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    Thursday, May 6, 2021

    Fire Emblem i drew tharja and olivia

    Fire Emblem i drew tharja and olivia

    i drew tharja and olivia

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:27 AM PDT

    Lissa with her hair down (commission by @kakiko228)

    Posted: 06 May 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    Ethlyn, playing a Harp

    Posted: 06 May 2021 12:47 PM PDT

    Miss Corrin ♥

    Posted: 06 May 2021 04:43 PM PDT

    Bridal lucina! - decided to give her an axe for a change 'u'

    Posted: 06 May 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    [FE15] Yep, It's Just an Alm

    Posted: 06 May 2021 05:24 AM PDT

    (OC) Fallen Edelgard

    Posted: 06 May 2021 08:10 PM PDT

    My Personal Tier List on The Stories of Fire Emblem

    Posted: 06 May 2021 08:46 AM PDT

    FE6 No Redundancy Edition: An FE6 reskin that fuses together similar units!

    Posted: 06 May 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    Melee Marth

    Posted: 06 May 2021 06:14 PM PDT

    Annette by AkaiRiot!

    Posted: 05 May 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    [FE15] Horsewrestling / Audaryspak

    Posted: 06 May 2021 05:25 AM PDT

    Commander Anna as a Mermaid

    Posted: 06 May 2021 07:26 PM PDT

    Shadiest line in Fire Emblem?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    "What say you to dressing up as me, and ruling as king in my stead? You're so skinny, no one will ever doubt you're a man."

    • Ephraim to Eirika

    I was replaying Sacred Stones earlier when I came across that one. What is the shadiest line in Fire Emblem you can think of?

    submitted by /u/LoZFan96
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    In very big love with my masterchief���� !!

    Posted: 06 May 2021 12:38 PM PDT

    Who would trade that hum at night for sunlight?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    Step 24: Just shoot the boss in the head

    Posted: 06 May 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    Finished first run of FE12, my general thoughts on the design of H3

    Posted: 06 May 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    FE12 is not the first game I've dropped and later returned to. FE6 and SoV both had that treatment and I later finished them and was able to appreciate their differences and where they stand out.

    Unfortunately, I did not feel that way for FE12 on the whole. I've actually beaten the prologue then just lost steam more than once and hoped trying it on a higher difficulty would get me to stick around and not check out as I have beaten most games in this series on their hardest mode at this point.

    FE12 at it's core just is not fun to play for me, but I've been thinking about why that is and I believe it mostly stems from the amount of knowledge the player needs and just doesn't have. I've tried to summarize it into these parts

    1. Reinforcements

    This is very self-explanatory but the amount of maps where there is not a single warning of anything that can just run up and end the existence of one of your units is downright insulting to anything pretending to be a strategy game. Countless maps I had to ask myself if I was going to have to study a third party (FEWOD, sometimes incorrect as well) website just to make sure I could actually play the game.

    Although ironically the map that is most infamous for this is CH12's Graveyard of dragons and that might have been the map in the game I enjoyed most because I still felt pressured after knowing all its quirks instead of just biding my time being careful to not cross a certain line like in ch17, or just remembering to plug up forts in ch16x after I cross the invisible line.

    Palla's ch3 """puzzle""" is really just "know exactly how the cavs spawn"

    2. Forging steep cost + permanent nature

    Forging almost is really cool in this game but gets bogged down due to how you want certain forges to last for many maps (because you're sinking in roughly 60% of your current funds into them) but you just don't know the benchmarks they are supposed to hit in the future while also still facing random bulk rolls.

    I was scared to forge a brave weapon in ch20x because I just wasn't aware of the benchmarks I needed to reach for the future harder maps

    3. Hidden AI rules

    The crit rule and AI L cycling rules are downright undetectable to any reasonable individual. Prologue 2 with Luke and Ryan greatly demonstrates this where Luke has his skill stat roll which occasionally has him change when he targets ryan based on literal rng at the start of the map.

    The L cycling thing is something I didn't actually understand until after I beat Medeus so uh, fun.

