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    Sunday, April 11, 2021

    Fire Emblem T-Posing Lucina riding a laser beam shooting cyborg shark flying through the air while Chrom floats off in the distance

    Fire Emblem T-Posing Lucina riding a laser beam shooting cyborg shark flying through the air while Chrom floats off in the distance

    T-Posing Lucina riding a laser beam shooting cyborg shark flying through the air while Chrom floats off in the distance

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    Spring Fergus and Karin (FE5)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 04:22 PM PDT

    [OC] Garreg Mach Library supports - Sylvain and Bernadetta

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    Art of Hilda putting up her hair I commissioned from @janiforme on Twitter

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    I just think Limstella is neat

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    If Edelgard grabbed Byleth by the ankles while they were holding the Sword of the Creator and began swinging them around, would she be able to use Ruptured Heaven?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    The title here is pretty straightforward. To use the special associated with a relic weapon we know three things must be present. Namely, a user with the appropriate Crest, the weapon itself, and its Crest Stone. The Sword of the Creator is an interesting case though, as it does not contain a Crest Stone yet can still be used by Byleth because the stone is in their chest. Now as we eventually come to know in Crimson Flower, Edelgard possesses the Crest of Flames as her second crest, implying she should be able to use Ruptured Heaven should she have the Crest Stone and sword.

    Given this information, should Edelgard grab Byleth by the ankles and begin swinging them around as they hold the sword, the three conditions should be met Edelgard has the Crest of Flames, has the Crest Stone in the form of Byleth, and the sword in Byleth's hands. For the sake of the query, we will say Byleth is completely limp so that we don't run into the argument that they are still actively wielding the sword and using the special themselves (maybe tie it their hands to keep it from falling out?).

    Now as for Edelgard's physical abilities, I do not think this should be too difficult for her. We run on anime logic here. She is proficient in heavy armor and wields a pretty huge axe which implies a high base level strength. Plus have you seen what she can do in the second half of the game? When she dodges attacks she can do all sorts of jumps and flips WHILE wearing her pretty heavy looking Emperor's armor and then in the ending she proceeds to jump what seems to be twenty feet into the air in that same armor to strike down the Immaculate One with a blow to the head. Wielding her new Byleth sword should not be an issue.

    Now unless I am missing something here, am I correct in assuming this should work? If so, perhaps we can make the argument that this is actually the superior way to use the sword as Byleth's height and arm legth is added to the weapon's already impressive reach (three tile attack range!?). Please share your thoughts and discuss.

    submitted by /u/LittleSomethingExtra
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    I drew the house leaders (and Byleth)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    Hilda potato

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 09:15 PM PDT

    Doodle of Kris to treat me'self.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 05:25 PM PDT

    Best boy Pixel Art

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    I drew Futaba Sakura subbing in for a particular tiny lovable red head, hope you like it!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 02:05 PM PDT

    This is a message from Lord Nergal

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    So I've started playing Fates (Conquest) for the first time...

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 04:14 PM PDT

    ... and is it bad that I kind of like Corrin?

    I've heard plenty of negative things towards these entries and towards the main character, and while I certainly can agree with those criticisms so far, I just find myself liking Corrin for not particularly strong reasons.

    Is she a naive dumbass? Absolutely, but I almost find it endearing. It's probably because my favorite Disney movie is Tangled, but I like the whole 'Locked away Princess' aspect of her character, and even having an evil adoptive parent is slightly more compelling than it has a right to be. I imagine her as someone desperate for Garon's approval, hence the dumbass part.

    Also, is it just me or are the Nohr siblings the more reasonable of the bunch (Camilla notwithstanding)? They come across as pretty level-headed, clearly love Corrin despite her being adopted, and go out of their way to help her regardless of Garon's warnings. Compared to the Hoshido siblings (not Takumi, clearly), who have Corrin back for a week and already expect her to give up everything she's ever known to be with them - in spite of the fact that Azura's situation should teach them it isn't that simple.

    (I'm choosing to overlook the whole 'Garon is clearly evil' aspect, which makes everyone look stupid).

