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    Wednesday, November 10, 2021

    Fire Emblem Drew Marianne with her hair down and some lilies!

    Fire Emblem Drew Marianne with her hair down and some lilies!

    Drew Marianne with her hair down and some lilies!

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 03:54 PM PST

    It all started with drawing a Female Claude for fun, and now a year later I've drawn every playable character of Three Houses in their opposite gender, with the three red heads to wrap it up!

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 01:29 PM PST

    If we were to get a Fire Emblem All-Stars, like the Mario 3D All-Stars compilation, but with 5 games instead what games 5 would you put in it, all with modernized graphics?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 06:13 AM PST

    Lucina, drawn by Sachi (commissioned by me)

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 01:01 PM PST

    Robin is a Royal?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 11:32 AM PST

    Since Robin was Validar's child, who was also the King of Plegia following Gangrel's defeat, wouldn't that make Robin Plegia's technical heir and mean they were next in line following Validar's death? That would mean that Robin has a claim to the throne. Now I want to see what Robin would look like in Plegian royal garb.

    submitted by /u/Gamer-Logic
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    They say you can make any unit good if you like them enough. And so i did

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 12:58 PM PST

    so since robin has white hair and validar has brown hair, and that men pass on their hair color in awakening, doesnt that mean validar gave birth to us

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 04:16 AM PST

    who is the person that knocked validar up? this is important info

    submitted by /u/leathrow
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    Two blondes playing with high voltage (commission by @RedKite59623438 on Twitter)

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 07:21 PM PST

    Finished my Bernadetta art. Im pretty proud of this one.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 07:44 PM PST

    My Fe collection that's not just a Matthis shrine

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 02:10 PM PST

    Rebuttal to two tropes regarding Lachesis

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 04:20 PM PST

    Alternatively titled: In Defense of Lachesis

    This is just a short post to discuss a trope which I feel is not entirely rooted in truth: the perception that Lachesis has only one singular character trait, that being incestuous feelings towards her brother Eldigan. I'm also going to at the end shortly touch on another trope about Lachesis that I dislike, but first is the incest one.


    There are only two points during the entirety of FE4 where it is explicitly said that Lachesis had romantic feelings towards Eldigan. Firstly, in Chapter 2 there is a villager who suggests that there is a "little bit more to [Eldigan and Lachesis]" than just being siblings; this is also the only point in the entire game which suggests that Eldigan may have reciprocated her feelings. However, she later goes on to say that it's "gossip." It's very possible that we could dismiss this as being gossip rather than being something that should be taken at face value. Of course, it probably is rooted in truth in some way, and Lachesis is "close" to Eldigan as we'll see later on. The second mention of this is in Nanna and Ares' lover conversation in the Endgame chapter. In that chapter, Nanna says that Lachesis was in love with Eldigan, even going so far as to call Lachesis not marrying Eldigan a "mistake." Nanna is definitely a much more reliable source than a random villager; while I do give pause as to how she would know this given that she wasn't grown up at the same time as Eldigan, I think this can be taken at face value. But I have to note that this conversation is from a pairing which a player would probably not have thought to pair; thus, the fact that Nanna reveals this fact here and not at a time when more people would see it leads me to believe that this was not intended to be emphasized.

    People most often point towards Lachesis' conversation in Chapter 2 where we first meet her as evidence of her having romantic feelings towards Eldigan. I disagree immensely with that assessment. In the chapter from what I've seen in English translations1, Lachesis says that she wishes more men were like Eldigan. This does not mean that she wishes that she could marry Eldigan; rather, this means that she wishes that other men had similar character traits to Eldigan like being noble. It certainly shows that she might have unrealistic expectations, that she admires Eldigan a lot, or perhaps that she's just had bad experiences with men in the past like Elliot. But it does not mean that she wishes to marry Eldigan or that she is deliberately refusing to marry because she cannot marry Eldigan. I have a writeup on the rest of Lachesis' story here where I discuss my interpretation of Lachesis' arc of growing up from being the younger sister of Eldigan to being a warrior in her own right. In her three conversations in Chapter 5, she doesn't even mention Eldigan at all - a sign that she's grown from her younger self where she is dependent on him. This is hardly a sign that her only character trait within the game is having romantic feelings for Eldigan - far from it, it shows that her unhealthy dependence on Eldigan is just one of several things that make up her character. Certainly there are some things to be left desired, but I would argue that Lachesis does have an arc beyond just Eldigan.

    The story is definitely different in Fire Emblem Heroes. In the Tempest Trials map "Dancing Affinity," Lachesis laments that Eldigan is still thinking about her sister in law (Grahnye). She's clearly jealous of Grahnye being on Eldigan's mind. This is something that one could say has incestuous undertones (although it doesn't necessarily indicate that Lachesis has that sort of feelings towards Eldigan). Lachesis does also dwell on Eldigan in some of her dialogue across both of her versions, and her character traits in FE4 besides her relationship to Eldigan are not touched upon that much. However, what is not shown here is Lachesis explicitly saying that she has feelings for Eldigan; we also do not see any evidence that Lachesis and Eldigan had any sort of romantic relationship. She is for sure focused more on Eldigan here than she is overall in FE4, but a reciprocated incestuous relationship is never outright inserted here.

