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    Monday, January 25, 2021

    Fire Emblem POV: You've accidentally ended your turn in ballista range

    Fire Emblem POV: You've accidentally ended your turn in ballista range

    POV: You've accidentally ended your turn in ballista range

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:35 AM PST

    Flayn & Byleth

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:34 PM PST

    [OC] Redraw of a redraw lol

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 01:46 PM PST

    Manuela after seeing all the men damaged art

    Posted: 24 Jan 2021 09:39 PM PST

    Tea & Comfort [Finn x Lachesis]

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:20 PM PST

    Made the SOTC from FE3H, hand painted and 3d printed in PLA

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:27 PM PST

    Fire Emblem: Gatekeeper Houses

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:45 AM PST

    Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Alm (https://www.facebook.com/TheRealKwisty) Artpage :3

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:52 PM PST

    baby dragon

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 04:58 AM PST

    Chef Dedue, missed class opportunity

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:54 AM PST


    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 06:03 PM PST

    [Girl next door] FE Tree Houses (fanzine) chapter 40

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 10:13 AM PST

    I made a Jurassic Park AU of Three Houses and it kind of got away from me

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:03 PM PST

    My biggest pet peeve with Three Houses is random teleportation with no explanation being used as a crutch to preserve the story.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 05:00 PM PST

    Biggest instances were Thales teleporting in to stop Byleth from averting Jeralt's death when he uses Divine Pulse (which, despite its usefulness in-game, is never useful for anything meaningful in-story past its introduction), and Edelgard and Hubert teleporting out after their failed incursion on the Church. The characters teleporting is never explained, Hubert isn't even capable of learning any teleportation spell like some other characters are, and none of the characters bother to teleport away when they are endangered for the last time.

    It just reeks of laziness to me - though I might be forgetting things, the only other times off the top of my head I can recall villains teleporting in or out in a way that has such a drastic effect on the plot (so not just to talk to the heroes before returning to their forces or similar) is Awakening with Risen being summoned during the rescue operation for Emmeryn - and that was not only commented on by the characters as being convenient/unfortunate, it helped demonstrate that the force behind the Risen, which wasn't completely clear at the time, had a direct interest in the events that took place there. The teleportation in 3H, meanwhile, ocvurs with no explanation, and no one ever questions it. The writers just figured "we need a reason why X thing doesn't happen" and "teleport someone" was the solution.

    submitted by /u/InsertANameHeree
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    I drew Soren! ��

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:06 PM PST

    Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Dimitri (Timeskip) Artpage: https://www.facebook.com/TheRealKwisty

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:56 PM PST

    The Gatekeeper and the Crimson Flower route

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 08:59 AM PST

    With the Choose Your Legends event putting him in the limelight, there is a certain statement about the Gatekeeper that I read from time to time that always grinds my gears:

    "In Crimson Flower, the Gatekeeper leaves Garreg Mach and his brother takes over his post"

    It grinds my gears because this is, in my opinion, a misconception that has absolutely no evidence to back it up. It's one of those myths that somebody claimed at some point, nobody bothered to look up the evidence and now it's so widespread that it's basically seen as canon.

    Let me first cite the lines that this misconception was based on. In the first post-timeskip chapter of Crimson Flower (Chapter 13 – Beyond Escape) these are his lines of dialogue:

    Greetings, Professor! Nothing to report!

    What's that? Do I have brothers in the church? You really are well informed!

    My older twin works for the Knights of Seiros, but I think he's just a grunt. Not a noble gate keeper like yours truly.

    Unlike me, he's very devout. He left the Empire a long time ago.

    Nothing in these few lines of dialogue suggest he isn't the same person that has guarded the Gates five years prior.

    Yes, he does mention he has a twin brother who works for the Knights of Seiros. However, he also calls him "a grunt. Not a noble Gatekeeper like yours truly".

    This line alone contradicts this entire replacement theory. Why would the Gatekeeper's twin call his brother, who was the previous Gatekeeper, "not a Gatekeeper"? The two statements are completely contradictory under the assumption that the previous Gatekeeper left. It's absolutely nonsensical to call the previous guy a grunt when they have the exact same job.

    Another important line here is "he's very devout". If you look through the Gatekeeper's exploration lines in the pre-timeskip phase you'll find that the Gatekeeper isn't exactly somebody you'd call devout. He usually acts very laid-back, talking about fishing, "lovely ladies", etc. He is can be serious about his post and will defend it with his life if he needs to in post-timeskip, but there is nothing to suggest he is devout. When the Gatekeeper talks about his devout twin brother, he definitely isn't talking about the guy who was guarding the gate five years prior. This description doesn't fit at all.

