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    Fire Emblem Palla & Caeda FE1 Sprite Redraw

    Fire Emblem Palla & Caeda FE1 Sprite Redraw

    Palla & Caeda FE1 Sprite Redraw

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 07:03 PM PST

    [OC] Drew more Fire Emblem Chibi.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:10 AM PST

    Seiros by me!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:26 AM PST

    My villain archetype groups

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:56 PM PST

    [OC] "YOU WHAT!"

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 06:29 PM PST

    Caught Cakehanded

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 06:49 PM PST

    Duessel (Sacred Stone)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 04:30 AM PST

    S-Support Series - Advent Calendar #11 - Lilina/Gonzales

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 06:48 PM PST


    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 05:19 PM PST

    Dorothea with Kasumi's PH Uniform

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:58 PM PST

    |OC| "The name's Malice. Malice the mercenary. Remember that!"

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:48 PM PST

    Oliver vs Sanaki (OC Comic)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 06:20 PM PST

    Little Miss Ordelia

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 08:30 PM PST

    FEdatamine released all voices in Japanese and English today!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 03:41 PM PST

    Oops i've create a monster (FE Awakening expert mode)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 05:22 AM PST

    It took me so long to work on this image but I finally finished this image of Klein and Clarine

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:33 AM PST

    Ephriam and Lyon

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Some characters just have a effect

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 10:22 AM PST

    Fodlan Winds (FE3H) orchestral remix!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 02:37 PM PST

    [FE4 Character Discussion] Examining the Crusaders #41 - Ares, Black Knight

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 07:30 AM PST

    Welcome back to Examining the Crusaders, the series where we look at all of the playable characters of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. Last time we looked at Nanna, Nordion Princess and her substitute Jeanne; Nanna is selfless and determined to do what needs to be done. Today we will discuss Nanna's cousin and the rightful king of Nordion Ares, Black Knight.


    Ares is a cavalier who joins Seliph's army after Melgen is seized in Chapter 7. He is the son of Eldigan and carries major Hezul blood as a result of that. When we first meet him, he is a part of a band of mercenaries in service to Bramsel, the lord of Darna.


    Chapter 7 introduction: Lene hears a bunch of noise and asks Ares if they're going to war now; he replies that they are not as they are just preparing for the arrival of the rebel army from Isaach. Lene says that this is good as she was worried about Ares going out and fighting. Ares responds that he would never refuse to join a battle, especially one against the son of Sigurd who was his father's mortal foe. Lene laughs at Ares being stuck on this as Sigurd and his father were both knights; killing was a part of their job just as she must dance for nasty men sometimes. Thus, Ares shouldn't hate someone for doing their job. Ares answers that he understands but that he will have to think about it.

    Ares and Lene have an arc together in Chapter 7 that eventually result in both of them joining Seliph's army, and here is where that arc begins. Their personalities contrast with each other from the beginning; Ares is focused on preparing to fight the liberation army, while Lene would rather that Ares stays behind. Ares brings up for the first time his distaste for Sigurd whom he believes to have killed his father; of course this is not true, but Ares focuses on this which turns out to be for the worse. Lene tries to get him to not be concerned with it because Sigurd killing Eldigan was because of his job, and Ares does show signs of warming up to this viewpoint...


    Chapter 7 event with Bramsel: Bramsel compliments Lene on her dancing and orders her to come to him; Lene refuses and tells him to come to her if he wants to give her something. Bramsel is angered that Lene talked back to him and tells his men to take Lene and bring her to him. This is interrupted by Ares who orders them to take their hands off her. Bramsel is taken aback by this and asks Ares what he, a mercenary, is doing to threaten his own employer. Ares continues and warns that if Lene is touched again, he will inflict a "severe" consequence on them. When Bramsel tries to order his men to kill him, Ares unsheathes the Mystletainn to show his power. This frightens Bramsel as he recognizes his opponent for who he is: Ares, the Black Knight who wields the Demon Sword itself. Bramsel takes back his words and tries to say that he was only joking; Ares begrudgingly forgives him and checks on Lene. After they leave, Bramsel mutters to himself that he will get his revenge on them.

    Bramsel is about to do something terrible to Lene but Ares steps in at the last second to stop him. He appears to be a bit edgy but he's not edgy just to be edgy; he's here to protect Lene and save her from the slob that is Bramsel. He also shows courage by challenging Bramsel, a courage that mirrors that of his father...


