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    Thursday, September 16, 2021

    Fire Emblem [COMMISSION] Ikea (or Mike if you will)

    Fire Emblem [COMMISSION] Ikea (or Mike if you will)

    [COMMISSION] Ikea (or Mike if you will)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 05:08 PM PDT

    Chrom and Lucina dressed up for el dieciséis de septiembre

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 03:04 PM PDT

    Princess and Queen Lianna GBA Sprite Commissions (made by errorfunction and lunar_dignity)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 03:45 AM PDT


    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 05:15 AM PDT

    Chrobin family picnic (commission gift done by @ladylawga)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 12:37 PM PDT

    I just now noticed that FE7 is the only localized handheld Fire Emblem game that has a linear class line for it's units.

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    Take your final bow! Alternate Brave Claude Fire Emblem 'GBA styled' portrait

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    I drew everyone's favorite Black Eagle! :)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    I drew Yuri!

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    Brave Marianne fanart I drew

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 01:09 PM PDT

    Deadlord Eyvel (Commission for Jakkobra @ Twitter)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    Possessed Julius (Commission for BusyMuskrat @ Twitter)

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    Was there a point to Corrin having amnesia?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 05:57 PM PDT

    In Fire Emblem Fates, your MC (default name Corrin) is stated to have amnesia. Was that simply done to explain how to play the game? That bothered me for a while.

    submitted by /u/SynergySilhouette
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    FE Echoes is the game with the best class balance and identity

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 11:07 AM PDT


    I've played mostly GBA, 3DS and Tellius FEs but from my experience, the only one that has good class balance is Echoes. Why?

    Dread fighters have many advantages, but they're late bloomers. The only really good stat they get from promotions before the last one is speed (and skill but it's not as useful in Echoes due to the swords having good accuracy and avoid working differently from other games). They also don't have much movement before their final stage.

    Cavaliers have movement but their stats are very mediocre. The only one with really good base stats you get quite early in Alm's route is Mathilda one because her base res is good and she's fast on her own until GK promo helps her HP, str and def. Like DF, they're late bloomers that pay the price of movement by having mediocre stats until they reach their final stage.

    Pegasi are not constantly destroyed by archers, especially not in the early game when they die from a scratch. Their bulk is also more tolerable than it is in other FE games. They also have a good skill on promo but it's not useful all the time and their promo comes late on top of having really low base stats for a final class. They pay the price of their movement and decent early-midgame combat by having less stats in their final class and promoting only once so their level resets only once.

    Archers are very useful, but bows are inaccurate. Bow knight is a very good class, but the stats are similar to Falcon Knight, they're not outstanding. It also takes a while to reach their final stage. Python, despite being an archer, is quite hit or miss.

    Knights are frightening. They have the lowest move, but you know that you can't move that thing out of the way without trying, because their HP and def stats are massively huge while they have sky high strength. You want to avoid fighting too many barons on a single map, and making barons into Dread fighters might be really funny when you're past the grind.

    Mages have different ranges, HP costs, hit and crit rates depending on their spell set. Each mage has a different set of spells so there are different mages even though it's the same class. They're also very useful against knights/barons that barely take damage from physical attacks and have massive HP pools.

    Clerics, like mages, have different spells. some can warp, others can rescue, some summon soldiers, others summon other classes, each one is unique. And all of them are amazing.

    Lord classes are also unique, making up for late promotion and other negatives by having good bases and lords having good growths.

    Base stats promotions also allow for more customization. Doubled down with the fork that allows to go knight and then dread fighter of myrmidon and then archer...

    I think this game has a lot of replayability, it mostly lacks natural levelling and is too grindy. If you like grinding, there are really funny builds to do.

    submitted by /u/mangasdeouf
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    What sorts of things would you add to the next game if you could?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 06:33 PM PDT

    So as title, if you had creative control, what would you add into the game that you think would make it more fun?

