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    Tuesday, August 24, 2021

    Fire Emblem TIL units in FE3 move on the map at different speeds based on their Speed stat

    Fire Emblem TIL units in FE3 move on the map at different speeds based on their Speed stat

    TIL units in FE3 move on the map at different speeds based on their Speed stat

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    My sleepy 3000 year old dragon costest

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 04:36 PM PDT

    Pirate Dagdar and Tanya (Thracia 776)

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    A Rebuttal to the Post on Edelgard Shifting Blame

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    There was a recent post (called OP from now on) on this subreddit talking about the poster's opinions and experiences about Edelgard, in which they professed a belief that Edelgard shifts the blame for the deaths caused by her war onto her enemies. I strongly disagree, and would like to offer a measured rebuttal from the perspective of a fan of hers.

    First, a (not so) brief aside on the topic of repercussions for Edelgard's association with the murder muppets and her actions as the Flame Emperor. I see this point brought up quite frequently, and it baffles me, because she has just the confrontation that people seem to be asking for on screen.

    Bernadetta: "Edelgard … did you know about this?"

    Edelgard: "Yes. In fact, I gave the order. I am the Flame Emperor."

    [Rhea, Hubert, and Metodey speak]

    Caspar: "Wait! What's the meaning of this, Edelgard?"

    Petra: "You … made use of us? Why?"

    Edelgard: "I'm sorry, my teacher. I cut this path, and now I must follow it. My friends, I ask that all of you stay back! It is not my intention to fight you."

    Of course, her friends do not stay back, and she ends up fighting against them. Betrayed by her actions, in the scene that follows, Byleth defaults to turning against her. In fact, taking her side is the only choice in the game that is gated behind missable conditions. This is also the only time in the game that Byleth turns on their Lord (notable, given the shenanigans Boarmitri gets up to). The repercussions that Edelgard faces for her actions and alliances as the Flame Emperor is the likelihood of her teacher and classmates turning against her and her resulting failure and death.

    If Byleth chooses to side with Edelgard, her classmates see for themselves why she stooped to such lengths for power – Rhea's Immaculate One form. She also explains her motivations in the cutscene after the Holy Tomb. They join her knowing that she's allied with the murder muppets (from her statements as Flame Emperor, Hanneman's explore dialogue in chapter 13, and the fact that the entire class gets brought to Hubert's little monster mash). This is why I object to the belief that Edelgard on CF should "grow from lying to her allies." They aren't her allies, not truly, until after she's come clean and they made a pivotal decision in the Holy Tomb. After which, they know! And they go along with her anyway, because that is the decision that they made. She does grow in this scene, and it is by learning that she has allies in the first place, that it is not just her and Hubert against the world.

    All right! Aside finished. Onto the meat of the post.

    The first line that I wish to discuss is Edelgard's explore dialogue prior to attacking Derdriu. The original post quotes it in it's entirety, as will I, for reference.

    "I wish we could settle all of this before the fighting begins. Don't you? I wish it dearly. But few others feel that way. They fight in a bloody battle, take countless lives, and then finally come to understand defeat. They refuse to admit when they're beaten, and they keep it up until they've been utterly defeated. Of course, I understand that sacrifice is inevitable... But if they're going to surrender after being defeated anyway, why raise a weapon in the first place?"

    OP complains that there is no sign that negotiations have been attempted – that Edelgard has no right to wish for a peaceful solution when she did not attempt one herself. Except, in chapter 12, Edelgard and Hubert discussing distributing a manifesto to all the nobles of Fodlan. Obviously, this worked to some extent, because Edelgard is not fighting the entire Alliance. As OP points out, Gloucester, Edmund, and Ordelia have all already agreed to side with her. It is possible that if it were not for Claude's influence, the Alliance may have folded without a fight at all. Once he's out of the picture, they do just that.

    Now, I disagree strongly with the OP about the intention of this quote. In my reading, the key to understanding it is that last sentence: "But if they're going to surrender after being defeated anyway, why raise a weapon in the first place?" Edelgard is not complaining about the army resisting her, she's complaining about the very thing that Claude does in that chapter – the surrender of commanding officers. Claude does not believe that his dream is worth dying for and he tells his friends the same – to flee if things get too rough. But they will flee or surrender after a pitched battle, causing significant Imperial and Alliance casualties. Does Alliance sniper NPC #43 get to flee? No. What about the soldiers of his friends' battalions, lost in battle before their commander takes enough damage to decide to surrender? They're still dead. So Claude sacrifices the lives of Alliance (and Imperial) soldiers for a cause he does not believe in strongly enough to make that same sacrifice for. In contrast, on other routes, Edelgard Goes Down With The Ship. She very much believes in Lelouch's maxim, "the only ones who should kill, are those who are prepared to be killed."

