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    Monday, September 27, 2021

    Fire Emblem [OC] The amount of effort I put into this is very embarrassing

    Fire Emblem [OC] The amount of effort I put into this is very embarrassing

    [OC] The amount of effort I put into this is very embarrassing

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    I played my first Fire Emblem, and I'm very disappointed

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 12:17 PM PDT

    Disappointed that I liked this game so much. I put off playing it for so long, because I thought it was just gonna be some lame ass Waifu Chess. But dammit, if I didn't enjoy Awakening. It was an incredibly fun game, I finished my first run in about 65 hours, and I've already started a classic run. At some point, I want to play other games in the series, too. But right now, this is all I can do. Here's to hundred of hours lost to FE.

    submitted by /u/makankosacanon
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    Thought about remaking Revelations in GBA form, then gave up after remembering dragon veins exist. Here's the chapter 6 map to show for it.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    GOD FUCKING damnit KRIS where the FUCK are we

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 04:53 PM PDT

    My FE7 Daily Chibi Project: Part 2

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    My friend said I can't beat Awakening Lunatic+. Today I sent him this.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    Magitech vs real life options that may have existed: an essay on pushing the limits of a medieval setting

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    Hello, I would like to talk about the technology in FE settings, and how magic may or may not be used to make it more modern than basic gritty medieval times. I will include some real life tech that exists/existed that didn't need electricity or modern power to work, and discuss some options that may work with magic. There will be some examples from the games themselves, passing mentions, and I will expand on them. If you have something to add, run it by me!


    Ah, food! We've seen some arguably modern food in Three Houses like ice cream, and candy is mentioned a few times in various games. Three Houses also shows some ingredients that were not eaten in real world medieval times. The humble tomato being the most notable. People in those times in real life believed they were poisonous. They called them "death apples". However, you can grow them in the greenhouse in Three Houses.

    Let's start with the obvious: how do they have ice cream without freezers? Enter the zeer pot. These are still used today in areas of Africa that lack electricity. They are made with two clay pots, the larger filled with water and sand, the smaller filled with food and inside the larger. Then both pots are placed in a hole and covered. The evaporating water works as a coolant as it runs through the sand. Some people have managed to make ice in these!

    For families or groups who don't have mages with ice magic among them, a zeer pot is a simple and fine option to keep produce fresh...and of course, ice cream is possible this way. Culinary mages may exist who make a living off of using their fire and ice magic to work with food.

    Ancient Rome had surprisingly modern looking fast food stalls. I picture these being used in combination with zeer pots and open fire grills to serve up grilled meat and sandwiches. Poultry chunks are easy to bread in flour to make nuggets and strips. Potatoes are a hardy common crop, they can be sliced into fries. Beef, pork, or wild game can be made into patties for burgers.

    One of Ingrid's lines during class mentions her favorite fast food stall that made grilled sandwiches. She definitely also likes the nuggets, judging from a few fanarts I've seen.

    Ovens for baking are also quite old. The first oven was invented in France in 1490. Bread and other baked goods would be made with these primitive ovens.


    You knew this was coming. Don't worry, this will be a shorter section.

    Ancient Rome was ahead of its time...they had indoor plumbing! With the fall of Rome also came the fall of its tech, which is why we don't see indoor plumbing again in history until it gets reinvented. Cities had plumbing systems much like today. They could also run water into bathtubs and sinks through a pipe system. Now, the ancient Romans didn't know how disease worked, so they had communal baths and toilets and they weren't cleaned properly or often enough, so disease that comes from dirt and bodily waste was rampant. We do hear of plagues occasionally in FE. But it's up to interpretation how much they know of germs.

    In Medieval Europe, castles often had garderobes. Basically a closet with a hole connected to a chute that went down to a pit. These were the first private bathrooms. I can realistically see each dorm at Garreg Mach having one of these, and a few more scattered throughout the monastery.

    Maybe there's a combination of both these things in a single world, depending on where it is exactly.

    Enchanting Items

    This is a "what if" section. We know that the magic in FE can be used to make rainbow tea and chocolate flavored boot leather (thanks Constance), so here are some of my ideas.

    Fire mages can make toasters out of metal boxes.

    Wind mages can make box fans.

    Light mages can make flashlights.

    Most mages can learn various spells you might find in Dungeons and Dragons. Stuff like Thaumaturgy, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation...

    Mages can make a decent living out of enchanting items. Imagine being a mage who knows how to create toasters. If your toasters are sold to people who can't do magic, they will also call on you to re enchant it if it stops working, or enchant a new one. A fan mage might get a good side hustle going in a hot summer.


    I hope this was interesting and that it generates some good discussion. A lot of this can be used in fanfiction or romhacks for lore building if you so desire.

    submitted by /u/Dragoncat91
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    I like how FE5 is still the only game in the series to let you fully customize Menu Colors

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 04:53 PM PDT

    Mikoto Яeverse! (Commissioned from @Lunie_Junk)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    Who's the most unusable bad units in general?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 05:41 PM PDT

    What I like about Fire Emblem is that most bad units can do well either in single player or online if you're willing to put the effort into using them either out of love for their character or the sheer brevy of resources at your disposal. Of course, then there's these units, units so utterly scuffed for a variety of reasons (absurdly disadvantageous join time, borked/skewered growths that don't even play to their niche well, etc. etc.) that using them and making them good is possible in theory, but in practice is such a fucking pain in the ass to do so that they don't even have the benefits of leveling out by the lategame, given even there they'll suck awfully.

