• Breaking News

    Friday, September 17, 2021

    Fire Emblem I made an edit for Flayn, post-timeskip!

    Fire Emblem I made an edit for Flayn, post-timeskip!

    I made an edit for Flayn, post-timeskip!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 03:11 PM PDT

    Leave your own examples down in the replies

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 05:47 AM PDT

    I customized my phone based off some of the Crests from FE3H

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 05:36 AM PDT

    Tiki wearing a business suit 2

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    What do Fire Emblem characters fight for?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    I drew Dancer Marianne!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 06:16 AM PDT

    PSA: Turns out it's possible for Seteth to NOT join the party in Azure Moon and Verdant Wind.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    By doing some digging and consulting around in the General Questions Thread and Sereneforest.net, I just found out that, under very specific conditions, Seteth won't join Byleth's party in Chapter 12 of Azure Moon and Verdant Wind like he's normally supposed to (Silver Snow's exempt from this as both Seteth and Flayn are important to the plot).

    As this Golden Deer Ironman run shows (see 2:17:20 and 6:40:07), it's possible for this to happen if:

    • Seteth and Byleth's C-Support hasn't been unlocked before Chapter 12

    • Flayn has already fallen in battle in Classic Mode.

    A small scene in Chapter 12 even changes to reflect this, though oddly enough, only if Flayn fell in battle will make Seteth unavailable. So...yeah.

    submitted by /u/Dakress23
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    1950s style Mercedes (Commission made by Anilust)

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 04:17 AM PDT

    [Original Art] Flame of Ostia, Lilina

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    Made myself a Three Houses self portrait to get through some art block!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    "Fight! Father & Knight!" - Thracia 776 C.A. Manga Translation

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 06:28 PM PDT

    Summer Marianne portrait ��

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    Feth master classes… who else was disappointed with the lack of variety for sword users, or falcon knight being an female only class.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Moments Before Disaster: Fire Emblem Edition

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    I drew F!Byleth

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    Pointless Fire Emblem Trivia

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 11:45 AM PDT

    What are some obscure and pointless fire emblem facts you know? I'll start with a few I learned by being incredibly bored and reading serenes forest for fun.

    • Disregarding child units with certain combinations of parents, there are five girls (six if you count Mozu with aptitude) and no boys in Conquest with over 50% base growths in both strength and speed. They are: Azura, Mozu (with aptitude) Camilla, Effie, Peri, and Charlotte.
    • As far as I'm aware, Revelation!Beruka is the only non-Corrin first gen unit who can fill all five skill slots with Rally skills without either DLC reclasses or marrying Corrin. They are: Rally Defense (Wyvern Lord), Rally Strength (Berserker, heart seal), Rally Skill (Bow Knight, friendship seal Selena), Rally Magic, and Rally Luck (Shrine Maiden & Onmyoji, partner seal Azama.
    • DLC reclasses aside, Frederick will always be vulnerable to at least one type of effective damage no matter his class.
    submitted by /u/secret_bitch
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    Sometimes, you move your cursor too fast and forget to move your entire army at the end of a map and all you can do is accept your fate (':

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 04:53 PM PDT

    Making FE themed decorations for my office!

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of September 17th, 2021

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 05:50 PM PDT

    Welcome to the next installment of EPFE! This is a casual space for discussing any ongoing Fire Emblem (or related games) playthroughs. Screenshots, impressions, frustrations... gameplay stuff that would otherwise be removed as a standalone post under Rule 8 can be shared here.

    While you can of course ask for advice here, specific questions might get faster responses in the General Question Thread here

    As always, remember to tag your spoilers, and have fun!

    The previous thread can be found here

    submitted by /u/Cecilyn
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    Hypothetical scenario: IS is forcibly adding an Avatar in an FE4 remake, but gives you complete creative freedom with their writing.

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    So the darkest timeline for this subreddit has come true in this AU. Shadow of Jugdral comes packing with a new character for self insertion purposes. As with typical wish fulfilment avatars, they must have the ability to marry any waifu/husbando of the player's choice.

    Anything else about them or the specifics of marriage are up to you though! And they do not have to be doomed to be mediocre under your guidance. So, what would you do with them?

