Week 6 of (In)famous maps. I apologize for the hiatus, I had tons of stuff going on with University starting back up and just kind of forgot this series in that trouble. That being said, since almost everything is sorted out by now there should be no more weeks without a new post in this series.

    If you haven't seen this series before, (In)famous maps is a series designed to reignite some discussion about map design on this subreddit. We can share our opininions, discuss the map's merits and flaws or just tell some fun stories about something that happened to us on this map.

    Last time's Strawpoll was won by Elincia's Gambit, the Final Map of Radiant Dawn Part 2. It's a 15-turn defend map with lots of chokepoints and a large mass of enemies charging at you, a total of 93 when counting all reinforcements. On turn 8, the Crimean Royal Knights arrive to help you out. It's been regarded as one of the best designed maps in the series for a long time, even getting rehashed in Awakening as one of the DLC Maps. However, it has been critizised harshly the past few years, with many players bemoaning how easy it is to trivialize this map using a few easy-to-execute strategies. These mainly being either letting unequipped units block the chokepoints or just straight up killing Ludveck in the first few turns, ending the Chapter prematurely.

    As a small apology for not posting the last 2 weeks I've got a special prepared for next week: From Friday to Monday we'll look at Chapters 4-6 of Thracia776, also known as the Manster arc. These Chapters are a bit awkward to talk about individually since they are pretty heavily connected, but talking about all of them in order would take up a lot of week-slots for other chapters, so getting it done in one week makes for a nice special. The strawpoll will be back starting next week.


    FeWiki page

    FeWoD page (only in spanish)

    HM enemy stats

    Last thread

    If you'd like a chapter to be added to the strawpoll for next week or if you'd like something added to the resources please say so in your comment.

    submitted by /u/Morrorwind33453
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    The Pawns of Loki experience, now for GBA.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 04:41 PM PST

    Radiant Dawn / Hatoful Boyfriend Crossover

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:35 PM PST

    Hello, I just came out with a cover of the conquest version of Lost in Thoughts All Alone, if anyone is interested.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:45 PM PST

    What has the FE team at Intelligent Systems been working on since 2017?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 07:36 AM PST

    I ask this question because it's still odd that most of 3H was developed by Koei Tecmo. Intelligent Systems only had 17 employees work on 3H while the rest of the credits were from Koei Tecmo employees. Considering FE games usually require about 100 employees to make, it makes me wonder what the rest of the FE team at IS has been doing after SoV in 2017.

    The only other games IS has made since SoV are WarioWare Gold for 3DS in 2018 and Paper Mario: The Oragami King this year; however, the different series developed by IS are made by different teams with very little carryover. Plus, I highly doubt it took the entire company to develop Paper Mario over the last 3 years. With that being said, I also doubt that the rest of the FE division has merely been sitting on its hands for the last 3 years. Unless it somehow turns out that they've all been working on FEH since then, they must have been working on something, but what?

    The most likely guess is that they've been working on their own Switch engine for future FE games. Now, if that's the case, some may be wondering why they didn't just use said engine for 3H. My answer would be that creating video games takes a long time. Being a relatively small company, IS probably knew they couldn't make a fantastic, ready-to-go Switch engine alone within a short timeframe for the new Switch title (which was planned well before the Switch launch), so in order to make the new Switch game, they collaborated with Koei Tecmo for FE Warriors in 2017 and built off its base for 3H in 2019. It's also important to remember than 3H was originally scheduled for 2018 before multiple delays. Working with Koei was likely the only way IS could release a new Switch title within the first few years of the Switch's lifespan.

    Many have criticized the graphics of 3H, specifically Koei's engine, so a number of fans are worried that future FE games will look and perform exactly like this. Personally speaking, I think the future games will look and perform much better. For one, I doubt IS is going to outsource all of their future games to Koei Tecmo with only a handful of IS employees working on them. At that point, why even have an FE division? Second, it's not as if IS has a history of just sticking with the same performance level for each successive game on the same console. Using recent history, IS made 3 FE games on the 3DS, yet each one looked and performed better than the last, graphically speaking.

