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    Monday, April 12, 2021

    Fire Emblem Dance with me? (commission)

    Fire Emblem Dance with me? (commission)

    Dance with me? (commission)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    [OC] Painted Mae from Echoes

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:33 AM PDT

    Mozu Commission part 1 of 3: Mozu, Member of the Army

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 12:54 PM PDT

    Sonia [by Crescentia Fortuna]

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    Fleeing from Renais, retaking Mulan ! - FE 8 map sprites in FE Fates' style (Prologue + Chapter 1)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    [OC] Tailtiu, Lady of Friege

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:24 PM PDT

    FE4 Manga Panel Redraw

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    Summer Dorothea (you can support my twitter @cozybambii)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    Step 6: Overcome challenges with human wave tactics

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:45 PM PDT

    Conquest Lunatic Negative Growths - Endgame

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    like any proud parent, I keep pictures of my sons in my wallet

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:25 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Google Trends (2021 Edition)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem Ace Attorney Parody gifs thanks again to the people in the comments for the ideas :)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:12 PM PDT

    Lucina Flip.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:01 PM PDT

    Green Screening Myself into Fire Emblem Three Houses Cutscenes

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    Robin x Lucina (Easter)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    Lorenz pours the perfect brew

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:00 AM PDT

    Shadows of Valentia Negative Growths Act 2 Part 2

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    I want the mommy version but found none, so I made one instead

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 08:15 PM PDT

    What other mythological or fantasy creatures would you like to see in the FE series at some point?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    Dragons, Pegasi and Wyverns are already a thing, and there's been no shortage of monsters and the like, but there's always room for more. What kinds of creatures would you want to see in the FE series?

    submitted by /u/darkdill
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    A friend of mine wanted me to put this here. They actually misread the logo as this.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:05 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon Draft | Episode 1

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    Search for the worst! The Blazing Blade and Sacred Stones

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:06 AM PDT

    Hey you, yeah you reading this! Have you ever wondered what the worst unit in FE is? And I don't mean bad units like Wolt or Cord. I mean the absolute worst units imaginable that are hard to get, don't contribute in any significant way and are overall just awful. Well join me as I try to uncover who are the worst units in FE in The search for the worst!

    After finishing up Fateslandia, let's go and take a look at the leftover 2 GBA games to see if there are any thrash units we might have missed and luckley they delivered in spades. However, there are two units that we need to talk about first:

    Amelia and Ewan

    I'm not gonna talk about them very much. Why? Well, they're just not very interesting to talk about. They have poor bases, come as trainee units at a point where some of your units are likely promoted and don't offer much unique or valuable. The reasons these two suck has already been beaten to death, so I don't wanna focus on it more than I need to. Anyway, they suck. Moving on


    Now, Marisa is a lot more interesting to talk about. She's technically better than Amelia and Ewan due to the fact that she joins as a myrmidon and as a level 5 unit meaning that she can promote somewhat quickly, along with coming with the Shamshir, passable bases and good growths. Well, the main reason why is that while she is somewhat better at base than those two, she is also the worst long term unit to use in SS, while being a bad short term unit as well, which is rather unique in SS. Her bases aren't awful, but they aren't very good either. 7 base strength, along with a 30% growth, while also having 4 base defense and only 15% growth along with 23 base HP in said area means that Marisa isn's gonna be hitting very hard, while also not taking hits very well. Even worse, Marisa is locked to swords which are a horrible weapon type in SS, due to their lack of 1-2 range. This wouldn't be that big of a problem if a lot of enemies didn't also carry 1-2 range weapons and if enemy quality wasn't generally low meaning that Marisa won't be killing a large number of enemies on enemy phase, which is very problematic in an enemy phase game like FE8. Along with that Marisa is also unmounted in the very heavely mount dominated metagame of SS, which means that she will have a hard time catching up to your mounted units as they snowball out of control, unless she's rescued and carried to the enemies, which is quite risky due to her frailty and isn't worth it overall due to her lack of 1-2 range. As if all of that wasn't bad enough, Marisa only comes with a D rank in swords and while she can use the Shamshir at base, her best weapon after the Shamshir breaks will be the steel sword which will lower Marisa's speed by 5, until she gets to c rank swords. You might think she could at least be fixed somewhat by promoting to an assasin, for Silencer and to become a decent bosskiller, but Silencer is far too unreliable, so her best bet is to go swordmaster at which point she runs into a problem. See, Joshua is also an unpromoted myrmidon that comes with better bases, earlyer and a higher sword rank, meaning that he's pretty much just a better version of Marisa and even if you wanna use more sword unit there are better options. It feels like Marisa was supposed to be a trainee unit like Ross, Amelia and Ewan, but the devs decided to make her a myrmidon last minute.

