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    Tuesday, January 26, 2021

    Fire Emblem i drew constance :)

    Fire Emblem i drew constance :)

    i drew constance :)

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:37 PM PST

    Long hair annette ( twitter: jxh_soda)

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 06:02 AM PST


    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 01:00 PM PST

    I drew Thrasir!

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 04:12 PM PST

    My female Corrin cosplay!

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:41 AM PST

    Mercedes Von Martritz shopping! (OC)

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:51 AM PST

    You “know” me for my Camilla cosplay, but this time I wanted to publish an old Tharja shooting! The pose wasn’t absolutely meant to lewd her or such, but her outfit is pretty revealing (I simp for her so I am absolutely not complaining). Do you like it? (Instagram: @hana.cos)

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 03:57 PM PST

    Flayn and Byleth pics commissioned by @eine_dx

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 03:57 PM PST

    I drew Marianne as Nyx from Hades!

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 02:24 PM PST


    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 10:35 AM PST

    FE-inspired SRPG Dark Deity's Steam page is finally live! (with a new character showcase too)

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 01:12 PM PST

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Heavy Hat Corps

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:02 PM PST

    My Annette print signed by Abby Trott

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 05:07 AM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Mythic Hero (Seiros: Saint of Legend)

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:01 PM PST

    Free the Tiddie - Seteth fanart [by Crescentia Fortuna]

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:40 AM PST

    Ares and the Demon Sword

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:40 AM PST


    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:11 PM PST

    What makes them broken? Cavalier - Paladin - Gold Knight

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 03:25 PM PST

    Hello and welcome back to-, wait this isn't What does it take for them to be good. Well, you see, since I had so much fun with said series I decided to do an episode on one of Fire Emblem's more broken classes. However, such classes deserve a different title, so today we'll be covering the cavalier, paladin and gold knight classes on What makes them broken? This analysis assumes the hardest difficulties, no grinding and fast play.

    NOTE: If you're on a horse and use lances or swords you're a cavalier.

    Analyzing their viability through the games


    • Pretty good here. You have a lot of strong cavalry units like Jagen and Hardin, while most enemies are weak and statboosters give insane boosts, so they can easely keep one rounding the majority of enemies for most of the game. There is only one desert chapter and said chapter doesn't even penalise them that much.


    • Cavaliers are a pretty good class here too. Villager cavalier is nice in the earlygame, while Clive, Mathilda are good for the midgame and finally Zeke and Mycen are there for the lategame. This doesn't go this exact way as you're likely gonna be warping with Silque and mostly warpin Alm and Lukas, but Clive is really close to promotion after which he becomes great and Mathilda is also pretty good, with some durability issues. Cavalier is also probably the best class to put Atlas in.


    • Book1: Jagen, Cain, Able, Hardin, etc. All of these guys are prtty solid units. However, because of dismounting they are simply inferior to your heroes, snipers and Marth in indoor chapters. They are overall all pretty solid in the outdoor chapters, Jagen is your best unit up until chapter 5 and someone like Hardin can work even in indoor chapters if you play more slowly as he can use the silver sword at base.
    • Book2: They are a lot more screwed here. They are solid in the earlygame with Arran being pretty great in the first few chapters and Camus Sirius being great in the earlygame as well. However, a lot of the later maps have movement penalties which hurt paladins and a lot of indoor chapters too. Now, Sirius has good enough bases, weapon level and growths to contribute even in indoor chapters, but he will be outclassed by your heroes, snipers and Marth, not to mention facing crit from enemies in the lategame. And as a reminder, Sirius is the best representative of this class. While Sirius is still a good unit, Book 2 really isn't kind to cavs.


    • Oh yeah, we're in horse emblem now boys. There aren't that many units that belong in the cavalier class line despite some classes, like Knight Lord, being basically paladin. So, we'll only cover the technicall cavaliers and we get 4 units to work with. Alec & Noish are OK, they do have some lacking offenses after the prologue, but there are ways to make both work. You are pretty much viable in FE4 as long as you have a mount, unless you're Iuchar. Gen 2 has much better representatives as you have Oifey who is sadly won't be doing too much in the first chapter as you're training up Seliph, but his bases are more than enough to carry him through most of the game. Just give him a good sword and see him go to work. Ares is also pretty great, with all of his skills inherited from his mother and his dads personal sword. Overall, horse emblem is horse emblem and this game is extremely kind to any mounted class.


    • Because of forced dismounting cavalier fall off again. Another problem is that a lot of cavaliers/paladins have higher ranked lances, while you're forced to use swords, with notable exceptions. Still, they can get a lot of mileage in outdoor maps and Finn is still an excellent unit that can be brought in even indoor maps if you really want +3hit. cavaliers also get screwed over in later chapters as there are better bosskillers and you'll be warpskipping the last few chapters. So, not that great of a game for them.


    • No more dismounting and rescue make cavalier a great class. As if that wasn't enough, cavalier get full control over the weapon triangle. Cavalier is just an amazing class to be in. This is probably their worst GBA game as, besides Perceval, most cavaliers hit some one rounding problems in at least some large part of the game, but one rounding is rare in FE6 in general, the desert chapter is the only bad capter for them and canto also got nerfed.


    • Basically like in FE6, but with much weaker enemies and much better 1-2 range weapons. Ridiculously good.