    Now for the two Dimitri dialogues. First up, the infamous "no, u" line.

    Dimitri: "Must you continue to conquer? Continue to kill?"

    Edelgard: "Must you continue to reconquer? Continue to kill in retaliation? I will not stop. There is nothing I would not sacrifice to cut a path to Fódlan's new dawn!"

    OP seems to be completely ignoring what Dimitri says in this exchange, which of course strips it of the intended meaning. When he says "Must you continue to conquer? Continue to kill?", Dimitri is asking two questions. The first is the obvious, "are you going to continue?" This is a nonquestion – obviously yes, she's fighting him now. The implication of his question, however, is "why?" "[Why] must you continue to conquer?" Is your cause worth the bloodshed?

    In the second half of Edelgard's reply, she answers both of Dimitri's questions. Yes, she will continue, for the sake of a new Fodlan under her ideals. But before that, she turns his implied question around on him, and asks him the same thing he asked her. He does not have to fight, he could surrender, as the western Faerghus lords did. So for what reason is he fighting? Dimitri answers with:

    Dimitri: "Enough of this madness! This future of yours is built upon a foundation of corpses and tears."

    This sounds perfectly reasonable, Dimtri is fighting against her because he opposes war ideologically and feels he must stop her, right? No. Looking at some of Dimitri's other lines from the cutscenes before and after Tailtean and from his statements in Azure Moon, the corpses and tears he is referring to are not those of his soldiers' now, but those of victims of the Tragedy of Duscur.

    Dimitri, CF before Tailtean: "There is only one person I am after. I have no interest in other prey."

    Dimitri, CF before Tailtean: "[…] We will prevail. I will not fail to get revenge for all who have fallen."

    Dimitri, CF death with Dedue: "Dedue… It seems I will die… before I can get revenge for everyone. […] My family [emphasis mine], my friends, my home… everything that truly mattered to me… I couldn't… "

    Dimitri, CF death with Edelgard: "You will know the regret of my father, who was killed for you! Of my stepmother, who was slain by her own daughter! You will bow your head before all of the lives you have trampled for your ideals before you die in misery!"

    Edelgard is asking, in her widely mocked rebuttal, "[Why] must you continue to kill in retaliation?" The answer for Dimitri is primarily revenge. He is seeking sadistic, bloody vengeance for the Tragedy of Duscur (wrongly attributed) and the victims of the war (correctly attributed). I think that a lot of the discourse around this line stems from the belief that as the aggressor, Edelgard must defend her reasons for fighting, while Dimitri is self evidently fighting to defend his country and so inquiring as to his reasons for fighting is laughable. Except, unlike the rest of the Blue Lions, Dimitri is not fighting for Faerghus's sovereignty – he's on a revenge quest. Perhaps you may view this as justified reason to fight, but a lot of Azure Moon revolves around the question of whether revenge is worth it, and the conclusion that Dimitri comes to is "no."

    Now, for the infamous, "If we were only born in a time of peace, you might have lived a joyful life as a benevolent ruler," line. OP correctly points out that Dimtri's life was not peaceful even before she started her war. However, it is key to understanding Edelgard to know that she does not view the state Fodlan is in at the beginning of the game as peace. If she had not started her war, Dimitri would have presided over a Faerghus where bandit attacks are commonplace, children are experimented upon for crests, women are regularly forced to produce crest babies (Hanneman Edelgard A, Ingrid's situation, Mercedes' situation, Dorothea's mother as per Hanneman support), children are thrown out for being crestless (Dorothea Hanneman support, Miklan), and commoners grow up with little opportunity for advancement or self-improvement. By Edelgard's definition of competent governance, it is categorically impossible for Dimitri to be "benevolent ruler" in these circumstances. He would be presiding over too much suffering for it to count as "peace." By her estimation, peace and benevolent rulership are only possible after she implements her reforms.

    Edelgard: "Crests are to blame for this brutal, irrational world we live in. […] Have you ever wondered if the only way to create a truly free world is to dispense with the goddess and with Crests?"

    After this, the OP actually makes a point that I agree with. Edelgard distances herself emotionally from what she is doing in order to be able to continue doing it. She often takes a long, historical view on her actions, and puts up a mask when going about her war and when interacting with others. OP correctly points out that the infamous mouse and painting scenes are there to show you the sensitive woman hidden behind the hard shell.

