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    Wednesday, August 25, 2021

    Fire Emblem [OC] Lucina and Chrom sketch

    Fire Emblem [OC] Lucina and Chrom sketch

    [OC] Lucina and Chrom sketch

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 02:38 PM PDT

    Tiki attempting the jackochallenge but she pulled her back and can't get up.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    Wanderlust | Caspar & Hilda FE3H

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    |COMMISSIONED| Resplendent Sonya and Kamui

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 05:10 AM PDT

    Summer festival with fireworks (commission by @wawatiku on Twitter)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 05:52 AM PDT

    Brave Marianne (By @moquackja) [Commission]

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    Just played through Radiant Dawn, she's probably one of my favorite units, so I drew her

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 05:51 PM PDT

    Brave Marianne [OC]

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    I finished an FE7 Iron Man on 0% Growths after losing my entire team in Sands of Time

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 01:47 PM PDT

    Bernadetta the Galaxy Ranger by CristalMomoStar (I commissioned the artist!)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    I really like Yarne's early design, so I remade his FEH art based on it

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    Just had a wonderful conclusion to a Golden Deer run I was *definitely not extremely attached too*.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 04:21 PM PDT


    This is the culmination of a Maddening Golden Deer run which I have essentially been carrying around like a child. I started it around 10 months ago, and have basically been using it as a little pick-me-up, something to do if I am down, or stressed, or just had a bad day. It wasn't particularly tryhard or minmaxed or optimized, I just did whatever seemed fun. It's safe to say I got a little coughverycough attached to this playthrough, and the further in it got, the less I wanted to pick it up, because I just didn't want to finish it off, I wanted it there to play.

    Well, I finally decided to bite the bullet and put this one to bed, and the final turn of the final map gave me one of my favourite moments in gaming. Here's a little context.

    I went in to the map pretty confident, and honestly, I really wasn't too worried about Nemesis. I kinda just figured we would have what we needed to put him away and wrap things up. The majority of the map went really smoothly, and outside of a few of our gambits - Mainly on Byleth and Leonie, we didn't spend a whole lot. Fraldarius ended up eating a couple of Divine Pulses, but once we got past him, we routed the rest of the map, and hit Nemesis. Oh boy.

    We just could not do damage to him. Hilda was able to use her last gambit to draw aggro and get him off of the defence tile, but outside of that it was lost. Only a small smattering of units could avoid a double, and of those only one could actually take a single hit; Leonie. I rolled every dice i could, tried for Byleth dodges, Lysithea Dodges, anything to pull out the clutch, but it just wouldn't land. One divine pulse after another fell, and with just two left, I dug deep in to the convoy, looking for anything that could salvage a clean kill without a sacrifice, and in a moment of desperation, I found it, in the form a crunchy little orange snack.

    Between that, and a Speed ring held by Claude, we might just have enough for another unit to tank a hit without getting doubled. I hit record on the final turn so I could watch back what was about to happen, and all of that lead to one of the best moments I have had in this game, if not games in general.


    Fucking amazing. The speed carrot + March Ring + Special Dance strat gave Hilda exactly enough speed to not get doubled if she used an Iron Axe, she dodged the crit... and we were still 4 damage short for Lysithea to pick up the lethal. I genuinely thought it was done for, until I was able to trade the speed ring on to Leonie, bang out a PBV, dodge the crit again, and land the 80% Luna to bring it home.

    Genuinely a magical moment in the game for me. The fact that every unit on the field played a role in getting this to come together on that very last turn felt genuinely special. Sad to put this run to bed, but what a way to close it out. I realise a lot of the reason this feels so good to me is my own personal attachment to the run and the amount of time I stuck with it for, but fuck it, figured some of you's might enjoy it too. Cheers.

    submitted by /u/Jonoabbo
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    What would you all consider the “Sweet Spot” for Hit Rates in an FE game?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    After a recent discussion held about FE6 on here where there was a lot of mention of the hit rates being both fun to play around & horrid, I began to consider inwardly what zone of hit rates are even good/healthy for Fire Emblem and thought it'd be interesting to actually share some thoughts otherwise to drum up some general discussion about the core mechanic of FE. To start with, I think it may be wise to also discuss how 2RN, 1RN, and Fates Hybrid interact with both our own perception and the actual probability of a hit landing. I think to help as well it'll be easier to start discussing these hit rates in general brackets to keep discussion more formulated. Without further ado, let's hop into it!

    0%-50%: The Axe Zone

    Let's face it, player hit rates are rarely down here unless the game really doesn't want you to interact or just kinda designed Gel into this zone. Outside of the games I'll mention the only units that live here are your early game Brigands and that's honestly fine, them being inconsistent means you're allowed to make some mistakes & take some risks early to ease you into the game. The only games that I feel like intentionally put you into this zone are Gaiden, Thracia, Binding Blade, and TRS (note, idk what a Berwick hit rate looks like because that game is actually monstrous and shouldn't be touched by mortals so no opinions will be given there). These are games where either unit quality, weapon quality, or terrain reaches a point where you actively struggle to have a healthy combat with enemies consistently. Thracia usually only gets to this point when enemies with Leadership Stars exist in something like 17A and 22 which at least makes these low hit rates intentional because of your situation. Gaiden, TRS, and Binding Blade have these kinds of lower hit rates way more baked in & obviously these games don't exclusively feature these hit rates, but they dip this low often enough that I see people complaining about it.

