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    Wednesday, July 14, 2021

    Fire Emblem Sharing my cosplay of underrated Micaiah waifu

    Fire Emblem Sharing my cosplay of underrated Micaiah waifu

    Sharing my cosplay of underrated Micaiah waifu

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    some Rhea fanart!!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    doodled a cutie Flayn

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    Robins (OC)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 01:20 PM PDT

    Summer Marianne (You can support my twitter @cozybambii)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 11:10 AM PDT

    What Is Your Least Favorite Aspect Of Your Favorite Game In The Series?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    No matter how much we might like something, there's always going to be some little aspect or quirk of it that absolutely drives us up the wall and I was curious to hear a few from my fellow Fire Emblem fans.

    As for me, it's simple; I love Radiant Dawn and I've made no secret of it but upon repeated playthroughs, one thing has continually been a thorn in my side and that's how unintuitive it can be in some ways.

    I mean, they went overboard with maps that have hidden items(With 3-9 having the absolutely worst one in my opinion) and the requirements to get the maximum Bonus Experience reward from maps are occasionally asinine(2-1 and 2-3 especially bother me).

    But those are just my issues with what I otherwise consider to be a fantastic game. What are yours, r/FireEmblem?

    submitted by /u/CyclicalSin5
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    In case you ever wondered what happens when you never use Ike

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    Florina being Cute!!!!!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    "Heh, another clean getaway. My regards, gentlemen!" - Lifis Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 (Fanart Commission || Artist @Shinjuageha)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    My Lon’qu cosplay I made a few years ago

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    I painted Rhea inspired by Ophelia (Hamlet)

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Drew Byleth :)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    How my Amelia enters battle

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 07:04 AM PDT

    Azura as Yareli in Warframe

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 06:29 PM PDT

    "What If?" Wednesday, Endgame: Origin's End

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    Chapter 37

    Welcome, one and all, back to "What If?" Wednesday. This one, however, is like no other before it, for you see, I intend for this to be the final installment in this series. I plan to also put forward an epilogue post, which will include a directory of all prior chapters, as well as an opportunity to discuss the experience overall. Still, I'd like to briefly express my appreciation for all those who have upvoted and commented on this series. It means a great deal to me, as though I'm contributing to something bigger. And speaking of something bigger...

    Picture this: you're on the cusp of victory. You've built an army, defeated hordes of enemies, rescued your kingdom, and found somebody to S-rank with. All that lay ahead of you is the final battle - just as Marth had Medeus (twice), the Renais twins had Fomortiis, and the Bearers of the Brand had Duma, you too have your own final foe. You step into the threshold of your final battle to discover... someone completely unfamiliar, even alien to your world. Has there been some sort of cosmic mix-up? You had planned to face a mighty threat, albeit a known one. How will you deal with a foe whose very existence cannot be explained?

    Today's what if, then, is a simple one - albeit with many openings, and attached considerations. What if an Endgame chapter were altered, in such a manner that replaces the existing final boss with one from an entirely different game? Owing to the different mechanics and stat thresholds between games, it can be assumed that some degree of "normalization" occurs in the transition (i.e. SD's Medeus shouldn't be assumed to be a chump in Awakening, even as he's entering into a game with higher stats overall). Also, assume the location of the fight is in the protagonist's game (so Eliwood and co. fight Ashnard in front of the Dragon's Gate, rather than being transported to Crimea). How would your team's particular abilities help or hinder them against such a foe? Would some bosses become unbeatable, either due to lore considerations or to gameplay omissions? On the flip side, which encounters would become particularly easy?

    As ever, thank you for reading. My own answer will be added below, in just a few minutes. I'm quite eager to see what you all have to say!

    submitted by /u/SixThousandHulls
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    Is it me or three houses maddening is kind of bullshitty?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    I'm playing the crimson flower route, I'm in the first part 2 battle, the one on the bridge, and even though I could manage just well in part one even without NG+, the difficulty escalated tremendously out of nowhere.

    submitted by /u/Lgsuss33
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    A small change to permadeath mechanic that will make it more interesting

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 05:52 AM PDT

    Hey, so this post is just for fun and discussion, so don't take it too seriously. I realize that in practice this isn't needed, as most players play without permadeath and a lot of players still restart on Classic. But it's a fun exercise nevertheless.

