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    Monday, April 26, 2021

    Fire Emblem Lyn driving an over complicated tank with a tray of cookies for no particular reason

    Fire Emblem Lyn driving an over complicated tank with a tray of cookies for no particular reason

    Lyn driving an over complicated tank with a tray of cookies for no particular reason

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    Go For It, Anna! (OC)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    (OC) FEHNUTS #2: "The Most Apt." feat. Sigurd, Alec, Noish, Oifey, and ----.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    [Bunny Emblem] Cynthia makes for quite the cute bunny! It's been a while since I'm bunnified some of the characters from FF, but I'll get more into it sooner or later haha

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    Ingrid & Dorothea A-support

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 04:02 PM PDT

    I've just finished playing all 16 mainline FE games. Here are my thoughts. (Very long) (Obvious Spoilers)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 03:54 PM PDT


    I'm a recent FE fan, from that 3H batch that we all know about. After playing 3H, I went and played all the other games, in order. However, before that, I had a few experiences with FE.

    (I'm not goning to talk about the Smash Bros. games, but I think we may count them as well.)

    Many years ago (I'd say about 7 to 10 years ago), I tried playing FE7 for the first time. I really liked it, but my anxiety did not allow me to play such a restrictive game: weapon durability, permadeath, growth percentage, hit rates etc. I quit without ever finishing Lyn's story.

    After a few years, a bit more recently, I tried FE7 again. For some reason, I wanted to know and like the game. The music moved me in a very particular way, especially Winds Across the Plains. This time, I finished Lyn's story, but stopped again, because life is a crazy thing. Everytime I thought about resuming the playthrough, I also thought I'd fortget many things, so it would be better to start over, but only when if I was certain that I could go through the end; otherwise, I'd simply begin, stop again, and forget everything once again. I decided to not even attempt again.

    As a child, I had a SNES, and that was my only console ever. As an adult, I bought a DS with my own money, but did not play any FE game, mainly because I didn't even know that there would be a DS FE game. I wasn't very interested in it anyway. Then, my boyfriend (we're not together anymore) gave me a Wii U, around the time Nintendo lauched Smash 4. That was the time I got back to games, back to Nintendo.

    So, having a Wii U, I didn't have many opportunities to play a FE game (I didn't even know about Radiant Dawn by the time... sadly I don't have that Wii U anymore). However, I soon started to play Fire Emblem Heroes. Again, for some weird reason, I wanted to get deeper into the franchise, even without any good reason for that. It's like I missed knowing what it was like to be an FE fan, despite never having been one. And I was born in 1990, so I can't even say it's from past lives.

    After a few years playing FEH (almost from day 1), my boyfriend (a different one... we're not together anymore, but we're very very good friends) gave me a Switch (yeah, I know, lucky me). Some time after, I also tried FE Warriors. I really liked the game, but I was missing something, and I wasn't aware of what.

    Then... Three Houses came. I really wanted to play the game, but I didn't have much time by the time, or enough money to buy games (I live in Brazil, and buying physical copies of Nintendo games here is significantly more difficult and often pricier than, say, in Japan or the US). So I just waited a bit more.

    (There may be many unmarked spoilers anywhere from this point on.)


    On February 2020, I bought the game. And I played more than 200 h straight. All routes (SN -> AM -> VW -> DLC story -> CF). I felt in love with the game instantly, and I couldn't simply finish it and carry on with my live. Something triggered inside me, as if that weird feeling from before, from the unfinished FE7 attempts, awakened and changed my life. I knew I had to go on with FE, I had to experience all I couldn't before.

    I loved the story, in particular. I like to be moved by these things, and 3H did it. I managed to play the game without spoilers, so I was really surprised with the plot and turning points of the game.

    I soon began to play Warriors much much more, and read a lot about 3H on the internet. Then I found this subreddit, and the wikis, and serenesforest and everything. I knew 3H was my first experience in FE, but that there were at least 15 other games I skipped. So, I decided to go through all of them, in chronological order.

    CHAPTER 2: 暗黒竜と光の剣

    I happen to know Japanese (I teach it), and the NSO apps were there, in my Switch. I knew that Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light was there, in the Japanese version, so I created a Japanese account, donwloaded the app and started to play the game. In the beginning, I was really afraid of making mistakes, because I read somewhere that these old games were significant harder that 3H, which was my only experience with the franchise. So I played the whole game with a LP guide by my side, checking every move, not wanting to miss a single dialogue. I was really excited to play as Marth and to know his origins. The game felt... sacred, holy, I don't know. It was like I was experiencing ancient and mystic history firsthand.