    Edelgard, before attacking Garreg Mach: "I'm just … anxious. It feel like the weight of this burden is killing me. At this very moment, on my orders, I'm starting a war. […] So many generals and soldiers will die. It's inevitable that civilians will get caught up in the chaos as well. There will be countless casualties. With a single command, the flames of war will rage across this realm. And I am the one who is giving the order. […] No matter how much blood flows at my feet, I will not relent."

    Edelgard, after Randolph's death: "Another loss on my watch… As more blood wets my feet, they grow heavier with each step. Remorse, resentment, despair… I have dispensed with all such things to come this far."

    Edelgard, Dorothea C if after Holy Tomb: "If an opera is made about my life someday, I wonder how I'll be portrayed. The emperor who brought everlasting peace to Fodlan… or the tyrant who shed the blood of her people..."

    The above quotes show a lot of Edelgard distancing herself emotionally and steeling herself for the consequences of her actions. What they do not show is any shifting of blame – she accepts it squarely. The only question for her is if it will be worth the cost.

    Now, I do take umbrage at the characterization of Edelgard's retainer and rival. Hubert is most definitely not a simp – people want someone to challenge her, and he is the one who most frequently does in plot relevant ways. He chides her to her face multiple times in White Clouds (most notably, after her "crests are to blame" speech in chapter 5), and frequently goes behind her back as well. He is why she is working with the murder muppets in the first place. Speaking of which, the player does get to call her out on that, through Hubert in chapter 13.

    Hubert: "I assume you recall a certain group's scheming from five years ago. Solon and Kronya… They both served Lord Arundel."

    Byleth: "Why must we cooperate?" / "He must be dealt with."

    Hubert: "Professor, I understand how you must be feeling, considering what they did to your father. I know it must be foul to even consider cooperating with their kind. However, their power is essential for us at present. Edelgard also strongly opposed the idea at first. Our enemy is the Church of Seiros itself. It cannot be toppled with the Empire's might alone. Those working under Lord Arundel are extremely hostile toward the church. And the enemy of our enemy is… Well, I think you sufficiently understand by now."

    Byleth: "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

    Hubert: "Until all of Fodlan is united, it is a necessary evil. As for how we deal with them afterward… time will tell."

    While Ferdinand stops his one-sided rivalry against Edelgard early into the timeskip, he is also the only rival character whose Lord listens to his criticism and changes her approach because of it (by admitting he was right and implementing free education). Lorenz exists in the narrative primarily to get dunked on by Claude – I cannot think of a single time when Claude concedes a point to him. And Dimitri ignores Felix until Rodrigue dies, at which point Felix stops offering criticism. Even after the A-support, Dimtri ignores Felix's point and becomes king anyway, gravestones around his neck or no.

    OP concludes their post by saying that they wished that Edelgard had a chance to face something of herself and grow. They say they wish that she had a chance to "become truly comfortable with what she's done." I have spent the previous portion of this essay showing that she already is aware of what she's done and is not looking to shift blame for it in any way. I will finish by offering my explanation of Edelgard's arc, because she does change and grow over the course of Crimson Flower, and OP actually caught parts of that.

    Edelgard, as OP noticed, has erected a mask and holds herself at a distance in order to cope with what she must do / is doing / has done. This is even noted in The Edge of Dawn, which plays after every route except Crimson Flower, when she calls herself "the mask I have become." As OP pointed out, she considers herself to be a separate person from who she was before the experiments ("The Edelgard who shed tears died a long time ago").

    This mask is firmly in place all through White Clouds. She is withdrawn and formal with her classmates, and holds them at some remove. Once Byleth chooses her in the Holy Tomb, however, she reveals some of her emotions to them ("I'm anxious") and in doing so begins dropping her impervious facade. This is especially obvious after you come back from the timeskip, where Caspar is comfortable with teasing her to her face, and she only responds by blushing. Post-timeskip Edelgard is, to some degree, a softer person despite her war raging around her. Her Byleth supports, after the trauma bomb of the first two, are about her relaxing and opening up to Byleth. Particularly notably, in her A support, she invites them to call her "El," a name which applied to the girl from before the experiments. The rat scene and the month where she locks herself in her room a la Bernadetta out of embarrassment are further steps in her gradually revealing who she is under the Imperial mask. This culminates in the final cutscene of the route, where the Edelgard who shed tears turns out to not have died a long time ago. Much like Bernadetta only comes out of her room in CF, so does Edelgard come out of her shell and learn that the girl she once was is still in there and has not been drowned in the pool of blood at her feet.

