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    Saturday, July 10, 2021

    Fire Emblem I made a Fire Emblem themed chess game!

    Fire Emblem I made a Fire Emblem themed chess game!

    I made a Fire Emblem themed chess game!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    Summer Byleth! ☉

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    Summer Hilda

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:48 PM PDT

    Lyn going in for the CRITICAL [by @redogna on Twitter]

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    Carry me always…���� Dimileth (OC) (Twitter/instag: @tiffie_sketch)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    Kinda trashy but I tried to paint Alm from SOV

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 06:08 AM PDT

    I just beat Conquest for the first time and I have to admit, despite all its flaws, I really enjoyed the gameplay. Recommend it!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    Dream Princess Marianne (By @ray_dango) [Commission]

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 03:50 PM PDT

    Hilda sketch (You can support my twitter @cozybambii)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    Summer themed Murdock from FE6(Repost)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    Resplendent Eirika!

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    Micaiah deserved better

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    Micaiah is one of the main protagonists of Radiant Dawn, being the main lord of part 1 and being playable in part 3 & 4. and is the first magic based lord in the entire series. She is infamous for 2 things. Dying quicker than your hope in mankind after playing Heroes for more than a week and being disliked by the fanbase. Now, I think a lot of the backlash she recieved was undeserved and calling her a Mary Sue was particularly silly and she seems to be a lot more liked in the fanbase nowadays. Still, I think RD handeled her somewhat poorly overall which made her one of RD's many characters with wasted potential.

    Silver-Haired Maiden

    We first meet Micaiah in part 1 as she is a member of the Dawn Brigade, a resistance group against the oppressive rule of general Jarrod, but suprisignly isn't the leader until she becomes the leader ofscreen for some reason. She is essentially a standard FE lord for the most part. Very kind, caring towards her friends and civilians, has a cool design, accepting of other people, relies on others, ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of others, very charismatic and brave, etc. Aside from some of her standout lines "Ike father of Sothe's children" she isn't a particularly noteworthy character aside from three aspects

    1. She is very partiotic and while we've seen FE lords that love their home country before most of them haven't been shown to love their country as much as Miccy
    2. She is a branded, which is quite important when you look at Daein's very prevalent racism and putting her in constant risk of losing her followers
    3. She is a lot more capable than Pelleas who is believed to be the son of Ashnard. Pelleas isn't very confident in himself and relies a lot on others while Micaiah is a lot stronger by herself, but doesn't want the throne, despite argubly being more worthy of it,

    She is also always right, unlike Izuka, and even when she should be wrong either falling into an ambush or overtaking Pelleas's popularity it's made irrelevant because Micaiah predixted the ambush and Pelleas makes and "inspirational speech" to gain back his popularity.

    There is a lot of good stuff set up in part 1 which could've been explored a lot better, but there are two annoyances I have.

    Sacrifice and Jarrod

    So, Miccy has a unique ability called Sacrifice which allows her to heal anyone, but doing so nearly kills her. And this is an impressive ability. Seriously, I get that Daein is in an awful state and likely don't have access to many healing staves, but this is the world where magic is super well known. It would be like if a mage that could use Fire without needing a fire tome, but doing so made him fall into a coma for a day and people acted like it was something amazing. Hey, citizens of Daein, just use herbs, they're seemingly more common that water in RD. But she's later shown healing some soldiers without passing out so she just gets better at using it? It's a silly plot point and best left forgotten.

    The other part is Jarrod. So, a lot of people say that Micaiah let Jarred go out of kidness and that is shows and a character flaw. I wish this was the case, but it's not. Micaiah very spesifically lets Jarrod go because she believes he is gonna bury Alder and pray and is suprised when he instead escpaes and swears bloody vengeance against Micaiah. Micaiah, he saw his friend die before his eyes and tried to kill you seconds later, how are you suprised that he went a decided to take revenge on you? And it's so easely fixable. Tell the Black Knight to watch over him as he buries Alder and that's it. No need for further conflict. But no, Micaiah needs to make a stupid mistake in order for the plot to progress. This isn't something like Leif's mistakes in Thracia 776, where it makes sense an edgy teenager like Leif would make a bunch of stupid moves, Miciaha is 23 at least and is shown to be fairly clever. It's just a stupid contrivance that exists because the writers wrote themselves into a corner and Micaiah's character suffers because of it.