    Since I'm both morbidly curious and in need of a yuck, I'm interested to hear who's the most "unusable" bad units in the series for you.

    submitted by /u/Wanderer2691
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    Judgral: What would happen if Shannan (Genealogy) and Shannam (Thracia 776) happen to just run in to each other?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    I drew Rinea like one of those classic portraits

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 06:07 AM PDT

    Favorite Lord From Each Era?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 06:39 PM PDT

    Here are mine:

    NES/SNES: Alm

    GBA: Hector

    DS/Wii: well i didn't play PoR or RD so Marth by default

    3DS: Alm again( is that cheating?)

    Switch: Haven't played yet but Claude...oh man.

    submitted by /u/BuffPorunga
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    I just looked at FE5's ending for Leif, and...

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    I can get into pretty much everything in it, except for how dirty they did my boy Seliph. I'm just looking at "Leif's fame and renown ultimately surpassed even that of Holy King Seliph." And by Naga, I'm just like

    "The heck, Kaga?"

    "I slayed a dragon that terrorized our entire continent for generations with my sister, and then ended religious discrimination because people wouldn't stop going and [Hyperlink Blocked] their [Near Relationships] while [Alone on a Friday Night]!"

    Despite his protests, Seliph was shoved to the side as Leif stepped forward.

    "No, I get to wear the burger king crown and you don't," he said.

    Seriously though, I don't think there's anything wrong with Leif, but unless I'm missing something then my blue boy is being murdered by his cousin. I'm not mad, I just think it's wild and kind of funny.

    submitted by /u/Lv3WhiteWind
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    Florina paradise

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    Just Beat Radiant Dawn here are the units I used going into the final map!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2021 10:37 PM PDT

    Never played FE, about to start my first play through, but a thought popped in my head and i have a question..

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 08:53 PM PDT

    not gonna be there for a long while yet, but i was thinking what's the purpose of ng+ if you pick a different house?? itll be a whole different cast of characters, so it seems retaining their skills/level is irrelevant, right?

    submitted by /u/axescent
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    Genealogy of the Holy War question.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    If a female character dies before chapter 5 but after they have been paired up, do you end up with her children or the replacements characters?

    submitted by /u/Enderpigman9
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    Just finished Mystery of the Emblem!!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 08:37 PM PDT

    And wow... I really had alot of fun! It's actually kinda funny that i had alot of fun, since.. at times the game really reminded me of Thracia 776 for some reason...(I love Thracia..) idk why! But it did!!

    Also, I'm glad I played Book 1!! My friends were recommending I play Shadow Dragon, and definitely I felt a bit conflicted going in knowing some content had been cut, but if I was gonna play Mystery of the Emblem, then It had to be the entire game!! So I played Book 1, and boy am I glad I did! Liek, in Book 2 the game re-uses some of the maps from Book 1! So, it's just cool that I got the feel for them maps...uhh through the same game... not through Shadow Dragon... I'M SORRY IF THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!!

    Book 1 though definitely had a very slow start, liek... Up until the Minerva chapter!! But then I just got sucked into the game and kept coming back to play more and more frequently!! It might've been the fact that now I had a promoted unit... Or idk! Liek, the game kept throwing cool things at me! Liek, after the Minerva chapter, I get Linde with Aura! Then next chapter, I get THE BOOTS! (and so much more!) It just got so much fun and exciting!!

    But honestly... All of that is just nothing compare to everything Book 2 throws at you!!

    Liek aahh! The whole going to the "Ice Hill place thingy" to prove your worth, that was easily the best part for me of the entire story-game!! It did alot for me to just give me ahhh idk, imaginary visuals!! Liek, it just had this really cool vibe to it!! You having no access to Shops for a long while, facing different dinosaur monstrosities not seen before... SNOW!! It was just the best!!!

    Since I was now familiar with Marth's first epic tale, I was fully invested into the plot of Book 2!! The game did a neat job at building up the story! From the start everything was just leading up to ahhhh things happening later in the game!! Also, previous characters from Book 1 showing up was the best part!!! I could really go on and on about how each time something got me excited in the game!! But ahhhh I'm bad at really putting my thoughts into words! Especially after tiring myself out after being done with 5 something chapters of this game!

    But yeah... I'm sorry if this whole thingy was all over the place, but hey! I never promised you a shane brained review!!! Actually... Wait!! Since I just finished FE3 ... I can watch that FE3 review video of his!! Yay!! And also, I'm not quite done with the MYSTERIES OF THE EMBLEM! Hehe I also started playing NEW Mystery of the Emblem on the side yesterday!! And boy 2 chapters in (+All Prologue)... And this is AHHH SO EXCITING FOR SO MANY REASONS!!


    submitted by /u/MetalCatMAN
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    Interesting GBA, DS, or 3DS FE Challenge Runs?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    With 3/4 of the cast currently dead in my Justice and Pride Fun is For Casuals Ironman, I think it's about time to start shopping for a new challenge run.

    I've heard gender restriction runs are fun for Fates, but that's my only idea currently.

    I'm looking for something a little more complex than an Ironman, and I'm not interesting in LTCs.

    Thanks for the help

    submitted by /u/HeroVP7
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