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    Sunday, December 5, 2021

    Fire Emblem Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of December 3rd, 2021

    Fire Emblem Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of December 3rd, 2021

    Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of December 3rd, 2021

    Posted: 03 Dec 2021 07:00 PM PST

    Welcome to the next installment of EPFE! This is a casual space for discussing any ongoing Fire Emblem (or related games) playthroughs. Screenshots, impressions, frustrations... gameplay stuff that would otherwise be removed as a standalone post under Rule 8 can be shared here.

    While you can of course ask for advice here, specific questions might get faster responses in the General Question Thread here

    As always, remember to tag your spoilers, and have fun!

    The previous thread can be found here

    The FEE3 thread from last month can be found here. FEE3 is an annual event showing off various ROMhacks and fan projects in the Fire Emblem community; be sure to check it out!

    submitted by /u/Cecilyn
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    I was commissioned to draw Dimitri!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 08:24 AM PST

    Hanneman’s views on Crests summarized

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 01:02 PM PST

    Lysithea (you can support my Instagram @favillqp)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 03:45 AM PST

    Marianne and Haru outfit swap (Fire Emblem x Persona) [OC]

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 11:17 AM PST

    Fire Emblem's portrayal of quicksand

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 06:06 AM PST

    Fates: was the story as bad as people say? Part 2: Birthright [1/2]

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 08:30 AM PST

    Hello chaps.

    This is the second part of my analysis of Fates' writing. If you're interested in reading why I'm doing this or what arguments I've made up until this point, please click on this link to read the first part.

    In the prologue, my main criticisms centered around a large number of conveniences, questions that should have been asked by the characters yet weren't, a roster too large to be introduced within such a short of a period of time, and even a potential plot hole in the form of Corrin's sword and how it's used. However, by far the most glaring issue was the frenzied pacing; way, way too much happened in just a few number of chapters and the characters, especially Corrin as well as the player, had no time to process what was going on.

    I'd first like to address some criticism to how I've structured this analysis series. Some people think my arguments get lost by retelling what happens in the story, but I'm not sure I agree. Fates has been out in Japan for over six years and more than five years in the West; a lot of people have forgotten the details of the plot, even as the story gets discussed frequently. By explaining what happens, I mean to provide context to my criticism and show that the problems plaguing Fates aren't simply a few bad ideas done poorly; it manifests in many different ways near constantly. It's for that reason I also sometimes mention smaller issues which could otherwise be considered nitpicks; it shows a lack of care and attention dedicated to having the plot make sense.

    Even so, I will say that there might be less focus on describing all the plot events in Birthright in the same way I did the prologue. Not only because there are a lot more chapters, but also because Birthright suffers from having a lot of maps which are effectively filler.

    Birthright is often considered the "least bad" route of Fates in terms of its writing. It's often called "okay" or "a standard Fire Emblem story", but I don't think that's true. Yes, on the surface, once Birthright begins it has a mostly typical Fire Emblem structure, but I believe such a statement ignores the nuances which cause Birthright's story to be as problematic as it is, even if it looks better structured compared to the other two routes. In this post I hope I'll be able to show you what I mean.

    With that said, let's begin.


    The story starts with Corrin choosing to side with Hoshido and telling Xander to withdraw his troops. Understandably, Xander is disappointed and saddened, but almost immediately he starts saying strange things.

    "And Father will forgive you. I know it."

    This is a strange comment given what Xander - and indeed the other two older Nohrian siblings - know of Garon. Camilla even says "Father never forgets a slight" after the prisoner fight. It's also not clear exactly what Garon is supposed to forgive Corrin of; going missing for a few days and being captured by the enemy?

    It gets worse once Corrin tells Xander about the attack on the plaza and the death of Mikoto, calling Garon evil.

    "Father... evil? How could you say that, little prince/princess?"

    Now, Xander's opinion of Garon is something that'll be touched upon multiple times in this analysis series, but setting that aside for now, Corrin's opinion of the man shouldn't exactly come as a surprise to Xander. Ever since Corrin got out of the Northern Fortress which in-universe is unlikely to have been much more than a month ago, Xander has seen Garon order Corrin to murder prisoners of war (and then Xander himself to kill both the prisoners and Corrin), give Corrin the evil sword, release Hans, and now order a full blown invasion of Hoshido. Hell, the prologue even shows Xander being suspicious of the sword Garon gives Corrin.