    When it comes to having 1RN vs 2RN for this zone though, its critical to avoid when considering 2RN which makes Binding Blade all the worse off for having 40 hit hammers and 55 hit Steel Axes. While Swords & Lances are a bit more consistent, Axes really got the short end of the stick and get to a point where Wade and Lot will very easily have lower actual hit rate than displayed which just makes the game feel worse. TRS and Gaiden still feel terrible when hit rates reach this point, but at least the game doesn't actually lower it further. The actual perception of this zone isn't conducive to what players want & should be treated like how Thracia usually works with this, reserved for moments where there's a massive shift on the battlefield like Saias's arrival in 17A.

    50%-70%: The Shaky Zone

    Most games at least dip their toes into this pool with certain weapons, but a lot of the fringe cases from the above tier really live here. Binding Blade and Gaiden more so trend towards this point while TRS is so all over the board idk where you could pin it down. FE games usually put you at this point when you're in some way disadvantaged, whether than means you're at WTD, fighting a typically speedy enemy, or disadvantaged against the enemy in some other form. Most games at least dip their toes into this end of the hit rate brackets but rarely too deeply. A game's existence in this zone really comes down to how good weapon hit at base is & how significant your triangle is.

    I really wanted to bring up this zone just because of how people view hit rates that lie here in both 1 RN and 2 RN. I generally find people really think hit rates in this zone are as good as 0 just because something like a 60% isn't close to a guarantee. I've always found the aversion to 60s really weird when it comes to playing FE. I understand it doesn't look good and human bias & perception will always play a role in how we believe a roll will land, but I find a lot of aversion to hit rates that generally exist here & aren't palatable to many.

    70%-90%: The Normal Zone

    Most games live here & for good reason, it's what most people will be comfortable flexing their plans around while still being confident in their hit rate. Especially concerning 2RN this zone gets high odds with plenty of ease. Most games put weapon hit in this zone for good reason, it keeps the element of strategy with the potential for a miss while still generally giving a safety net that another unit will have similar hit & land their attacks. This area is also of course impacted by individual avoid vs hit formulas, but most games either keep it balanced with equal skill & speed impacting hit & avoid respectively or luck favors hit more then avoid.

    2RN as I mentioned before makes this zone closer to lower 80s to 95s truly, but even ignoring 2RN changes the general perception I notice is that 75-80% is the tipping point for most people to start moving closer to calling these guaranteed or free hits as opposed to 20% miss chances. This goes beyond just directly what I know outside watching people play FE, but just from anecdotal experience I imagine most people prefer to find their hit rates lie just around 80%+. Again I can't speak for all, but just how I've seen the perception of hit rates that's the trend I've noticed.

    90%-100%: The DS Zone

    Really only the DS games consistently live up here just due to how awful the avoid formula is. This is the point where hits feel very much a guarantee because they essentially are once you hit 95% in 2RN. Most games usually let you hit here in more perfect circumstances like with WTA or correct support placement. I generally don't have a great pulse on what perception of this area looks like just because I don't personally see a ton of discussion about how consistent/inconsistent people find the DS games.

    What this zone really does id say is strip down a bit of the moment to moment strategy & moves it to higher level ideas. Rather than asking how many times can I hit, DSFE asks if you have the unit count to breakthrough certain enemy formations knowing you'll have very consistent hit rates throughout. Considering H5 SD and H4 NM are difficult challenges the actual hit rate aid certainly gets a spotlight when actively dealing with some enemies. What mainly sets these games apart from the rest though comes down to how the formula for hit takes more from skill than the avoid formula takes from speed. This works as a good idea to reduce speed's prevalence since it's already one of the best stats in FE and I generally find people like that the lever was pulled this hard in this direction for something as difficult as SD and NM.


    People don't like missing, that should be obvious. IS's attempts at mitigating this error or even making weapon that close down this error like Bronze Weapons seem to be generally well received. Even still hit rates are healthy as a core identity of the series. Getting rid of hit rates would drastically change the tone of the game & frankly would be off putting to me. Still, I do think self imposed risk to dip into some lower hit rates while base weapon hit being normally high is one of the better ways for FE to go. In terms of hit vs avoid formulas I agree with the rhetoric of DSFE, but I'd say it pulled the lever too far to the point where both skill and speed need to scale higher so the game becomes less of base hit. There's a lot of levers and different mechanics IS can pull and push on to make hit rates hit different zones & the experimentation they've worked with throughout the course of the series has been fantastic if nothing else. Sticking to a wide variety of formulas & general brackets alongside changing the way rolls are even performed for hit has been a unique evolution & I certainly hope we aren't done with it yet.