    Notice how much the 3D graphics improved from Awakening in 2012 to SoV in 2017, specifically when it comes to the in-game models and animations. The Awakening models didn't even have feet, yet by SoV, characters had fluid battle animations with a number of unique animations for different combat arts and victories. Many fans have said that SoV contains the smoothest 3D animations in the series, and I 100% agree. When characters in SoV fight, they look like they're actually fighting each other with natural dodges and counterattacks rather than each unit doing a "your turn, my turn" sequence. This alone proves to me that IS can improve off of the 3H graphics and animations in future games.

    With IS increasing its size from about 140 employees in 2015 to 169 employees in 2020, there are many people ready to work on new games (assuming a large number of those new employees are added to the FE team). More employees means less stress for any given employee working on a new game. Plus, the recent news of 3H selling 3 million copies to become the highest-selling strategy RPG of all time should incentivize them to increase their budget for future games. My dream wish is for IS to collaborate with Monolith Soft and improve its 3D performance to that of the Xenoblade Chronicles games or Breath of the Wild, but Monolith Soft is probably busy working on the BotW sequel. Regardless of whether IS builds their own internal engine or builds off the Koei engine from 3H, I still expect the next FE game to look and perform better than 3H graphically.

    What do you personally think the FE team has been doing these last few years? I could easily be wrong, so I'd like to hear what you think.

    submitted by /u/Mr96POP
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    r/Fireemblem plays and discusses Hacks & Fangames #17: Pokémblem

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 10:18 AM PST

    Jo, everyone!

    Welcome to the 17th thread of this small community project, where we play, discuss, shill and promote Hacks & Fangames.

    For this week, we have a specific thread, where we talk about specific Hacks/Fangames instead of general discussion about them.

    You can find a spreadsheet with time plan for discussions here!

    Today we will be discussing Pokémblem by Vesly. As it's name implies, it's a crossover between Pokemon and Fire Emblem. Or to be more accurate, it's Pokemon Gen 1 remakes in the style of Fire Emblem. The Fields, routes and Gyms are in a Fire Emblem like grid, where events and Fights, Fire Emblem style, take place. You can now play up to Brock's gym, and more is still in the works!

    I especially love the 'call' function, where when battles are not talking place you can teleport your mons to another mons.

    If you even wanted to try a crossover between both Series, check out this hack. It even got an update yesterday!

    Next week we will be having a General Discussion, and the week after we will be discussing The Nameless Heroes. Make sure to check it out ;)

    submitted by /u/Shrimperor
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    Have you done any weird playthrough challenges of games that you really enjoyed?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:51 PM PST

    Playing a game in the standard way is interesting the first couple times, but after that creativity takes over.

    Right now I'm starting a Hector Hard Mode (with lyn mode) run focused on Bow using units and the lords. Support like healing/dancing/thieving is included, but so far it has been very interesting to go for all objectives.

    Any other ideas that you've found rewarding?

    submitted by /u/fbyleth
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    What makes Fire Emblem games so good?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:01 PM PST

    So I recently got the idea to make my own strategy RPG game. As I am starting the initial design (stats,battle mechanics,etc) I started thinking about what mechanics I like in SRPG games.

    A bit of my history with SRPGs. I played Final Fantasy Tactics in college. I guess I would say I generally liked it, but didn't end up finishing it. Don't remember the details as to why, maybe got busy with classes, stopped playing, and it was not interesting enough for me to go back to it.

    Years later I somehow randomly picked up Fire Emblem Path of Radiance for GameCube, and I loved that game. Some time later I played Shining Force I and II, and loved those as well. I only have a GC, so I couldn't play the other Fire Emblems. But just recently started playing them on emulators. I am hooked,they are really fun. Finished the Blazing Blade and am now playing Thracia 776. Planning to play through the other ones.

    As I am working on my game, I wanted to experience other SRPG games outside of the FE and SF. But I just don't find them as good (as explained below). This is just my personal opinion on them. Not trying to dis these other games. But there is something about them that I don't enjoy as much.

    So my mission is to figure out (the best) as I can why I like the FE/SF style games. The best reasons I came up with are:

    1) Map design.