    Outside the lines themselves, there's also the fact that the Gatekeeper in Crimson Flower has the same voice as he had beforehand. If there was a replacement and the new guy was his brother, why would he have the same voice as his brother? That's not how twins work. Neither in the real world nor in videogames. If the devs wanted the Crimson Flower Gatekeeper to be a different person, they'd have given him a different voice. We already had twin siblings in Fates with Flora/Felicia and Saizo/Kaze and they all had distinct voices. There is no reason to assume it would be different here.

    So what does the line about his twin mean? I can only make guesses of course. But, I would assume it is simply a humorous reference to the fact that the gatekeeper shares his portrait with generic soldiers. Basically Byleth asks him this question because he looks exactly like all the other nameless soldiers working in and around the monastery. There is nothing else to it.

    submitted by /u/Xiknail
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    What if Ferdinand was a Pegasus rider? Drawn by my sister, @honibee_arts on twitter

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 12:41 PM PST

    [Original Art] Grandmaster Katarina

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:01 AM PST

    Over time Edelgard has honestly become one of my favorite lords.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 01:04 PM PST

    In the past I didn't dislike Edelgard but I was always lukewarm on her but over time I've honestly started to like and appreciate her more. Previously I thought she was kinda lame and execution wise in CF was really weak. But now I've started to think that Edelgard is actually pretty damn cool. For me it's just appreciating her part 1 self and her presence in the narrative of 3H as a whole.

    It's odd since I think CF should've had more focus on how Edelgard was going to implement her revolutionary ideas and that 3H should've done a better job of showing how commoners are negatively affected by the church and how the church actively suppresses people. But it's funny because I've realized those aren't even major issues because to me I feel as though the focus of 3H's routes are less on the active changes to the world but more following the characters and their arcs. We don't really see Claude or Dimitri's changes in effect but we don't really need too, the focus is on their arcs as characters. And while I don't think Edelgard gets much in regards to character development over time I've been fine with this because it feels as though CF's point is to focus on Edelgard's role as a revolutionary.

    Over time I've just been really interested in Edelgard's role within the plot and a friend of mine said something that really changed my opinion. "the concept and how basically her character completely upends the plot because of her ambitions and she kinda ironically causes more progress even when she loses. like idk I just like revolutionary plots when they actually involve the consequences of it which is just interesting to me". To me this recontextualizes Edelgard and shows how interesting her role is. How she just completely changes the course of the plot on its head and even in defeat still has massive ripples of change in Fodlan and even redirects the path of other characters. Claude wouldn't have had change go throughout all of Fodlan instead of just the Alliance if it wasn't for Edelgard and while I think Dimitri would have done some form of change, he would have been a lot more moderate and I think even hesitant with reform if it wasn't for Edelgard. And that's so damn cool to me, a character that just completely changes everything. How their role is so significant, that even in defeat, they make substantial changes. It vaguely reminds me of the Anti Spiral in Gurren Lagann, while Edelgard and the Anti Spiral are completely different when it comes to motivation, they both make a substantial impact on the world they're in and massively readjust the protagonists perception on the world and how they should do what they do.

    Holy shit is so good in her role. To me I follow Edelgard more to see what the path of a revolutionary who changes everything is like more then say massive character arcs like Dimitri. But man she's just so cool and so determined. Her part 1 presentation is so damn good, I don't even support or think violent revolutions are justified but I feel as though her part 1 persona is so well fleshed out. You really get a feel as to who she is, why she wants to do what she wants to do, the strength of her resolve and her determination and it's so awesome. Her role is so unique in Fire Emblem as well, tbh I'd rather have really interesting but falls a little flat on some ends then something done competently but is extremely boring and Edelgard is that for me.

