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    Sunday, March 14, 2021

    Fire Emblem Adrestian Armor Petra

    Fire Emblem Adrestian Armor Petra

    Adrestian Armor Petra

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    when the infinite reinforcements don't stop coming

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:30 AM PDT

    Two Years ago, I posted a drawing of Edelgard to this subreddit. Today I drew her again! How much did I improve?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    [OC] Happy Anniversary to Fire Emblem Gaiden, my favorite FE!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 04:42 AM PDT

    By popular demand of 2k upvotes, I coloured the Lucina I posted the other day!

    Posted: 13 Mar 2021 10:43 PM PST

    Renaissance (Wyvern) Master (Pasha Saga #10 feat. Ignatz)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    Vintage Hilda (commission)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    |OC| Thief characters be like:

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:05 PM PDT

    The Good Old Days.(Part/1)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:09 PM PDT

    Nótt selfie at the gym [OC]

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    (OC) Owain as a Philippine eagle

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    Lysithea (OC @kagura_oni)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    Flax's Fire Emblem Uh...Thoughts! Part 1: Qualms with Alm

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    Howdy! I'm Flax, and when I get bored of writing college essays, I go and write whole new essays about video games! Efficient, right! Anyways, this is tentatively part one in a potential series of pretentious diatribes (I think the correct term is "analyses") of Fire Emblem, specifically good ol' Echoes. Echoes is special because its my least favorite game in the series, but also the one I find interesting in its badness. It's well liked, mostly for the stellar presentation, but I think it gets most other things wrong. It also helps that its story might as well have been the FE stimulus pack after the Fates story pandemic. Anyways, what we got on the docket is Alm. He stinks. If you don't want to read 2000 words to hear a rando's opinion. I think he's lame, and actively hurts the narrative in how they handled him. There you go. If you're still here, then away we go!

    Alm Doesn't compliment the narrative's themes or ideals

    Alm is, like, the completely wrong protagonist for the job listing. Echoes themes seemingly revolve around human perseverance, meritocracy, and balancing ideologies together. Aside from arguably the first one, Alm spits in the mouth of the others. Now in most good stories, the main character would encapsulate the core themes of the story, or maybe the challenge is them wrestling with these themes. Alm doesn't do any of these, he simply contradicts them by existing.

    Alm is the child of destiny, scion of kings, and basically an infallible, well-rounded Chad. Alm's supposed character arc counteracts almost all of the themes Echoes presents. Sure, you could try and jury-rig a theme that fits Alm's perspective, but the game spends ample time and resources presenting ideas related to these themes, only to contradict itself. I don't know, it feels incredibly unsatisfying when the game presents a literal door that only those of exalted blood can go through, despite building up ideas of classism being bad.

    Alm also has no room for growth or new perspective. Alm's a perfectly balanced person at the games start. His outlook is proven right time and time again throughout the story. Alm's not just a character that is hyper-competent like Ephraim. His values and ideas are also never challenged, like, ever throughout the story. This game clearly had ideas about two halves making a greater whole. They make it clear in no uncertain terms. Alm and Celica, in theory are meant to parallel Duma and Mila, and their respective nations. But Alm's already well-balanced at the beginning, he doesn't need to change. I don't have a problem with a character like that in theory, Alm really could feasibly be the perfect hero if that's the story they were trying to tell, But in this case it again runs contrary to any themes in the story and even the damn structure of the game! Why go so heavy on themes that are ultimately inconsequential? Why write Alm this way?

    If it's to be faithful to the O.G. (Original Gaiden, of course), I don't think that's really the case. Echoes is far from 1-1 remake as far as the story goes.

    Alm isn't exactly faithful to the Gaiden interpretation

    I'd like to point out how barebones the Gaiden script is. Here it is! In all its stilted 8-bit glory! Even if you CTRL-F through it, it's evident that there is not a lot of characterization for our heroes. Much of the characterization given to Alm has to come from reinterpretation, as there just isn't really enough to go by. I say this because I want to point out that they aren't trying to by faithful to the letter as far as story goes. That's not a knock against them. They literally couldn't do that if they wanted to actually modernize the story. Point is There is a lot of recontextualization from Gaiden to Echoes, and that the way Alm is presented would've been largely a jump-ball.

    Here let's take a key scene that appears in both versions. Let's take an excerpt from Alm and Celica at the end of Act 2. Gaiden, having O.G. privileges goes first.

    Celica:Is there no way war against the Kingdom of Rigel can be avoided? Alm:That's impossible.Emperor Rudolf of Rigel has seized the opportunity to attack while Sofia's still weakened by civil war. He's already started an invasion. At this rate, the Kingdom of Sofia is going to be destroyed. Celica:But when it comes down to it, both Rigelians and Sofians are the same, aren't they? We are all people of Valencia.Even if these divisions of country no longer existed, we should all still be able to live together in happiness. Alm:That's no good. You can't just tell the people of Sofia to go live under the barbarous rule of Rigel.Seeing as how Rigel aided Dozer in ravaging the lands of Sofia, we've got no choice but to fight. 