    Honestly, it's a bit tricky finding them a place to fit in and for good reason. Just like Kris before them, this lad/lass is being shoved into a plot that didn't have them in it to begin with.

    The only place I see them fitting in would be in either Gen 2 or a new scenario entirely made for them. The latter is taking the easy way out though, so let's put some effort in.

    My best idea would be for them to basically take over some of Lewyn's lines in Gen 2, since he's basically an exposition bot at that point anyway. Not much changes if you replace one robot with another.

    In fact, I think there's a few places you can put them in because of Gen 2 being so lacking in plot besides Seliph sitting around and nodding along to Lewyn's latest exposition dump.

    In terms of personality and backstory though… that's a bit too tricky for me to figure out. I'm not an expert writer after all. Maybe just copy Robin and call it a day?

    I also briefly considered making a joke about them being a customisable unit maybe being interesting, before saying everyone would just make them a sword cavalier with major Forseti and minor Hezul blood, but I'm not clever enough for that.

    Honestly though, as impractical as it would be, imagine having potentially unique backstories or supports based on self insert-kun's holy blood. Major Naga Self Insert-kun would have some interesting lore implications.

    But yeah, writing this made me realise how bad the idea actually would be as Kris can attest to. Having an avatar shoved into an existing story is not great. At best, they stick out like a sore thumb. At worst, they can easily ruin or derail the original plot.

    submitted by /u/Fillerpoint5
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    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 08:17 PM PDT

    Anybody ever wanted a FE game taking place during 'The Scouring'?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    This event in Fire Emblem 7 lore has never ceased to grab my imagination. Think about the state of the world and the characters we could play, the deep lore we can get behind the 8 heroes, the ethical problems we would encounter with the mass genocide on dragons during the ending winter. I feel the game would so awesome to play through and read about. Perhaps it's more nostalgia from my favorite game of the franchise, but this grand war is something I often find myself wishing I could experience first hand.

    submitted by /u/leftoverrice54
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    What got you into Fire Emblem? What's keeping you part of the fandom?

    Posted: 17 Sep 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    Tell me your best stories! I got into FE via Fates because I saw an add and loved the idea of conflict between families. And I was pleasantly surprised by these features:

    1. Supports that allowed you to romance others. Never played a game like that before, and I really loved it! Not to mention I could have kids!

    2. Character customization. While I'm fine with games that give you a premade character, having a game with multiple routes feels apt to have a character customization.

    This was more of less the same experience with Awakening and 3H, though with changes I may or may not have liked:

    1. 3 Houses was open world and let you really get to know your characters, the area, and I loved the interaction. Probably the best game to me, gameplay-wise.

    2. Awakening didn't have same-sex options, whereas we had 2 in Fates, the first one I played. With 3H, you had more options for same-sex romance options, but it felt like female MC had better options (that Aloise S-support was a tease, and I really wanted to romance Claude or Dimitri. I love Yuri, though). Plus you could only get married if you have your father's ring in 3H.

    3. 3H didn't let you have kids. A lot of people say Awakening was good with kids because they were a plot device in contrast to Fates where they were just an add-on. I loved them either way, but I guess 3H wasn't as concerned with that--even though the 5-year gap could've at least let us have kids that weren't on the battlefield. Oh, well.

    4. The routes in Fates and 3H were really engaging for me, even if there were a lot of people who felt that routes only made things more confusing and weren't properly written.

    I also played Shadows of Valentia, though it was very different from what drew me to the franchise originally, so the comparisons made me biased against it. There are no kids or character customization, nor are there routes (at least not like Fates and 3H) where you can experience a different outcome.

    Overall, I do think I would buy another new Fire Emblem game if I was allowed to customize my character's appearance (I'm fine with a default name; I liked Corrin and Byleth) and I get a lot of romance options (yeah, I know it's not a romance series, but it's now a staple for me), and I'd love to have kids. And I can't believe I'm saying this, but if I have all these other criteria, I'm fine with having a one-route story rather than multiple endings--though they are fun.

    submitted by /u/SynergySilhouette
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