    Of course, it was tiresome in many parts, since the game is very slow. Also, I like to play safe, so I always end up overleveled, due to arena abuse. Since the NSO app had both rewind and savestate features, and I didn't have much experience with the game, I played very very carefully, checking guides, always having 4 savestates at a time (1 for the chapter, 1 for the turn, and 2 for moves I felt were risky). I made spreadsheets with weapon status, growth rates etc., and printed them, to help me.

    After finishing it, I wanted more. I needed to go on to gaiden, which was not easily accessed through consoles nowadays. I then resorted to that very simple way to play old games, and we all know what it is.

    CHAPTER 3: 外伝 (yes, in Japanese again)

    In Gaiden, I was still very insecure with my FE skills. I also played with a LP guide, checking recruitments and other stuff on serenes forest and the wikis. Also, before beginning a new game, I tried to read about it, always avoiding spoilers. I read about mechanics, innovations, changes, reception, etc., as if I had access to the game manual and its context.

    I instantly felt the difference in Gaiden, but I liked it. I especially liked being able to grind indefinitely, since being overleveled is my thing. However, even know Japanese, I was starting to feel one odd thing: by playing in Japanese, with Japanese names for characters, weapons, tomes, items, places, I kind of felt "secluded" from the general English-speaking fanbase, either here or anywhere else. I was used to names like リブロ―, which has nothing to do with "Physic". Also, I play Heroes in English, and I wanted to easily make connections between the mainline games and my other FE experiences. So, I dedided that, after Gaiden, I was going to play the games in English, even the ones without an official translation.

    I really liked Gaiden, especially the story. It was wonderful to see it again in SoV later (the last one I played, and finished it yesterday). The game also felt somewhat sacred, holy, I don't know how to explain it.

    CHAPTER 4: Mystery of the Emblem

    I played both Book 1 and 2, in order. Since I had already played FE01, I tried Book 1 without a guide. I just checked serenes forest for recruitment, items and stuff. This became my standard approach to the following FE games as well.

    I started playing FE3 at a normal pace, but then rushed it by the end of Book 1, since I already knew what was going to happen. This change of mindset helped me develop my FE skills. It helped me become less afraid of making certain moves, and less over-careful about everything (still, no deaths).

    The overall experience with the game was... weird. I don't like the SNES aesthetic very much, and I didn't like it especially in FE03. The colors, the sprites, the sounds (not the music itself, but the samples), it all felt... not pleasant, but not bad either. On the other hand, I also felt transported to another era, back to the 90s. It may sound obvious, but many things from the 90s don't have the ability to make you feel in the 90s.

    Then I began Book 2. I really disliked it. Everything was confusing, and the story was kind of... meh. I continued playing anyway, until we begin the Anri Way part. There, everything changed, especially by the end of Chapter 12. Going through all those hostile places, while Xane explained everything to us, I don't know, I really felt like Marth, like it was really me doing all those things. From that moment on, I just played the game, no guides, no "checking everything because I don't want to miss stuff". No, I just played it. And I felt heroic, epic.

    FE3 is not a game I plan on playing again, but those memories are very special to me.

    CHAPTER 5: Genealogy

    Playing Genealogy began as a very stressful experience, because I had already read in many places that this game is one of the best. I felt like I had to like it, I had to understand everything, all the references. Because of this (and my anxiety), I always started a new FE game very very worried and excited at the same time. I felt something like an invisible peer pressure. By the time, I was checking this subreddit almost everyday (and the one for heroes as well).

    I won't say much about the game, but I loved it. The music, especially, was very very good. The skill system was very confusing, so I played the whole game without caring about it. It was tough, but I also knew Thracia would come next, so, again, I felt like I couldn't think FE4 was hard, because the next one was supposed to be the hard one.

    I also didn't care about the perfect couples for Gen 2. From a certain point of the game, I just went on, playing, enjoying. I plan to play FE4 again sometime(s).

    CHAPTER 6: Thracia

    When I started playing the game (again, excited, anxious and under invisible pressure, lol), I also thought: "Oh, come on, this game can't be as hard as people say on the internet...".

    It is as hard as people say in the internet.

    From chapter 1 I was already asking myself: "How am I supposed to have gold and better equipment for thos game?". Ah, a classic for Thracia. After I got to chapter 3 (and already losing 2 units), I decided to start again, now understanding the game a bit better.

    Then, more "What?!" moments happened again, like in Chapter 4. But then came chapter 5, and I felt something that became more and more elusive in games: I was excited! I felt the "good worry and fear" of having to save Eyvel. That music, that scene, the urge to go fast... it was unique!