    I realize this isn't the perfect time for Xander to logically go through everything that has happened, but we now come to the next part of this problem: Xander's confusion over calling Garon evil is so completely detached from people playing the game. Garon looks, talks, laughs, and acts like a typical bad guy with a pencant for arbitrary cruelty; nothing that we've seen him do or say in the prologue suggests he's anything but evil, and the murder of Sumeragi and kidnapping of Corrin suggests he's been like this for many years.

    Xander mentions fearing that the Hoshidans have brainwashed Corrin, a bizarre accusation considering it was Nohr who kidnapped and tricked Corrin into believing he was a Nohrian prince to begin with. To top it all off, Xander admits to have known and hid these facts from our protagonist. This betrayal, that Xander has lied to Corrin their entire life, is glossed over.

    The game makes no secret that this is supposed to be a sad moment, and that Xander is meant to be sympathetic, but the fact remains that he is leading an invasion against an apparently innocent nation at the order of someone we know to be evil and he doesn't ask himself whether or not this is right.

    Corrin cites the bloody assault on the Hoshidan capital that killed Queen Mikoto, with the likely intention to kill Corrin as well, as the reason for his defection and pleads with Xander to fight against Garon, but all Xander can conclude from that is that Corrin is a traitor. Xander doesn't address the specific allegations made against his father, even though such brutality would be consistent with what he already knows about the man.

    The battle is soon on, and it's once again worth pointing out how the conflict is centered around Corrin, rather than the invasion of Hoshido. Only a few battle/defeat quotes do not relate directly to Corrin, and as soon as the battle is over, Azura tells them they don't have to fight if they don't want to. While I understand the focus being on the protagonist, it is striking how little other characters acknowledge the full extent of the situation; the actual reason for the battle becomes an afterthought.

    Chapter six is over and we move on to chapter seven. I regret that I couldn't find an excellent post someone else has written about this, because chapter seven has very confusing structure and dialogue, and that post did an excellent job explaining it. I'll do my best to analyze some of the stranger elements of it.

    Chapter seven starts with Corrin on their way to Fort Jinya to help the wounded soldiers there. Where are Takumi, Ryoma and Hinoka? Why doesn't Corrin know where they're going? How much time has passed since the invasion attempt? What is the strategy for dealing with Nohr? None of these questions are answered.

    Almost immediately after the protagonist arrives, the fort gets surrounded by Nohrians - so, the invasion wasn't repelled, then? According to the map, Fort Jinya is deep into Hoshido territory, not far from the capital.

    The Nohrians, led by Silas, calls himself Corrin's best friend. Once he's defeated, he talks to Corrin about their past together and is easily recruited. Together with Kaze who's acting as Corrin's retainer by this point, the number of characters who are to a large extent defined by their relationship to the avatar is steadily increasing. Silas knew Corrin for such a short amount of time so long ago that Corrin barely remembers him, while Silas even as an adult is ready to forsake his country and die for Corrin.

    Once the battle is over, you're told by Saizo and Orochi that Takumi and Ryoma went missing on their way to Izumo. Hang on, now the question of how much time has passed is raised once again. There was no scene nor even exposition explaining why the Hoshidans split up, or what their strategy for combating Nohr is. Corrin just arrived at a fort in the middle of Hoshido, which one would assume is closer to the border than Izumo to the far south, yet Corrin seems to be told by people who accompanied Ryoma and Takumi at least part of the way there that they've gone missing, so they must've been on their way to Izumo and then gone to Fort Jinya in the same amount of time it took Corrin to reach Fort Jinya. The timing and logistics behind this make absolutely no sense.

    Furthermore, I want to highlight how bizarrely vague the details surrounding Takumi and Ryoma's disappearance are. Orochi and Saizo are wounded, indicating they've been in a fight, but Takumi and Ryoma only "went missing" on their way to Izumo "last anyone saw them". Does this mean they were split off from each other during a battle, or did something else happen? Orochi phrases this as if going to Izumo was an impromptu decision, but Yukimura is gathering forces to "march on Izumo" (which really means something else), indicating that there are a lot of Nohrians on the way there (there aren't). We also don't know what has led to Orochi and Saizo suspecting Takumi and Ryoma of having been captured (they don't say they saw that, nor that Ryoma and Takumi were fleeing or anything), nor why they're going to Corrin to report this if Yukimura is the one gathering forces - wasn't there a reason for Corrin, Sakura and Azura to stay behind? I've reread this exchange many times now and I can't make heads or tails out of what exactly happened.

