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    Tuesday, May 11, 2021

    Fire Emblem I drew F!Corrin

    Fire Emblem I drew F!Corrin

    I drew F!Corrin

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    POV: You're using FE11's Wing Spear

    Posted: 11 May 2021 07:01 AM PDT


    Posted: 11 May 2021 05:06 PM PDT

    [OC] Mommy Maribelle & Brady - Learning Manners (FE Awakening)

    Posted: 11 May 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    Pollen (not fallen) Claude

    Posted: 11 May 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    Reposting these Dimitris i drew bc i just think he’s neat

    Posted: 11 May 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - First Impressions Die Hard

    Posted: 11 May 2021 06:48 PM PDT

    [OC] For my Speech class I had to demonstrate how to do something so I demonstrated how to draw using Genny!

    Posted: 11 May 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    I made a Tellius Cipher wallpaper!

    Posted: 11 May 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    Character Study: Leonie

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Before I start, let me give a disclaimer that I am not a professional at this in any way, and I'm not calling anyone out for their opinions. I'm just doing this for fun. I am also an idiot and I probably didn't mention everything I could have. Okay? Okay.


    Of all the characters in the Fire Emblem franchise to have a strong appreciation for, most people would call me crazy for choosing to have one for Leonie. Of all the girls in Three Houses most people would call her one of the weakest. Some would go so far as to say they hate her. Well, I tend to have an attraction to characters that often go unappreciated. That's why I'm here to try and explain the intricacies of her character. I hate seeing characters like Leonie go unappreciated and borderline hated by so much of the community.

    Leonie is a character with a lot of layers to her. Everyone notices the surface level traits of her character, which become apparent through her supports. She has an obsessive appreciation for Jeralt, and she's quite stingy. However, those are only on the surface, with the real meat of the character being a little deeper. Leonie is a character defined by pride. Both the presence and lack of it. She is a person who so severely wants to be great, but can't help feeling like she doesn't deserve it. She eats up praise while simultaneously deflecting it and saying how she isn't worthy of it. She is a textbook example of imposter syndrome. She feels she doesn't deserve anything, and puts up an appearance of confidence to try and prove to herself that she does deserve it. However, it's only through outside help that she finally sees it. Mainly through her interactions with Byleth.

    Yes, I'm here to argue that Leonie's supports with Byleth are great. In fact, they are the most important to understanding her character. In most of her other supports, she plays second fiddle to the other characters. Those where she has a more vital role don't say too much. Byleth is the most important character to understanding Leonie, which is why a lot of this will focus on their relationship and supports. Now, enough stalling. Let's get into things.



    I feel the best place to start is the area where everyone else stops. That being Leonie's outer shell. In any interaction she has, Leonie puts up this aura of confidence and assuredness in her ability and skills. This is fully showcased in her supports with characters like Felix. There, she fully showcases her skills in combat and general talent. She also makes sure that everyone knows that she's good, which causes a lot of people to feel she's overconfident.

    I could take some time to compare her to characters like Lorenz in this regard, who also seem overconfident in their ability. However, Lorenz and characters like him are more respected in the community due to them being humbled in their supports and growing as people, which most people don't see Leonie as performing. They expect her to have this revelation where she realizes that she can't think she's better than everyone else, when expecting that is the opposite of how she actually feels.

    I'm not sure if this is a bold statement or not, but I'm confident that the confident persona that Leonie showcases is just that. A persona. A false vision of herself that she puts on for others to see. This becomes clear through her responses to praise and criticism. Whenever she gets praise from others, which happens quite often, her first response is to deflect and deny it. She consistently refuses to accept the criticism, affirming that she isn't anyone special. Now, this is a normal thing for people to do, but it conflicts with the vision that the community has of Leonie. Why would someone like Leonie, who is supposedly overconfident and prideful, deflect criticism? Wouldn't she act more like Lorenz and Ferdinand and eat it up? Combine this with how she reacts to criticism. If Leonie really was someone who was overconfident in her own skills, why would she take every bit of criticism as gospel? In her supports with Lysithea, she immediately abandons her own training routine after Lysithea criticizes it for not being fully efficient. This isn't the only circumstance where this occurs. Whenever Leonie receives criticism, she fully accepts it and embraces it, which is the opposite of what she does for praise.

