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    Monday, June 21, 2021

    Fire Emblem "Professor, promise me you'll stay single after the war!"

    Fire Emblem "Professor, promise me you'll stay single after the war!"

    "Professor, promise me you'll stay single after the war!"

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    Summer Mercie [by Crescentia Fortuna]

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    He's not wrong

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    Summer Hilda [by KnifeWaifu]

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 02:10 PM PDT

    Happy Birthday Edelgard :0 (Eunnieverse)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 05:37 PM PDT

    "I have prepared tea and cake."

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    FE3H // Hapi entertaining a teatime guest :3

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    I was commissioned to draw these unexpected but cute friends! ����

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 02:59 PM PDT

    Finished playing Awakening for the first time! Here's a Sumia doodle

    Posted: 20 Jun 2021 09:58 PM PDT

    Some RobiAnna moments (Art Trade for u/Universal-kun)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 04:57 PM PDT

    "For the last time Caspar, I don't want a spongebob ice cream"

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    |COMM| I commissioned Byleth x Shamir again (it gives me comfort, okay?)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:22 PM PDT

    Slumber party! (group commission by @RedKite59623438 on Twitter)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 04:30 AM PDT

    Happy (early) Birthday - Edelgard

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 04:53 PM PDT

    She shares the same birthday as me! [OC]

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 04:39 PM PDT

    My Only Pen drawing of Ike, Soren, and Titania

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 04:06 AM PDT

    Seteth protecting Flayn Edit (You can support my twitter @cozybambii)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    My redraw of one Cypher card of Azura. Hope you like it (you can support me in instagram: @na_kaze_arts)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    What a touching moment. Anyways, back to our regularly scheduled programming. (Sound on)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 11:29 AM PDT

    I commissioned @natsuB_Bkoge on twitter to draw timeskip Claude dressed as Alvin from Tales of Xillia 2

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 04:38 AM PDT

    Glade, Selphina, and friends: Low dialogue but compelling backstories

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 revolves around the rebellion led by Leonster's only surviving heir, Leif, against the Grannvalian Empire. Many of the characters within the game have a connection to Leonster in some way just as Leif does. In this essay I will focus on six of these characters, those being the six knights of Leonster (aside from Finn) that appear within the game. The six characters in order of recruitment are Carrion, Kane, Alva, Robert, Selphina, and Glade; all of them have a small backstory even if they do not have too much dialogue. As always, minor FE5 spoilers are ahead.


    Carrion is the first of these six characters that appears in the game. He joins Leif's army at the end of Chapter 7, where Hannibal orders that he escorts them to Mount Violdrake. Leif initially tries to stop Carrion from coming, but he insists on escorting them. At the beginning of Chapter 8, Leif attempts to dismiss Carrion once again to no avail. Carrion reveals to Leif that he told Hannibal that he will remain with Leif's army. He also reveals that he is the son of a knight of Leonster who had died in the previous war; after his father's death, he and his mother were taken in by Hannibal. Carrion furthermore offers to take Leif to Hannibal's mansion where Dorius/Dryas has been training several knights to fight for Leonster; Leif takes him up on the offer, although he is first forced to fight off bandits who were formerly under Dagdar's leadership.

    Carrion has one further conversation in Chapter 9 with Selphina. In that conversation, Carrion laments that he is not as strong as Glade and wishes that he could be more useful to Leif. Selphina admonishes him to not rush as it would only produce bad results to do so. She then gives him the Paragon Sword. The Paragon Sword was entrusted to her by Carrion's mother as it was originally wielded by his father; she asked Selphina to give Carrion the sword when he came of age. Carrion then excitedly accepts the sword.

    Finally, in the epilogue Carrion moved to Meath on Leif's orders. There, he worked alongside Hannibal as a diplomat between North and South Thracia and aided in the unification of Thracia.

