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    Saturday, May 29, 2021

    Fire Emblem Rhea and Byleth playing with cats (commission by @srn_111)

    Fire Emblem Rhea and Byleth playing with cats (commission by @srn_111)

    Rhea and Byleth playing with cats (commission by @srn_111)

    Posted: 29 May 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    Mercedes, Pre-timeskip

    Posted: 29 May 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    Byleth fanart I made

    Posted: 29 May 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    I made a gba sprite of Hilda!

    Posted: 29 May 2021 02:01 AM PDT

    My recent commission piece of Charlotte. Commissions open btw!

    Posted: 29 May 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    I've almost got no friends who're interested in FE soo... I FINALLY BEAT ALL THE ROUTES ON CLASSIC HARD. It's not much but it was so fun. I only used the characters from each house in each route and in CF I've used the Cindered Shadows Guys. I love this game!

    Posted: 29 May 2021 12:54 PM PDT

    BunnyMarianne (Hilda made her do it)�� ( you can support my twitter: @cozybambii)

    Posted: 29 May 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Artist Friend of Mine frequently does fanart of the center Hilda, so I figured I'd have him draw all the Hildas and reference my favorite musical. Of course our favorite delicate flower/cheerleader would be included.

    Posted: 29 May 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    Bridal Selphina and Glade (Thracia776)

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:23 AM PDT

    For Daein

    Posted: 29 May 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    I did Cherche on Miitopia!

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:48 PM PDT

    What was the point in Sothis leaving?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    So, I've talked about my issues with 3H chapter 10 a lot already (you can find that post here), but if there's one thing that annoys me more than anything it's Kronya being unceremoniously killed off. But, if there's one other thing that annoys me to no end it's Sothis merging with Byleth.

    So, merging with Sothis allows Byleth to cut a hole in the dimension and also use the SotC to it's full extent. So, Byleth now controls time, space and has a sword that can cut through mountains? How can they ever be defeated? By falling off a cliff. Yep, Sothis, who could control time and space, doing a bunch of crazy stuff with her powers and despite cutting a hole in the dimension just a month earlyer, Byleth is put into a comatose state for 5 years. How, incompetent do you have to be? And don't forget the story can't stop talking about how Byleth is the most amazing person ever.

    Another problem I have is that Sothis says that merging with Byleth will stop her from being able to talk to Byleth anymore, except she comes back in the S support and is completely fine. We also hear her talking after the timeskip and people theorize that she is the one that turns off Byleth's crest stone in CF, so she was with Byleth the entire time, but never decided to talk with Byleth. Why? Or did she not have enough power to do so at that point? If so, why does she suddenly have enough power to appear now and does she only appear in the S support or is she constantly watching over Byleth in all endings regardless of wether you got the S support or no? Can Byleth use any additional powers, like flying? There's so many questions

    Additionaly, what does removing Sothis add to the story? Byleth is as interesting as a dry piece of cardboard, but at least Sothis was there to add some personality. In comedies there's usually the jokster whose telling the jokes and the straight man reacting to them. But, the straight man by himself isn't very interesting and neither is Byleth without Sothis, so something that made Byleth at least somewhat entertaining is just removed and you're left with a dry piece of cardboard. Was it to add drama? I guess, but it's pretty much nonexistant due to the rest of the game telling you that it wasn't a real sacrifice at all. Heck, it would probably be more interesting if Sothis was a mjor part of the timeskip. How about her commenting on Byleth's choice to follow each lord, commenting on her daughter's behaviour on CF or also commenting on the events of SS. All of that potential is just cut out because there had to be some established stakes at that moment in the story, but the devs just changed their minds later that there were never actually any real stakes. It's just a mess.

    So, ultimately, Sothis disappearing into Byleth's subconscious isn't explored in any interesting ways, is undone in the ending, removes a lot of the potential storytelling later on in the game and weakens Byleth's character. Heck, even the game seems unsure of wether we're supposed to be sad about Sothis leaving or not, because the month after Jeralt's death sad music played and everyone was sad about it, but then the next month the monastery gets it's old music back and most people seem to have just gotten over it, with exceptions like Leonis. So, I ask, what were the devs thinking?

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    FE12 Step 0: Fail the prologue four times

    Posted: 29 May 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    Momma Alois Brings Smiles with Her Infectious Laughter! Here Is Another Set of My Genderswap Series

    Posted: 29 May 2021 07:37 PM PDT

    Gaiden 0% Growths Promotionless - Act 3, Part 1

    Posted: 29 May 2021 01:50 PM PDT

    Permanent death should be treated as the feature it is.

    Posted: 29 May 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    Permadeath is probably what brought many people from classical RPGs to Fire Emblem in the past, the idea of a character dying, either by your miscalculations, lack of knowledge or just plainly bad luck was and is a driving factor for challenge, while talking about permadeath itself would be a decent topic, like many games featuring it as an extra difficulty level, like Final Fantasy and even some MMOs, or self imposed like the famous nuzlocke challenge. The permanent death of a character is an obstacle, something that you should plan and prepare to avoid at all costs, but accept it when it happens, even if it is extremely detrimental to both short and long game, unless you are playing determined to do resets or even use save states to avoid it, which is not an inherently bad thing, sometimes these games can be unfair.