    There are also future sight powers that turn off when it's convenient for the plot, but those don't bother me that much.

    Still, Miccy is a decent enough character in Part 1 of RD and a lot is set up for her later down the line, which will definetely not be payed off properly.

    Part 3

    The one scene I really like of Micaiah in Pert 3 is where she gets a CG with ominous music as the members of the Laguz alliance talk about her like she is the leader of some fanatic cult. It's really cool as it makes sense for Ike and co to be worried about Daein regaining it's power so quickly after the previous war. Other than that, well...

    So, Micaiah ir soped into going against the Laguz alliance because Pelleas tells her to and she trust him and believes he is Daein's future, so she follows his order. She then has to choke a point againt the laguz and Lethe calls her a strategic genius for defending an easely defendable island outside the swamps where the laguz are a lot more vulnerable. I guess all it takes to be considered a strategist for the Laguz is not rushing in headfirst into a wave of soldiers.

    She is forced into this war because of one of the worst plot devices in all of FE, the Blood Pact. Now, the reason the Blood Pact exists is because the writers really want a showdown between Ike and Micaiah, but there isn't any good reason for them to fight, so there needs to be a contrived plot device in order for them to fight. Heck, at first Ike and Micaiah disliking each other is set up somewhat well, with Micaiah disliking Ike because he put Daein in a state of ruin and made things worse than they were even during Ashnard's rule and Ike being distrustful of Micaiah due to the fanaticism surrounding her. It's good stuff, but because Ike is on the objectively righteous moral side and is never allowed to do anything remotely selfish the conflict can't be satisfying because there are 0 shades of grey and so either Micaiah needs to be in the wrong or there needs to be a contrivance for Miccy to fight against Ike. The writers ultimately chosse the second option.

    Fire and stones

    Micaiah ultimately finds out about the Blood Pact and plans to buy Pelleas time by emplying a decoy army and stationing the rest of the army to ambush the Apostle and Holy Guard. She afterwards orders the soldiers to hurl huge boulders, oil and plans to set the enemy army on fire, while also shooting down a pegasus carrying a 13 year old girl. Uhhh, WTF Micaiah?

    For perspective, Micaiah was willing to allow Jarrod to bury his dead friend, despite him being a awful tyrant that killed civilians and tried to kill Micaiah a minute earlyer. Now, a common counter argument I hear is that Micaiah was only being nice to Jarrod, because she wanted to give him over to Begnion to gain their favour. This obviously isn't the case ad Micaiah never mentions this as the reason why she gave Jarrod the benefit of the doubt and Micaiah being a kind and emphatetic person is a pretty integral part of her character. Do people believe that if it wasn't for Begnion wanting to put Jarrod on trial, Micaiah would just execute him on the spot?

    The thing is that this is a rather extreme measure and a big jump in cruelty we haven't seen ever before from Micaiah, nor do we see it ever again. Micaiah doesn't have a lot of screen time in part 3 overall and one of the chapters she has to herself is spent trying to kill the good guys in incredebly violent and brutal ways while also killing a child to save a nation, while also being in a war that will probably kill more people than the Blood Pact. Like, seriously it's calculated that after 100 days around 5000 people would die from the plague, but 5000 people definetely died in the war between Daein and the Laguz Alliance. Now, do the writers build on this. Is Micaiah ever shown being disgusted by her actions, admitting she went to far, apologising for trying to murder a child? Nope. And I understand she was desperate, but such a jump in brutality seems unfitting.