    Compare this to how supporting Leonie is to others. In so many of her supports (Raphael, Ignatz, Seteth), she is the one to encourage others to follow their passions and praise them for their talents. She desires to help others but refuses to help herself. This is a sign that she actually thinks very little of herself. She denies those who wish to praise her and accepts those who wish to belittle her. It's a subconscious way of showcasing how she really feels. That is, in a word, insecure.


    At first glance, most people don't see how Leonie can be a character with insecurities. She doesn't rub her insecurities in everyone's face like Marianne or Bernadetta, and her veil of confidence does a good job of hiding how she actually thinks and feels. However, there are moments when her true feelings shine through. Take her supports with Catherine, for example. In those, Leonie becomes distraught and starts to belittle herself over losing to Catherine, and bemoans how her lack of a crest or relic makes her inadequate as a fighter. This reveals that she secretly feels worse than her compatriots, feeling that her blood makes her worse off than the people around her.

    For another example, look at her supports with Sylvain. Despite how she speaks with him, she's clearly put off by the fact that he doesn't see her as a girl. It clearly messes up her head in some way, even if she is repulsed by the way Sylvain treats her when he changes his attitude toward her. She feels out of place in all aspects of herself. She feels out of place as a fighter, and she feels out of place as a girl. She's a walking paradox, striving to exist in all areas at once, and sometimes doing so, but also never truly reaching any peak.

    Her past plays into this. As shown in her supports with Ignatz, she was never given any chances to think about herself other than pure survival. She could never take any time to figure out who she is or what she wants, so she tries to compensate by doing everything. She desires to strongly to be good at hunting because it's all she's ever known. She desires so strongly to be a mercenary because its all she's ever known. She's fortunate that she's actually good at that stuff and she genuinely does want to do that stuff, because she would be a complete wreck otherwise. She never got the chance to figure out who she is, so it's no wonder she feels so insecure about her position. All she feels that she is is a simple hunter from a village in the middle of nowhere, because that's all she ever aspired to be. She never had the chance to want for anything more, so placing her among nobles and knights makes her feel terrible.

    This plays into the greater implications of her imposter syndrome. She feels inadequate and unfitting of the position she's in. She tries to make herself seem confident and capable to attempt to convince herself that she is, but she can't. Deep down, she still feels inadequate. She feels like she can't be the perfect mercenary she wants to be, and she can't live up to the dreams she has the expectations she places upon herself. This is what causes her to act the way she does, and constantly attempt to prove herself. However, she can never succeed at this. She only ever feels confident in one area, and that's whenever Jeralt is involved.


    Jeralt is the only person in Leonie's life who ever got through to her and had her believe that she was something above nothing. The reason Leonie constantly mentions how she was trained by Jeralt is because that is the one aspect of herself she is confident in. Jeralt is her anchor. He is the thing that keeps her moving. His teachings and her experiences with him are what inspire her to keep moving and avoid falling entirely to her insecurities.

    Oftentimes, people can become defensive in the one area they feel confident in. I would know, as this is something that I suffer from myself. When referring to Jeralt, Leonie doesn't deny praise. She even becomes defensive of his teachings and seeks to validate them, as shown in her supports with Felix. She accepts it because this is the one part of herself where she feels she deserves it, and even then she doesn't attribute it to herself. Jeralt is the person she wants to be, as he's the one person who helped Leonie figure out who she is. This is why she emulates so much of Jeralt's personality, as showcased in her supports with Alois and Shamir.

