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    Monday, March 22, 2021

    Fire Emblem How to Make New Friends According to FE3H (A foolproof, step-by-step guide by our favorite professor, Byleth)

    Fire Emblem How to Make New Friends According to FE3H (A foolproof, step-by-step guide by our favorite professor, Byleth)

    How to Make New Friends According to FE3H (A foolproof, step-by-step guide by our favorite professor, Byleth)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    Waiting for the Cathedral to load

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    POV: You miscalculated your overly complicated strategy

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    Drew Marianne

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 12:52 AM PDT

    Bernadetta and her very adorable and totally not creepy at all carnivorous plant doll �� inspired by her A support with Ferdinand(OC)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 01:24 PM PDT


    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    >Robin marries Lissa
    >Owain now has Fell Grima blood and Exalted Naga blood.
    >Owain/Odin marries Elise
    >Ophelia now has Fell Grima blood, Exalted Naga blood, & dusk dragon blood.
    >Corrin marries Ophelia
    >Kana now has Fell Grima blood, Naga blood, Dusk dragon blood, AND Anankos dragon blood.
    But it doesn't end there.
    >Have Kana and Shiro S Support
    >Their future child will have Fell Grima blood, Exalted Naga blood, Dusk dragon blood, Anankos dragon blood, and Dawn dragon blood, AND be the heir to both Valla, Hoshido, and in line to the Nohr throne 💀💀

    submitted by /u/riskedbiscuit
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    “Let’s try a PMU of conquest lunatic” he said. “It can’t be THAT bad” he said. Two months later I finally finished this nightmare of a run.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:28 AM PDT

    I believe in the pink hair Inigo agenda

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:09 PM PDT

    maid bernadetta �� ( you can support my twitter: jxh_soda)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Hilda by me

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:37 PM PDT

    I drew Flayn, in all her floofy-hair goodness

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    Lindhardt tries to interview Soren

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    TWSITD Annette

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    Vintage Nina (Commission)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    What was your best experience with Fire Emblem?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    Many many years ago when I was a young kid (I'm 17 now) I was playing shadow dragon, I think it was my 2nd FE after only having played casual awakening. I didn't know how to make units strong so I would just use Jagen and Marth and that ended up making all of my other units incredibly weak, I would also warp skip every chapter once I got the warp staff. I was able to do this until I got to Chapter 21 and it was nearly impossible, Marth wasn't strong enough to warp skip, none of my units were strong enough for any of the enemies in the chapter, and I was devastated. I so badly wanted to beat the game but the chapter seemed impossible, I literally was on the verge of tears from frustration lmao. I came to this subreddit and explained my situation on the general question thread and asked for help and this one guy walked me through turn by turn and told me what to do and how to use my units effectively. I ended up beating the chapter using the guys advice and i was so happy, I still don't know how I did it to this day, I think the turn count at the end was over 100. After I beat the chapter I realized there was no chance I could finish the game with my units being as weak as they are so I just restarted the whole entire game and ended up beating it once I learned how to make unit stronger and whatnot, but beating that one chapter with the help of that random guy felt so good and I'll never forget it. What was your best FE experience?

    submitted by /u/Kwopp
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    Fire Emblem Characters in Friday Night Funkin

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    Favortie class designs?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    What are some of your favorite class designs in terms of appearance or function? And why do you like it?

    I'm going to start with SoV I love Celica's Rigain over class (hate that it's locked behind a paywall). I really like the Celtic patterns on it and I feel like it exudes a powerful appearance. I like Alm's Conqueror for the same reasons, it looks like something he would adopt as king and feels like a natural progression from his previous attire.

    Forgot to include in original post. Fates Mercenary/Hero line looks absolutely amazing. The jacket combined with the additions upon promotion. That does it for me, just looks absolutely great.

    submitted by /u/GuitarGuy219
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    The Fire Emblem Fates manga Crown of Nibelung is the best iteration of the story of Fates

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:56 AM PDT

    The story of Fire Emblem Fates has been bashed thorughly by the community and I'd say it's deserved due to it's poor handling of the conflict and overall poor writting. However, there is in fact a manga based around Fates and it's suprisingly very good. The story does unfortunately cut off before the characters enter Valla (though maybe I should be thankful for that) and you do need to be familiar with the enitre Fates story to follow it, but aside from that the story is solid and the artwork is pretty good consistently. Give it a read.