    With exposition out of the way, the under use of permadeath in Fire Emblem is something disappointing. Death is powerful a writing device that FE uses almost to the point of exhaustion, we all know the inevitable destiny of most fathers in the series, but they are a good way to move a protagonist and the plot forward, Fado's death is what made Ephraim take the responsibility of a king during Sacred Stones, Greil's death was the spark for Ike's journey to become a man great enough to surpass the legacy of Gawain, Rudolf's death brought the revelation of his plan to free Valentia from the gods going insane and free it, with the big fail safe of even in death leaving it in the hands of Alm, his only son, actual inheritor and hero. My point is that the permanent death happening during the game could be used as a narrative and character developer just as scripted deaths.

    To clarify, I'm not saying that every death should be pivotal or even important to the plot, but that they should be meaningful, have impact on the other pcs. It's comprehensible that Innes do not care if Cormag dies and vice-versa, they are on the same side, but they aren't friends nor are trying to change that, they would be just another casualty in each other eyes, but Tana would be sad if Cormag died after reaching some supports and devastated if Innes dies at any point, or that's how she should be, but she don't react if one of the most important person in her life dies.

    My best example of how could be well handled comes from Echoes, where we find Python and Forsyth, they lived a similar and yet different life that made them become quite opposites and this impact in their journeys and future, the death of Python makes Forsyth lose his brakes a bit, he lives a good life and settles down, but never see his deliverance friends again, Python on the other hand go for a complete change of heart, almost as if Forsyth's soul reincarnated in him, becoming focused, inspired and ambitious, but fully focused on the best of the kingdom, why their ends are so different based on who dies? Because death affects people, with his best friend dead, and Clive alive, Forsyth focuses on what he can still do, but Python dwells on what he failed to do, going inwards with guilt and, thankfully, taking the example of his best friend advancing towards a better future.

    The impact just some lines of dialogue make, a simple mourning quote at the end of chapter, the characterization it brings, this is a thing that I'm actually surprised that they took until Echoes to do so, some of them are easily bring tears to the eyes, then, so far as I know, they dropped them in 3H, that was the perfect game to improve in the impact of death upon the characters since it had the deepest connection between the playable cast and enemies, specially if you didn't go for the "recruit all" route, with many tragic moments riddled in the game.

    I really wish that these mourning quotes came back in future FEs, they were something that brought the same level of depth to character relations and growth as supports, such things are what made me put Echoes very high in my personal list. Now I'm struggling to make a conclusion to this post, what I wrote was 60% rant, 20% things make sense in my mind, 10% BS and 10% things that actual make sense.

    Edit 1: I forgot to write about mechanics, while a purely narrative feature is already enough, something more could be done, my first thought comes close to how "inheritance" could easily happen, as if a character inherited the will of a close friend who died, getting a nerfed version of their personal skill, perhaps a getting an entirely new skill.

    submitted by /u/Volfaer
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    I drew Mermaidetta for Mermay

    Posted: 29 May 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Mythic Hero (Ashera: Order Goddess)

    Posted: 29 May 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    What do you want to change in Silver Snow route ?

    Posted: 29 May 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    For me :

    • Add Annette paralogue
    • Add Sword of Moralta and Tathlum Bow
    • Add one Chapter between Bridge of Myrddin and Gronder Field (Fhirdiad)
    • Add White Beast reinforcement in Final Map (Unused)
    • Rhea playable and support
    • Hanneman, Manuela and Alois become auto-recruit (Chapter 12)
    • Dedue and Gilbert recruitable (Not sure)
    submitted by /u/PossibleWorth9
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    Poor Dedue Shouldn’t Have Messed With Best Boy Myson

    Posted: 29 May 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon Merciless Mode LTC Chapter 11

    Posted: 29 May 2021 11:17 AM PDT


    This chapter is kinda annoying in how it's laid out. There are two recruits on the map and to get them we need to visit the back right corner of the map. Then we need to travel to the top left corner of the map. To make matters worse the lower right corner is filled with Mercs.

    To solve this problem we warp in Wendell who is perfectly capable of fighting Mercs on Turn 1. We also send in Minerva to distract most of them away from the village. On Turn 2 we warp Marth in to recruit the character. For the final trick we have Jagen carrying the warp staff kill the boss who drops an item. Using this we send the warp staff to the convoy so Wendell, who trained to C staves, can take the Warp Staff out of the Convoy and Warp Marth to the throne.

    Another issue with this map is the two Pegs that charge us from the start. Jagen needs to be within 10 tiles of the boss for this strategy to work which puts him in range of both pegs who combine to kill him. To distract the pegs away we deploy Myrm!Roshea and Merric who both take more damage than Jagen does over two attacks to convince the pegs to target them. They are actually the only units capable of doing this assuming Jagen never leveled defense. This map is why I said in the last chapter we should have given the goddess icon to Jagen since if Jagen had not leveled luck he'd have fallen to the crit rule. Matthis was also deployed on this map to keep the right peg moving straight.

    Overall CoS: 82.7% (97.8% and 84.6% respectively)

    New Recruits:

    Linde - Linde has near personal access to the Aura tome, one of the strongest tomes in the game. It also doesn't have the best accuracy and Linde's base stats suck and her level is unworkable at this point in the game so we aren't going to use her much. She does have a support with Jake though.

    Jake - Ballista man. Ballisticians are a hilariously good class and Jake is the better of the two we get in the game. He'll be getting deployed quite a bit from now on to do tasks no other unit could reasonably accomplish. One of the things that separates Jake from the other Ballistician is his supports. Jake is supported by Caeda, Lena, Maria, Minerva, and Linde. This can take his normally questionable hit rates and shoot them to the moon.

    submitted by /u/Valkama
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