    Without Jeralt, there is no Leonie. Without him, she falls apart. His memory and his presence is what keeps her sane and afloat. Leonie needs Jeralt in order to keep moving forward, as he provides the vision and goal that she wants to reach. When she loses that anchor, she snaps, as shown when Jeralt dies. However, there's one more area where Leonie snaps. That is, when she interacts with the person she feels that has already achieved everything she wants to be. Byleth.


    Byleth is what Leonie sees as herself if she achieved everything she ever wanted. Byleth is a famous mercenary, kind, dangerous, powerful, wise, practically perfect. When Leonie first meets Byleth, she sees his (I'll be referring to Byleth as a he from here on out as I prefer male Byleth) existence as proof that she can do what she sets out to do, as well as a challenge. She realizes that Byleth is the ultimate opportunity for her. If she can best Byleth, she can finally prove to herself that she is worthy and she does deserve what she has. This is why she insists on being his rival.

    She insists on challenging him on every front not to prove that she's better than him, but to prove to herself that she's worthy. She lets her emotions loose around him because, subconsciously, she sees Byleth as a better version of herself. Byleth is Leonie perfected, and she wants nothing more than to be him.

    Of course, this conflicts at points with her own experiences, mainly with how the two deal with Jeralt. While Leonie idolizes Jeralt and puts him on a pedestal, Byleth looks at his father in a much more casual way. This is blasphemous to Leonie, who sees Jeralt as practically a god. For someone on Jeralt's level to not see this is sacrilege to her, so she snaps at him. Everything bottled up came loose in one flood in her B support with Byleth. Her insecurities, her doubts, her pride, her rivalry. They all combined to create the nasty interaction that tainted Leonie's reputation among a majority of players. She lost her anchor, and now there's nothing holding her back on the one person she sees as an enemy.

    Now imagine that's the last interaction you have with someone for five years. If there's anything obvious about Leonie, it's that she's willing to admit when she's wrong. She starts her B support with Byleth by apologizing for getting mad with him before. Every time she gets mad in her supports, she apologizes either right afterward or in the next support. Now imagine how much of an apology an outburst of this caliber warrants. Now imagine that you aren't able to give this apology for five years because the person you wanted to apologize to essentially died.

    This eats away at Leonie. Even if Byleth was someone she saw as a rival, he was the only person who could really understand her. Now she thinks that the one person she felt she could really relate to died hating her. I imagine that, during the five years of the timeskip, Leonie was an emotional wreck. Guilt overtook her and she fully succumbed to everything that had been gnawing at her heart for all these years. She fully plunged herself into fighting to distract herself from how much she had grown to hate herself. She now fully believed that she didn't deserve anything. She didn't deserve to be Jeralt's apprentice, she didn't deserve the hopes and dreams of her village, nothing. She felt she was lower than dirt.

    Then, when Byleth returns, she finally has the chance to fix things. She apologizes in their A support, fully admitting that she was in the wrong. In their last duel, she finally learns that trying to beat Byleth to prove to herself is wrong, and isn't the way of knowing that she deserves what she has. Thanks to Byleth and all of her friends, she realizes that she was worthy all along. She finally gains the confidence she always wanted, even if her old insecurities shine through every once in a while. Her entire life she ignored the praise of others because she felt the only way she could learn to love herself was through her own achievements, when in reality it was through the friendships and relationships she built with others. Of course, she still doesn't fully forgive herself for her past mistakes, which is why she swears to protect Byleth until the end of time. She wants to make it up to both him and Jeralt.

    This is why I feel that Byleth is the best pairing for Leonie. As good as her pairing with Lorenz is, there is no character in the game that does more for Leonie than Byleth. The two of them are parallels in so many ways, and they assist one another in just as many. Byleth is the one person Leonie can feel comfortable around because he's the only person that she showed every side of herself to. Her relationship with Lorenz doesn't do all too much for her in the grand scheme of figuring out her insecurities, as it mainly focuses on getting her to not judge Lorenz. All of her other supports don't do much when it comes to making Leonie a better person. Byleth is the one person who does the most good for Leonie, so her wanting to be with him only makes sense.