    • Paladins have been nerfed hard time, now they can't use axes. Ohhhh noooo, that's it they're a trash class. But seriously, paladin/cavalier is still an amazing class in this game. The only problem they face is how they aren't able to use Garm, but that's only super relevant if you're playing 0% growths. The nerf didn't really affect them much.


    • So, paladins have been buffed. They got FE5 canto back, while keeping rescue. They are hard to push around and can't push units, but that doesn't matter that much. They also get to choose their wepon upon promotion for some reason and they also get the knight ward which allows them to become really OP. Just an incredebly good game for them.


    • So, this class has received an actualnerf this time. Besides Titania, a lot of you cavaliers/paladins just don't have that great stats, have some problematic caps as paladins, some chapters that really screw them over and ledges which buff infantry units a lot. Titania is still a great unit, but then we have someone like Fiona who I assume is supposed to be a joke character.


    • So this class is amazing again. It isn't the best class, but since cavalier have 9 move and can use lances they are pretty much set for SD. Since the ridersbane is such a dominant weapon, as long as you can use it you're good and cavalier/paladin is the only class that can do that along with pegasus knight/dracoknight. Some of their caps are problematic, but they can still manage.


    • This class is still great, but not as great as in SD. Cavalier is a viable class in the lower difficulties in the prologue, but on lunatic armor knight and fighter are better options, though the prologue is beatable with any class. Cavalier/Paladin also doesn't give such great stat boosts so their combat can be lacking in some chapters, not to mention their spee cap leading them to getting doubled by endgame wyverns , berserkers and swordmasters. Still, they can contribute with the right equipment and 10 movement is never a bad thing. They are still a pretty good class here, but New Mystery encourages more class diversity.


    • Now, your earlygame cavs aren't that great and there are better reclassing options like dark flyer since paladins and cavaliers only have one good skill, defender to go into these classes for. You can still use them for extra movement, though said movement isn't as great as flyers have. Chrom also appreciates reclassin into cavalier if you wanna use him as a combat unit.


    • Quite a bit better in this game as your earlygame cav, Silas is a lot better that Stahl and Sully. Jakob is also great when reclassed into paladin, not to mention this class getting much better skills like Elbow room and Shelter. Even Ryoma appreciates reclassing into paladin for extra bulk and movement. Their only flaw is how their caps can be a bit lacking in te endgame of Rev and CQ, but even so they can still contribute well. A really solid game for them.


    • Once again we see cavaliers dominate the game so you obviously have one villager cav-, oh wait. Villager cav actually has bad combat in act 1, so you don't use said class. OK, well we have Mycen & Camus Zeke to pick up-, not they actually come too late to be important. Umm, what about Conrad, since he's a new character he must be good, RIGHT? Nop, sorry, he SUUUUUUUUUCKS. OK, we still have Mathilda, who is still good on efficency, but fell off for LTC playthroughs due to coming as level and with poor bulk. Welp, guess we still have Clive who is, uhhhhh, actually very good. NOOOO, DON'T LEAVE! So since he's pretty close to promotion he can get promoted to paladin at the start of act 3 for better bases. However, his main claim to fame is the combination of giving him a single speed point from the thief shrine and giving him a forged ridersbane which will make him one round every act 3 cavalier. This is notable as the rapier is quite underwheliming in this game and your mercenary needs a forged silver sword to do the same. Clive also doesn+t have much other competition as Clair has a lack of bulk, Lukas lack of movement and Forsyth a lack of everything. So, yaeh, Clive is the best cavalier in SoV and one of the best units in the game.

    3 Houses

    • Remember when this game came out how everyone was saying that this class was dead due to the -10% speed nerf? Neither do I. So Maddening enemies are so strong that you usually aren't gonna double most of them anyway, and since rallywoman Annette and combat arts like Swift Strikes allow you to reach one shotting tresholds easyer. Paladins also get access to grounded classes unlike flying ones, which are generally better and you can get rid of the speed nerf and weakness to certain weapons by dismounting as dismounting is free in 3H. Anyway, they are as usual, an excellent class in this game.

    What makes them broken?

    So, a lot of players don't seem to understand that mvement is the most important stat. Having a lot of movement gives you extra utility which is incredebly important in FE. But, cavaliers also get other beefits. Acess to multiple weapn types, usually at least on of those is good, canto, higher aid than most and finally their stats usually aren't low enough to make their movement irrelevant.

    How do we nerf them?

    So, we have 3 ways.

    1. We can give them a lot of terrain penalties in multiple maps to nerf their movement, this is what RD and FE3 does
    2. Bring back forced dismounting like FE5 does
    3. Make their stats very low. So for this to work, enemy quality needs to be really high, your unmounted units need to have significantly higher stats, your mounted units can't use any really good weapons, combat arts or skills and they cannot have access to any statboosters. Usually whenever you get a statbooster it's usually best used on your mounted unit as they will have more movement so being able to potentially one round enemies with high movement is insanely valuable. This is unfotunately the nature of FE.

    Next time: Pegasus Knight - Falcon Knight - Seraph Knight

    Previously: Manakete, Laguz, Taguel, Wolfskin and Kitsune

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    Sigurd!Julia portrait

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 09:29 AM PST

    Not a Fire Emblem fan but I saw this plushie today and it was just too cute to pass up.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:57 PM PST

    Revelation chapter 27 in one turn

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:28 AM PST

    Surprised Setethchu

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 07:58 PM PST

    My Drawing of Gilbert(Gustave Eddie Dominic)from Fire Emblem Three Houses, Happy 63rd Birthday Gilbert

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 12:24 PM PST

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