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    Tuesday, September 28, 2021

    Fire Emblem Lysithea

    Fire Emblem Lysithea


    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    KRIS!!!!! [OC]

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 02:39 PM PDT

    this is definitely overdone by now (by me)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 08:59 AM PDT

    Axe-twirling Menace Lissa

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    Positive character development is overrated as a storytelling device. Give me static or even negatively developed characters.

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 12:35 PM PDT

    Personally, I think positive character development is way overrated and frankly unoriginal. Static characters who remain static despite the story pushing back against them and giving them good reasons to change (Sigurd, Leif) and even characters who undergo negative character development (Micaiah, Dmitri, Edelgard, FE12 Marth, Kate if you've played TRS) is just from a metafictional standpoint more original and thought-provoking. Oh boy, another likeable and charismatic character going through the Heroes Journey to become MORE likeable and charismatic? SEEN IT. GIVE ME SOMETHING NEW.

    Sigurd: Goody two-shoes lord. The story gives him several warnings that he's on the wrong path and that he needs to think more critically/pragmatically about what he's doing, but he ignores them. And ultimately pays the price.

    Leif: Goody two-shoes lord who's nonetheless forced to make several morally questionable decisions, such as lying to Miranda at the end of the game and having people like Lifis in his crew. He doesn't suffer as much disaster as Sigurd, but all the same he makes the heroic (if unpragmatic) choice and pays the price for it.

    Eirika: She's overall a positively developed character. However, there's one moment in her story that nonetheless puts her on this list. You know the one. That said, it bothers me a lot less than a lot of other Fire Emblem fans because it's consistent with her character. The story a couple of times before shows that Eirika does not handle cruelty well, becoming quite irrational and hardheaded. It worked out for her in the end before, so we can see why she didn't work on that aspect of her personality. FE8 even set up the moment pretty well for her, with L'Arachel practically breaking character and trying to give Eirika a reality check and Eirika responding with (understandably) outraged ranting and more hardheadedness.

    Micaiah: FE10 puts Micaiah in a non-win situation and instead of taking the expected scène à faire option (e.g. putting together a secret squad to find the Blood Pact while dragging her feet with Begnion) she decides to go with the lesser evil option and only finds out what price that entails when she's forced to do increasingly hideous things to protect her country. I don't think pre-liberation Micaiah would've recognized (and probably would've been horrified by) her post-Blood Pact/pre-Tower of Guidance self. To me, that's a good thing.

    FE12 Marth: Negative character development doesn't have to profound to be negative character development. In Marth's case, the trauma and betrayals start to erode on his psyche to the point where he can break down and cry and can only react to Hardin's villainous rant with whimpering. I know a lot of people don't like it, but I like it because Marth becoming more indecisive and vulnerable is a realistic reaction to someone in his situation. He's still a goody two-shoes whose choices pan out without backfiring, but I still like how the metafiction extracts a price for his heroics, in Marth's case his charisma and pwnage factor.

    Kate: This post explains it better than I ever could. Shining example of negative character development in the franchise: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/9ib5tg/trs_how_kates_stats_actually_reflect_her_story/

    submitted by /u/Rofel_Wodring
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    Marianne and Bernadetta outfit swap [OC]

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 03:35 PM PDT

    I remember not putting much effort in training Leif in FE4, it was out of laziness that I didn't do so, but regardless! That left me a bit dissatisfied at the end of FE4 as I really adored Leif! And so, I told myself! That when I eventually get to Thracia, I will make him the best unit in the game!!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    The legendary emperor with her pokemon

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 09:59 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - The Prince's Despair | Orchestral Cover

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    "I would wish simply to hold you, and to comfort you, as a mother does her beloved child." ⚔ (Altina)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 09:51 PM PDT

    If Super Smash Bros were Canon, do you think Ike would think Pit is a Heron Laguz upon seeing him for the First time and Dark Pit a Raven Laguz?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    Three houses war avoidable

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 12:16 PM PDT

    I've finished 3 out of the 4 routes, only SS left and after puzzling over Edelgard methods to achieve what she wants, the war with 3 nations + church kinda seems pointless ?

