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    Monday, August 23, 2021

    Fire Emblem Gatekeeper and Alfonse Vs Fallen Edelgard

    Fire Emblem Gatekeeper and Alfonse Vs Fallen Edelgard

    Gatekeeper and Alfonse Vs Fallen Edelgard

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 02:38 PM PDT

    [OC] Just Eirika stretching

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    To prank or not to prank? (commission by @seraikuni on Twitter)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 05:26 AM PDT

    Honestly don't know if I made it work, but since I got asked to genderswap Yuri I gave it a shot! I hope I gave it justice.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    Costest for Elincia. I think about making a complete cosplay.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    What are your favourite obscure facts about Fire emblem?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    Just something I was curious about. What are some really obscure fire emblem facts that you'd like to share? Whether it's about characters, enemies, music, environments, coding, etc, I'd be interested to hear them.

    I'll start with something I discovered recently that's kind of funny to me.

    So in Fates: Conquest, you can fight takumi 5 times (6 if you count the clone in the final battle) and as you would expect, he gets stronger each time you fight him, with one minor exception.

    You can fight him during chapter 10 aka one of the circles of conquest hell, and I think you have to beat him in chapter 13 aka the one where you have to kill scarlet. During this, only on normal mode, his strength stat is actually lower than what it was in chapter 10. In chapter 10 normal mode his strength is 15 and in chapter 13 (where he has promoted from archer to sniper), his strength is only 14.

    Not sure how this happened but it's kind of hilarious.

    Well that's my semi obscure fact. What's yours?

    submitted by /u/MasterOfChaos72
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    Lyn in my style. I like her.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 01:50 AM PDT

    Recreated Moulder in Dark Souls 3

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 03:54 PM PDT


    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    Two Waifus that I drew a few months ago :) Feel like sharing some for y'all

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 07:32 PM PDT

    [OC] Kaden is the main source of male fanservice in Fates, and not even Azura is immune

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 02:41 PM PDT

    SHE'S HERE! (From Kozaki Yusuke's recent exhibition. Flavia - Awakening)

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    My personal Fire Emblem play order guide

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 06:58 PM PDT

    OSWIN Units: Shin [Overlooked-Super-Wacky-Interesting-Niche Units]

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 06:49 PM PDT

    OSWIN Units: Shin [Overlooked-Super-Wacky-Interesting-Niche Units]



    Shin (yes, I'm calling him "Shin" not "Sin" because I'm used to it) was the reason I wanted to do this series, so it is fitting we start with him.


    Shin is a level 5 nomad that joins on chapter 9 with Hard Mode bonuses in Binding Blade. On Hard Mode, he consists of above average bases with 29 HP, 9 Atk, 11 Skill, 14 Spd, and 8 Def and monstrous offensive growths of 45-50-50 in Atk-Skill-Spd. His growths as well as his promotion gains of +2 Str/Spd allows him to be constantly ahead of the curve. While his defense growth is, uh, pitiful, his HP and base defense will normally be high enough to suffice and considering Binding Blade's hit rates, he has a pretty high avoid rate. His base level may seem low but considering his base stats are just so good all it really means is that he gets EXP faster and more levels, something that is even more encouraged by his starting map being a great grind map.

    Shin also benefits from wielding bows and swords, giving him consistent 1 range and 2 range options. Training in Sword rank also gives Shin a way to face single-digit hit rates from axe enemies as well as deal with other bow users. Swords also give him an option to have a reliable Enemy Phase against many of the crowds in Binding Blade. Bow access in Binding Blade in general is quite great due to threatening Wyverns as well as Javelins and Hand Axes being inaccurate besides on someone like Milady. Being able to wield Killer Bows while doubling allows Shin to become an assassin that can easily one-round a powerful enemy at little risk to himself.

    Mount in GBA is always a good thing, and Shin has 17 Aid promoted (18 unpromoted), the highest Aid in the game, coupled with Canto and he can serve as a ferry for nearly any unit in the game.

    So, Shin's a great unit right? I mean, tier lists of Binding Blade tend to have him in A tier already. Why am I talking about him?

    Well . . .

    Exhibit A: The Other Hard Mode Carries

    Oftentimes, discussions of Binding Blade on Hard Mode focuses around Hard Mode characters. New players of Hard Mode will often praise Rutger, Milady, and Perceval as the "Saviors of Hard Mode". It's not that Shin is necessarily inferior to these as he fulfills a role that none of them really do, but he is not brought up as often as the other ones when it comes to who has the best combat in Binding Blade despite him out of the 4 being the only one with both reliable 1 range and 2 range one-rounding. Milady takes no damage from physical units and can actually use Javelins, but her speed actually becomes a bit problematic due to the cap not letting her double things like capped Mercs. Perceval base skill of 15 is not great and as such his accuracy with 1-2 range is shakely. Rutger just completely lacks 2 ranges unless we count the 10x2 Light Brand. So why isn't Shin discussed? Well uhhhh . . . .

