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    Thursday, September 30, 2021

    Fire Emblem "Collect Every Last One Of Them!"

    Fire Emblem "Collect Every Last One Of Them!"

    "Collect Every Last One Of Them!"

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    My collection so far! I’ve been an FE fan since FE7… or rather since Nintendo Power did a preview of FE7 (games were all bought shortly after release).

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    Which Fire Emblem trope are you tired of?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 05:02 PM PDT

    [Aidan Kresnik] [OC] Here's Lyn dressed up as Yuna from FFX-2!

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    I like Ike. You like Ike. Everybody likes Ike! (A chibi I drew.)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    Syrene and Fiora for the 1st day of Inktober

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 05:54 PM PDT

    Why are there so many different versions of Lost in thoughts all alone? Pls Help

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 06:07 PM PDT

    I was looking for choir songs for my treble group and refound this song, but what I didn't realize was that there were so many different versions of it. I haven't gotten around to playing the games so I don't know if the different versions are supposed to all tell a story together. Can someone please tell me if they do, and if not, which one is best to sing? I wanna make the best combinations of the songs if I can! The few versions I've already heard are so pretty especially that one Shigure guy's version!!

    A link of some of the versions I found!!: https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Lost_in_Thoughts_All_Alone

    thank you for reading!:)

    submitted by /u/TheGamingVoice
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    How good/bad is your luck in level ups and other RNG-related nonsense in FE?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    RNG is a funny thing; it gives just as much as it takes away. Of course, a cool thing about Fire Emblem is best seen in 0% or Negative Growths runs, that even awful RNG doesn't render the game necessarily unbeatable. As such, a lot of FE's fun comes from being tactically rewarding to a clever mind...

    ...and then there's these instances. One where it almost feels as though the Random Number God hates you and will only lift a curse with the death of your firstborn. Anyone would know how it goes from playing FE; good units who are cursed slowly become bad, bad units who are blessed turn into map-clearing monstrosities, and the RNG never, ever is consistent about this.

    So... I want to hear it, largely because I'm curious to hear, and honestly probably going to laugh with some of the stories of historic good and/or bad luck. So how good/bad is YOUR luck? Any stories/comments are appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Wanderer2691
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    My FE tier list (critical/very strange list)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 07:15 PM PDT

    my list only ones ive only played so far (i can be a little bit picky and very critical)

    S - thracia

    A - blazing sword

    B - conquest, gaiden, binding blade

    C - awakening, sacred stones, shadow dragon ds

    F - genealogy, shadow dragon nes, revelations, birthright

    S - thracia is a pretty funny game i love but it's also an amazing game that deserves the story itself is kinda cool but not really my fave

    A - nothing really much to put here lmao but i think blazing sword is a pretty balanced game and also lyn

    B - i want to put conquest on A or S cuz of the gameplay and camilla but the way the game feels is completely mediocre the pairing system is strange and its my first 3ds era fire emblem, binding blade maps are a slog but it's a boringish kinda decent game, gaiden was very relaxing game cuz of maps arent a slog and weapons wont break but cave dungeons and lategame are pretty annoying

    C - awakening is meh but i kinda have an attraction to that psychopath and i dont knwo why, sacred stones was easy (if you grind) overall is kinda boring experience for a first game, shadow dragon remade graphics looks very cringy and ugly

    F - genealogy maps are exhausting and trading system is very strange but ngl the story isnt my cup of tea, shadow dragon nes is extremely slow and the graphics are so saturated that hurts my eyes it also has a very strange empty feeling like most of the nes games, revelations being revelations, birthright is boring and its pretty forgettable

    overall - i think gba games are considered as perfect era and also gba is my fav and first console second is 3ds. the 3ds/ modern ones are pretty anime waifu ecchi sh**. the snes era are way too old to enjoy but i like thracia tho.

    im broke cant afford switch and only use emulators never played SOV, not interested in Mystery of the emblem, Tellius games will probably break my laptop

    submitted by /u/Watdafadje
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    How best can I experience Fire Emblem with my aging father?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 12:35 AM PDT

    This post is probably going to be different from the others here, but I promise it has to do with Fire Emblem. For the TL;DR, my questions are below in bold.

    I love my father. He's lived a great life and his mind is still sharp, but at the age of 73, his body isn't keeping up and all indications are he doesn't have many years left. I want to make the most of our time left, and we have a lot planned, but one thing I want to try with him is recapturing the magic we shared playing through Valkyria Chronicles together about a decade ago.