    Group AI was extremely intrusive and left me banging my head and brute-forcing the map one inch at a time until enemies decided they would attack me. Most memorable to me was ch11's desert map where an archer a fighter and a wyvern were tied to a random swordmaster moving and I only discovered after my enjoyment of playing the map stopped to a crawl just so this one 12 move 1-2 wyvern would finally decide to move.

    I don't think this is an inherently bad idea but god it's just painfully cryptic.

    4. Just general stat creep

    A perfect example is Catria can not double soldiers/hunters in her join map at base. She is the fastest non palla/caeda unit in the game until ch8 and struggles at base. Ogma not doubling pirates in CH4 is very cool. H3's speed creep getting so massive that dracos double the same as every non Swordmaster/Sniper class barring like... falconknight with starsphere doubling a few warriors in ch19 in roshea village. The only time draco's speedcap feels like a hindrance you just go paladin because there's no more terrain left. Oh and shoutout to 27 speed fire dragons in ch23, honestly left me wondering if they forgot you lost the starsphere.

    Also, I found enemy HP bloat to be incredibly intrusive. I had many points where units using silver weapons could not 3 shot a few generic human enemies late game. I also distinctly remember a 20 strength sniper with Parthia not even 2 shotting a fire dragon late game as well.

    The number of spirit dusts I had to sink into Katarina just so she could handle armored units with not much res because their HP was just sky-high.


    I could not count the number of times I had to reset due to crits, just the overall amount of crit enemy units have just is insane. Just any poor/middling luck unit feels like I actively don't want to use them (Palla/Sirius/Draug/Jeorge/Katarina just to name a few). Mid game Ice dragons skill leads to massive crit, lategame thoron forges, any berserkers, Vyland's gang who you need to kill to recruit him having killer weapons. Snipers having a crit bonus was a mistake. Longbow snipers existing at all was a mistake. Bonus points for when ogma/althena would crit when I didn't want them to on EP (think prologue 7 when you deal with cain's reinforcements) and then they die because they crit 0 luck enemies.


    FE12 was a game with so many fleeting moments of having a really fanstatic time for a few turns (recruiting rickard with julian in ch5) then the maps instantly turned into a time sink or genuine "unless you do this exact manner of handling this you're just gonna waste your time" or just asking to aggressively turtle which I am not a fan of. (once again chapter 5 where marth can't walk past the sniper ranges to reach Hammerne without a rescue boost, ie a highly valuable item use just to save tedium).

    However, on the whole, I found H3 to be near atrocious and found "Any strategy involved is incidental" when it came to enjoying an entire map. I constantly had either player expression in team building ripped away from me, had the desire to find my own solution to a map get ruined when I had to come to a crawl or die to unforeseen reinforcements, or usually both.

    I don't think it's a surprise that the gaidens (ie the completely original maps sprinkled into the game) in this game all reflect this generally cryptic and frustrating design in one regard or another:

    3x is fine tbh just apply draco, idk what happens on t1 enemy phase of 6x

    10x: Challenge is in lack of info (in regards to boss kill)

    13x: Challenge is in lack of info (in regards to ballista in goddamn FE12 fog)

    16x: Challenge is in lack of info (in regards to needing to talk to kat 3 times + enemy trigger line)

    20x: Hahahahahhahahahahahahahha a truly terrible map that embodies everything wrong with FE12 in my eyes

    submitted by /u/SubwayBossEmmett
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    FE8 Ephraim RR LTC Chapter 9 Ephraim Route [Commentary]

    Posted: 06 May 2021 05:20 PM PDT

    Ghost, Demon, Mortal

    Posted: 06 May 2021 09:27 AM PDT

    Just a very small rant, but I truly hate it when games waste our time with pointless questions equal to But Thou Must!

    It would be perfectly fine Sothis called me out on my bullshit then just continue on with the game but tossing me back to pick a different answer with the only "correct" answer being mortal is pointless.

    Hell it would still be fine if she said something different if you chose to lie to her a second time but she just repeats the same line twice and then tosses you back AGAIN to choose mortal, just... why? And why even bother making me select the mortal option after there is literally no other option?


    submitted by /u/Vouru
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