    Entire scenes of chapter seven seem to be missing, which is a problem because this is the first proper Birthright exclusive map, meant to set the course for the entire route.

    The next two chapters are strangely unimportant in the grand scheme of things despite a lot of things occurring. First, Iago shows up to cause some trouble seemingly for shits and giggles by making members of the Wind Tribe look like Faceless to Corrin's group and vice versa, provoking a fight, but it's unclear how he knew where Corrin was and where they were going. Then, Corrin picks up Hinoka and gets some exposition about the Yato and how powerful it is once the seal is "linked". Apparently, the leader of the Wind Tribe, Fuga, wanted to test Corrin and make sure they were the right person to wield the blade, so does that mean if Corrin lost, he'd just...take it? But didn't the blade choose Corrin? Fuga also knew immediately that Corrin and the other Hoshidan royals weren't to blame for the attack Iago instigated, so that potential complication is dropped quickly.

    Hinoka continues adding mystery to the logistics and time span of the story thus far. I will keep it brief, but she was in the capital for unexplained reasons, then suddenly decided to try and track down Ryoma and Takumi despite not knowing they were missing. That means she reached the capital before Corrin reached Fort Jinya, despite the former location being further away, and then reached the Wind Tribe before them as well.

    Moving onto chapter nine, they reach Izumo and deal with the Nohrian mage Zola who was taking over the country by magically disguising himself as its leader. Also, Leo shows up, but he has six lines; three for Zola and three for Corrin, then he leaves. The game never explains why Leo came to Izumo to kill Zola (which he doesn't thanks to Corrin), but I think the actual reason is clear: the game wants to hammer home the fact that Corrin's Nohrian siblings now treat them differently. However, the very brief time he's there, for such a poorly explained reason, doesn't raise the stakes, it just raises more questions.

    The real leader of Izumo, Izana, uses a crystal ball and quotes the song Azura is often heard singing, and Azura thinks the song is a prophecy about Corrin.

    Now you may be asking yourselves "this all sounds like a lot, what do you mean these last two chapters aren't important in the grand scheme of things?". Well, like the prologue, a lot of things happen but are never thoroughly developed. I don't think the Wind Tribe, Izumo, or the prophecy are even mentioned ever again. Leo's six lines (one of them being just "no") before leaving summarizes just how little time the game spends on one topic before it moves on.

    At least Izana tells you the battle Ryoma and Takumi were in was close to the Bottomless Canyon, so the group knows where to go next. I think this is the first real confirmation we have that they went missing as a result of a battle, and apparently it was a really big one.

    Zola joins you in the next map as an NPC tag along. By this point he's already got comparable screen time to a Hoshidan royal, and it's odd that the game focuses so much on him when so many characters compete for screen time. Corrin is called "too kind" for daring to take him with them, marking the third time someone has said that already since the game began.

    Anyway, Takumi shows up but he's been possessed. Azura sings the one song she knows and cures him, and after taking care of some ninja of Mokushu attacking them, Takumi explains that he and Ryoma were attacked outside of Izumo, got split up in the early stages of the battle and that he then fell into the Bottomless Canyon. Hang on, Izumo is located a fair bit to the east into the Hoshidan part of the map; it's nowhere close to the Bottomless Canyon based on what we can see on the map, but I suppose that doesn't matter much. It's not like the borders are clearly defined. At this point though it's clear that Azura knows more about this conflict than she lets on, and she uses the same "dark powers" terminology that Mikoto had used before her death to describe Takumi's state.

    Chapter 11 might be the least important one thus far, as you're attacked by invisible soldiers again, but once more this kerfuffle is not mentioned ever again, and there is not even any real exposition or character building offered here. We only really find out it takes half a day for a person to travel to Hoshido from ninja land, and one day from a port city to Nohr by ship. This continent is absolutely tiny, but it's not smaller than Corrin's group which is able to fit onboard a single ship and not even take up all the room, as Azura worries about hostile Nohrians being among the passengers. It's not an invasion force, that's for certain, but that also means Sakura, Takumi, Hinoka, Corrin, and Azura - five out of six Hoshidan (?) royals - are without much protection and should be an easy target once they enter enemy territory.