    The protagonist

    The most obvious and biggest change Crown of Nibelung bring is the fact that Corrin isn't the protagonist anymore. They're still an integral character, but the main character is actually Leo. As Leo is by far the most interesting royal in Fates it wisely decides to focus on him. He is similar to the games (I'm pretty sure a lot of his personality was changed by the localisation, so Leo is mostly like he is in the original Japanese version) by being fairly clever, prideful and jelaous of his older brother. However, he's shown to be a lot more caring towards Elise and Corrin, mirroring his overprotectiveness to how Xander is protective of Leo. Leo also doesn't have access to the exposition machine that is Azura, so he instead needs to investigate about things like Valla, Anakos, Azura, etc. He also doesn't know how to properly fight the invisible soilders of Valla, so he has to use strategy instead of just relying on his OP tome, which makes the fights compelling. It also cleverly sidesteps the problem of the audience feeling bored since they already know the answers by always giving us a view on Leo's mindset and how he is slowly piecing everything together. The story mainly focuses on Leo maturing and overcoming his flaws, which makes him one of the better FE protagonists.


    Xander is also a lot better in the manga. He is actually shown to be a wise character as he analyses the economic state of Nohr and figures out how the Nohrian capital has been drained economically by the poor management of King Garon and Xander uses his and Peri's noble ties in order to place all the civilians into the actual economic center of Nohr as the capital has been ravaged by the constant executions held in it by King Garon. He is also shown to be a good brother outside of supports by practicing swordplay with Corrin despite his father's wishes and giving advice to his siblings. Not to mention kind as he gives a proper buryal to nobles that disobeyed orders. Still, Xander's main flaws of being overprotective and overly loyal are still present. Xander cannot see that Elise and Leo are capable of doing things on their own and thus constantly feels the need to place the main burdens on himself even taking away control of a division Leo was supposed to lead. He is still loyal of course, but when he notices how Garon is acting strangely he decides to take away his power until Garon goes back to his old self. However, Xander's loyalty is still a flaw as Leo points out that he could take over the throne as he is of the right age and is a popular political figure, but Xander decides not to as taking over his father's throne by force just doesn't feel right. Xander is much smarter and sensible than he is in the games, which makes him a lot more likable and interesting overall.


    Elise is pretty similar to her ingame self, but with one big difference. The fact that she's still a little kid is actually taken seriously. Elise isn't allowed to go on mission, the battlefield or to take part in metting Garon has with his other children because she's by far the youngest. She needs to actively sneak into cargo boxes so she can be present in important events, despite everyone else's wishes. As she's shown to be quite rebellious and as everyone constantly protects her, her decision to leave Nohr and join Corrin's army is well built up and a fitting ending to her character arc.


    Camilla is mostly Camilla, but she luckely doesn't get too much screentime and the screentime she does get is OK overall. While she is shown to be caring towards her siblings, she is also shown to be quite disturbed. Once Corrin leaves Camilla's room is shown to be completely trashed and it's heavely implyed she destroyed it, she has dolls of every Nohrian noble, including Azura and even talks about killing Azura for taking away Corrin. Still, Camilla is shown thinking about leaving her life behind and just changing her name and living in a peaceful village, but while she and Xander think about it they agree it wouldn't feel right. Camilla is given at least some depth, which is more that the games give.


    Anakos is actually a compelling villain in the manga. He is actually shown to be clever by using corrin as a political tool to motivate the Nohrian army, using Corrin's sword to kill queen Makoto, constantly compliments Iago to make Iago not mention the fact he is acting strange and is clever enough to bribe Leo and Xander once they start being suspicious with favour like Leo getting to be a commander of a section of the Nohrian army. Still, because Anakos hasn't completely taken over Garon he is kinda insane and so he never lets the royals get to close to him so they would get suspicious, while keeping Iago close. Anakos comes off as a major threat because of this. But even Garon gets a great moment to himself. At one point when Leo gets too close to him, old King Garon comes back and talks about how he and Leo's mother choose a name for him. This is what the games desperately needed, a scene where we actually see Garon being a good person, so him getting taken over by Anakos feels like an actual tragedy, instead of him just being an unforgivable monster 99% of the time.


