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    Thursday, November 11, 2021

    Fire Emblem this scene looks kinda familiar

    Fire Emblem this scene looks kinda familiar

    this scene looks kinda familiar

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 11:35 AM PST

    Pocky Game with Rhea and Byleth

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 01:14 PM PST

    I swear i think Finn is one of the only FE characters that doesn't get dissed by this community (And i like him too)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 12:15 PM PST

    Is this what mastering classes is supposed to look like?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 07:41 AM PST

    I drew Roy

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 07:45 AM PST

    Which pre-timeskip design do you like BETTER than the post-timeskip design?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 09:42 AM PST

    After finding a *used* copy of TMS, I now have every FE released stateside and a copy of Genealogy

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 11:36 AM PST

    What are some of your favorite 'inefficient' classes to use?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 10:14 AM PST

    I've always liked using assassins ever since they were introduced. Using FE11/12 generals like archers is also pretty funny even if it's just for the novelty. And in a sea of toilet bowls, Awakening swordmasters have actual decent looking armor. Plus throwing Amatsu is quite funny to watch.

    submitted by /u/CHPrime
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    [OC] Pocky game feat. Lysithea and Claude

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 08:20 AM PST

    What sport do you think your favorite 3h student would be good at?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 05:15 PM PST

    Looking at the lounge design for all the character make me always think that'd its suppose to be a sport uniform. So thought it be fun to see what sport people would think characters would be good at, for example Dorothea would be at track and field and dancing because well we know her canon class is dancer and she knows how to deal with persistent men. Also I think Edelgard would be the best at football and Claude at basketball.

    submitted by /u/MiuIruma332
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    Hey guys, Im starting a Fire emblem 6 playthough on hard difficulty. I'm looking for some people to check it out and see what they think

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 03:50 PM PST

    Being an enemy unit

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 12:38 PM PST

    Imagine being there and knowing that despite the fact that the other army is slaughtering your whole, giant army your AI still forces you to keep moving forward to try and defeat the closest blue unit that was probably purposely put in there just to bait you so the next turn a ridiculously overpowered blue unit appears outta nowhere and kills you without even giving you the chance to deal some damage.

    What an absolute bummer of a day dude.

    submitted by /u/RareLasagna
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    Randomizer Softlock. Any ideas how to get past this?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 11:08 AM PST

    I'm convinced FE6 chapter 14's difficulty is really exaggerated.

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 01:43 PM PST

    I'm playing it on hard mode and I found many of the previous chapters much harder. My promoted Milady and Lilina are doing a pretty good job taking out most of the enemies, and it's really not too big a deal.

    That said it is SO BORING. This chapter would be simple if I could just move my units, and I keep having to reset because enemies appear out of nowhere and kill them. That's not hard, I'm not thinking of clever solutions or barely surviving with lucky crits and dodges, I'm just taking to steps and watching my bard die to random reinforcements. Chapter 7 was too hard for my tastes, but I beat that through good positioning of my units. This isn't hard, it's just stupid. I really wish my pegasus knights didn't die.

    thank you for coming to my ted talk

    Update: I beat it. It was actually pretty fun.

    submitted by /u/tophatmewtwo
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    Lysithea destroying with her knuckles

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 12:57 PM PST

    Reply to this post with your favorite FE character(s)

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 06:42 AM PST

    I'll tell you if I used them in their game. Did I bench them? Did I use them or invest in them in any way, and how did they turn out in my run? Or did I regulate them to support of some kind?

    I've played every game in the series from FE6 onward, by the way. For any Judgral characters, I'd refer to their use in FEH since that's the only game where I'm able to play as them.

    submitted by /u/GullibleParsley08
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    Fire Emblem Characters if they played DnD

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 01:07 PM PST

    What is says on the title. Curious as to see what people imagine.

    Chrom is the Dungeon Master of course.


    • Dimitri is frequently the Murderhobo barbarian who wants to "KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!"

    • Camus plays as a human fighter Cavalier, like they have for the last 3 campaigns.

    • Inigo plays as a halfling fighter with an emphasis on Performance to Dance.

    • Lucina decides to play as a foul-mouthed cleric, constantly berates Inigo's character.

    • Hubert plays as a air genasi bard who likes to disguise themselves as a vampire.

    submitted by /u/Koanos
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    Searing of Radiance (Ike vs Diluc) [Fire Emblem vs Genshin Impact]

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 09:14 PM PST

    What’s Corrin’s best subclass for a Conquest Lunatic playthrough using only the Gimmick Weapons?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 03:14 PM PST

    I'm currently planning to do a challenge play-through of FE Fates Conquest Lunatic using only the gimmick weapons dropped in the MyCastle, inspired by how I've received a crap ton of them while grinding out BP/VP for the seals. Since I need to set up that file well in advance I was hoping to figure out what subclass to make Corrin. Normally I'd just go with Wyvern Rider due to how powerful the class and its skills are but there are no 1-2 range gimmick axes so I am not sure if that's as appealing for early game (especially since I can marry into that class later in the game as well for the skills). Also I need to account for the lost dragon stone for the early chapters since Corrin will be lacking the additional bulk and magic firepower from that weapon.