    Now Let's see how Echoes handles it

    Celica: But there must be a way to resolve things other than bloodshed, no? Alm: That's a pretty thought, Celica, but I'm not sure it's true. If it were, no one would be risking life and limb on the battlefield. Celica: Is it really so naive? Zofians and Rigelians are both people of Valentia, are we not? I know we can reach some kind of accord if we just try! Besides that, I… I just can't imagine Emperor Rudolf is the monster some claim him to be. Alm: It doesn't matter what sort of man he is. The Rigelian Empire chose to cross Zofia's border—that's a fact. We aim to drive back the invaders. Nothing more. 

    I think each piece tells a different tale. In the O.G, Alm is reasonable, yes, but steadfast, stubborn even. He seems to bear a grudge against Rigel, and why wouldn't he? He calls them barbarous (which the exact word he says in the Japanese), a clear indication of how he feels about their actions at the very least.

    Echoes Alm is more reasonable in this. Hell, they make Celica more unreasonable there! That's a whole 'nother can of worms (women, am I right fellas?) He's just the facts, and any zeal he had in the original is well concealed, if that.

    Point is, Echoes Alm is in no way a one-to-one re-make of Gaiden Alm's character. He was recontextualized with the modernization of the game. They could have gone in a lot more directions than this, yet they actively chose to present him as well-balanced and without fault. Hell, the little subtext in the original was more or less omitted in remaking the scene. I guess they wanted to make Alm more likeable? At the cost of nuance, I guess. Whatever floats your boat maps, game.

    People point out Awakening Alm, and I think he's honestly a better choice for the job. Awakening Alm is re-contextualized to fit a more modern setting. If you don't know, I'll just post part of his DLC recruitment dialogue because it does my job for me

    "Celica thinks I should take a more compassionate approach to enemies... But really, it's a battlefield! How do you compassionately stab someone? It may sound barbaric, but that's just how I feel. If you hurt me, I hurt you back...tenfold." 

    First thing's first. That last line's hella badass. Second, I think this Alm is not only more faithful, but more interesting. He has that zeal, he has that concealed anger, but he also is still reasonable. He knows that Celica is right in some ways, but it just doesn't click with him. To me this is waaaay more interesting than Echoes Alm. he's heroic, but flawed, and he needs Celica to help him see another perspective. Awakening got that through in one conversation. I think it would've been great to see that as the MC, it fixes a few of my personal gripes with our resident golden boy. Speaking of golden boys,

    Alm is too perfect.

    Not to go on a tangent, but we all hate Corrin. Okay we don't all hate Corrin, but we all should! Most are aware of his flaws as a MC that sandbag the story, and I think Alm in some ways shares a few of them.

    Corrin flaws include

    - Being a literal child of destiny

    - Being made a leader despite few qualifications

    - Being a supposed moral paragon that is better than his pals

    - Being a character that doesn't grow

    - Being a character that people and the world fawn over and trust unconditionally.

    In fact, here are some lines that she how great Corrin is.

    Leon: I've always hated how you were better than me at everything. Xander told me I should stop trying to compete with you, but damn it… I just couldn't see how we were in such different places. But I understand it now. You're meant to lead, and you have the strength and ability to back it up. My job isn't to be better than you— it's to be part of your strength. I'm not going to say I like it…but I can definitely accept it. So I just want you to know that I'll always be there for you. 

    Hoshidan: Three huzzahs for our liberators, and three huzzahs for Corrin! Truly, he is the hero Hoshido has been waiting for. And he's every bit the champion Sumeragi was! Make no mistake, the Nohrian army's as fearsome a foe as they come, but with Corrin leading our forces, we needn't fear any man! 

    Now wouldn't it be funny if Alm shared any of these flaws? Oh, wait. Alm has almost all of those problems.

    - Alm a literal child of destiny

    - Alm is made a leader of a resistance he knows nothing about, and somehow wins a battle against all odds when the resistance was about to crumble.

    - People literally say Alm is better than others

    - Alm stays entirely the same. He may change a bit, I guess he's more confident in his destiny? He's got Claude-Syndrome: Nice guy, Lame MC

    - Alm has at three girls that are in love with him. It's Faye's entire character, and a large chunk of Clair and Celica. Clive literally concedes command to him immediately because his Grandpappy was a cool guy. There was an almost 2 decade-long government conspiracy to incite a war solely for Alm's "character development". That's like Avatar levels of indulgence, if not more.

    I get that the main character has to be "special" in some way, that's why they're the MC, but isn't literally making them the genetic and moral superior to everybody else in the cast a little, I don't know... really fucking stupid? Alm doesn't even have the Avatar excuse of "player aggrandizement". It's just lazy writing 101 on charismatic characters. How do we make a charismatic character that everyone in universe will adore? Just make 'em exude MC pheromones and throw in some destiny buzzwords. This is quite literally the same stuff that makes Corrin suck eggs.