    She had the golden opportunity to ask for help after she was crowned empress in secret, had she come out to claude and Dimitri and even rhea about the insurrection of the seven, there is no way Dimitri would ever allow Rhea to kill Edelgard knowing she is his step sister and was also tormented by TWSITD. Alot of people over throw boar dimitri, but really all the boy needs is therapy and the right outlet and he is already suspicious of arundel before Edelgard reveals herself.Edelgard could even hint to Rhea about knowing her true identity making Rhea want to kill her to not let out her secret.Claude is gonna stick around cause my boy is dog sniffing out every possible secret even if he has to be rude to do it. I can also see a scene where Claude peers over to see Rhea waiting for her reaction to Dimitri pledging his help to his step sister with rhea in her head going like "Fuck ... guess killing edel outright is not an option anymore, guess I got to help as well."TWSITD cannot outright deny her claim to the throne and at most can cause a civil war within the empire.

    A war is unavoidable but the scope could be more fixed on the empire, with the nobles of the empire + TWSITD with their machines/crest monsters against Edelgard rightful claim to the throne.Ik this falls under a "golden route" theme but I think it would be a good premise for a potential path in BE, the professor showing edelgard a second way to do things. Potential conversations between edelgard and rhea especially would be tensefull and intriguing, Edelgard criticizing Rhea for her complete doormat attitude and self indulging, which enables the atrocities made to edel and her family. And Rhea self evaluation of her what her lack of action and obsession with her mother allowed TWSITD to take control of the empire and the segregation of the western church cause rhea was "too busy" to care about what was happening around her. This should be the central conflict about these two characters. Edelgard feeling betrayed the church belief that enabled insurrection of the seven and choosing to stand up for herself without godly intervention and Rhea self evaluation of what her obsession and lack of action enabled to happen. CF does Rhea dirty, as she does a 180º goes from a doormat to the "Mad Queen" faster than Daenerys lmao. And edelgard reason for hating the church is not the church fault.... but the nobility in general so it just does not work well in CF.

    There is more to this fiction route I've been considering but the premise starts like this. Seeing as TWSITD to be such a big part of pre time skip, a route focused on the empire nobles and TWSITD only would be pretty cool, even if u have to throw Cornelia in the middle in there. It would also be a good reason to have the School as the base of operations for once!

    Anyway if there is any suggestions on how this could be improved upon share it!

    submitted by /u/Londinx
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    Fire Emblem Heroes - Mythic Hero (Ótr: Kingsbrother)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 08:02 PM PDT

    Erylle Portrait, by me (My Fire Emblem: Fates & Conquest MC)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 03:47 AM PDT

    What are the most depresseing support conversations in Fire Emblem?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 07:35 PM PDT

    Which FE music style do you prefer?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    Do you prefer the classic style where the song switches to an entirely different composition during the attack phase? Or do you prefer the modern style with the music crescendoing up and down between phases?

    submitted by /u/Asad_Farooqui
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    Fav maps in the entire series?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Ngl of all the fe games ive played my first ever map that literally impressed me was thracia 776 chapter 4 :dungeon. The thing I like about this map is it's structure. The design is simple but everything itself just works so well. Unlike other maps from other games that we're designed vaguely or not so engaging for me. This map defines it's story well. It perfectly defines the feeling of intensity of escaping in a prison and the feeling of urgent throughout the situation. However this map literally hates new players if you don't have the requirements you need. For me, this is my no. 1 fav map because it's so damn fucking well made. And this I realized that kaga is actually an amazing guy. My second fav was also in thracia chapter 5. It's intense, it's very fun, it's scary, it's so fucking stupid, it's frustrating as hell and it's so fucking long.

    submitted by /u/Watdafadje
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    Which character do you like better?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 10:05 PM PDT

    Alright time to settle the ultimate question that a bunch of people totally understand and care about:

    Who is better? Danved or Devdan?

    submitted by /u/Vegetable_Review_742
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