    Sharing screentime

    Another big problem Micaiah suffers from is having to share her screentime with June in part 4 and she doesn't even have that many scene by herself in part 4 either, so she needs to be the third wheel behind Ike and Yune for most of part 4. This is unfortunate as it could've been a nice time for Micaiah to reflect on things like her heritage, her past actions, Daein's future, etc. But, RD has a ton of unresolved plot points left, so Micaiah never gets enough time for herself before the game is over.

    Relationship with Sothe

    Ohhhh boy, this part. So, I'm not going to call Micaiah a groomer or anything like that because she obviously never intended to exploitn Sothe in any way, but their relationship is still problematic. This isn't something like abusing a glitch to get Seliph and Julia together, the game actively wants you to get Sothe and Micaiah together as both start out with an A support, so it's pretty difficult to get a better support option for her very quickly. The main problem with this relationship is there is nothing romantic between them. 90% of conversations between Sothe and Micaiah are so samey and forgettable they end up blending together (aside from the Ike one) and Sothe loses all of his personality from PoR and just ends up saying "protecc Muchaiah".

    Along with that, Sothe is either 13 or 14 once he meets Miccy as seen by this image, while Micaiah is at least 20, perhaps even older as she needs to be at least 23 years old in RD, due to how RD is set 23 years after the Serenes forrest massacre. And Sothe and Micaiah are always regarded as having a brother-sister relationship and we didn't reach Fates by this point.

    Sothe's trophy in Brawl: A skilled swordsman, thief, and member of the Dawn Brigade, a band of freedom fighters operating out of the old Daein capital, Nevassa. Although not related to Micaiah, the light-magic-dealing leader of the Dawn Brigade, he was raised like a brother and considers her safety his top priority.

    Sothe's Trophy in Smash Wii U: Sothe is a member of the Dawn Brigade trying to free the people of Daein from imperial oppression. He uses his skills with a knife and as a thief to pursue this goal. He is very protective of Micaiah, another member of the Dawn Brigade. They are not blood related, but he looks up to her like an older sister.

    I don't wanna sound pertensious, but honestly I hope it's removed in a potential RD remaster and or remake as it just feels very weird.

    Micaiah really did deserve better

    Ultimately, Micaiah being a mismanaged character is quite tragic as a lot of interesting stuff is brought up and had a lot of potential, but due to RD having a 100 different plot points it needs to juggle at the same time Miccy and the rest of the DB (aside from Pelleas) don't get enough time for proper development and suffer because of it. Hey, at least she's more interesting than Ike in RD.

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    My Hand-drawn Drawing of Dorothy from Fire Emblem 6 (Also, my very first post here)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 02:50 AM PDT

    Pastel Leanne Commission (drawn by @PachiPaola on Twitter)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    Thoughts on item loss on death?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    In the earlier games in the series (FE1 through FE10), when a player unit died, their inventory was sent to the void, gone forever. Goodbye - do not pass go, do not collect £200. This is an aspect of the earlier games that I haven't seen talked about very much on this subreddit, and I was wondering what people thought about it? Do you like it, despise it, think that Berwick Saga did it better?

    Personally, I don't miss it at all, and view the change to move equipment to the convoy as a great QOL change. I've grown more OK with the idea of moving on past dead units, even when not ironmanning, but losing the inventory is often a massive turnoff. For example, I recently played through Thracia 776, and on my first attempt I almost got through Chapter 16 unscathed except that I lost Hicks. I was initially fine with this - I hadn't put much investment into him, and all of my other axe units that I was using were better - except I then realised that (in order to make him better) I had a Brave Axe, a Killer Axe, and two scrolls on the guy. I was OK with losing Hicks, but I wasn't OK with losing his gear, so back to the start I went. This experience kinda soured me on the entire chapter tbh, and got me thinking about this topic.

    submitted by /u/greydorothy
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    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    Marianne Von Drip

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 01:54 AM PDT

    Did anyone actually use FE11 or FE12 pvp? If yes, was it fun or just a slog?