    But then... things started to get really hard really fast. On chapter 7, I had to restart many many times, I don't even remember how many. Someone always died, and, oh boy, that darn poison axe...

    It was then that I gave up. I cheated. I used codes. I wanted to experience the story, much more than the difficulty, so I cheated. I know, I know, it's not real Thracia experience. I want to play the game again, now with the experience I have from having played all 16 games. Then I won't use cheats again. Also, I wasn't using codes all the time. Just eventually, to deal with very difficult moments.

    Despite the illegitimate playthtrough, Thracia is one of my favorite games. The story is really good, and the music is perfect! Leif became one of my favorite Lords (and I want to cosplay as him someday).

    CHAPTER 7: Binding Blade and Blazing Blade

    I'll start by saying that I don't like this game very much. I liked the music, the sprites, I liked to know Roy's story, but the plot is very "meh". I don't intend to play it again, but I probably will at some point, because, apparently, now I'm a dying hard fan of FE. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    When I began FE7, it was a magical moment. Listening to the Winds Across the Plains again was very, very nostalgic. Also, after having played 3H and FE1 to FE6, this game was like a completely different game from when I tried it years before. Now, I understood everything, the mechanics, the stats, the cliches. And I also noticed how drastically the overall style of the game changed. The way dialogue was handled, compared to previous FE games.

    I loved FE7, and I plan to play it again, especially because I didn't play Hector mode. I intentionally left it there, because it would be a very very good excuse to return to the game later.

    CHAPTER 8: Sacred Stones

    I loved this game, a lot! I don't know why, but I loved it. It's like the combinations of map design, color palette and music made me feel transported to a different "thing". Everything felt so different that I enjoyed the game a lot, from beginning to end. I really liked the world map and the skirmishes (again, I like to grind and get overleveled).

    Since the game has a route split, I went with Eirika, and left Ephraim for a future replay of the game, wchich I plan to do in the near future.

    CHAPTER 9: Tellius Duology

    In the beginning, everything was too new for me, for some reason. This was the game I knew the least amount of things. The only major spoiler was Black Knight's identity, from Heroes. Other than that, I knew absolutely nothing. And that was really really good.

    I can't really talk about the games in a separate way. For me, one cannot simply play one without the other.

    The story is one of the best ones, across the entire franchise. I loved so many things, the music, the CGs, the plot. I just didn't like some characters, a bit more that the usual for me. Also, how the heck am I supposed to know I'll end up using Mist later...? Also, picking only 10 units for the last section of RD was terrible, I hated it. If I knew it beforehand, I would've planned my roster in a completerly different way (I plan to do it when I replay the games).

    The duology is amog my favorites in the FE ranking. I can't decide if I prefer them or Thracia, but they are my favorites.

    CHAPTER 10: The DS Remakes

    I didn't really like Shadow Dragon. And the reason is not "graphics and stuff", no, it's simply because I was tired of the same Archanean plot. I had played FE1 and FE3 (book 1) already, so it was like playing the same game for the third time, but with many improvements. If there were no FE3 book 1, I think I would have liked Shadow Dragon much much more. (Also, WTH, Intelligent Systems, what is this gaiden chapter requirement? Are you insane?)

    As for New Mystery, I enjoyed it much more. The avatar thing was not very nice, but the added story parts were awesome, from the prologue to the side quests. Also, similarly to FE3's book 2, when I reached Anri's Way, I got drawn by the game, feeling heroic, epic. I just enjoyed the game from this point onward, but it's not one of my favorites.

    PARALOGUE: Before the 3DS era

    By the time I was finishing the DS games, I was already a die-hard FE fan, so that many friend of mine now think of me by that definition. In other words, if they were to describe me to someone, they would add "loves FE" right in the beginning, after the basics. I talk about FE to them all the time, to the point of feeling that I am being boring.

    However, with that, I've already convinced 3 people to play FE. People that had no contact with the game (except for, in some cases, Smash). I was also buying other FE-related stuff, like amiibos, keychains and a novelization of FE01in Japanese.

    In January 2021, I also published the Language of the Emblem, with the aim of helping people learn Japanese with FE. I'm working on it, to publish even more resources, frequently.

    As soon as I finished New Mystery, I hit a conundrum. I don't own a 3DS, and emulating it is quite hard if you don't have a good machine and don't know what you're doing. So, after much research, I decided to buy a 3DS, and so I did it. The following FE games I played were all with physical copies of the cartridges.