    The group arrives at Cyrkensia, and Azura remarks that you'd hardly be able to tell there was a war going on elsewhere. That raises an interesting point, because neither can we. The entire Hoshidan royal family is now abroad with a minimal force to accompany them. So far, outside of chapter six, you've only fought Nohrians twice, and one of those two forces was right in the middle of Hoshido not far from the capital. Why doesn't anyone need to stay at home to manage things? Where are the borders and what is the current state of the war? This doesn't feel like a war; it feels like a road trip. The plan is to fight Nohr once you've found Ryoma, but Corrin is bringing very little in terms of manpower, and Ryoma is still missing in action even though we're nearing the halfway point of the game.

    Put it another way: the plot feels aimless, with the main characters just improvising and reacting to what the world throws at them. The conflict - the war - is forgotten about.

    Incidentally, Garon happens to be in Cyrkensia for a show. Azura gets on stage and sings a song to exorcize (?) him, but because Zola warned the king the Hoshidans were coming, Garon is able to resist the song and surround Corrin's gang, and then he kills Zola for good measure. At least Hinoka will finally be able to say and do something now that there are fewer characters hogging the spotlight, right? ...Right?

    Xander is also here and he pursues Corrin as the gang flees, but Elise then arrives to distract him, allowing Corrin to escape. Azura is suffering from magical injuries from singing the song, but assures Corrin she's okay.

    In the interest of balance, I'll just say I absolutely love Garon's battle dialogue with Corrin this chapter.

    Corrin: You're not my father, and you never were. Prepare to die. Garon: I may not be your father, but I will slap you down like a child. This foolishness ends now!

    I don't know, I just find Garon's line here is absolutely hilarious.

    Next up you run into Camilla. The battle itself means little, but once Camilla has been defeated, she seems to have been sipping on the same brain drain juice as Xander.

    Corrin: Camilla, you have to listen to me. King Garon was manipulating me. Possibly for as long as I've been alive!

    Camilla: What?! How so?

    Corrin: The sword he gave me before I left the castle was cursed. He knew I'd fall in with the Hoshidans and get close to the queen. That's when the sword exploded, killing her and dozens of innocent people.

    Camilla: But...but what would have happened to you, Corrin?

    Corrin: I probably should have been killed as well, if not for Queen Mikoto's sacrifice. Garon surely didn't care if I died, as long as his plan inflamed relations with Hoshido.

    Camilla: How DARE he even THINK about harming a hair on your precious head! To think that Father has been up to such evil... I can't believe it. I'm sorry, Corrin. I had no idea.

    Camilla, you were right there when Garon effectively told Xander to kill Corrin for standing up to helpless prisoners of war. You also know that Garon kidnapped Corrin as a toddler and kept them locked inside a fortress for their entire life. This isn't news to you.

    Nohrian reinforcements arrive in the form of Leo, and unlike last time, he's got 10 whole lines before he leaves (although one is just "argh!") after getting sucker punched by Ryoma in full armor. Ryoma has been chatting it up with some people revolting against Nohr, but it doesn't seem like the numbers are enough to challenge Nohr head on.

    To wrap up the first part of the Birthright analysis, I'd like to highlight one of the absolutely biggest problems the route faces: the lack of chemistry between the main characters.

    In the prologue, Corrin expresses being at a loss due to not feeling a connection between them and their mother, nor their blood siblings, despite the Hoshidan royals all being good people who love them. This is an incredibly interesting point that is simply dropped. Corrin and the Hoshidan siblings never get to have a scene where they sit down and talk and act like a family - Corrin doesn't encounter any cultural barriers that'd come from joining Hoshido, the Hoshidan siblings don't ask them any real personal questions, and so on. To put it another way: Corrin and the Hoshidan siblings remain strangers throughout Birthright.

    Now, Fire Emblem normally uses supports to fill in gaps and expand upon character relationships, and Fates tries to do this too, but the situation here is very different for two key reasons:

    1) The entire premise is based around Corrin's family. It's front and center of the story, and as such not focusing more on their interactions in the main plot is an odd decision - do we really need Zola to do and say more of value than Hinoka?