    Now, I am by no means arguing that Edelgard's arc is fulfilling for everyone. Different strokes for different folks, after all, and the beauty of a game with multiple routes is that everyone has something they can gravitate to. But translation awkwardness aside, Edelgard is written remarkably uniformly throughout the game, and shifting blame away from herself is not a component of her character.

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    submitted by /u/Volossya
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    Distracted Anna Art Collab!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 04:52 PM PDT

    Lianna and Lissa Duo Warrior Special Attack - Commission Drawn by @naokimineta026 on Twitter

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    Distracted Professor

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 06:00 PM PDT

    Drew my friend's Corrin in the witch class of Fire Emblem Fates! Added a few extra details to her outfit as well.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    Got a print signed by Cherche’s VA at a con

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 11:41 PM PDT

    Just a perfectly normal Tiki (OC)

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    My whole Fire Emblem collection (my biggest game collection too!)

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 07:31 PM PDT

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Fit For a Giant

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 07:29 PM PDT


    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 02:33 PM PDT




    3. DON'T BE A DICK


    submitted by /u/LaqOfInterest
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    Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 06:43 PM PDT

    Alva solves an inherent problem with the support system

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    On paper, FE's support system is a critically important pillar of the game – it helps provide further characterization to your chess pieces to make the series's trademark permadeath mechanic as impactful as it can be. But a notable problem arises when this system doesn't cooperate perfectly with the concept of permadeath.

    Because the less important characters can die at any time, all of these conversations are dynamic and can take place at any point throughout the story. As such, for the most part each support must be in an individualized vacuum disconnected with the main story (with a few exceptions). This aforementioned vacuum also makes character growth in supports feel less meaningful. A character can overcome their flaws in a B or A support only to do a 180-degree turn and go back to their old behavior in their next C support. Fire Emblem characters can feel very inconsistent as a result of this – though this is less of an issue with the characters' writing and more of a side effect of a system that needed to be built around a fluid and dynamic story.

    To be fair, FE and FE-like games have taken measures to attempt to combat this effect. Path of Radiance does a notably good job here. It sets its support growth based on chapters deployed together rather than turns spent adjacent to each other, which helps make characters' support growth feel synced with the story. Jill is my go-to example of how this can be successful; her character development is directly tied to the mechanics of PoR's support system, and the end result feels organic and natural.

    On the other hand, Tear Ring Saga took a different approach: supports were made into fixed events that only happened during certain parts of the story. TRS trades the support system's universal flexibility for more stable and coherent character arcs and subplots. It makes each character feel like they're the hero of their own tale – the presence of so many side stories makes the unimportant characters always feel relevant, even if they aren't directly involved in the main story.

    Both of these remedies were created by fundamentally altering how the support system works. However, I want to suggest that this problem can still be somewhat circumvented without changing the structure of the support system, and this is where Alva comes in.


    1 oh yeah, this post has some minor characterization spoilers for the romhack Dark Lord and the Maiden of Light. It's nothing big, but I still think DLATMOL's story is best experienced as blind as possible, so I feel obligated to say this nonetheless

    Alva is a character from the FE7 romhack Dark Lord and the Maiden of Light (no relation to the Thracia 776 character). He's a prominent noble of Deimos, the villainous country of the game. As a major lord, he is deeply interconnected with other important people in Deimos, for better or for worse – everyone knows him, and he is almost universally seen as an unreliable, untrustworthy, backstabbing snake.

    In the main story, Alva enters an uncertain truce with the player's army as they invade Deimos, claiming that he shares their goal of dethroning Deimos's current emperor, Raum, and replacing him with the rightful heir. Naturally, the protagonists are very distrusting of him at first – after all, he is a shady noble from the enemy country. The circumstances of their meeting are very suspicious and the game sets up Alva like he's going to betray you.

    As it turns out, Alva's actual goal doesn't really change throughout the story. From the beginning of the game to the end, he truly wants to put Deimos's rightful ruler Prince Arjun on the throne, with himself taking the role of the prince's most trusted advisor. However, the motivations behind this goal shift as the story goes on – and that's where the meat of Alva's character growth takes place.

    Same goal, shifting motives

    Initially, Alva only sees Prince Arjun as an easily-manipulated tool rather than having genuine goodwill for him. He has special dialogue with Arjun if he's the one to recruit him, which reveals that despite all his talk he doesn't actually know Arjun very well at all.

    Alva: Prince Arjun, you truly are a noble soul. Allow me to be your guardian throughout this battle. I am a nobleman of Deimos, loyal to the throne. You have nothing more to fear under my watch. [...]

    Alva: Now, come along. We've an empire to rebuild! And the beginning to that starts today!

    Arjun: Yes… By the way, who are you exactly?