    I'm a huge fan of permadeath mechanic. I know it's not everyone cup of tea and I like addition of Casual mode.

    I like it because it makes every move more tense and meaningful.

    I also like how it makes Fire Emblem story more dramatic - your friends dying carries weight and makes it interesting.

    I do feel a little bit weird how it's never addressed in the story, it almost doesn't matter (correct me if I'm wrong on newer Fire Emblems).

    So one addition I would make to permadeath mechanic: characters who are particularly close to each other (let's say christmas cavaliers) address their grief in a small line of dialogue and gain a specific skill\trait. For example, they can survive one death blow (during a game, not every battle), or sometimes a special attack triggers (something like a critical hit). Or a higher critical hit (like +3-5% to crit) against a type of unit who killed their friend.

    I believe it shouldn't affect the game too much, because otherwise players will start abusing deaths to make some other units stronger. I would also limit it to one character, so you can't have this effect stack.

    But something very small yet meaningful. In theory it would create an effect that this person is remembered even after their deaths without adding too much work to writers.

    An example (very, very mild spoilers for three houses, wouldn't worry about it):

    Raphael and Ignatz are friends from childhood. Raphael cares for his sister. Raphael also has a passive skill that sometimes automatically heals him.

    Let's say Raphael dies. Ignatz can acknowledge it with one line of dialogue, and promise to Raphael to take care of his sister.

    This promise awakens a lot of willpower in Ignatz, so he gets Raphael's healing passive ability. It's like Ignatz remembers a promise he gave to Raphael and keeps on surviving.

    I think it triggers so rarely it doesn't affect the game too much anyway.

    For me personally, it gives permadeath more meaning and makes it a fun mechanic. People can share stories of how their run went and who died and how it affected their favorite characters' storylines.

    submitted by /u/wizardofpancakes
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    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 10:36 PM PDT

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Bridal Training

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    Who are your favourite Pegasus/falcon knights in FE?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    Simple question. Who is your favourite peg/falcon knight in FE and why? After doing one of these for mages I thought I'd do another one as I love to find out other people's favourite units of each class.

    No wyvern riders please, I'll do another favourites list for them soon!

    submitted by /u/emtheghost__
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    Fe youtubers that havent done horrible things?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    So i like watching FE tubers and i googled out of curiosity one of the more funny Fe youtubers, Mangs and... yeah, I do not feel comfortable supporting(by views and ads) him anymore. You could argue death of the author, but imo not while you support the author finacially. Anyway i've found some others; Mekkah, Bopper, Excelblem. Any others who havent done horribe shit?

    submitted by /u/dragosgamer12
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    Is it just me or does Shadows of Valentia straight up have the best OST in the series?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 12:25 AM PDT

    I finished this game 2 weeks ago and I still find myself listening to the OST. The recurring musical theme (a "leitmotif" I believe is what it's called?) is straight up one of the best I've ever heard and a surge of emotion runs through my whole body every time it comes up in some of the more powerful tracks, like Twilight of the Gods or What Lies at the end.

    This week I was working out to Twilight of the Gods and the first part of the track had me to pumped I literally broke my bench PR, but the recurring SoV theme kicks in with the opera and violins in the middle of a rep and I got so emotional I almost dropped the bar. It's almost like a fucking drop and the first time I heard it I deadass broke down into tears. And then last weekend I came home drunk from the bar and just straight up listened to A Distant Promise on repeat while eating a homemade breakfast sandwich with my eyes closed and 2 steps way from straight ugly crying because the song is just so powerful.