    At the end of the day, Leonie never truly abandons her past insecurities and habits. She still insists on paying back every bit of kindness she's given, and she still relies a little too much on Jeralt, but she grows. She improves as a person over the course of the game and learns to accept that, yes, she does deserve her position at the monastery. She deserves the hopes and dreams of her village. She deserves to carry on Jeralt's legacy. She deserves to love herself and stop lying about who she is.

    Leonie is my favorite character in Three Houses, and maybe my favorite character in all of Fire Emblem. There isn't a single character I relate more to than her. She showcases something I've never seen done before by a character in a video game. Being given one, unavoidable bit of praise and confidence, when you otherwise think of yourself as the worst at everything. You latch on to this praise and define yourself by it, as you know of it as the one thing you're good at. Be it a skill you were given an award for or the praise of a mentor, you latch onto this thing and let it become part of you. This does extreme damage to your self esteem, as you abandon pride in any other aspect of yourself. It is only through outside sources that you can learn that this thing doesn't make up who you are.

    It hurts to see Leonie so widely hated. What I see is a character that does something no other character in Three Houses really does. A character with layers upon layers of depth to them, hiding massive amounts of insecurities and emotional baggage. Leonie isn't like the other characters of Three Houses, as she doesn't often voice who she is on the inside. She keeps her feelings a secret, instead putting up a persona that the community hates. However, when you peel back the layers, you see a vulnerable and hurt girl, longing to feel like she's worthy and longing for validation. So please, if you could do just one thing, Give Leonie a second chance. I promise you won't regret it.

    EDIT: It wasn't until after I posted this that I was reminded of Leonie and Byleth's S Support. It says a lot that Leonie's first response to getting proposed to is to assume it's a joke and deny it entirely. Okay, that's everything.

    submitted by /u/KingHades1234
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    Upgraded Fire Emblem Fates Randomizer

    Posted: 11 May 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    Hi /r/fireemblem,

    I've been working on an upgraded Fire Emblem randomizer based on the one by thane89 and I've finally got it working.

    The link is here: https://github.com/lashoun/upgraded-fefates-randomizer


    On the one hand, I refined the randomizer's algorithm in order to provide a more enjoyable game experience. The biggest selling point is the possibility to do a pseudo-Pick My Unit run: if you wish, you can limit yourself to the first 16 units recruited with their classes locked to the ones shown in the ClassSpread.csv file generated by the script.

    On the other hand, I set out to upgrade the whole Fire Emblem experience by rebalancing weapons and adding several quality of life improvements. Those upgrades are completely optional.

    Randomizer Features

    • Each character now gets the stats they would have if they had been assigned the randomized class from the start.
      • For instance, if Ryoma is put in Hinata's recruitment spot (so he will be Lvl 9) and assigned the Archer class, then his stats will be his Lvl 1 stats adjusted with 8 levels of (Ryoma's base growths + Archer class growths);
      • Characters with weak growth rates (Gunter, Fuga, Setsuna, Nyx...) can be buffed so that their total growth rates are at least a certain value (default: 270);
        • In counterpart, it is possible to decrease their total base stats to a certain value to keep things balanced (default: 25).
          • Fuga becomes completely busted if this is not done.
    • Similar to the original randomizer, stats will be shuffled a bit. The default settings are:
      • 10 passes per character, with each pass having:
        • 100% chance of shuffling 5% of growths
        • 50% chance of shuffling 1 stat point
        • 25% chance of shuffling 1 modifier point
    • Random swaps of stats / growths / mods can occur (always all three, except for Lck):
      • Str / Mag (default: according to class)
      • Skl / Spd (default: 20% chance)
      • Def / Res (default: 20% chance)
      • Lck / ? (default: [Lck Growth]% chance, only if Lck stat / growth / mod is superior)
    • Fixed skill randomization and removed unbalanced ones (Bold Stance (120), Point Blank (121), Winged Shield (122), Paragon (138), Armor Shield (139), Beast Shield (140), Taker Skills (142->148), Ballistician skills (149->152), Warp (154))
    • "Catch 'em all" mode: minimize duplicate final classes according to the chosen route.
    • A lot of other customization options are available.