    Don't worry, I'm totally prepared to eat my own words as I progress through the game (I'm only at the Forlorn Woods).

    submitted by /u/The_Vine
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    Ike enjoys a delicious meal

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 10:03 PM PDT

    FE Fighting Game Project Sprites. (Only 4 more characters to be revealed for the starting roster)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 07:41 PM PDT

    Shadows of Valentia Negative Growths Act 2 Part 1

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    A Satisfying Sketch of Shamir (sketch by fvmarts aka me)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    Conquest Lunatic Negative Growths - Chapter 26

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    [Question] What is the general perception of the Tellius duology?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:36 AM PDT

    I'd love for their to be a remaster or rerelease of the Tellius duology on Switch or virtual console or something. I'm a more casual FE fan, having only played 7, the Tellius games, Conquest, and now Three Houses, and as far as stories go the Tellius games have a very special place in my heart.

    However, I always see just more love for the other games more, and even FE Warriors completely snubbed the games for more Marth/Awakening content, with Lyndis, some Fates, and maybe one or two more that I'm missing. It always just feels like the Tellius games are an afterthought or a black sheep in the series with all the other games getting regular shout outs and callbacks.

    tl;dr Are the Tellius games just less loved overall?

    submitted by /u/WendysVapenator
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    Same Name Slam #2: Battle of the Deans (Valentia!Deen vs Thracia!Deen vs Dean)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Welcome back to the Same Name Slam, the battle to see which character earns the right to be called by their name versus the other characters with the same or similar name. Last time on the Same Name Slam, we had the Battle of the Lyns. The scoring was as follows:

    In third place with 5 points was...a shocker, Lyndis was in last place!

    In second place with 6 points was Lene!

    And in first place with 9 points was Ethlyn!

    Congratulations to Ethlyn! She has earned the title of being the best Lyn of Fire Emblem.

    More detail on scoring can be found in this comment here.

    On today's episode, we have the Battle of the Deans! Famously, the Fire Emblem series has two Deans, but there is also a third Dean from Berwick Saga - so that leaves us with another three-way matchup for today.

    First off, the Myrmidon from Fire Emblem: Gaiden/Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, Deen! Deen is a mercenary who is reluctantly employed by Grieth. He is one half of the Samson/Arran choice of this game, as the player can choose to recruit either him or Sonya.

    Secondly is the dragon knight from Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, Deen! He is a Thracian dracoknight who is ordered by his superior, Prince Arion, to join Leif's army. He joins Leif in Chapter 14 alongside his younger sister, Eda.

    Last but not least is the fighter from Berwick Saga, Dean! I had to ask the people of the r/FE discord's #saga-era channel what he's about, and they said that basically he likes killing people. Yeah.

    Just to review, these are the rules:

    1. Do not be mean to other users; be nice and avoid the ad hominem.

    2. Any argument that isn't sexually explicit is allowed. As LaqOfInterest said, "There are no stupid arguments." Throw down whatever you have! (Yes, ad hominem towards the characters themselves is allowed.)

    3. Mark your spoilers. And just as a reminder, each round lasts 24 hours, and you have to submit a parent-level comment to "vote." Higher effort comments earn 2 points each, while lower effort comments earn 1 point each. Now that the post is done, let's get rolling!

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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    FE7 Redux Tier List Round 20: Vaida and Karla

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    Welcome to Round 20: Vaida and Karla

    Each round will last about 24 hours in between each other. Rate the units in each tier, and give clear explanations as to why. Feel free to comment on each other and discuss why you agree or disagree. Be polite, and remember, this is all in good fun. After the 24 hours, I will review all the answers and understand what the consensus reached has been, posting the result in the next round. If there is no clear majority, a tally will be made. If a tie ensues, well the round will be extended until a tiebreaker comment appears. At the very end, a hub finalized tier list will be created, with links to each and every one of these rounds, providing full analyses for FE7 units as well as a good solid tier list for the community.

    Last Round resulted in Jaffar in D tier, Karel in E tier and Nino in F tier.