    The game throws us a huge cue that everyone was right to be suspicious of Alva at first. In the beginning Alva only wants to use Arjun as a puppet ruler to manipulate, in order to earn himself further power in Deimos's political system. Were his intentions better, he likely would've tried to actually get to know Arjun a little better. His actions even mirror those of the former corrupt advisors of Deimos, who exploited the fact that Arjun was too young to rule as an avenue to their own power. This is a parallel that Alva himself does not overlook in his A support with Mide.

    Alva: What good is being on top when the foundation is rotting? This was the way of the wisemen responsible for all this. I'd just be toppled and another Raum would be born. I must find another way. Another way to true nobility.

    But gradually over the course of the main story, Alva's reasons behind this goal shift. He grows less self-centered (though he'd hate to admit it) and genuinely gets invested in serving the people of Deimos and making his country a better place. This happens no matter what, as long as Alva is still alive – most of it occurs in conditional cutscenes throughout DLATMOL's main story.

    Yet Alva's new reason for wanting power is a little different depending on which A support he gets. With Mide, Alva decides that he wants to redeem himself in the eyes of his citizens and do good unto them to make up for his sketchy past. With Arthur, Alva comes to the conclusion that he has the power to save Deimos, feeling obligated to use that power to change it for the better. And with Arjun, he sees many of his own past emotional struggles in the boy and decides to support him so he doesn't follow a similar path that Alva himself went down.

    I think this format of "same goal, evolving motivation" is a really unique way to handle the growth of a Fire Emblem side character. Alva's supports contextualize his existing character development in subtle ways, making the supports feel more impactful by suggesting Alva's reasons for changing would be different had he bonded with someone else.

    This structure also acts as a kinda-sorta workaround towards this common problem that supports have, where a character will go through important personality developments in an A support only to revert back to their old behavior in their next C support. With Alva, this dissonance is mostly mitigated by his end goal staying the same. His earlier supports nicely fit the mold of his goal while leaving his motivations vague, so they still remain consistent with his character regardless of how far his development has already progressed. Alva flatters Prince Arjun a lot in their C support, which could be Alva buttering him up because he still wants to manipulate him, or he could be just hamming it up like he does in their A support and in other parts of the main story. Either interpretation fits, which means the support stays coherent no matter how early, or late, it is unlocked.

    As an addendum: despite the eye-catchy title I don't actually think this is a 100% workable solution to solving this support problem or anything, mainly because it wouldn't work with every single type of character out there. This kind of support format would likely only succeed with characters like Alva whose intentions are purposefully meant to come off as unclear and potentially sinister. It also helps a lot that Alva gets many conditional cutscenes in the main story. But regardless, I still think it's a really interesting workaround to this problem and I like how DLATMOL handled it, and I just wanted an excuse to talk about it somewhere.

    submitted by /u/BobbyYukitsuki
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    What villain do you empathize with the most?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    Lately I been thinking about villains like Hardin and Lyon that I empathize with a lot. Villains that end up dying cause they were on the wrong side like Musafa or villains you just couldn't do anything for like the two above.

    submitted by /u/MiuIruma332
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    Playing Sacred Stones for the first time. Any tips?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    Dunno, the glitch just makes this hilarious to me. (FE Warriors)

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    [PREVIEW] FE: Three Houses Extra CD FANDUB - Track One TRAILER

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    Griffon rider is one of the best classes in Awakening.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    I always thought it was kind of lame. Like why would you pick a griffon over a dragon. Well, I think griffon rider is really good for a couple of reasons. It has higher speed than wyvern lord and it gets deliverance. There's nothing better than pairing up deliverance Cherche with Gaius and flying around at 11 movement. Then, you can pass down deliverance and movement+1 to Gerome and pair him up with a thief morgan or Robin and I think he gets 13-14 move with a speed boost from the thief pair up. Totally broken and hilarious.

    submitted by /u/ChadDorcas
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    Mercedes/ Felix C Support rant

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 05:39 AM PDT

    I tell ya, there is little else in Three Houses that make me so sad and shocked than the C Support between Mercedes and Felix.

    Mercedes is the most wholesome, lovely person just trying to be her friendly, generous self, and she gets a proverbial slap in the face for her trouble by the grouchy, and frankly selfish Felix.

    Mercedes is the best girl, and I needed to give her a hug, and to tell Felix right off.

    Rant over.

    submitted by /u/Novarcharesk
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    What houses do Manuela and Hanneman get assigned after you pick?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    On my second playthrough and I never exactly hear or am told what they choose after I pick first.

    submitted by /u/ferd_draws
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