    And of course, the infamous manga adaptation of FE4 by Mitsuki Oosawa must be addressed. In that manga, there is an entire subplot involving Lachesis and Eldigan where Eldigan does in fact reciprocate incestuous feelings from Lachesis to the chagrin of his wife (renamed to Iria) who is portrayed as a sort of antagonist who hates Lachesis. In fact, the manga goes so far as to have Eldigan and Lachesis nearly have intercourse shortly before Eldigan's death. However, the manga is ultimately non-canon - I personally consider it closer to fanfiction as it provides an interesting insight in to FE4 in some respects while still not being outright gospel on it. What happens in the manga is not canonical to FE4.

    Tldr: Lachesis within FE4 does have an attachment to Eldigan that could be considered to have incestuous overtones and in a couple places it is said that she did have feelings for him, but this is not the only thing to her character. In FEH this attachment is magnified, but there is still no indication that Eldigan reciprocated nor is there an indication that there was ever outright a relationship between them. The Oosawa manga does add an actual relationship, but this is non-canon.


    One other trope about Lachesis that I want to tackle is the trope that she is a sort of "whore" because of her relationships with Beowulf and Finn. Many people believe based off of FE5 that canonically, Lachesis conceived Diarmuid by Beowulf and then conceived Nanna by Finn.2 Some people go on to say that this proves that Lachesis cheated on her husband. However, there is nothing that says that Lachesis cheated on anyone. The most common interpretation of this scenario is that after Belhalla where Beowulf presumably died, Lachesis got together with Finn in Leonster. I do not consider that cheating on Beowulf because Lachesis is essentially a widow at this point; her seeking companionship with Finn after Beowulf dies does not mean she cheated. If it was outright said that Lachesis cheated that would be a different story, but we have nothing showing that she ever did "cheat." (Even if she did I still would hate the narrative that she bears all the fault...but that would be going into the territory of fancanon/interpretation).


    You're probably asking at this point why I wrote this post or if I'm genuinely mad at people for saying that Lachesis is the "incest sister." I wrote the post just because I felt like it after seeing people say these things in recent threads. I do dislike the trope that Lachesis' only trait is incest, but it's ultimately still an opinion. If you do hold that opinion, I'm not genuinely mad at you; feel free to disagree in the comments here or anywhere else! hopefully I didn't come across as too invested in the fictional game



    1 - I'm relying specifically on the Project Naga translation. I think it is a more accurate translation than the older translation (j2e/DarkTwilkitri/Garnef). In the past I said that I felt that much of the incest stigma with Lachesis came from the older translation being "bad," but I don't want to make that judgment here because I'm not a native Japanese speaker and thus I'm not able to work with the original script.

    2 - The argument goes that Diarmuid has access to the Beo Blade while Nanna cannot, so that shows that Beowulf is Diarmuid's father but not Nanna's. I personally do not think that this explicitly shows that this is the case, but I'm taking the idea of the Beo/Finn/Lach love triangle at face value for the purposes of this part.

    submitted by /u/Skelezomperman
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    FE9 HM 100% LTC Introduction

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 01:23 PM PST


    Rules of the Run:

    -Full Recruitment

    -Knight Ward usage for growths rigging is prohibited and no growth band usage either since we are at 100% growths already and also because it will be done on a clean save file.

    -No Suspend Rigging, arrow-dancing is fair game however.

    -Aim for low turncounts (self-explanatory)

    Copy-Pasted from part of video description:

    There were some things I did not go over completely in the video that I'll mention here.

    -The Armory and Shop in the base will have a different selection of items available throughout the game so I do have to plan out my shopping trips carefully for each chapter.

    -Laguz Units have varying starting gauges depending on the unit and Laguz will be untransformed when the gauge hits zero barring demi-band.

    -I will not be showing supports when I do chapter preps although I will end up noting them in the description although I may display it on the black sidebars.

    -Fixed Mode was not mentioned either given we are playing on a clean file but it's essentially playing on averages

    FE9 Resource (Serenes): https://serenesforest.net/path-of-radiance/

    Side Note: For those wondering how I made it 100% Growths, use Yune Randomizer and set the minimum and maximum growth to 100% Link to Yune Randomizer: https://github.com/lushen124/Universal-FE-Randomizer

    submitted by /u/tyronecarter35
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    I don't see the free dlc items discussed much in SoV talk and had some thoughts

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 03:56 PM PST

    If you don't care to read all this; the tldr is Merc Lukas, Peg Mae, third fork is less important, boots on Lukas, Talisman on Leon.