    2) I will talk more about Fates' supports after the routes have been covered, but this following point affects all of Birthright and must be brought up now: as you all know, Corrin isn't actually related to the Hoshidan royals either. If you S-support any of the three younger Hoshidan siblings, they'll tell you they got a letter from Corrin's dead mum telling them both that Mikoto knew Corrin and the S-supported sibling would fall in love and that she is giving them her blessing to pork because Sumeragi wasn't Corrin's father. Now, I don't think I need to tell you how silly such a letter is, but here is the real kicker: Ryoma doesn't need a letter like this because he always knew Corrin wasn't related to the Hoshidan royal siblings by blood and effectively lied to the protagonist all this time, yet this is never once brought up in the main story.

    This is the second and last time we hear about Mikoto's prophetic powers by the way. She used it once to foresee her own death (and chose not tell anyone aside from Yukimura or do anything about it), and once to ship her children together.

    Outside of gathering the siblings - a completely arbitrary task based on the unexplained reason as to why they split up in the first place - and reaching Garon, Birthright has nothing going on in terms of arcs. There is nothing like the Laguz/Beorc tensions or Crest system that ties the narrative together and allows different characters to have a different understanding of the conflict at hand. As I have outlined since the prologue, Fates introduces a new concept or character and then moves on lightning fast; this makes relationships and stakes feel shallow. Even when Sakura and Corrin try to have a conversation that only indirectly has to do with the plot, they're interrupted by a sudden attack - twice.

    What I'm saying is, there was definitely room for a subplot where Corrin finds out about not being related to the Hoshidans, which could've caused them to question what they're actually fighting for, but we get nothing of that. Instead, in the supports, Corrin is just glad they're not related to the Hoshidans since this means they can jump their "siblings'" bones without it being weird (it's still pretty weird).

    Congratulations, you've found Ryoma - and now what? What does Ryoma actually add to the story of Birthright? Well, he sucker punches Leo, that's funny. ...And what else? He's got no arc, he doesn't help any other character grow in the main plot, he doesn't have any time to bond with Corrin nor have an interesting dynamic with any of the Hoshidan siblings. Practically every single line he has in the main story can be said by someone else - it's not like knowing about an apothecary in Nohr is Ryoma-exclusive knowledge.

    Keep in mind, this is the future king of Hoshido, a supposed main support character, who has a potentially interesting subplot right there and yet it is never made relevant. If he's just there to be some kind of tour guide then that role can just as easily be relegated to Silas.

    There is a distinct impression given here that Fates deliberately avoids hard questions and an interesting situation in favor of allowing the player to S support four more characters, trying to satisfy players who are fans of incest-but-not-really. The siblings could have been written in a more interesting way in spite of that, however, yet very little is done with them. Even if the plot thus far has been much more Corrin-centric than is healthy for the narrative, the game would've been much better off if it actually delved deeper into the protagonist's connection, or lack thereof, to the Hoshidan siblings.

    As it stands, despite things happening around Corrin, precious little has any lasting impact or meaning. Birthright never exploring these things that I just brought up is one of its absolutely biggest failures, and deprives Corrin and the Hoshidan siblings of a potentially interesting arc, which the route desperately needed.

    And with that point I end the first out of two parts analysing Birthright. Please let me know what you think and if I missed something!

    submitted by /u/Odovakar
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    Marianne von Edmund - ✌��

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 11:47 PM PST

    Arthur with 69 Luck

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 12:42 PM PST

    (Heroes) Top 5 most wanted Heroes not in the game (Post Ash and More)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 04:24 PM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Feh Channel (Dec. 5, 2021)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 04:01 PM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Summoner Duels: Alfonse vs Veronica Play-by-Play

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 04:34 PM PST

    Happy birthday Sully.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 05:33 PM PST

    Awakening Mod - Unit Select Quotes (Like In SoV/Three Houses)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 04:46 PM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Book VI Movie

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 04:16 PM PST

    i've just been doodling alm a lot recently because i find his quotes disproportionately entertaining

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 05:37 PM PST

    Lords Battle Royale? Comparing (pseudo)main characters in the Three Houses stat system