    Chapter 7 battle: Bramsel sees that Melgen has been seized by the Liberation Army and orders Jabarro to go after them and fight. Lene begs Ares not to leave to go fight, but Ares insists that he has to go with Jabarro because of what he did for him - adopting him after his mother's death and raising him. Lene argues that Jabarro is using Ares as a weapon, but Ares refuses to believe her. Then, Lene storms off and tells Ares to forget about her since he is so attached to Jabarro; after this, Ares leaves with Jabarro's group.

    On the next turn, Bramsel sees Lene alone and rebukes Lene for the incident that happened previously. Lene retorts that Bramsel is only acting tough now that Ares is not there and insists that she doesn't need Ares; in response, Bramsel orders that Lene is thrown in the dungeon. After this the scene cuts to Ares and Jabarro where Jabarro presses Ares on why he got close with Lene. Ares asks Jabarro what he means; Jabarro responds by chuckling and saying that Bramsel is about to do something. Ares tears into Jabarro for knowing that Bramsel would do this without saying anything. Jabarro tells Ares that they can't worry about women; he adds that he should "have their fun" with them but cannot get dragged in when their lives come crashing down. Ares scolds Jabarro for saying this and says that he has to return to Darna for Lene, but Jabarro refuses to let him do this. Ares breaks off his friendship with Jabarro and warns that anyone who wants to stop him will have to meet Mystletainn first.

    Once again Ares and Lene argue over whether Ares should go out to fight. The parallels to Eldigan continue: Lene tries to get Ares to recognize that he is being used, but Ares refuses to listen to her as he feels a bond with Jabarro who had raised him when he was orphaned. He stubbornly chooses to go out and fight with Jabarro rather than stay behind to protect Lene, and it's for the worse as Lene is quickly thrown in the dungeon by Bramsel. After this scene is when Ares realizes the error of his ways when Jabarro makes light of the terrible things that Bramsel wants to do to Lene. This makes him (justly) angry and he wants to go back to Darna to save Lene, but he can't; Jabarro turns on him for wanting to protect his friend and he has to retreat.


    Chapter 7 recruitment: Ares meets Seliph for the first time. Seliph asks Ares who he is; Ares introduces himself as the Black Knight and the son of Eldigan. Seliph asks Ares if he really means that, and Ares answers that he is in fact the son of the same Eldigan who was killed by Seliph's father and of Grahnye who carried rage at Sigurd for this to her grave. Seliph is bewildered by this claim as he was taught that Sigurd and Eldigan were close friends; it would have made no sense if they hated each other when they died. Ares refuses to accept this as his entire life he was taught that Sigurd was Eldigan's enemy. Seliph then asks Ares if he would like to join his army; he promises that he holds Eldigan in the highest respects. Ares reluctantly agrees to join but threatens Seliph that if what he is saying is false, he will execute him. Seliph agrees to allow Ares to do that if it were to be true as he wishes that Ares knew of how close their fathers actually were.

    Now, Ares is forced to make an unlikely partnership with Seliph - the son of the very same Sigurd whom he was raised to detest. We already saw earlier that Ares was coming to terms with the idea that Sigurd wasn't that bad of a person at all, but Seliph saying this to Ares makes him even more confused; he's having a tough time accepting that he was told a falsehood. Yet Ares begrudgingly agrees to join with Seliph; he knows that this is his best chance to save Lene. Here, he shows that he is willing to put his grudges aside in order to save his friend from Bramsel but he still leaves the door open to guard himself in case Seliph really is going to betray him like he fears.


    Chapter 7 conversation with Lene/Laylea: After Darna is seized, Ares will say to himself that he has to go back to Darna with Lene hopefully unharmed. When Ares enters Darna castle he will look for Lene; Lene will point herself out to Ares. Ares asks Lene if she is okay; she answers no, but someone from the liberation army rescued her and she knew Ares would come. Ares asks Lene for her forgiveness as he should have listened to her. Lene forgives Ares as he's here with her now. Ares swears that he will never let this happen again, and in return Lene swears that she will keep her thoughts to herself as long as Ares does not leave her again.

    Darna is liberated and Ares finally gets to reunite with his friend Lene. His first instinct is to check on Lene and make sure that she is unharmed, the chivalric knight that he is. He then expresses his regret that he did not listen to Lene's (eventually prescient) advice to not go with Jabarro; if he were not stubborn, then Ares could have been there when Lene was thrown in the dungeon and prevented this from happening. But Lene forgives him, and they get to have a happy ending.