    My personal preferences:

    - Daggers as a weapon option. Include them under swords as a 1-2 range option. Make them similar to Fates where their Might was bottom tier, but they came with buffs/debuffs that applied to the target.

    - An Actual Buff/Debuff spellcaster class. We have Support/Healing (Faith) and Damage (both types of Reason) in Three Houses (the latest game), but no mages dedicated to making the rest of the units work better against enemies. This'd actually be a really cool class for a Jeigan, as they could focus around dropping AoE debuffs so that your units could fight enemies better and take down bosses more easily. Dark magic tried to do that in 3H, but it kinda fails because it'd only ever apply to an individual enemy and the best thing to deal with an individual is to kill them. in FE, debuffs kinda have to be AoE to be meaningful.

    - An in between of "Lol, you made a mistake, screw you a unit dies" and "You can reverse time 17 times, so just go Full Ham". One thing I thought would actually be pretty cool, and remove the need for a time reversal mechanic would be to implement a system like Valkyria Chronicles. In that game, when a unit reaches 0HP, they go into critical status. After 3 turns, or if an enemy reaches them and double taps them, they die. FE could have something like that where a unit goes "Into critical status" when they go to 0HP. Then you'd have a set amount of player turns before they die of their wounds. Could make it so that it has to be a healer that reaches them, and it costs a use of their action that turn (could be a healing spell, or whatever). You could even use this as one of the "Dials" for difficulty in the game. F'rex, Easy Mode gives you 3 player phases to reach them, Normal Mode gives you 2, and Hard/higher has to have it happen before your next "end phase" (aka, your next turn if it happens on enemy phase or that same turn if it's on your own phase).

    - An Actual Flanking Mechanic. Three Houses kinda got their with their linked attack thing, but it's not really that. I'd want a game where which way your unit is facing actually matters, and where you have to actually worry about people hitting you from the side. It'd actually open up the ability to add skills and such to the game, such as units that do better when attacking from the side/rear, or ignore flanking penalties/negate any bonuses, etc.

    That's my ideas. :)

    What are things YOU think would be cool for the game?

    submitted by /u/Aenarion885
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    Do you like games with routes?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 05:55 PM PDT

    Okay, I've only ever played Fates, Awakening, 3 Houses, and Shadows of Valentia, my very first (and favorite) game being Fates. I got into it because I loved the whole "family vs family" story and how you could do multiple routes. I loved the third route because it had the happiest ending, though I've heard people say it's the weakest route.

    In any case, I was glad I got a similar experience in 3 Houses, and I hope that will continue. I also love being able to customize my own MC, so playing SoV was kind of off for me that whole time because of that. I won't automatically write off the next FE game if it doesn't diverge into routes, but that was a big reason for me getting into the series.

    submitted by /u/SynergySilhouette
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    What do you prefer between berserkers and generals?

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Simple, in your opinion, what's the best between using a berserker or a general (typical class stats, both have high HP/strength and berserker has around middling speed while general has high def)? Are there games where there's an exception?

    For RD, just change berserker to the corresponding axe class (warriors' promotion) since it fits the berserker theme more than the warrior theme (low def cap good speed cap compared with what warrior caps used to be in GBA).

    I'd like to see the arguments for each, seeing that berserkers as well as generals have been trashed on in most games that made it to the West. Berserkers were not always fast enough to double and accurate enough to hit while generals mostly couldn't double and were slow to move but were great frontliners, before 3DS made berserker the most OP physical class to kill things (higher spd than hero, higher strength than hero, axefaire and wrath/rally strength) except in Fates where ninjas are even more OP due to OPair up and OPforge making them able to ORKO what no ninja should be able to ORKO.