    I listen to all genre's of music, from EDM to hip hop to R&B to country, and I'm not even kidding when I say that no other music has ever made me feel this level of emotion. It's ridiculous. I'm so glad to see the quality of music continue to carry over to Three Houses, because that game's OST is fucking disgusting too. If IS ends up making a remake of FE8 with the same level of production quality as SoV, I might consider taking a whole week off from work just to play it like 10 hours a day.

    Ty for listening to my fanboy spew. Bless you all.

    submitted by /u/jfsoaig345
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    Do ya think different Laguz tribes can interbreed?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 03:22 PM PDT

    I don't know why this is the kinda shit I think about late at night, but here we go.

    Okay, so we know that the Telius universe laguz + beorc = branded offspring, we know that different dragon types can have offspring that looks like a mix of the two (Ena), but what about other combinations? I don't think they ever mention other possible hybrids, but forgive me if it is actually explained, as I haven't played (much of) Radiant Dawn yet.

    If we go by real life examples, then different cats should be able to produce hybrid offspring, the birds... well, I don't think, say, herons and ravens are capable of interbreeding, but since bird hybrids do exist let's go with yes. On the other hand combinations such as beast x bird or dragon x anything other than dragon shouldn't be possible...

    ...But then again, this is a fantasy universe with magical animal people and dragons, so it'd be fun to imagine, say, for example, an eagle x lion couple having a griffin child, and I'm totally not imagining a game set in the Telius universe with the child mechanics of Awakening right now. No, I wouldn't actually want this to happen.


    submitted by /u/irmoony
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    Spring Marisa fanart

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    Amiibo Generals (Extra FE Content Idea)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2021 04:48 PM PDT

    I'm pretty sure it's too late to implement this for Three Houses, but I've had this idea for awhile that could make use of various Amiibo. After all, while I'm a little bummed to say it, there's a good chance that Amiibo are close to the end of their lifespan and I would love to make the most out of them. The idea is simple: have certain Amiibo unlock challenge maps with said Amiibo as the bosses of each map. The way I would categorize the difficulty of the maps would be in three different tiers.

    The first tier I would call "Legends." Despite the name, this would be seen as the Normal difficulty tier as you would go up against any of the FE Amiibo. They could probably get their own artwork in the style of the newer game and maybe a unique 3D model. Nothing too fancy, pretty straightforward, and nostalgic for fans of previous games.

    Heavenly Generals (if you know, you know) would be split into two groups. The following is the Hard tier that would feature Fire Emblem-ized characters from different Nintendo properties. Again, nothing too fancy and pretty grounded compared to my other ideas (you'll see why). Some examples are:

    Mario: A Hero class that only wields an axe weapon. You guessed it, it's a hammer! Much like how he's portrayed in other games, his stats are fairly balanced.

    Link: A Ranger class complete with bow and sword on horseback.

    Pikachu: A mage wearing a yellow cloak and has, like, five Thunder tomes.

    Captain Falcon: Brawler

    Zelda/Shiek: Priestess and Assassin respectfully and I would build this as one of the harder ones in this tier. The scenario for this would be, and let's just say you tapped the Zelda Amiibo, Zelda would be the one that shows up on the map. If you knock her down to zero HP, she then becomes Shiek, an assassin that occasionally cloaks herself making her hard to find. If you tapped Shiek, they become Zelda and they can teleport around the map.

    The second group of the Heavenly Generals is where my imagination went places and, of course, is the Insane difficulty tier. This would either be a programmer's nightmare or field day, but anyway, here are some examples!

    Ganondorf: a Brawler, but his hits do magic damage.

    Shulk: A Swordmaster with high evade (he can see the future, you know). You could also mod the sword to make it look like the blade is glowing blue. The sword does bonus damage to armor units (if you know, you know).

    Pokémon Trainer: introduces themselves as a tactician thus they wouldn't be the one doing the fighting. Instead you fight Squirtle (A blue Knight that is shrunk down and is speedy), Ivysaur (a green-robed druid), and Charizard (a manakete).

    That's what I came up with, how would translate an Amiibo to Fire Emblem?

    submitted by /u/Cerebrum-Igni
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