    These are the Mila's Bounty 1-5 featuring 3 pitchforks to villager loop any character that holds one, a +3 res Talisman and the boots. One pitchfork comes with the talisman. I hear very little talk of them in terms of tier lists and such even though I've seen stuff like hacks to remove overworld and dungeon enemies used as honest discussion points despite those being not the original game; interesting for theorycrafts and purist runs I suppose, but unrealistic compared to content that exists unmodded and can be accessed before the second map of the game. I asked myself: what is the best way to use these pitchforks?

    There is one absolutely no-brainer answer here: Peg Mae. An extra flier for all of act 2 that can be accessed immediately given soloing the graveyard can offer her enough exp for level 3, has amazing growths and can allow for new strategies like rushing Falcoknight Mae to produce a snowball effect similar to hyper invested Palla but can be activated by the time palla joins or close to it. One fork should absolutely go to this.

    The other two are less rigid, but I think there are a few easy factors to consider. Which units want to escape their class the most? That would be armor knights. And of those armors, who can make the best use of the new class? That leads me to Merc Lukas as the second fork; Merc with Knight bases is a monstrosity that soloes maps; Merc Lukas is my pick for the Boots as well, to compensate for merc move while everyone else is promoting. The alternatives are Alm or Mage Villager to contribute more in part 1.

    The third fork I have three picks in mind and I don't have strong feelings for them: Cav Forsyth, Peg Sonya and Archer Kamui. Cav Forsyth means no armors on Alm route, even if he'll be a middling unit, he's a middler with 7 move. Peg Sonya gives you a fifth flier for the swamps that isn't amazing but better than regular Sonya and arguably better than Deen; this also means you have the Brave Sword for Grieth killing which is great. Archer Kamui is literally just because he can be an extra contributor to Wolff fort combat with a shield and anything to help on that map is a blessing. Speaking of archers, Leon should absolutely get the Talisman just for Arcanist boat, and then helps whenever he fights mages going forward.

    Thanks for reading this mess on a wack 4 year old game nobody cares about anymore, if you did. Let me know if I missed anything obvious and I'd appreciate to hear from the more knowledgeable on the game.

    submitted by /u/CaptinSpike
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    [FEFates] What are the best neutral couples in Revelation?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 06:56 AM PST

    I plan to restart Revelation for an infinite time, and I would like to have neutral couples.

    I was wondering if it is possible have a best match between Hoshido Retainer with Nohr Retainer and Hoshido Sibling with Nohr Sibling

    submitted by /u/Legarad
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    3 Houses: Which Character would make the Jankiest Dancer of all?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 04:07 PM PST

    I'm ~90 hours into my first-ever playthrough and I need to select a character for the White Heron Cup.

    I'm playing on Normal difficulty and while I'm on a Blue Lions run, I've recruited every character available into my house, (so everyone not named Hubert, Edelgard or Claude). Because of my excessive grinding, every student has at least 8 CHA and can be bumped up to the 13 CHA needed to win with the training session.

    I could go with an obvious pick like Hilda or Flayn, but because of my grinding and full class roster, I've got a primo opportunity to make an absolutely Jank-tastic decision here. The kind that would be unusual and OP on normal but would not fly at all on the harder difficulty levels.

    So I put the question to you Reddit: Which character should I pick for the Heron Cup and why? Has anyone found success with an unusual dancer build?

    submitted by /u/Grattiano
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    Creating a table top Fire Emblem campaign for my daughter, wife and I; what are some fun class lines you made up?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 11:05 AM PST

    Exactly as the title asks, I'm looking for original ideas. Would love different cultures to be represented as well, not strictly medieval knights etc. Please tel me what weapons, magics, armor, mounts etc they would have access to. Big thanks in advance.

    Edit: also, any lore you want to share for the class is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Albino_Keet
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    What’s the best weapon in the franchise in your opinion?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 08:15 PM PST

    What do you think is the overall best weapon in the franchise? It could be based on power, design, uniqueness, etc. It's also not limited to "important weapons". If you like the standard silver sword then pop off. I personally really like the Yato's design and the Sword of the creator's unique function. (This does apply for feh weapons if you care at all).

    submitted by /u/SomeBlueNinja
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    Rare footage of micaiah doubling something

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 08:14 PM PST

    If you could make a fire emblem game, what kind of story would it have?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 11:44 AM PST

    Hello, I am new here,

    If I could make a fire emblem game, I would make it in a steampunk universe and I would add new type of classes like gunslinger and mechanics. But of course, still adding dragons, swords and magic, things that make Fire emblem the games we know and love.

    submitted by /u/Livs_0123
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    Planning to cosplay Ishtar (FEH Design) in the future. Any tips for a beginner?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 04:39 PM PST

    I've been interested in cosplay for a few months and I thought that maybe it was high time to try it out. I've put some thought into who to go for ans I decided on Ishtar. If anyone has tips or tricks that would help, please share :)

    submitted by /u/HummusIsHome
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    Posted: 10 Nov 2021 08:15 PM PST





    ALL THE NFTS!!!!!!!!!!

    submitted by /u/teh_meme_god
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