    (It also made me want to buy the previous cartridges/CDs as well, but now with no hurry.)

    CHAPTER 11: Awakening

    I was really, really excited about awakening. I knew most of the story because of Warriors and "life", but was excited anyway.

    I didn't like the game, but I played it a lot, and I still want to play it more. Let me explain.

    The game is very easy, and the plot is terrible. However, I loved grinding a lot, maxing all the stats, getting all the skills and stuff. I'm still doing it, and I plan to do it with every character.

    But I wouldn't enjoy playing through the main story again. Also, I have some DLC yet to buy and play.

    CHAPTER 12: FATES (the 3 versions)

    I began with Conquest, because it was the only physical version I found online to buy. What I knew from Fates was the bascis (from Warriors story, and Heroes's flavor text). I was very excited to know more about Azura, because I knew the song and loved it. As soon as Conquest began, I was like: "Is this Fire Emblem...?"

    I was really confused for many chapters. Ultimately, I finished Conquest, and I didn't like it very much. At some point, I was only rushing through the game to have it finished. The ending was very underwhelming.

    Then I began Birthright. Wow, knowing Nohrian and Hoshidan characters from before was a very crucial thing. It changed everything. Although I can never say what it would be like to plau Birthright without having ever played Conquest, I'm sure that it made a huge difference. When I met Leo, Camilla, Xander and all the other as enemies... it was something else. It was more or less like in 3H, with the different routes.

    The gameplay, however, was still very meh. It began to be good only after the middle of the campain, or somewhere around it. Then I began to really enjoy it. When I beat the game, I cried with Azura vanishing. That was the first time I cried in a FE game. I was really moved.

    Then came Revelations, which began very very good, up until 90% of the game. The final maps, however, were terrible, and I hated the ending. Also, Revelations plot makes Birthright and Conquest kind of... useless? Their endings now sound very wrong, very fake.

    Overall, I liked fates. I want to play it again, but I don't know how to deal with the versions. I enjoyed playing Birthright, but now its plot is kind of weird... I'm still figuring it out.

    (Also, I was really happy to be able to gay-marry Niles with my male Corrin.)

    CHAPTER 13: Shadows of Valentia

    For SoV, I managed to buy the limited edition (American). And I love it! Now I want all the other ones, lol. I almost bought Fate's limited edition, but it was veeeery expensive here in Brazil.

    SoV is very beautiful. I loved the VA, the art, the animations (wow, the battle animations!), the maps, THE MUSIC!!!! Oh, the music! I was very excited, all the time. I remembered Gaiden, the maps, the music, the plot, the dialogs. It was perfect. The changes were all very good, the additions, the adaptations. THE ANIME CUTSCENES!!!!

    I haven't played any DLC yet (need to buy them), so I'll still revisit the game. Even without it, I want to play again in the future.

    ENDGAME (and the future)

    I still have much to do. I want to play 3H again, after having played all the 15 previous games. I also want to play TMS#FE Encore (which I already have). I want to revisit FE7 and 8, for Hector Mode and Ephraim's route. I want to replay Thracia in a legit way. I want to max stats with all characters in Awakening. Also, play all DLC in Awakening, Fates and SoV. So, I still have much to do.

    I also plan to buy more FE-related things, like amiibos, physical media, official merch and stuff. I'm also working on Language of the Emblem (currently, Path of Katakana).

    I'm very happy with this new passion. It kind of fills a void I had with gaming. For a long time, I played games without much enthusiasm, except for a few occasions. But this flame has been reawakened for good, and I don't want it to extinguish ever again.

    submitted by /u/chr_perrotta
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    Not dawn much in a long time, thought I'd return to my roots and draw Micaiah ♥

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    Bylethea for a long time supporter (OC)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    We are unique bunch from all walking of life once you get to know us I sure you'll love it here and Don't worry no one will die we will get everyone out safely. This is my yuri cosplay hope you will like it :D

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    Albino Eagle

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 08:39 PM PDT

    Radiant Dawn BEXP level stat gains

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    While it's well known that Radiant Dawn BEXP levels are guaranteed to give 3 stats, there doesn't seem to be any information on how these 3 stats are generated. I decided to do some testing myself by giving Laura 500 BEXP levels (while ensuring that she never had any capped stats) and recording her stat gains. These were my results:

    HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
    Number of stat gains 97 24 390 404 345 158 29 53
    Percentage 19.4% 4.8% 78% 80.8% 69% 31.6% 5.8% 10.6%
    Growth rate 45 20 70 70 70 50 20 35

    These results came as a surprise to me. The first thing to notice is that low growth rates have an even lower chance to grow than expected while high growth rates have a higher chance to grow than expected. The second thing is that while her magic, skill and speed growths are all the same, she got fairly different results for each of these.