    And those lines aren't even about Corrin, they're actually about Alm. First one's Tobin's C4 base convo and second one is some rando guard in C2 Zofia castle.

    Now the term "Mary-Sue" is dumb. It's just a pejorative people gave to fanfiction characters for being too self-indulgent all encompassing. But there is a problem with perfect MCs.

    MCs are really the way we experience the plot, we emphasize with hardship, so we emphasize with a fictional characters struggles. Alm almost never actually struggles. Yeah he struggles in that there are fights he has to get in to progress the plot. I mean that Alm never really experiences judgement, doubt, defeat, discouragement, or really anything. The only time something that might be of consequence happens to him is in the last leg of the game. Even characters considered boring or mary-sues like Ephraim and Micaiah experience hardship and setbacks through their adventures, that change them as they go along. Ephraim has the weight of having to kill his friend, and Micaiah is forced to discard her personal honor (and later her plot relevance) in order defend what she holds dear. Alm travels across an entire continent, kills his dad, slays god, and becomes king, and he carries himself the same way he did when he was 8. I just can't vibe with that. Let's not even get into how much this favoritism shafts Celica. That's a whole 'nother 2 pages probably! Celica's relevancy got pimp-slapped by Alm's relevancy.

    Now Echoes Alm is a great guy. A total sweetheart, but he stinks as a main character. There's a difference between a character that is likeable and one that is interesting. Alm is likeable, but doesn't have much nuance or conflict in him to carry a story. Edelgard or Dimitri (pick your flavor) are flawed characters, but they're interesting because they get to struggle and grow from that. They're characters that are most likely going to be impacted by the story and are literally designed to develop. Alm isn't, which brings me to my next point.

    submitted by /u/Flaximilian
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    Fire Emblem Heroes - Special Heroes (Willful Rabbits)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 08:00 PM PDT


    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    My Drawing of Ignatz Victor Post-Timeskip from Fire Emblem Three Houses, Happy 25th Birthday Ignatz

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 04:42 PM PDT

    Visualization of the FE3H canon timeline (including different endings)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    I drew Mareeta with an M1 Carbine because Why Not?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    Vintage Mercedes (commission)

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 12:19 AM PST

    Can you make a sandwich before enemy phase ends in Radiant Dawn?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    How do you feel about route splits in Fire Emblem?

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 06:41 AM PDT

    No, no, no, not like Fates and Three Houses. I meant the smaller kind. You know:

    Thracia 776: Nohrden Line and Leonster's Gate vs Dark Forest and First Rain of May.

    Binding Blade: The two versions of the Western Isles and Illia vs Sacae.

    Blazing Sword: The two versions of Four-Fanged Offense and Pale Flower of Darkness.

    You know, alternative routes that have a few unique characters and items and may influence the story going forward, but not to a crazy degree. Do you like those?

    submitted by /u/GatorDragon
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    Happy 29th anniversary to Fire Emblem: Gaiden!

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    Today marks the 29th anniversary of the release of Fire Emblem Gaiden for the Famicom. The game was the second game in the Fire Emblem series and featured Alm and Celica's adventures through the continent of Valentia. It is set in the same world as the previous game (Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light) and takes place at the same time; in fact, a few characters from that game appear in this one as well. However, it is its own self contained story that does not rely on the player knowing what happened in the previous game in order to understand it; this is reflected by its subtitle "Gaiden" which literally means "side story." Fire Emblem Gaiden was never officially localized for the West, but a remake of it (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia) was released in 2017 for the Nintendo 3DS that was released internationally.

    So what did you guys think of FE2? I personally haven't played it or its remake yet (heresy, I know) but I'm looking to do it eventually. The popular opinion is that Echoes is better, but there are some people who believe that the original in Gaiden is better. What are your favorite moments in Gaiden?

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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    Units that are considered 'great' by the community but for you never became great.

    Posted: 14 Mar 2021 03:37 PM PDT

    After playing a Fire Emblem title multiple times there may be a unit that's widely regarded by the community as being 'great' but just never became good during your playthroughs. To further emphasize what I mean I'll give two examples from my playthroughs of FE6 and FE8.

    There happened to be two units in FE6 after playing the game 5-6 times now but I never seen once become a component unit during my playthroughs. They happened to be the Christmas Cavaliers Lance and Allen. When playing FE6, I generally train-up both for the first couple of levels then if one of them ends up pulling ahead in stats that unit will received more investment while the other cavalier goes into a support role such as Rescue-chaining or support-bot for the invested cavalier. Still even after multiple playthroughs of FE6, the cavalier with more investment (aka better stats) is just slightly better than Noah and in my most recent FE6 run Noah was better than both cavaliers when Chapter 7 comes around.

    Another unit for me is Franz from FE8. Every run of FE8 he's been such a disappointment that it's unbelievable. He never gets Strength or Speed and after his promotion he's usually no where near Seth bases.

    Anybody else have similar experiences?

    submitted by /u/Itsacouplol
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