    Chapter 8 conversation with Nanna: Nanna asks Ares if he is Ares, and Ares indeed confirms that and asks what he wants. Nanna asks him if he is Eldigan's son, and Ares confirms this as well before asking pointedly why she is concerned with that. In response, Nanna gleefully replies that she is the daughter of Lachesis, which shocks Ares. She continues that Lachesis had been concerned with Ares as it was why she went to Leonster in the first place; Ares then explains that as an infant, he had been sent off along with his mother to Leonster (where she was from) before the war in Agustria began. However, his mother Grahnye was killed in the invasion of Leonster and Ares was then adopted by Jabarro, who raised him and taught him how to fight. Nanna gives something to Ares which her mother left for him; it turns out to be a letter from Eldigan addressed to Ares. Nanna explains that the letter says that Sigurd and Eldigan were actually close friends for the entirety of their lives; this shocks Ares too as he turns out to have been wrong about Sigurd. Afterwards, Nanna asks Ares to look after Seliph, and Ares agrees to do so; afterwards, he gives Nanna a lesson in swordplay.

    Ares meets Nanna and here, some more of Ares's backstory is expounded upon. We find that (as said in some villages in Generation 1), Ares was sent off along with his mother Grahnye to her homeland of Leonster before the Agustrian Civil War broke out; he was orphaned when Grahnye was killed and thus raised by Jabarro. This explains why Ares felt such a connection to Jabarro; he was like a father and a mentor to him. It's not unlike Leif's connection to Finn (except of course, Finn is an honorable knight and Jabarro a dishonorable sellsword). Next is when Nanna presents the letter to Ares that resolves everything, showing that Seliph's claims about Sigurd and Eldigan actually being friends are true. He feels the same regret he did earlier with Lene about being too hasty, but thankfully he has the chance to patch things up with Seliph. After this he gives Nanna a lesson in swordplay because he doesn't want his cousin to be too weak.


    Endgame conversation with Nanna: Nanna tells Ares to be careful because Agustria needs him for the restoration; Ares says that he will make sure not to die as he will always work towards his father's dream of a glorious restoration of Agustria. Nanna tells Ares that both Eldigan and her mother (Lachesis) would be proud of him. Ares replies that he couldn't do it alone and that he always needs Nanna; Nanna reciprocates this feeling as she will not make the same mistake her mother made. Ares asks her if she is referring to Lachesis being in love with Eldigan, and Nanna replies that she was but they were only half-siblings after all. Ares notes that they are "only" cousins; Nanna adds that it's unsurprising in light of that that they're together.

    I wish this was a conversation with Lene. Ares just shows his dedication to accomplishing his father's dream here...and then he brings up his familial relation with his lover Nanna. Blegh. Nothing really new here for Ares besides that.


    Ending: Ares will go back to Agustria to become the King of Agustria. Ares tells Seliph he owes him for all the things Seliph has done for him. Seliph tells him that meeting him was thanks enough; it was an honor to meet the son of his father's friend. He adds that they must now fulfill their fathers' dream of creating a peaceful Jugdral. Ares complements Seliph on saying this and says that he must fulfill his father's dream of uniting Agustria and creating a prosperous future for it.

    If Ares has a lover, he will tell her that he needs her strength by his side to help with this. She will concur with him and say that she will dedicate her life to restoring Agustria as well. Ares tells her that as long as she is with him, he will never give up.

    Ares and Seliph, much like Leif and Seliph earlier, make a vow to try to accomplish their fathers' dreams of Jugdral becoming peaceful. It fits in with the theme of the second generation - that the children are seeking to do what their parents did not and could not do. Ares is going to fulfill his father's dream with the help of Seliph and others, including his lover.


    Final thoughts: Ares is introduced as this mercenary - the famed Black Knight - who is committed to doing his job of killing. But he's honorable, as we see with Ares intervening to protect Lene from Bramsel. Much of his life is tied into his job and he eventually makes the fateful decision to go out with his mentor Jabarro and fight Seliph against the warnings of his close friend/lover Lene; his stubbornness turns out to be a mistake as Bramsel throws Lene into the dungeon and Ares is forced to partner with his "sworn rival" Seliph to fight against Jabarro. Thankfully for Ares, he is able to come out victorious in the end (unlike his father) and save Lene. On top of that, he finds out that what he was taught about Sigurd murdering Eldigan was false, which turns his world upside down. But Ares takes this in stride; he partners with Seliph and becomes a close friend with him so they can realize the dream of their fathers, showing that he is willing to be pragmatic (again, unlike his father) to do what his people need.

    Thank you for reading this episode. We'll be going a bit out of order to discuss Lene, Yearning Dancer next along with her substitute Laylea. Until then!

    Previous: Nanna, Nordion Princess (& Jeanne)

    Next: Lene, Yearning Dancer (& Laylea)

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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    I paint skateboards as a hobby and this was my most recent!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2020 11:05 PM PST

    Rhea Reference Sheets (Bishop, Plain Clothes, War Clothes models)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2020 09:10 AM PST

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