    Sorry, I can't make a poll (the functionnality is locked for some reason).

    submitted by /u/mangasdeouf
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    Fire Emblem 4 Pro Strats

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    So I've played FE4 three times now and it's probably my favorite FE game. But my one issue is that I feel like I actually reset a lot - more than I probably should. And typically it's just small things like oops, I didn't realize Quan's lance was about to break, I expected Azelle to have enough avo, etc. But I really want to get to the point where I don't have to worry about having to reset, like, ever. Is there somewhere I can go to read up on like 100% perfect success rates or am I just supposed to watch a bunch of ranked runs and emulate them?

    submitted by /u/Time_and_Nature
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    Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia review

    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 10:36 AM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    So recently, I beat Fire Emblem Echoes for the first time. I never had experience with Gaiden before and had never seen anything Echoes related outside of the characters in Heroes, so this was a completely blind adventure through Valentia. There was a lot of things I liked about this game, but a handful of things that I didn't like about it, so let's get into it. This is a spoiler free review of Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia


    + The presentation of this game is amazing, this game just looks the best of the 3DS Fire Emblem games, the animations look really good, map animations are good, the cutscenes look even better than Awakenings (unpopular opinion).

    + Similarly to presentation, this game has the best voice acting in the entire series, even eclipsing Three Houses, these characters voices really let them come to life, and all of their voices fit their personality. I love Gray and Tobin's voices, Clair sounds fittingly sassy and noble, Python sounds like he could give less of a crap, my point is that all the characters voices fit them so well. By far the best voice acting performance is that of Berkut. The guy voicing Berkut puts his heart and soul into every line he speaks, and I love it

    + SOV has really good supports. There may not be too many of them, but they took the quality over quantity path. I enjoyed every support I got in this game, some standouts were Leon and Valbar, Tobin and Kliff, Sonya and Genny, Alm and Clair, Delthea and Luthier, and Gray and Tobin. The only support that I didn't enjoy was Silque and Faye. Poor Silque deserved better, but at least that support gets a nice ending to it. Overall though, the supports were thoroughly enjoyable.

    + Best soundtrack in the series. I love Three Houses music, but SOV really does have an amazing soundtrack. March to Deliverance, With Mila's Divine Protection, What Lies in the End, Fight 1, the boss them, Twilight of the Gods. There is so many bangers in this soundtrack.

    + Most of the character personalities are pretty good. I may not be a big fan of like, Faye, but every other character was good for the most part. Some notable favorites were Gray, Tobin, Saber, Clair, Kliff, Leon, Python, and Lukas.


    - The map design. I get it, this is a remake of a really old game, but some of the maps in this game really just made me want to put the DS down out of frustration. The main problems were in Celica's route. The boat maps were incredibly boring, but inoffensive, but I absolutely hated the slew of desert maps in Celica's route. Not to mention the other gimmicks like the graveyard, or the poisonous swamp, and god the Temple of Mila was just awful. Alm's maps were a little bit better, but a lot of them were just open fields with a bunch of cavs, paladins, and gold knights. I really hate the witches, but they're only really problematic on more chokey- close quarters maps. The Duma Tower was also incredibly frustrating to the point where in the final boss battle, I just let units die instead of resetting lol.

    - Again, I know these are remakes of older games, but there is some stuff in these games that just seems so dated, or just annoying. Bows at 2-3 range is especially annoying, but great on my archers. The terrain bonuses made maps a lot more frustrating than it should've at times. There's other things, but I just think this remake does very little to improve quality of life, as opposed to say, FE11, which makes things a lot more user friendly

    Overall, I'd give SOV a 7.5 or 8 out of 10, I love this game a lot, the presentation, voice acting, music, supports, characters, everything about it is great. But the map design and gameplay mechanics hold it back for me. A good game should never make me feel frustrated enough to put down the console mid map. A lot of FE games have frustrating maps, but Echoes has one after another. I know people will be like "ha, git gud", but this just my opinion. Overall, Echoes was a pretty solid game, but I don't know if I'll be replaying it anytime soon. Thanks for reading

    submitted by /u/Spray_Paint1
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    Posted: 16 Sep 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    What's, in your opinion, the biggest/most dramatic/etc betrayal in the series?

    submitted by /u/Donttaketh1sserious
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