    Carrion does not have too many lines; however, we can still see that he fits into the overarching arc within the game of Northern and Southern Thracia reconciling. His backstory gives him a connection to both sides as he is ethnically a Northern Thracian yet was raised in Southern Thracia under Hannibal. We see in his three conversations that his will for Leif is unbreakable to the point where he leaves his father figure in Hannibal; he does this even though he does not feel capable of the job. And finally in the epilogue he helps to mend the wound between the North and the South, taking advantage of his connections to both sides. Overall, Carrion has solid characterization even if it is not shown much in the game.


    Kane, Alva, and Robert each join in Chapter 9 alongside Selphina. Kane and Alba are both lance knights, while Robert is an arch knight. The three are presumably among the knights who were trained by Dryas; they join alongside Selphina and help her defend the mansion. There is not too much to say about them because they do not have any lines other than their death quotes, retreat quotes, and endings, but I will say something constructive about them anyways.

    Kane and Alva are intended to be Thracia's version of the Cain and Abel archetype from the Archanea games. This is especially obvious because their names in Japanese are corruptions of those of the original Cain and Abel (カイン vs ケイン and アベル vs アルヴァ). According to the Thracia 776 website, Kane is "serious" like the original Cain while Alva is more "cheerful" like the original Abel. Kane also has a warmer color scheme with his blonde hair and green shirt, while Alva complements this with his cooler blue hair and shirt. Both also have a parent who was a knight of Leonster just like Carrion. And both Kane and Alva dedicate themselves to Thracia in their endings: Kane becomes an advisor to Leif and serves as a political mastermind in that capacity, while Alva becomes a knight in Southern Thracia and assists in the unification of Thracia.

    Robert on the other hand is more of an oddball. According to the Thracia 776 website, he may have a "mother complex" for Selphina. His ending results in him becoming a member of the royal guard; he is unable to become a "brave hero" because he was too timid, although his shyness made him "popular" amongst girls. He fits the same mold of being a "third knight" that Cecil and Lowen fill in other games. However, he does not have enough dialogue to solidly establish a personality within the bounds of the game just like Kane and Alva.

    What do Kane, Alva, and Robert contribute to Thracia 776? Their outward characterization is left to be desired - they quite possibly are the least characterized units in all of Fire Emblem because their only in-game dialogue is their death quotes and retreat quotes. However, they still serve a role as filler within Leif's army; what we do see of the three from both inside and outside of the game shows that there is some backstory for them. In a sense, Kane, Alva, and Robert serve as a reflection of the (presumably) many people in Leif's army who are never seen within the game. While they may not be important enough to have speaking lines, they still have an important backstory that motivates them to support Leif and join his cause.


    Glade and Selphina are both knights of Leonster. Glade is about the same age as Finn, while Selphina is a few years younger; both were friends with Finn when they were younger. Selphina is the daughter of Dryas, a noble of Leonster who fought as a knight and lost his arm in the first war against Thracia; Glade's heritage is unclear. At some point between the fall of Leonster and the beginning of the game, they were married.

    Selphina appears in Chapter 9 alongside Kane, Alva, and Robert. The chapter begins with Selphina alerting her father that the Thracian army is advancing on the mansion. She offers to sacrifice herself to "buy time" for everyone to escape which shows the extent of her dedication to the cause of Leonster. But she does not do so; instead, she defends the mansion while waiting for Leif's army to arrive on the advice of Dryas.

    Selphina's conversations with Carrion and Leif in this chapter show her caring side. In her conversation with Carrion, she warns him not to push himself too hard; after that, she gives the Paragon Sword to Carrion which was left to him by his mother. In her conversation with Leif, she reminisces over the time when he was still a young child whom she helped raise to some degree. Leif too reminisces over thinking of Selphina as a sort of older sister. In the Leif conversation, Selphina also expresses concern over the welfare of Lachesis. Overall these two conversations provide fluff that show Selphina caring for the younger Leif and Carrion almost as a sort of mother figure towards them.

    Her conversation with Finn takes a different turn. In that conversation, Selphina is happy to see Finn as this is their first meeting for ten years. Finn has a more muted response to seeing her at first, but he becomes more excited when she mentions that she is now married to Glade. At this point, Selphina accuses Finn of being "cold to women;" she mentions him leaving Lachesis, leaving Finn confused. While Selphina may have a point, this was a bit hasty for her to jump to this immediately. It was a bit hot-headed of her, showing that she does have a flaw. She does however apologize to Finn for her hastiness.