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:34 PM PDT

    FE8/FE7 but all the music is in Hoenn Trumpets

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    This is it, guy. I think I have peaked. None of my other works, past, present, future, will ever compare to the glory of these projects:

    Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones/Blazing Sword but the music is all Hoenn Trumpets.

    This all started when I learned how to import Pokémon Emerald's Hoenn Trumpets into FE8. Ever since, I've never looked back and started converting many different songs to use only that as their sole instrument, peaking in two minor romhacks that change all the music of both entire games into such glory.

    Patch links can be found here: https://feuniverse.us/t/fe8-fe7-but-all-the-musics-instruments-are-replaced-with-hoenn-trumpets/12821

    Enjoy. (and let me know of anything I missed)

    submitted by /u/PurpleMage555
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    Just finished BL route, this is my silly review (hella spoilers)

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 07:24 PM PDT

    A friend of mine that comes over a lot started playing fire emblem on my switch. They only thing I knew of fire emblem was from smash. As I watched him play black eagles I became really interested! He ended up buying it on his own switch and I took over the BE route and went against the church. The game was on hard mode and I lost 2 people in the final battle. My bf of almost 3 years and I broke up and I decided to dive head first into a new game plus. I absolutely killed it this time. Playing BE route taught me a lot about setting the proper goals for instruction, so I can properly get my people to the their master classes I envisioned. I also played this BL route on normal, so when I start golden deer I'm contemplating going back to hard mode since it's also new game plus. Lots of perks. Anyway I was so pleasantly surprised with the depth and details to the whole game. The things I want to learn more about is the gardening, so I can cook/produce bonuses. Also want to focus a bit more on support. I only didn't S rank Ingrid and Annette sadly.

    Sylvain - it's a tad funny that the word vain is in his name! BUT I actually loved sylvain. I looked forward to his supports always ending up with some type of flirting to the ladies. I think some people find him repulsive, but we are provided with the psychology of his actions. We see how much pain having a crest has bore on his life. In reality we see a man working through psychological traumas. His character shows that being noble or how we may think rich/famous people live is not exactly happiness.

    Mercedes -all around I think we can agree she is a crowd favorite. They took some of the annoying judgmental aspects of religion and provided us with faithful, yet woke Mercedes. Her being able to marry female Blythe was the cherry on top. As a nurse I felt inspired by her. I appreciate her relationship with Dedue so much. It shows how people may think they are so different, but in reality we all love food. As for gameplay I put her as my gremory. Perfect fit. I also had Mercedes kill the death knight. I think I'm a evil perhaps.


    Full of hope and aspirations, post time skip we see what essentially being a prisoner of war can do to a person, not to mention the trauma of Duscar. His flip back into reality after rodrigue is killed, really made me end up marrying him. They did such a great job on the contrast of pre/post time skip. I think some people found him a bit annoying, but he made my heart feel something. This route def painted a different picture of Edelgard for me, I'm still buying a plushie version of her though :)

    Felix I love love love how grumpy this guy is. Was a bit confused by how much he likes Annette, cause tbh she is my least favorite. Huge lol when he calls dimitri Boar king over and over again. Also he killed it as my assassin. It fit him perfectly.

    Ingrid - kinda sad how she loved dimitri, but he was so like yo be my knight. Awkward, but honestly Ingrid as a Falcon knight was always my MVP! Her magic resistance is unbeatable. She even managed to dodge arrows from archers. Her supports were mostly about not wanting to marry. Do your thing Ingrid.

    The rest of my teams Dorothea- recruited and made a dancer OP. Caspar- recruited and made War master- the unarmed is an amazing attack Dedue- great knight Ash- bow knight- eh alright Catherine- sword master- kinda slow but always gets the kill Annette- dark mage knight- the worst

    I received 2 dark seals in this play through, but didn't didn't have anyone that could unlock the classes honestly. A bit bummed 🙁

    submitted by /u/Cutelilshinigami
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    It's finally over.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 03:06 PM PDT

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