    This is the big one. Corrin suprisingly enough works much better as a side character than the protagonist as she is still shown to be naive and foolish as she is locked in a tower for the most of her life, but we see her gradually mature. Even Leo is suprised by her sudden growth and corrin ends up seeming like a completely different person to him. Corrin is still kind and drives the main plot, but they're shown to be more clever and even mature when she has to tell Xander that Garon is already dead. As corrin isn't the main protagonist anymore they're a lot more intriguing and compelling.

    Minor things

    Minor thing that the manga has advantage over the games. Not everyone is wearing armor 24/7 and instead everyone has different outfits depending on the ocassion, Niles and Odin get to have a lot closer relationship with Leo which shows why Leo keeps them around despite their, uh.... unique personalities, there is a larger focus on ploitics and strategy, Xander and Ryoma don't just leave Corrin out in the open field after she disobeys them, but instead there's a large flood and Corrin slips away in the confusion, a large part of the Nohrian army just desert and join Xander, because being a bad ruler suprisignly makes those who work for you want to betray you, Hans isn't just allowed to go around as he pleases, but instead has to hide under different names so the royals don't get suspicious, etc.


    If you're disappointed in Fates stroy or want to see a different interpretation, Crown of Nibelung is an enjoyable read. It's far from perfect, but it's a much better version of the story of Fates than any of the games are, due to being handeled with care.

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    Boba tea Fir #2 [commission drawn by @kai_chiisame on Twitter]

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    What was it like playing your first Fire Emblem game for the first time?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    Whether that game be FE7, Sacred Stones, Awakening, Fates, Three Houses, whatever. What was it like experiencing your first Fire Emblem game for the first time?

    submitted by /u/Asad_Farooqui
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    The Most Badass Fire Emblem Characters: Dedue, Eyvel, Basileo and Jagen (FE3 B2). Video Essay!

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    Tellius Appreciation Part 2

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    Once again, spoilers for the Tellius duology!!!

    When last we left off, we were just leaving Crimea with a whole new batch of lovable characters, but we still have plenty to come. I almost forgot about the scene where Ranulf stays behind to hold off the Black Knight, but I don't know how I did since it's extremely important to the plot, and it means a lot more when Sephiran comes in to put a stop to it all. It's so interesting how they planted this seed of the Black Knight only bowing down to Sephiran, and it leaves a huge air of mystery surrounding the whole situation. We also get to meet everyone's favorite traitor, Nasir! Personally, I had no idea what to think of Nasir, and I didn't think he was the traitor until it was all but stated directly before the reveal. He just came off as knowledgeable and kind, even if he was a little suspicious with his really obvious light blue hair and pointy ears making him seem more important than "the boat guy". As a little side note, we pick up Stowaway Sothe, and he really is not much of anything in this game, but I really come to appreciate his snark and pragmatism in Radiant Dawn, even if he really is just a RD teaser in this game.

    Now it's time to devote an entire section of this post to my personal favorite character in the entire series so far, an opinion that I hope is shared by a lot of people, Jill Fizzart. She shows up with Haar, seemingly as some kind of recurring antagonist, and I actually killed her on my first play through, but replayed the chapter after looking at a guide and realizing she was recruitable. I pity anyone who killed Jill as an enemy because her character and story is probably the best part of this game to me. The sheer amount of plot importance and development that Jill gets when she's completely missable is a testament to this game's character writing. At first, I thought she would just be a Token Evil Teammate with a couple redeeming moments in supports to show she's not all bad, but they decided to turn my expectations on my head. Her supports with Lethe and Mist are so perfect in showing how she's trying to change and are extremely adorable and tear wrenching at the same time.( Jilll x Lethe and Jill x Mist are both better than Jill x Haar in my opinion. Haar is great, but he was literally her dad's best friend, come on!) The best example of her character though, is her base conversations (side note: base conversations are amazing and should be in every game) in Begnion where she confesses her backstory to Ike and showing that she wants to understand the Laguz and decide for herself who she should be. Just... so good.

