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    Wednesday, September 29, 2021

    Fire Emblem [Original Art] Fallen Lion, Dimitri

    Fire Emblem [Original Art] Fallen Lion, Dimitri

    [Original Art] Fallen Lion, Dimitri

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    Charlotte! (OC)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 12:54 PM PDT

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Children of Darkness

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    So... They're playing Chess in a Fire Emblem game... Also! I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THAT CATRIA IS BAD AT CHESS!!!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    Soren gets lost in his book

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    Florina Art (The Blazing Blade)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 09:27 AM PDT

    Was Shinon (FE9) originally supposed to be a recurring villain?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    So, something that's always really made me curious is that, in the final chapter of FE9, there is a random sniper that has Deadeye which is the occult ability of Snipers in that game.

    It really stands out since I'm pretty sure that it's the only enemy in the game that has an occult ability, and it's just kinda there on a random ass sniper for seemingly no reason.

    This got me thinking that maybe there was more to this, so I investigated a little further and I realized that there is another random sniper in chapter 20 (Defending Talrega) who drops a skill, which normally are rewards for getting to chests in time or saving villages. They certainly aren't rewards for just beating some guy. What's more is that this skill happens to be provoke which just happens to also be the skill that Shinon starts with.

    The thing is that Shinon rising through the ranks of the Daein's army actually fits really well with both Shinon's ambition and Ashnard's meritocratic army really well. Honestly it would have been really cool to see.

    submitted by /u/Quakarot
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    (OC) Kris and Susie happen upon a prestigious monastery~

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 11:09 PM PDT

    Soft Taguel [original Art] lineless drawing! I love Panne she’s one of my all time favorite FEA characters (╹◡╹)♡

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    Seliph commissions (ft. Larcei)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    Summer Corrin (by me @tamerken9)

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    Other than Shadow Dragon, were there units that you intentionally sacrificed?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    In Shadow Dragon (FE11), in order to access gaiden chapters you were required to only have 15 units or less on your team (except for Chapter 24x where you have to sacrifice Tiki and the Falchion). This meant that most of the units that you recruit will most likely face a grim end so that you get access to these gaiden chapters.

    This got me wondering if anyone had that feeling of bloodthirstiness, or just couldn't be bothered to train them that you decide to sacrifice them, in Fire Emblem games other than FE11.

    Was it because you didn't like them as a character or weren't they good in terms of stats, growths and/or class?

    submitted by /u/NotStupidTurkey
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    Sketch session featuring two figures I got earlier this week. The 2nd gen heroes.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    My Radiant Dawn Tower Team

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 06:35 PM PDT

    Fire emblem 7 combat preparation theme on ocarina

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    I spent all of September playing my first full run of Conquest on Lunatic mode. Here is my journey.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 12:33 PM PDT

    The title is pretty self-explanatory. I had always been a fan of Conquest's gameplay and map design ever since I first played the game back in 2016, but I was always too intimidated to even look at Lunatic mode considering the horror stories I had heard about Awakening's equivalents and the troubles people had with certain maps like Chapters 17, 25, and Endgame. I probably wouldn't have thought much of it until I discovered u/Zoran501's YouTube channel and various Serenes Forest threads discussing the gameplay intricacies that I always knew was possible on Normal but didn't think could be done as easily on Lunatic. So a while back I tried a Hard mode run where I tried a lot of these strategies (more scuffed versions and less optimized, of course) and found that not only did they work, but were more reliable than a lot of what was being suggested in places like this very subreddit. So around Labor Day weekend I thought to myself "Fuck it, let's finally give Lunatic a shot." And here I am almost a month later with a completed CQ Lunatic file.

    My Corrin build was Male, +Magic -Def, Diviner talent. I learned in Hard that magic was actually disgustingly good against most enemies and I specifically picked M!Corrin because I knew I'd still be able to pick up Wyvern Rider from Percy, Cavalier from Silas, and Dark Mage from Odin, and they had all of the skills I would ever need for my run. My Corrin was pretty good, but I didn't actually need to rely on him very much since he did more tanking with the Dragonstone in the early-game to set-up kills for other units I knew I wanted to train, and I made very liberal use of Dual Strikes to make sure I got my weapon ranks where I needed them to be. This was especially important since I gave the first Heart Seal to Elise right after Chapter 7 and she needed to build her Axe rank as a Wyvern Rider ASAP.

    Wyvern Elise ended up being one of my run's MVPs, and I'm so glad that I did that instead of using it on Corrin or Felicia, as frankly I don't think doing so would have helped me much. Making Elise a Wyvern let me make better use of Lily's Poise and allowed me to be more aggressive against the enemy without being in too much risk of danger. Her access to flight in particular allowed me to fly Odin over to the left side of Chapter 10 and deal with Takumi before he had the chance to drain the water, making that map much more manageable than it otherwise would be. She would then do the same thing in Chapter 13: airdropping Odin into the middle of Takumi's squad with Nosferatu equipped and the two of them just completely demolished him as well as Reina by Turn 2, and basically pacifying that entire side of the map with little outside help. She also could 1RKO the Stoneborn in Chapter 21 with Lightning as a Malig Knight and that was incredibly helpful.

    Outside of Elise and the usual GOATs for a Lunatic run like Camilla and Xander, by far the most important units of my run were Silas, Effie, and Odin. Silas spent basically the entire run being my go-to solution for a lot of problematic situations. Since I didn't have Paladin Jakob Silas was my main boss killer for the very early-game, and even after Camilla joined he was still by far my best combat unit besides her, consistently able to take down bosses with Vow of Friendship and Corrin/Camilla Pair-up. Ch8 Kilma, Ch11 Hinoka, Ch12 Ryoma, Ch13 Scarlet, Ch16 Shura, the entirety of Ch19 as a Sol Master Ninja, Ch20 Hayato, Ch25 Kagero, the dude could not be stopped.