    I think I've also just had a change in perception in regards to her role. In the past I used to go "oh but the church doesn't even really do anything bad enough to justify Edelgard's goals" but I realized that it wasn't even the point. The point isn't if the church does or doesn't do enough to justify revolution, but the point is more Edelgard's perception of the church and how it influences her decisions. To Edelgard her entire childhood has been ruined and she's been tortured and tested on because of crests and to her she perceives that crests are a focus because of the church. To be honest I don't even think the church has done much wrong anyway since crests would exist and be noticed anyway even if the church didn't exist, her harsh dealing with the western church also makes sense since y'know you aren't going to be kind to the people who repeatedly try and kill you and tbh to me I just don't really see how the church has such a negative impact that it warrants taking it down. But I also don't think it's an issue because the whole point is Edelgard's perception of the church and I feel as though her perception of it makes sense considering her circumstances even if I disagree with it. She's also misinformed in regards to Nemesis's role in Fodlan's history but I feel as though that's the point and if anything it even further highlights the strength of her resolve. I've also seen people say "okay but if she just talked to dimitri/claude then the problem would be solved" but I feel as though that's a misunderstanding of her character. The whole point of Edelgard is that she does what she feels is the best solution from her own personal perspective and she doesn't trust anyone. That's her biggest flaw too, her lack of trust and lack of compromise with others, it's what leads to her death in AM. I think that CF could have done a better job of putting more focus on Edelgard's backstory as well as actually having her grow trustful of others besides Byleth. But I think the current characterization is pretty interesting. She would never work or compromise with Dimitri even if he extended a hand to her because that's the whole point. She believes that her path is the only path that needs to be taken to truly fix the problems she perceives to exist. It's also a thing in other real world revolutionaries so it's not even unrealistic.

    Another thing is that I think she's legit one of the best antagonists in all of Fire Emblem. Even though she's only in a handful of scenes in AM, she has such a dominating presence. The scene where she talks to Dimitri and basically refuses his cooperation and the final cutscene after endgame are so cool. She has what a lot of Fire Emblem antagonists lack which is having a substantial role. You aren't fighting some random demon/dragon/w/e random evil for the sake of evil possessed force. No, you're fighting someone who legitimately believes in what they're doing, someone with immense resolve who will do whatever needs to be done to accomplish their goals. That added with the complete contrast of Dimitri is just so damn cool and so well done. Honestly I feel as though her contrast to Dimitri makes both of them stand out so much. It really accentuates the differences both have in regards to characterization and Edelgard feels more substantial as an antagonist since she isn't some random evil for the sake of evil thing.

    I've seen multiple people say that Edelgard doesn't work well as a protagonist and I even used to think this but I think it's less she doesn't work well as a protagonist but more that IS/KT really botched Edelgard in part 2 of CF. The implementation of her revolutionary ideas has so little focus that there's not even a clear idea of how government positions can be obtained by commoners or how the leader of Fodlan would be chosen after she chooses her successor. She lies to the CF crew about the fort merceus attack and blames it on the church which in my opinion actively goes against her trying to trust people more. Her constant fawning over Byleth which is honestly annoying and I feel is a detriment to her character. Also Edelgard has some dumb moments in part 2, her really dumb no u line against Dimitri and how she complains about not having enough free time in her Byleth B support even though she's literally the one who started the war in question that's sucking up her free time. There's also Edelgard doesn't even get much focus in regards to her backstory but that's more me really wanting to learn more about her perception of Fodlan and the church. You can't just say that you think Nemesis was a hero and not go more into that. It's misinformation yeah but shit I want to learn more about your perception of the world because I feel as though it adds to your character since your entire perception of this conflict fuels your role in the story. It also would have been cool if Edelgard focused more on TWISTD, imagine if after you beat Rhea you have to beat TWISTD next. I attribute the lore point and TWISTD point as more CF being rushed and not having enough time to be fully fleshed out so it's a shame it couldn't be expanded on more. Also I feel as though her dual crest situation and how it affects her could have been focused on more in part 2, especially when it's such a big reason behind her perception on crests and why she does starts a revolution.

    Really random but Edelgard is really cool in gameplay. Great bulk, great attack, her post skip outfit looks cool even if the axe animations are janky and it has armor mov, cool prf. She's really fun to use. Also as a quick aside I really like Dimitri's character arc and he's one of my personal favorite lords of all time so no I don't hate Dimitri and in fact I actually really like him a lot.

    I think Edelgard has some flaws in regards to execution within CF itself, but in regard to her role in the story and her role as an antagonist in CF I think she's really interesting. I also think it's interesting how 3H is a revolutionary plot that allows you take a stance that it's just too much. I think Edelgard's resolve and how much she impacts the story, even if defeated is really interesting both for Fire Emblem and stories as a whole. Especially when I can understand both Dimitri and Edelgard and go "okay I can get where they're coming from this". So yeah, in the end, Edelgard cool.

    submitted by /u/Excadrill1201
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    |OC| "You can do it, Roy."

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 03:09 PM PST

    Inspired by Bernie at the ballista, Xander next

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 11:27 AM PST

    (OC)Well-done steak.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2021 07:12 AM PST

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