    2) (Generally) Relatively simple mechanics.

    I will try to explain these in context of the other game I played.

    One is Banner Saga, this generally shows up on people's Top SRPGs lists. I loved it in the beginning. It was very refreshing after playing the similar FE games. The art style was good, the narrative was pretty good too. But after a bit I found the battles to be pretty repetitive and not as "strategic" as FE/SF. Thinking about it now, I believe it was because of map design. I can't think of a single memorable map from the game. They seemed to be on the smallish side for the number of characters. I enjoy the variety of FE/SF maps. Even something as simple as having indoor/outdoor areas. Other things that are good, off the top of my head, different missions (e.g., kill all enemies, kill the boss, survive, escape). Having maps where choice of unit types is a big deal for strategies. Think a typical 2-tile-wide hallway, where you send your tank units with range units behind them and plow through the enemies, or using flying units to get to places faster. And just unique maps in general. Think Prizm flower or the tower map in SFII, or the one with the disappearing bridges over water in FE7, or the arena one in FE Thracia,etc. The maps in those games seem to be integrated with and drive the story, where I did not find that in the Banner Saga maps.

    My other complaint about it is the stuff outside of the battle mechanics. Where I thought the resource management portion was cool at the beginning, eventually I kind of got tired of it. And I also didn't like the way that leveling up works in that game. I didn't like the fact that you use the same currency for buying stuff and leveling up.

    The other game I recently played was Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume. Disclaimer: I did not finish this one. Made it through like 5-ish battles and then was doing other stuff/lost interest. I MAY go back and finish it someday. Off the bat, same complaint about the maps. The ones that I saw were not memorable or integrated with the story.. I will say that the game does have really unique mechanics and narrative but I was just not a big fan of them. Like the getting Sin thing I thought was kind of annoying, though it does add an additional layer of strategy in a way maybe compensating for the bad maps. The destiny plume thing seems like a really interesting concept, but I was just not feeling it. In terms of mechanics, there seems like there was too much stuff. I feel like the FE games (the ones I played at least, are simple. You got your weapon triangle, you got your attack power, if you hit you will do exactly this damage, unless you get a critical hit. This game has a lot more abilities, special attacks, etc. I kind of felt to me like it was more of a regular JRPG that they just added the strategy elements to.

    Anyway, sorry for the long post. But just wanted to get people's perspective on:

    1) What do you like the most about FE games compared to ther SRPGs.

    2) What other SRPGs would you recommend. I know it may seem like I a stuck in my ways, but I am willing to give them a try eventually.

    3) Anything else on your mind.


    submitted by /u/KingAdrock2k
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    Sacred Stones DimitriLTC: Chapters 3 & 4

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:21 AM PST

    Death on Ch 7 Cindered Shadows

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:26 PM PST

    Just a real quick question that may be dumb but if a character dies on the last chapter of cindered shadows does it matter at all? I know its the last chapter and everything but Ashe died and I dont wanna replay this d*mn level lol

    submitted by /u/Chaotic903
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    fe4 on 3ds emulation help

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:40 PM PST

    recently I upgraded my og 3ds of 10 years to a 2dsxl and the first thing I did is homebrew it and pretty much everything is going fine except every attempt I make to play fe4 project naga or any other translations falls flat. I tried converting it to a cia file with 2 different translations and it just black screened on me for both. and then today I tried it on a snes emulator through twilight and it white screened me. does anyone have a specific guide I can follow or just any tips or clues.

    submitted by /u/protag7
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    How is Fire Emblem Echoes three years later?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 05:14 AM PST

    In the pantheon of Nintendo remakes, where do you think FE Echoes stands? What did it do right? What did it do wrong? And is it a good jumping off point for beginners or is it more suited for veterans?

    submitted by /u/Asad_Farooqui
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    Should I try Three Houses?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 08:34 PM PST

    Hi, I have never played Fire Emblem but I saw that Three Houses is on sale for 35 and i wanted to ask if this game is worth the 35 and if its good for a newcomer like me.

    submitted by /u/fizzm8
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