    Now, I just wonder what the standards for a mercenary are in Magvel if Marisa can be considered anything close to dangerous.


    Karla stands out in the sea of bad units that FE7 is full off, by being such distinct and well burned garbage fire that you cannot forget her no matter how hard you try. She comes with A rank swords, a Wo Dao and a 55% speed growth. And that's where the positives end. He bases aren't awful, but aren't good either, she's stuck in a bad class that's umounted and lacks 1-2 range, she is quite frail, she faces a weapon triangle disadvantage from a large number of enemies and doesn't offer anything special as she's just a discount Karel and Karel is a mediocre unit already. Heck, her A rank in swords isn't very impressive either as Marcus and Isadora both come with A ranks in swords at base, while having more mobitlity, mounted utility and much better availability. Karla also isn't gonna get much done in anything other than The Meaning of Life as she's irrelevant in the other 3 chapters she's available in. And we didn't come to the best part yet. In order to get Karla you need to train up Bartre to a lavel 5 warrior. And Bartre is also an awful unit due to his base 3 speed. So you need to train up a bad unit in order to get an even worse unit. Spectacular! No wonder she got married to Bartre, both are so awful they pretty much deserve each other.

    What were the devs thinking?

    Amelia & Ewan - Listen, trainee units seemed like a good idea at the time. They weren't, but it was still an interesting idea at least

    Marisa - Wanted to make her the sword trainee unit of the cast, but then realised that that wouldn't make sense considering her personality and backstory, so they just turned her into a myrmidon and left her low leveled to keep the idea of her being a growth unit

    Karla - Easter egg unit, meant for FE6 fans. I guess they didn't want you to feel very rewarded for using Karla and decided to follow cannon for once by making her a worse Karel.


    The GBA era was definetely a fun one, but not without it's fair share of notable balance problems. Anyway, next time we're visiting every elitists favourite continent, Jugdral, to see if our lord and saviour Kaga left us with any bad units there.

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    Same Name Slam #3: Battle of the Lorenzes (Archanea!Lorenz vs 3H!Lorenz)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    Welcome back to the Same Name Slam, the battle to see which character earns the right to be called by their name versus the other characters with the same or similar name. Last time on the Same Name Slam, we had the Battle of the Deans. The scoring was as follows:

    In third place with 6 points was Valentia!Deen

    In second place with 10 points was Thracia!Deen!

    And in first place with 11 points was Berwick!Dean

    Congratulations to Berwick!Dean! He has earned the title of being the best Dean of Fire Emblem.

    More detail on scoring can be found in this comment here.

    On today's episode, we have the Battle of the Lorenzs! There are two separate characters named Lorenz in Fire Emblem, both of whom should be fairly well known.

    First off, the General from the Archanea games, Lorenz! He is a general who serves the Kingdom of Grust. He was also a family friend of Caeda's father and knew Caeda when she was a child; as a result, she can recruit him in Chapter 20 (or Chapter 16 in FE3 Book 1).

    Secondly is the noble from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester! Lorenz is the son of Count Gloucester, one of the nobles in the Leicester Alliance; as a result, he is one of the Golden Deer students. Lorenz also is a sort of rival to Claude just as his House Gloucester is a rival to Claude's House Riegan.

    Just to review, these are the rules:

    1. Do not be mean to other users; be nice and avoid the ad hominem.

    2. Any argument that isn't sexually explicit is allowed. As LaqOfInterest said, "There are no stupid arguments." Throw down whatever you have! (Yes, ad hominem towards the characters themselves is allowed.)

    3. Mark your spoilers.

    And just as a reminder, each round lasts 24 hours, and you have to submit a parent-level comment to "vote." Higher effort comments earn 2 points each, while lower effort comments earn 1 point each. Now that the post is done, let's get rolling!

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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