    Glade joins in Chapter 13 where he along with others are defending Tahra. At the beginning of the chapter, he speaks with Dean and Eda. There, he resolves to defend Tahra against the Thracians even though the situation seems hopeless and "Shannan" refuses to help them. This is a willingness to fight to the end that he shares with his wife, and it draws a parallel to Selphina offering to become a sacrifice to buy Dryas time to escape. During the chapter, Glade has conversations with Leif, Finn, and Selphina. In his conversation with Leif, he is shocked to see him leading Leonster's army alongside Dryas. Glade is elated to see the two alive and leading the fight, and he offers themself fully to aid them.

    Glade is also elated in his conversation with Finn to see his old friend. After they thank each other for their respective work in the past ten years, we learn that Glade and Finn had both sworn an oath: Glade would protect the "flag of Leonster" (Leonster's army) with his life, while Finn would protect Leif with his life. Afterwards, they resolve to continue fighting until Leonster is restored and they can have a drink together. From this short conversation, we see that Glade is a close friend of Finn; their interaction reflects how strong their friendship is. To an extent it parallels the relationship that Quan and Sigurd have, although Glade and Finn fare better than the two men from FE4.

    Finally, Glade and Selphina have a conversation during Chapter 13. There are actually two different versions of this conversation; both start with Glade and Selphina expressing relief that they are both safe. The first version is triggered if Glade did not speak to Leif already. In this conversation, Glade laments that he had to send knights to their deaths against the Thracian army. Selphina comforts him, showing that caring side of her; after that, Glade gives a Brave Bow to Selphina. If Leif spoke to Glade beforehand, then Glade remarks on Leif having grown so much. This is something that Selphina concurs, and the two playfully argue over whether Leif looks more like his father Quan or his mother Ethlyn. Afterwards, Selphina cries over Quan and Ethlyn's deaths; she apologizes to this as she promised that she would never cry again, but Glade consoles her and says that it is okay. Afterwards Glade gives a Brave Bow to Selphina to her delight just as he did in the other version of the conversation.

    Glade and Selphina do not have too many conversations, yet they still have a developed dynamic. Both Glade and Selphina feel the pain of the war; they especially feel the pain of losing their comrades and friends. It's not all happy-go-lucky for them, much like how it isn't great for everyone else in Thracia. And they have to comfort each other too, pull each other out of their sorrows. This is really something which I like about them - their relationship is not just romance but also emotional intimacy and support. Glade's close friendship with Finn and Selphina's caring attitude towards her soldiers also cannot be forgotten; they serve as a cherry on top of their characterization that more or less completes it.


    Today, we learned about the six Leonster knights who join during Fire Emblem: Thracia 776. Carrion, Robert, Alva, and Kane serve as decent filler characters. While they do not have very much dialogue, they still have interesting arcs if one dives deeper; their existence illustrates that everyone in Leif's army has a compelling reason to fight even if they are not all important. Glade and Selphina are both very devoted to their country, and they are a fit for each other. Their relationship is not so much about romance as it is about supporting each other through each other's challenges and flaws, which makes them feel more real than most couples in the series. While they too do not have too much dialogue, Glade and Selphina still are well-rounded characters who leave a good impression.

    Thank you for reading this shorter essay! I have been wanting to tackle Glade and Selphina for some time and decided to take the obscure Leonster knights as well. Hopefully you enjoyed this, and have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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    What is your opinion on Grima?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:44 PM PDT

    Grima is the weirdest part of awakening in that in the game he is introduced, is his worst incarnation. Heroes gave the idea of the fell dragon being an extremely intelligent being who wish to see his limit as a pursuit of knowledge, Echoes have orgin to the dragon of how his intelligence drove him to madness, then awakening is just big dumb dragon. I always see complaints about the arc but never see option on the actually guy.

    submitted by /u/MiuIruma332
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