    My hypothesis for how levels are generated is as follows:

    The game rolls a level up for her highest growth rate stat. Then it rolls a level up for her second highest growth rate stat, then her third and so on until she has gained 3 stats. If it goes though all 8 stats without having gained 3 stat levels, it cycles back to the first stat and repeats the process for all stats that didn't already increase. This doesn't explain how the game decides which stat to roll first in the case of a tie.

    I wrote a program to simulate this hypothesis and the results seem to line up with the data although it's definitely possible that I'm wrong about something.

    submitted by /u/eutjjkujl
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    Set 2 of the Fire Emblem Cipher Fanseries has been released! Check out some of the amazing art made by the talented artists of the Cipher Fanseries Discord! If you wanna join in on the next set, just click the link below!

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 06:45 PM PDT

    Step 15: Let go of the past

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    What do you think is the most frustrating map in FE and why?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    Mine has got to be "Camilla" from Fates Birthright. I dont care if I'm bad, this map sends waves after waves of promoted enemies at you, meanwhile constantly pelting you with residual damage from the dragon veins. Not to mention the fucking reinforcements. Also it's a rout. Isn't it lovely to have to go all the way to the start of the map because one enemy is left and he never even approached you so now you have to send one unit all the way back to kill him. Conquest is harder, but at least it's more fun.

    You know what doesn't help either? My god challenging bad luck. I am constantly missing hits that are 80% or higher, and am constantly getting hit by like 20% hits.

    submitted by /u/L9773
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    Never really noticed just how many parallels there are between Pent and Louise, and Clarine and Klein.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    Okay firstly, both Clarine and Klein look so much like their parents. I hadn't really noticed it until I was playing both 6 and 7 at the same time and looking at Clarine and Louise's portraits, but wow, they look exactly alike.

    And then there's the obvious one, the fact that Klein is a sniper, just like his mother, and Clarine is a anima magic user, just like her father. (though she does ride a horse.)

    And then the most subtile one I've noticed, when Louise joins, her inventory is a silver bow and a white gem. Coincidentally, her son has the exact same starting inventory.

    I'm sure a ton of other people had noticed this already, but I just thought it was really cool how much they put into the continuity between Klein and Clarine being the kids of Pent and Louise.

    submitted by /u/Echo1138
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    I need a Remaster/Remake to FE9 & 10 (Ike/Tellius Games)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 04:38 PM PDT

    I was getting back into the RPG grind and I had a discussion with my brothers about the best RPG plot. I haven't played FE9&10 in YEARS (we're talking 10+) and I remember vividly the plot and how I was so enamored with it -I even played FE10 first, followed by FE9 after finding a rare copy of it in a boutique store in 2011/2012.

    Granted it could be a lot of nostalgia in my early tween/teenage years but the fact that its world-building, plot, and characters still remain in tact in my head after years of playing other video games does say something, though. Ike continues to be my favourite RPG hero of all-time, hands down. RD was able to make you feel like you were actually within a world war, that also showcases war isn't black-and-white but rather grey. I remember all the plot twists, and then after playing FE9 a lot of character motivations/plot intricacies started to click in my head. It's really so cleverly built and exposed. Obviously, there are flaws but I have yet to see a game that is as ambitious as FE PoR and RD.

    With that said, I can't even replay the games (legally lol) since my Wii is at an unknown location at this point and so is the beloved copy of FE9 (I bet that would cost a lot by now too...). I also remember the disc breaking and me having to run to Blockbuster to get the disc fixed lol- time flies now that I'm looking back at all these moments. I NEED this game for the Switch ASAP!!

    Oh, for context I've played all the localized FEs except for 3 Houses (I have a bunch of RPGs to finish off before I play it D:), plus a fan-translated FE6 way back. I still hold FE9 and 10 as my favourite FEs, by far. I wonder, now that we're in a post Awakening FE, if they'll ever graze on the earlier game remakes and satisfy pre-Awakening FE fans. I'm fairly sure there are a lot of veterans who also hold Ike's games in high regard (or so I hope)!

    submitted by /u/iamdoneundergrad
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    Got some Cipher Cards for the first time. Here’s some of them.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    Not sure if we're still doing Iceberg posts, but I just made one.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2021 11:52 PM PDT

    I noticed something interesting while going through TMS#FE concept art.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2021 11:36 AM PDT

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