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 09:33 AM PST

    So yesterday this post about a Lords Battle got me thinking. How would all lords compare to one another from a stat perspective? This of course is not easily glanced since most FE games use different stat scaling. So here we have a table that converts stats from one game to Three Houses metrics:

    On the first page you can see four tables:
    - Table 1(Top Left) contains all highest caps from every game, so we're all working with the highest metrics for every game. A few things to note; Three houses max stats are taken from characters and do not take class additions into account. Radiant Dawn does not use Laguz caps as there are no laguz lords.
    - Table 2(Bottom Left) lists the conversion rate. This shows how many points a stat is worth if transferred to Three Houses. As we can see, for example, Yuri has 1's across the board. However, every point of Str Roy gains is almost 3 points of Str when converted to Three Houses.

    - Table 3 (Top right) shows average stats for every unit plus some things I'll go into detail about. First off, I am not entirely happy with the Corrins and all three Awakening units. If I use OifeyBot correctly the Awakening units should have gone from lord>great Lord and Tactician>GrandMaster for 20/20 averages. But the stats seem low. I went for Maiden!Lucina and no boons or banes for Robin. Corrin should also be boon-/baneless. The Three Houses leaders are levelled from base to 99 in their unique classes/Trickster for Yuri. this is for simplicity's sake though I may change this to an actual progression with intermediate classes later.
    Lastly, I thought about stat bonuses. in the end, I added these as fairly as I could. This means Ike and Micaiah gain +5 to all stats from Yune's blessing. this seemed overpowered compared to the other units, but Seliph and Sigurd also wield the Tyrfing which grants +40 stat total, which is even more than the bonus Yune gives. I may have missed some bonuses so please do let me know. All noteworthy stuff is listed next to each unit.
    - Table 4 is the end result, but I advise going to the next page for some more detail and a clearer layout.


    Ok, so the results are in! To preface, this still doesn't paint the whole picture of who would win a Battle Royale. Combat arts, crit rate, matchups and skills all play a role and as such these stats are not an end all be all.

    - Coming in at a shared 1st place for the Hp category are M!Kris and Alm! ike barely misses due to him capping at 65 Hp but the max for Tellius Beorc is 70. Cool to see Celica clocking in at 104 Hp, F!Kris also matching her in her swordmaster class. Even Roy broke into triple digits! Yuri scores lowest with a measly 64 HP.

    - Attack has our first set of Cap exceeding units. Dimitri, Ike and Ephraim make the top three, all exceeding the cap. Dimitri due to Class bonuses, Ike is blessed by Yune and Ephraim has his Siegmund granting him additional Strength. To no one's surprise, Micaiah ranks lowest, but with 51 Str she is still able to wield any Light tome without a speed penalty.

    - From last place all the way to first, Micaiah shows that she is truly the queen of Magic! Almost breaking into triple digits, Micaiah is way ahead of everyone that matters. Here we see our first weird cases. Hector clocks in at an incredible 85 Magic, almost capping out. But that's merely because his Mag was copied from his Str, due to no split existing. Anyone on a horse or in heavy armour will have to watch out. We also see our absolute lowest stat here, 2 magic for Sigurd. Don't think he's going to miss it.

    - In the skill category we see something kinda horrific. Ike has a 100 Skl stat, meaning every other attack will proc Aether. Seliph also goes beyond the cap with a staggering 93 skill! As for our tactician... He actually has the lowest skill amongst the (pseudo)lords. Of course, this may change depending on whether or not I handle the 3DS averages correctly. So we'll see.

    - three houses takes first and last place, with Yuri capping speed and gaining a bit more due to trickster class. Edelgard, as an Emperor from start to finish, lags behind with a measly 43 speed. Thank goodness stride and raging storm exists.

    - The luckiest man alive here is Leif, with the highest value we'll see today. 116 Luck! that's well and truly past the cap of 77. Marth and Micaiah are also poised to buy lottery tickets, whereas Sigurd doesn't seem to be that lucky. Fitting, all about that story immersion right?

    - To almost no one's surprise, Hector is one beefy boi. Going well past the cap with Ike close behind. Ike has two bonuses, however, so Hector is way more homegrown on the defence side. Edelgard also impresses with a great 64. Celica is made of paper with the lowest score of 28.