    I'm interested to hear what you all have to say as well though. Where would you prefer hit rates? Are these brackets generally good guidelines or am I speaking nonsense? Do you think Skill should determine hit even more than weapon hit? Whatever you have to mention I look forward to hearing from you all!

    submitted by /u/RodmunchPHD
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    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 07:10 PM PDT

    Tine, Maiden of Lightning (by @picnicic, commission)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 01:39 AM PDT

    being a fire emblem cipher fan sorta sucks

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    i just got to college as a japanese major with the goal of finding someone to play fire emblem cipher with, because that'd be awesome and i want to try playing, but i have realized that not only is the fire emblem community super small irl, but the ones who have even heard of cipher are so mythical—and to make matters worse, out of those approximately 14 people, 13.5 of them just know the game because of the art, or collect the cards (maybe) as bookmarks, (which are both awesome! that's why i first got them lol) but also that leaves me with no one to actually play with now :,)

    submitted by /u/crowcaves
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    A large part of the Three Houses budget was used to design original maps

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 08:15 PM PDT

    Which character was a casualty of bad writing?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 05:06 PM PDT

    Which character do you think suffed the most out of bad writing?

    submitted by /u/Gamestar02
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    I drew Brave Marianne! ������

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 07:36 PM PDT

    About Byleth's role and possible FE4 influences

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 03:33 PM PDT

    Genealogy of the Holy War and Three Houses spoilers.

    Hi everyone, I've seen a lot of people talk about how Three Houses loves referencing Genealogy, usually talking about stuff like the holy blood and the crests, the Crusaders and the Ten Elites, the Loptr Cult and the Agarthans, etc.

    But I recently replayed FE4 and FE5 and kind of realized that Byleth plays a role that is similar to Deirdre's and Lewyn's. I googled and didn't find many discussions about this so I'll list some of the main similarities in this table:

    Byleth Deirdre Lewyn
    "Descendant" of Sothis, the goddess Descendant of Heim (Naga's crusader), the main crusader
    Carries the same crest as Nemesis, who was used by the Agarthans Carries the blood of Maera, who was part of the Loptrian Empire
    Influenced by Sothis after receiving her crest stone *1 Kaga's notes: Heim was influenced by Naga when using the book of Naga He is influenced by Ced when he receives the Forseti
    Their parents are Jeralt (bearer of Seiros' blood) and Sitri (bearer of Sothis' crest stone) She was born from an affair between Kurth (prince of Grannvale) and Cigyun (duke Victor of Velthomer's wife)
    Jeralt ran away with Byleth when they were a baby Cigyun ran away when she was pregnant
    Charms everyone. The lords basically force you to join them the moment they meet you Charms everyone. Sigurd and Arvis fall in love at first sight The OG playboy, has 3 girls fighting for him
    Doesn't know anything about the world Doesn't know anything about the world
    Joins the lords to defend a village from bandits Joins Sigurd while defending some Agustrian villages from bandits
    He/She is supposed to be a mercenary but ends up being the next "pope" She is supposed to be a commoner, but she is actually the daughter of the crown prince of Grannvale He is supposed to be a bard, but he is actually the crown prince of Silesse
    He/She is sent into the void by Solon. Thales almost kills him/her. He is killed by Manfroy after the Battle of Belhalla
    Sothis merges with Byleth and they come back to FodlanHe/She is both Byleth and Sothis He is revived by Ced and is forced into a Geas He is both Lewyn and Ced (the Dragon)
    He/She is the tactician He is the tactician
    Part 2 starts with Byleth meeting the Lord The second generation starts with Seliph meeting Lewyn *2
    He/She doesn't really antagonize the Empire, he/she fights against the Agarthans He doesn't really antagonize Arvis, he is fighting against the Loptyr Cult
    He/She doesn't show many emotions. Cries once (Jeralt's death) (2nd gen) He doesn't show many emotions. Cries once (when he learns about Tailtiu's death in a conversation with Tine) *3

    *1: Implied by Jeralt and Rhea, even if Sothis only starts appearing during the prologue.

    *2: Arguable. Seliph is already fighting, just as Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude are in Three Houses, but this time we see Byleths POV.

    *3. Not canon because FE5 contradicts that pairing.

    There are many differences too, like Lewyn's personality during the first generation or all the stuff regarding Deirdre's marriages. Even though, I think that some of the points may even be intentional.

    I may be absolutely wrong, or it may be a coincidence, what do you think about it?

    I think that it could also explain why some people can't stand Byleth, they tried to fit two of the most important characters of Genealogy into one, removing both of their weaknesses (Deirdre losing her memories and Lewyn being controlled by Ced).

    I hope that there are not many typos hahaha.

    submitted by /u/Tasteless_Geneticist
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    I did this for a video edit I did with a friend . And this is basically the Blue Lions route . I never played any Mr. Love but yea otome route .

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 06:08 AM PDT

    Made these real quick as I got inspiration and didn't want to lose the idea but they will absolutely be remade later when I'm done with a ton of school stuff :D

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 12:49 PM PDT

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