    Granted, Valkyria Chronicles is not the same as Fire Emblem, (think alternate-reality WWII with anime characters and turn-based strategy mixed with real-time third-person-shooter movement) but like FE, VC offered some things my Dad and I were really into:

    • A huge cast of vibrant characters we genuinely cared about
    • A beautiful world fleshed out by solid writing
    • Surprisingly challenging strategy gameplay
    • Military stuff to geek out over
    • A good story with some great twists and turns

    Best of all, VC was a really long game that we kept coming back to over the course of two or three months, playing an hour or so at a time. Even though I was the only one ever actually playing, it was like watching a great TV show that goes on and on, except we had a great deal of input in what happened.

    Bringing this back to Fire Emblem, I want to recapture that Valkyria Chronicles experience I shared with my father with Fire Emblem, namely Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I've already bounced the idea off my dad and he's willing to give it a try, but things are a little more complicated than just starting today:

    1. We no longer live in the same town (now opposite ends of the country), so for us to experience this whole thing together, I'll have to stream it to him over YouTube or something. Is streaming from a Nintendo Switch through YouTube feasible if I buy almost any capture card? Will Nintendo attack me for streaming privately to a single person? (I've never set up an OBS before, I have done streaming on Discord though.)
    2. I have never played Three Houses before beyond reading a review on Polygon and hearing Mangs sing its praises. Does 3H have a long, drawn-out tutorial or cinematic intro? I'll be the only one playing, I play a lot of video games but my dad doesn't at all; if we're not hooked within the first 30-60 minutes, this whole experience might be dead before it gets off the ground. And if it does have a long intro, what parts are worth skipping/skimming?
    3. My only experience with Fire Emblem is The Blazing Blade and Sacred Stones. In both those titles, progress was saved after every action, so the tension of a beloved character dying was always there ... but I hear 3H has a "rewind" feature. Does this "rewind" feature take away a lot of the tension? Is 3H generally less challenging than FE7 or FE8?
    4. My dad doesn't have the best hearing and uses subtitles a lot. Full voice acting is great, but is 3H fully subtitled? Does it have options for subtitles like size, background, how fast they appear, etc.?
    5. I hear that a big thing with 3H is making a choice between one of three houses that you stick with for the rest of the game. Is there a bad choice of which house to stick with for the first playthrough? Please don't spoil too much, but this "you have to make an early choice and then you can't go back" thing kinda gives me a Destiny 2 vibe and I know that game would have been so much worse if I'd selected Hunter at the start.

    Any advice/opinions/answers appreciated so long as you don't spoil too much pretty please! ^^

    submitted by /u/LOLdragon89
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    (FE3H) Ingrid stats VERY scuffed. Need advice on future build.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:55 AM PDT

    I'm playing FE3H as BL and am at Chapter 7, BEFORE Battle of the Eagle and Lion. My level 15 Ingrid has an extremely crappy rng level up rate, with 14 Mag and 10 Str. Right now, she is the only Pegasus Knight for my team and the second mounted unit alongside Sylvain. In terms of skills, she has a B in Lance, C in axes and D+ in Authority.

    How should I build my Ingrid now for classes? Should I utilize her magic stat or proceed to turn her into a Falcon Knight? And how do you build Ingrid in general?

    submitted by /u/ZygardeCell-99
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    I beat Grima

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 07:47 PM PDT

    No no no no wait hold on a second homie, i meant i beat The Creation. And after my second time fighting Grima, i SPANKED HIM! HAHHHHHHHHHH no falchion, only 3 Yasha Ninjas, some spartans and a conqueror and Rigain

    submitted by /u/itachiman95
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    Brand New to FE

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 06:29 PM PDT

    Hi, I have next to no experience and knowledge with FE, and I was wondering if I should start off FE Fates, FE Echoes: Shadow of Valentina, or just get both. Also, should I get the DLC before or after I play them?

    submitted by /u/justbenicepleae
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    Gimme your favorite FE3H pairings/couplings

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    I'm going through a replay after my initial 2019 playthrough. I seem to remember some of the pairings, like Felix/Dorothea being kind of touching (if I remember correctly he goes to all her concerts) and Felix/Lysithea (if I remember she dies young and he never remarries).

    What are your favorite pairings for me to read about during the end credits? There's some wild ones I didn't even think of, like apparently Hanneman/Dorothea. I'd especially love to hear about ones I never would've expected. (I think Dorothea/Petra had an interesting one. Hell, a lot of Dorothea's pairings are interesting as she's one of the few bisexual characters, and she kind of starts off antagonistic to several of the other characters like Felix, Ferdinand, and Sylvain on account of her self-aware class issues)

    submitted by /u/JamesCodaCoIa
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    Fire Emblem Path of Radiance Gameplay Walkthrough Part 8 [1080P 60FPS] -...

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    Beating Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon how Nintendo intended it.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2021 06:00 AM PDT

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