    - Lastly, we have Resistance, and everyone knows who wins here. Micaiah is the first lord to claim two titles, with highest Magic and Resistance. Going almost 30 above the cap! She can take a hit on the magical side, and even 51 defence is quite sturdy. The person who does not want to face Micaiah's magic stat is Marth, with 8 Resistance. That's after being bolstered by the Binding Shield! Res is generally low, with only a few breaking 50 or more. Lyn and Roy benefit from their weapons, as do Sigurd and Seliph who come close -breaking the cap even!- due to their insane +20 Res in their base game from Tyrfing.

    - And to close it out we have stat totals! Here we can see who is a dud and who is a big ball of stats! Robin scores lowest, with Chrom almost matching him. Not even breaking 400 Stat total. this of course may change when 3DS units are recalculated.
    Surprisingly Micaiah actually beats out everyone for first place. Mostly this seems to be a case of having so much more Res than most other characters. it wasn't what I expected at all, Ike took second even, who I thought was going to win. But in the end, Micaiah was the only one who broke 600 stat total.

    Of course, Yune's blessing helps, but as said before, I decided to count these as the Yune bonus isn't even the largest one in the list, and everyone else also has their final weapons etc. So when assuming the peak performance of each unit, this seemed fair to include.

    Feel free to discuss these units in the comments, let me know if I messed up something that I haven't addressed in the post. Please help me fix the Awakening and Fates units because I think I didn't do them right. Were there any statistics that stood out to you? I personally really liked the FE5 stat conversion rate!

    I may compare the final bosses of each game as well at some point seems fun.

    submitted by /u/-ViciousSal-
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    Continuing Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance on stream at 6:30 ET if anyone wants to join.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 03:08 PM PST

    Radiant Dawn’s final boss hurts in many ways

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 01:23 PM PST

    I am what someone could classify as a "bitch". In the few FE's I've played (PoR, Awakening, Shadow Dragon) I have save state abused each one and progressed throughout each without a single lost unit (I've only ever beat PoR though, I'm a new FE guy). Yet, though I have made it to the final chapter of Radiant Dawn (my second ever FE game and what the fuck difficulty curve) by painstakingly and ass-grindingly save-state abusing to get everyone alive to the top of the tower.

    Shits too much. After three hours of fighting the previous boss, I just cannot force myself to try to save everyone. In return for my inevitable victory (for how can a god defeat save states?) i have to pay with the tears forming in my eyes at the loss of Mia (my favorite character), Titania, Shinon (my best boy who carried me so hard In this game), and a few others i dont feel like typing out on my phone.

    Radiant Dawn is a true beast. I will play this game another time, after i have recovered and healed from my losses, from the top of PoR (when I played it, i didnt know you could recruit new units till halfway through lmao, therefore no carry over stats and stuff to RD)

    My breathing chess pieces will get their lives back. And hopefully, maybe, I'll be at the point where I reset the map instead of save state abuse like a chump lol.

    Anyway, was feeling emotional, so sorry for the mini rant.

    P.s. I only had three fucking people who could use their best weapon before a certain someone blessed their weapons, therefore making it so only like 5 people could actually do damage. God dammit.

    P.p.s. Shoutout to My favorite Raven King for being able to double like literally everything In this game i love you Naesala

    submitted by /u/caiglee
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    Anybody got a higher quality version of this image?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 09:21 AM PST

    Camilla | Digital art by me ! Very new to Digital art btw ��

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 01:19 PM PST

    Sophie by me

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 04:09 PM PST

    What is your favorite flier?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 05:35 AM PST

    As in any unit who can fly and bypass terrain.

    My two favorites are Dean(Thracia) and Farina from FE5 and 7 respectively.

    Dean stands out amongst the other fliers in the game as he has good combat and flier utility. He joins prepromoted, has decent growths,PCC three,2 movement stars, plus a good weapon ranks.

    Farina because I find her the most unique pegasus knight in FE7 design wise and unit wise. she has impressive strength and defense for her class. has good growths, and a solid lance rank.

    submitted by /u/Mememasterlordlol
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    Holiday Byleth and Flayn (2021 REDRAW)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2021 09:21 AM PST

    How am I supposed to make Silque/Silk useful in this game, there has to be something that I'm missing

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 11:12 AM PST

    Fire Emblem Advent/Christmas Calendar Countdown : Day 5

    Posted: 05 Dec 2021 04:52 PM PST

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