    Upgraded Fates Features

    • Dawn / Dusk Armories and Rod / Staff shops available in every route
    • Changes to weapon triangles: Tome <-> Axe, Dagger <-> Sword, and Bow <-> Lance become neutral
      • Rationale: range weapons can already hit melee weapons without retaliation so they shouldn't have weapon advantage on top of that
    • Weapon Ranks changed; in practice, every rank is matched with the one below. E-rank hell only lasts for one hit now!
      • D 21 -> 2
      • C 51 -> 22
      • B 96 -> 52
      • A 161 -> 97
      • S 251 -> 162
    • Weapon Updates: increased the difference between Hoshidan and Nohrian weapons, nerfed the hell out of those busted hidden weapons, doubled Staff Exp for convenience.
      • Swords, Lances, Yumis, Scrolls: +1 Mt, -5 Hit, -5 Avo
      • Katanas, Naginatas, Bows, Tomes: -1 Mt, +10 Hit, +5 Avo
      • Axes: +1 Mt, -5 Hit, -10 Avo
      • Clubs: -1 Mt, +5 Avo, +5 Crit
      • Daggers: -2 Mt, -5 Hit
      • Shurikens: -4 Mt, +5 Avo, -10 Hit, +5 Ddg
      • Staff: Staff Exp x2 for those listed
        • Heal 10 -> 12 Mt
        • Mend 20 -> 25 Mt
        • Physic 7 -> 9 Mt
        • Recover 35 -> 45 Mt
        • Fortify 7 -> 9 Mt
      • Rod: Staff Exp x2 for those listed
        • Bloom Festal 7 -> 4 Mt
        • Sun Festal 14 -> 10 Mt
        • Wane Festal 2 -> 1 Mt
        • Moon Festal 25 -> 20 Mt
        • Great Festal 2 -> 1 Mt

    Wanna give it a try? Check the repository and follow the instructions to run it!

    submitted by /u/lashoun
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    FE7 But every enemy has 100% Crit

    Posted: 11 May 2021 03:23 PM PDT

    FE9 Redux Tier List Round 14: Muarim and Devdan

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    FE9 Redux Tier List Round 14: Muarim and Devdan


    Welcome to Round 14: Muarim and Devdan

    Each round will last about 24 hours in between each other. Rate the units in each tier, and give clear explanations as to why. Feel free to comment on each other and discuss why you agree or disagree. Be polite, and remember, this is all in good fun. After the 24 hours, I will review all the answers and understand what the consensus reached has been, posting the result in the next round. If there is no clear majority, a tally will be made. If a tie ensues, well the round will be extended until a tiebreaker comment appears. At the very end, a hub finalized tier list will be created, providing full analyses for FE9 units as well as a good solid tier list for the community.

    Preliminary round

    The results from the last round are Tormod D and Stefan C



    Class: Beast Tribe (Tiger)

    Joins: Chapter 15

    Base stats (untransformed)

    9 45 16 4 13 15 11 12 5 14 7 29

    Base stats (transformed)

    9 45 23 4 17 18 11 15 8 29 9 29

    Growth rates

    145 70 5 70 55 35 40 45


    Affinity: Thunder




    Class: Halberdier

    Joins: Chapter 16

    Base stats

    4 36 14 7 15 13 16 11 10 12 7 16

    Growth rates

    75 60 30 40 35 40 45 25

    Weapon ranks

    Swords Lances Axes Bows Staves Fire magic Thunder magic Wind magic
    0 B 0 0 0 0 0 0