    [Sidenote, as I was writing this, "Speedwinghere" just posted a Binding Blade Meme about the Hard Mode characters. Guess what? Shin is missing again. Point proven. Good video.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7DyaTncnqY]

    Exhibit B: Sacae

    People are scared of Hard Mode Sacae.

    I get it.


    You fear the Monke.

    And Gel.

    And Toril and Brakul and Kudoka and Maral and Kabul and Chan.

    I think the aversion to Shin comes from people not using Shin fearing that they will (accidentally) go to Sacae. Sacae's legacy is just that strong. But here's the solution to that:

    1: Use Shanna, she's a good unit

    I'm not going to go too in-depth about Shanna, but the short is that Shanna is not only a good unit but she should easily be able to balance out Shin's EXP to go to Illia. The Route Split is determined by total EXP earned, not total level, and Shanna starting at a lower level as well as an earlier join time should make it easy to ensure Sacae isn't reached if you promote Shin earlier. I have a tendency to promote Shin in chapter 12 due to the archer-hallways and I would recommend that other people do the same. I would not reccomend trying to balance Shin's EXP over Thea due to Thea's rough starting off point will cause her to struggle to get kills.

    "But ShinSimper1181, training Shanna is too annoying, so that's my excuse not to use Shin."

    Well then . . .

    2: Just go to Sacae

    Ok hear me out. Shin is one of the strongest units on the Sacae route, rivalliny Milady in dominance. He consistently one rounds every generic enemy you will find on the Sacae route. Even someone like Milady, while she will never die to generics, will oftentimes be unable to fully one-round them due to her speed cap. Shin's higher potential speed allows him to double nomad troopers and swordmasters. Shin can oftentimes just equip a killer bow, walk into a group of Nomads, enemy-phase all of them, and if there is a Nomad Trooper left around you can go kill him on the next enemy phase.

    Wyvern lords are also a problem in Sacae, in which Shin can easily dispatch them if you lack other options.

    Shin also does well comparatively against the two troublesome bosses in Sacae: Monke and Gel. For Monke, trained Shin will survive a round of combat from either brave weapon and double back with decent accuracy with killer weapons. Shin also can combat Gel at 2 range, and while he is unable to double Gel (no one can) he will not get doubled back and is at 0 chance of death due to Light Brand dealing a static 10 damage with no ability to crit. His accuracy is still not great, being around 45-60%, but he is far better than like Milady Rutger and Perceval with their awful 2 range accuracy (if any) and risk of death at 1 range.

    Ok, so what about Sacae 21x? Well, I personally just underman it and put Shin alone on the bottom. Get berserked? Whocares, he just kills everyone anyways! Once more, his high HP and avoid allows him to take multiple combats anyways. Additionally, you could just turtle. Shin kills the Nomad troopers, no need for dumb Milady to choke the point for 20 turns.

    So next time you play Binding Blade, maybe consider giving Shin a spin. He is indeed quite an OSWIN unit.


    submitted by /u/jektrooper
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    I commissioned a Forrest x Ophelia piece by PeachDelta

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 02:38 PM PDT

    Caspar x Hilda fan book

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 09:20 AM PDT

    I was invited to take part in the Hilda/Caspar zine! First 72 hours of sales get this piece as a print!

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 08:13 PM PDT

    How Fire Emblem Heroes Connects to Norse Mythology in Its First Five Books

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 06:32 PM PDT

    How do I download Fire Emblem Storge?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    I've wanted to play Fire Emblem Storge but whenever I try to download it either won't download or The Download won't work. How do I download Fire Emblem Storge?

    submitted by /u/JMISTHEBEST
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    Robin & Robin

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 12:41 AM PDT

    Thoughts on The Binding Blade?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    I've heard a lot about FE6, but never consistently enough that I can nail down a general consensus. I've heard some people say that they really like the game, that it's one of the more highly regarded games in the series. I've heard some people say they don't care for it, that it's generally regarded as one of the weakest games in the series.

    What do you think about it? Good? Bad?

    submitted by /u/Yobsuba
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    Any recommended "Fan Roms"?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    E.g. things like Corrupt Theocracy that are basically FE games but fan made. Any of these that are good and recommended?

    (Note, FE like games that will scratch the itch are also something I would be happy to know about. :) )

    submitted by /u/Aenarion885
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