    Back to the plot, we get to pop in on Sweet Boy Kurthnaga, and the most important character in the entire series, Gareth. "Yes, at once!" If there is one complaint with these games that I have, it's that there really is too many characters to give them all development or even, you know, character at all. This is mostly relevant to Radiant Dawn where there is, wait for it, 73 playable characters, and there's just no way to let them all get a chance to shine. Here though, there's actually supports and slightly less characters to play with, so the only ones that really feel like this are the NPCs that get to do more in RD, and some bosses like the Four Riders. Moving on, we're finally near Begnion and we get to see a trend of the Royal Laguz being the coolest characters ever, with the introduction to Naesala and Tibarn, plus their retainers. They don't actually do too much yet, but it's nice to see them and get a taste of what's to come, and that's not the only major ruler on Tellius that we meet this chapter. It's everyone's favorite Apostle, Sanaki. Another favorite of mine since she also comes off as spoiled and way too smart for her own good, but she quickly redeems herself and proves to be a great ruler for Begnion, and she only gets better in Radiant Dawn. Also, Sigrun and Tanith are her moms and no one can prove me wrong. Checkmate atheists.

    Now we meet our final Royal Laguz, discounting Nailah, at the big meeting of the Laguz Kings, and the dialogue here is some of the best in the game. So many subtle references to things we don't know anything about yet, like Lehran's Medallion and the Serene's Massacre which we'll come to know so much about. Oh, and we also meet Deghinsea for the first time. He rules Goldoa and won't move, and that's all I have to say about him for now. More excitingly, we meet Reyson, who's probably the most underrated character across both games. The idea of someone with the will and fury of Tibarn in the body of a dancer( heron, but you know what I mean) is not only funny, but also a great idea for a character. His hatred of the beorc is pretty justified considering the circumstances, but the fact that he is able to overcome that and see how things have changed since the massacre is just inspiring. Coinciding with Reyson, we have the meme himself, Oliver. Honestly, I don't like Oliver the way I think a lot of people do, but I can appreciate how completely and utterly ridiculous he is, even if what he does in the story is never played for laughs. His slavery of Reyson and obsession with beauty is revolting, but that's probably why it's the most impactful story beat since Greil's death. Naesala's betrayal (of many to come) hits hard even though we've only known him for a couple of chapters because it's believable and complicated. I skipped over the chapters with Makalov and the Laguz Emancipation Army since they're probably the closest thing to filler in the game. Obviously, it's necessary to show how the Laguz are treated in Begnion and it develops Sanaki's arc, but it's probably the weakest part of the game. Despite that, Muarim and Tormod are both great characters with good base conversations and supports. Specifically, I remember a base conversation after their recruitment that feels like it lasts 5 minutes, but it's all so well written and heart wrenching that I didn't mind at all. All of the plot points for the Begnion arc come together when we finally go after Oliver and put him out of commission.(For this game at least.)

    I do think that Leanne's existence could have been telegraphed a little bit better, or at all really, but I'll look past it because she does so much for Reyson's, Sanaki's, Tibarn's, and especially Naesala's character that it's forgivable. I've avoided talking about the animated cutscenes so far due to them being... not very good, but at least the restoration of the forest is nice to look at and the galdrar of the herons is always great to listen to, as long as we just mute Ike and Mists conversation. To conclude, the Begnion arc is probably the weakest part of the game, but in no way does that make it bad. There's a lot being set up here for not just this game, but the sequel as well, so it's hard to really stand out on its own yet. Next time, I'll look at the march through Daein, and probably talk about Ike a little bit because I feel like I haven't been talking about one of the funniest, most badass protags in these games.

    Please let me know if you think I left out anything that you want me to talk about next time. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/The16thStudent11037
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