    Effie was a long-term project of mine that I knew had to be my answer for Endgame. I married her to Arthur immediately and had her befriend Mozu for Archer access. From there I had her pick up Quick Draw and Certain Blow from Sniper and spent the rest of the game building her as a Berserker. It was a bit of a slog making sure she got a high enough Axe rank where I only needed to use one Arms Scroll on her for the whole run to get her to S, but there was basically nothing she couldn't kill thanks to her massive Strength, decent Speed, and shockingly good HP and Defense no matter what class I had her in.

    As for Odin, he didn't last for the entire run, but for as long as I had him he was essential to my success. A lot of folks around here tend to rate Odin very poorly, for for the life of me I've never been able to understand why. Sure, his starting point isn't the best, but it's really easy to train him in his joining chapter and once he got Nosferatu and a Wyvern Elise Pair-up he was functionally invincible. I had him Nos-tanking all through the early-game and even once promoted enemies started being common around Ch16 he was still pulling his weight. For Ch18 I had him spend a couple levels in Master of Arms to get Vantage and passed that to Ophelia who effectively replaced him, but I legit don't think I could have made it through the rough patches of early CQ without him.

    One last thing worth mentioning about the run is that I made the effort to recruit every child unit, even if I didn't use basically half of them. Yes, even Ignatius and Siegbert. Ignatius's Paralogue was actually quite easy compared to some of the others, but Siegbert's was pure hell. I know it's common in a lot of circles to just skip him entirely but I wanted to make a point of a full recruitment run (which also meant no Boots from killing Shura, which I didn't even need anyway) so I pushed myself through. It was a nightmare to deal with, but I managed to pull through and I only slightly regret doing so.

    And that's basically the rundown of my journey through Conquest Lunatic. I'm glad I finally managed to finish at least one FE game on its highest difficulty. I probably won't do something like this again, but I at least enjoyed most of my time with it.

    submitted by /u/ComicDude1234
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    Rise above, Fire emblem, sacred stones song played on ocarina

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 06:34 PM PDT

    Does anyone know where I can find images of the entire Echoes cast as Villagers?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    I'm just curious how they all look, and I'm out of pitchforks.

    submitted by /u/Enderpigman9
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    Starting my own collection

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Starting my own collection

    I've been hanging around this page for a couple of years now. Finally decided to post since I don't have friends who play Fire Emblem. I just want to share my collection which I started last year. I'm currently saving for the GBA games since they are more "affordable" than the Tellius ones (I have bootleg copies which I didn't include on the photo), and also FE8 being my first game.

    Looking forward to discussing FE stuff with the rest of you!


    submitted by /u/Stig_Flintoff
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    If you could change a character’s ending, who would it be, how, and why?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 09:12 PM PDT

    I've noticed a good chunk of the characters throughout the franchise (especially in the older games) tend to have tragic endings, like dying, disappearing, or being cursed in some way. So since we all have our favorites, is there anyone you'd want to give a different ending to?

    submitted by /u/Oldspice0493
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    What if FE commanders had limit breaks like in Advance Wars?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 05:54 PM PDT

    So to anyone not familiar with Advance Wars, in those games commanders have powers that can turn the tide of battle. These powers can be used when a gauge is filled, and you fill it when dealing and taking damage. The gauge fills more slowly when you dish it out, so it benefits the loser more - kinda like a comeback mechanic.

    I like to imagine what Radiant Dawn would be like with this kind of system. Say, the gauge would fill when dealing and taking 100 damage in Part 1. Micaiah could use Foresight, allowing her allies to take half damage for a turn. Of course, non-playable commanders would get a limit break too. There's a ton of unremarkable enemy commanders which could all share the same limit break depending on the country they're from - for example, Daein's Might for that boss in the bridge map (and Tauroneo when he's an NPC in that Part 1 desert map), or Divine Backing for Begnion, or Laguz Alliance for Crimea (when playing with Lucia and Geoffrey in Part 2), or Primal Power for laguz bosses (Pain and Agony or Lethe in the river map). Elincia, Ike and Tibarn would get limit breaks on par with Micaiah's. And when fighting Micaiah, she would still use Foresight against you. And Ike would use his limit break in 3-13. Climactic bosses like Jarod, Ludveck, Valtome, Izuka and all the Tower's bosses would get their own limit breaks to set them apart from generic ones.

    "Ludveck uses Sheep's Clothing: all of his units take 5 less damage and deal 5 more."
    "Izuka uses Deadly Concoction: laguz units deal 10 more damage but lose 10 HP in the process."
    "Elincia uses Swiftness: her units' weapons behave like brave weapons."

    "Tibarn uses Soaring: all of his units behave like fliers, thus negating terrain bonuses and movement costs, and gaining an arrow and wind weakness."

    The price for these limits would obviously rise as both player and enemy get more HP and attack as the game progresses. So it could start out with 100 dmg in Part 1, then 200 in Part 2, then 300 in Part 3, and finally 400 in Part 4. Maybe more for the Tower where numbers are so big.

    In Advance Wars, there's a mechanic of diminishing returns by which powers cost 20% more of the original value each time they're used (100%, 120%, 140%, 160%... until 280%, then goes back to 200% and stays there for the rest of the map). This could be applied too.

    Ah, the possibilities. It's fun to think about this stuff. Would be cool if something like this could be implemented in a hack. I don't really think it's possible, but one can imagine.

    submitted by /u/Gosicrystal
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