    Let me know if you have any suggestions!

    submitted by /u/bazabazabaz
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    I Ironman every Fire Emblem game in the series, Part 2: Genealogy of the Holy War Gen 2

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 09:03 AM PST

    To recap real quick, I decided last week that I was going to Ironman pretty much every FE game in the series. There are more specific rules and stuff in the first post, which is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/qn1vvk/i_ironman_every_fire_emblem_game_in_the_series/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    For this second installment, I completed a Gen 2 FE4 Ironman. Here are some stats/fun things about the run

    Attempts: 2 (First run died at the first Ishtar fight, wasn't too mad about it, as I'd had some pretty terrible luck in the run)

    Deaths (in no particular order): Fee, Shanan, Leif, Oifey, Finn, Ares, Ulster, Faval, and Arthur twice.

    MVPs: Johalvier for being the king of the earlygame and taking on half of Arion's army singlehandedly in chapter 9, Lewyn!Arthur for soloing a fair few squadrons, Claude!Ced for reviving like 5 people with the Valkyrie staff and the bargain band, and Faval and Patty for getting Uber stat-blessed (it was seriously ridiculous, they both have over 70HP and capped or nearly capped stats in everything but Res.) Also, shout out to Quan for dying with the Paragon band in my Gen 1 Ironman, banishing the paragon band to Altena's inventory

    Highlights of the run: The final battle (starting when Ishtar spawns in the final map) was incredibly brutal and accounted for like 65% of the deaths in the run. It was super fun and legitimately tense. I thought I might wipe to her. Recruiting Altena and getting the Paragon band back was another one, as everyone's exp gain suddenly spiked (as I hadn't spent much money on non-theives/staff users in the beginning of the run), and most of my squad promoted.

    Thoughts on FE4 Gen 2: I really remember not liking Gen 2 much outside of the final battle, and while I still hold to a few moments in the game being complete bull, my general opinion of the game has skyrocketed.

    First, the bad: Some of the Gen 2 bosses are really bad. The Brave Axe Great Knight in the first map is awful. His army is filled with powerful axe knights with FE4 canto, and he deals 34 damage to the 40 health Oifey at base, and he one shots Forseti!Arthur with around a 20% hit rate (assuming Arthur is in a forest). Personally, I would just reduce his attack or possibly have him capture and guard the castle Johan comes out of instead. The brave lance/bow generals in chapter 8 are also not great, although that can mostly be chalked up to pavise being bad and the second being covered by 4 bolting mages (including the boss). I've also realized that Julius really should have an alternative way to kill him. Julia's recruitment (though it definitely makes sense) is very awkward, and new players likely won't save the silence staff to deal with her, or might kill her on accident. Maybe just reducing his defense slightly would do.

    It also should be noted that some of the maps feel like not much is going on, while others feel too tightly packed with enemies. Of the gen 2 maps, I think the first and last ones are excellent, chapter 10 is really boring and empty until the Arvis fight (which is great), Chapter 7 is too cluttered, Chapter 8 is good, but is far too frontloaded with its events and challenges, and chapter 9 is okay (the fight with Arion is great, but I find the rest of the chapter, especially Altena's recruitment and the Travant fight, really underwhelming and strangely put together. Aside from the bosses and maps, my one critique is that I wish some of the substitutes were more interesting. Dimna, Linda, Sharlow, Laylea, and Hawk are units that have really strange niches that are fun to work around, and I feel like the subs should have all been like them. The subs shouldn't be as good as the optimal pairings, but they should all be at least serviceable and slightly unique.

    Also the story sorta drops the ball from the end of the first Gen (although that deserves its own discussion).

    As for the good, Gen 2 is a sandbox experience in character building that has the depth of customization as Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses, but carries almost none of the associated baggage of those game's sandbox elements. Inheritance and pairing is such a responsive system, and the depth of choice means that no two playthroughs are quite the same. For this reason, unit variety is really great, and the difficulty is great enough that most everyone can be challenged by it. The ranking system is also something that I wish would return. I know this doesn't seem like a lot in the "good" column, but I do love this game, and a lot of the things that it does right have already been pointed out by people a lot smarter and more eloquent than I am, so I don't feel the need to repeat them here.

    There is one more thing I want to restate from my last post: FE4 is an excellent game to Ironman, even though it isn't traditionally recommended as such. I've quit my last two attempted FE4 playthroughs due to how slow the game is. During this run, however, I realized that an Ironman helps to alleviate this greatly. First off, if you feel like you bungled a turn, there are no do-overs. You only play each map once, which cuts down greatly on the grind of resetting turns until they go well. Second, the arena and other grindy strategies are heavily disincentivized, as there is no save-scumming to back up your cheesy strategies. I really wish more people recommended this playstyle with FE4, as it helps to prevent the burnout a lot of people associate with FE4.

    So yeah, that's 2 down. The next run is going to be a Thracia Ironman, although I might also do the Lunatic Warriors Ironman simultaneously. So, if you have any advice for those two games, I'd love to hear it. Aside from that, I'd love to hear what you think of FE4 (as an Ironman game or in general)

    submitted by /u/HeroVP7
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    Anyone got tips on The Master tactician for Crimson Flower Maddening no ng+?

    Posted: 11 Nov 2021 08:09 PM PST

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