    Affinity: Fire

    Skill: Serenity



    • The game is played somewhat efficiently. No grinding, boss abuse, etc.
    • The game is played on the NA Hard version
    • Killing enemies quickly is good. Killing enemies slowly is bad. Anything that results into either of these directions, be it high offensive or defensive stats, movement, 1-2 range, availability, etc is fair game. Finishing chapters quickly is cool too.
    • Personality and other story-related things do not matter. Sorry, everyone's a robot.
    • All characters are recruited. Recruitment cost is thus a non-issue.
    • This is not an LTC playthrough, so there's no need to go that extreme. But it's not a completionist one either.
    • Supports are acknowledged as a part of the character's viability
    • Votes must have an explanation with them. I'm not asking for a paragraph but the bare minimum is a sentence or two describing why you're putting X unit into Y tier. If you do not put an explanation under your votes, your vote shall not be counted
    • When it comes to resources like BEXP, characters are tiered with how well they make use of possible resources, if they have other competition for said resources and how well they perform without them. Arguments as to why a certain units deserves investment are important.
    • Be respectful


    Tiers Being Used:

    Fantastic Performance: S

    Insanely useful from the get go, always a dominant force from the moment they arrive and require little investment if any. Contributes in a significant enough manner that they always sticks out and have a substantial role. The game changes substantialy when these units are sidelined.

    Includes: Titania, Marcia, Jill

    Great Performance: A

    Extremely useful and always a good addition to a team. Doesn't require too much investment and if they do then it's enough to make them stand out compared to most units. Biggest things holding them back are that they either don't stand out as much as the S tiers or even with investment they aren't as dominant in their role as the S tiers.

    Includes: Oscar, Kieran

    Good Performance: B

    Is pretty useful and has some sections of the game where they stand out and help. Overall solid, isn't the most significant unit, but definitely contributes in a helpful way. Aren't the highest priority when it comes to deployment, but will definitely be one of your deployment options to fill out your team. Biggest things holding them back are good but not amazing stats, not the best class access, not the best weapon access and maybe not the best availability. Good, but has some significant flaws that hold them back from being great.

    Includes: Ike, Boyd, Soren, Rhys, Ilyana, Mist, Mordecai, Volke, Astrid, MAkalov

    AOK Performance: C

    Perfectly average, they do work and can become pretty good with investment but do fine without investment. At the end of the day they are just serviceable, neither a detriment nor a priority when it comes to being used and are essentially filler.

    Includes: Lethe, Stefan

    Iffy Performance: D

    Can perform a niche role and do something, but generally aren't that useful. Don't really do much and if they do something unique then it's usually done much better by a bunch of other units. Severely outclassed by most other units and while they can do something, it's usually pretty bleh in execution.

    Includes: Gatrie, Zihark, Tormod

    Lame Performance: E

    Straight up bad, no way around it. There are very few places where they are actually useful, and they are actively difficult units to use effectively. Can probably do something at base such as heal other units, rescue canto others or chip stuff with effective weapons but it's such a bare minimum contribution that calling them good would be a stretch. They can do something, that's the most you can say for them. Other then that they're bad.

    Includes: Shinon, Mia, Nephenee, Sothe

    Meme Performance: F Rank

    These units are just really bad, complete bottom of the barrel. So bad that even with an insane amount of investment they either end up still bad or at best incredibly mediocre and this is accounting for immense babying and all stat boosters going to them. E ranks can at least do something that counts as contribution. These units can't even have that as a claim to fame, they're so bad that they just do little if anything in a non casual/non meme context.

    Includes: Rolf, Brom


    The next round will be Ulki and Janaff

    submitted by /u/Kind_Cauliflower160
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    Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - From the Darkness | Orchestral Cover

    Posted: 11 May 2021 06:40 PM PDT

    My Friend Doesn't Know Anything About Fire Emblem so I Brought him to Commentate on my Fe7 Ironman

    Posted: 11 May 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    Silver Snow but it is low budget

    Posted: 11 May 2021 02:39 PM PDT

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