    Preliminary Round


    Class: Wyvern Lord (Lances and Swords)

    Joins: Chapter 29

    Base Stats

    9 47 22 21 14 11 22 7 12 8 8

    Growth Rates

    60 45 25 40 30 25 10

    Weapon Ranks

    Swords Lances Axes Bows Staves Anima Magic Light Magic Dark Magic
    A A 0 0 0 0 0 0


    Affinity: Fire


    Class: Swordmaster (Swords)

    Joins: Chapter 31x

    Base Stats

    5 29 14 21 18 16 11 12 7 6 6

    Growth Rates

    60 25 45 55 40 10 20

    Weapon Ranks

    Swords Lances Axes Bows Staves Anima Magic Light Magic Dark Magic
    A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


    Affinity: Dark

    Tiers Being Used:

    Fantastic Performance: S

    Insanely useful from the get go, always a dominant force from the moment they arrive and require little investment if any. Contributes in a significant enough manner that they always sticks out and have a substantial role.

    Includes: Lyn Mode Florina, Nils, Ninian, Marcus

    Great Performance: A

    Extremely useful and always a good addition to a team. Doesn't require too much investment and if they do then it's enough to make them stand out compared to most units. Biggest things holding them back are that they either don't stand out as much as the S tiers or even with investment they aren't as dominant in their role as the S tiers.

    Includes: Lyn Mode Sain, Lyn Mode Kent, Lowen, Fiora, Heath, Pent

    Good Performance: B

    Is pretty useful and has some sections of the game where they stand out and help. Overall solid, isn't the most significant unit, but definitely contributes in a helpful way. Aren't the highest priority when it comes to deployment, but will definitely be one of your main choices for deployment to fill out your team at multiple points in the game. Biggest things holding them back are good but not amazing stats that may cause them to be dropped later on for other units, not the best class access, not the best weapon access and maybe not the best availability. Good, but has some significant flaws that hold them back from being great.

    Includes: Florina, Lyn Mode Lucius, Hector, Matthew, Oswin, Priscilla, Raven, Canas, Isadora, Hawkeye, Geitz, Harken

    AOK Performance: C

    Perfectly average, they can make contributions at base sometimes, but investing in them doesn't tend to improve them very much . They may not be deployed for the whole game, but it doesn't hurt to deploy them most of the time either. At the end of the day they are just serviceable, neither a detriment nor a priority when it comes to being used and are essentially filler.

    Includes: Sain, Kent, Serra, Erk, Rath, Lucius, Farina

    Iffy Performance: D

    Can perform a niche role and do something, but generally aren't that useful. Don't really do much and if they do something unique then it's usually done much better by a bunch of other units. Severely outclassed by most other units and while they can do something, it's usually pretty bleh in execution.

    Includes: Lyn Mode Lyn, Lyn Mode Dorcas, Eliwood, Guy, Dart, Legault, Louise, Jaffar

    Lame Performance: E

    Straight up bad, no way around it. There are very few places where they are actually useful, and they are actively difficult units to use effectively. Can probably do something at base such as heal other units, rescue canto others or chip stuff with effective weapons but it's such a bare minimum contribution that calling them good would be a stretch. They can do something, that's the most you can say for them. Other then that they're bad.

    Includes: Lyn, Dorcas, Wallace, Bartre, Karel

    Meme Performance: F Rank

    These units are just really bad, complete bottom of the barrel. So bad that even with an insane amount of investment they either end up still bad or at best incredibly mediocre and this is accounting for immense babying and all stat boosters going to them. E ranks can at least do something that counts as contribution. These units can't even have that as a claim to fame, they're so bad that they just do little if anything in a non casual/non meme context.

    Includes: Wil, Rebecca, Nino

    Next Round will be Renault and Athos.

    submitted by /u/Excadrill1201
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    I know it's not canon but I've made a map of Elibe and Magvel in the same world! I put Elibe a bit higher because Ila is full of snow and this way the desert of Nabata is at the same height as the desert of Jehanna! I hope you like it �� (The GBA games are my favourite!)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    PoC Micaiah

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 03:54 PM PDT

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