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    Friday, December 3, 2021

    Fire Emblem An important Analysis

    Fire Emblem An important Analysis

    An important Analysis

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 08:50 AM PST

    Hapi Holidays~

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 02:41 PM PST

    High Deliverer of Ylisse, The Voice of Naga and their Lass from Afar - Art by Pitdoo

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 08:47 AM PST

    The only FE game I have played was Three Houses. Just got these 3. Which one should I play first?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 09:41 AM PST

    Lyn's figure looks incredible, I can't wait for Ike to release next year!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 02:09 PM PST

    Leo x Sakura (Oc)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 03:01 PM PST

    My Lyn Figure arrived!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 07:05 AM PST

    Brave Marianne (By @KiwiPriestess) [Commission]

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 11:31 AM PST

    Saying each others names?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 01:18 PM PST

    Happy Birthday Tsubasa Oribe

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 04:28 PM PST

    Three Little Clerics

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 11:15 AM PST

    Do you get it? I don't get it.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 07:31 AM PST

    I used a fanart of a guys on this subreddit to make this pyrography of post time skip annette

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 08:24 AM PST

    Whether you love Edelgard or hate her...

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 09:55 PM PST

    Before you get to Hegemon Edelgard in the throne room, she can NOT hit the broad side of a barn.

    submitted by /u/SlyTheCosmosRunner
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    Why does Fire Emblem 3H get so much love? Especially over the other FE games?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 05:04 PM PST

    I know I'm going to get flamed for this post...I hope everyone knows that I'm not trying to shit on it or it's fans, rather try to understand why everyone loved it so much. Genuinely.

    Just finished the game on hard.....I've gotta say I spent the first 70% of the game absolutely loving it....A combination of FF tactics, harry potter and Persona? Sign me up. But the last 25-30% of it caused me to really lose all of my passion for the game and see many of it's flaws that I couldn't ignore.

    Notable problems that killed it for me:

    - Difficulty scaling and curve: There will be 10-15 insanely easy missions in a row, followed by a mission that is damn near impossible. There seems to be no build up to a difficult mission to prepare you for it. It's just easy going and then WHAM, impossible. Overall though, I felt the game was way too easy (outside of 2 missions). Especially on hard.

    -Lack of true tactics: I loved how in FF tactics/total war/any other strategy game, you'd have to pull off different maneuvers to get behind the enemy, flank them, split their forces, etc....In this it's simply turtling towards a win. I don't really see the strategy.

    -Lack of activities in the monastery: There simply isn't enough things to do IMO in the monastery. Eat, fish, sing, garden.....That's it? And many of them essentially provide the same benefit. I think Persona 5 ruined it for me from this aspect.

    -Lost items: broken system...I'm sure we all can agree.

    -Monastery got old quick. I wouldn't mind the lack of ability to explore the monastery if there was more to do....but there simply isn't. The world never opened up. Then in the part of the game that takes place 5 years later, the perfect opportunity to explore somewhere new, you come back to the monastery again?

    -Story had so much potential to be greater than it was...And it just never became anything more than what it was. I did like the choose your own adventure aspect of it.

    Overall, I'd give the game a 7. Maybe a 7.5. But calling it the best FE game, and the best Switch game of 2019? ehh....Idk. Again, just my opinion. Downvote away.

    submitted by /u/Educational_Toe_9816
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    To All Lunatic Players, Do You Play Veteran Casual or Veteran Classic?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 02:50 PM PST

    Pretty much as the title says. I'm a Fire Emblem "Veteran" I've played every Fire Emblem since the GBA games (minus the radiant series, need to get to it at some point) and naturally since I've played the series so much I tend to stick to the hardest base difficulty since I don't really have the patience to deal with lunatic+ crap.

    However until today I've never actually beaten Lunatic on Classic, normally I just stick to Lunatic Casual as a minor crutch but I'll get to that in a second. The game I beat was Conquest and I generally had a pretty good time but after beating Conquest Lunatic Classic I don't think I'm gonna stick to Classic when playing Lunatic.

    It's a fun challenge however two major gripes I have are RNG and Perfectionist Mentality. There were so many times in my playthrough where a unit missed a 90%+ hit that cost an entire session because I haven't let a unit stay dead since my first run of Awakening even if I hate a character or their stats have grown terribly. What feels like doing everything right only for a dice roll to ruin a game and potentially have wasted 30 minutes because my strategy wasn't the issue just chance feels terrible and ruins the satisfaction of just getting the session won on that game. The biggest draw in of classic is how it essentially requires a perfect run, losing units either means an instant restart or continuing the game with that character dead and that makes you play more carefully and make every victory significantly sweeter and more intense.

    However I recall a specific moment in chapter 10 where my Samurai Odin had to hold a chokepoint against two ninjas and Hinata.It was the 10th turn on a map where you need to stay alive for 11 and victory felt by the skin of my teeth but being so close to victory was getting my adrenaline pumping. The ninjas damage was negligible the biggest worry was Hinata but he was only a single hit away from death and Odin was capable of hitting twice at 94%. It was my turn and you can already tell how it's going to go. I had Odin attack Hinata and strike 1 missed Hinata attacked but Odin had dual guard so no issue just meant the ninjas were higher risk...then Odin missed the second attack. Next turn the ninjas weakened Odin and Hinata attacked but I had vantage! Only for Odin to miss the attack again and Hinata killed him in one blow.

    I restarted the game and spent 20 minutes pacing and debating on if I wanted to keep playing Classic or just switch back to Casual if the game wanted to fuck me over like this (and there would be many more identical moments like this I promise you) but I held out just to day I did it and while I had fun it was overshadowed by the annoyance of constantly restarting because Bad RNG and rarely being able to make a mistake since one unit getting killed meant starting from scratch.

    While this got a bit long in the tooth the reason I posted this was to ask what mode do you fellow Lunatic players stick with? Do you like classic for the higher risk and required perfect strategy but with the looming threat of bad RNG or a single mistake leading to a mission reset? Or do you like casual which keeps the core difficulty and allows for a few more mistakes but reduces the intensity and adrenaline of every individual fight since there's less of a time and unit risk?

    submitted by /u/PMKJacket
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    Would you guys be interested in a custom FE figure giveaway?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 11:29 PM PST

    Trying to word this without sounding too self-promote-y! I don't think this is against the rules but mods please let me know if so.

    So! I run an Etsy shop where I sell custom 3D printed and painted figures of all kinds of characters. I've been doing this for a while, and while I make decent money at it I'm getting a little drained. It's becoming less a labor of love and more just churning out whatever character I'm paid to make, even if I have no attachment or care for them.

    What I would like to eventually do is have an audience, like a Youtube channel or patreon, where my audience funds my projects, projects that I actually really enjoy making so I don't have to take random commissions. For now, I figured why not go directly to the communities of characters I love?

    So that's why I'm here, to see if you guys would be interested and willing to give me a chance. What I'm thinking is that the community votes on a character, and the most popular one gets a figure of them made. I stick to 1/6 scale as I find that the perfect size, like a proper statue and not a toy.

    The character will get 3D printed and painted and one random community member will be sent it. I can do this maybe once a month if you guys really want, making figures of a bunch of different characters that would otherwise NEVER have figures made.

    This is WAY more exciting to me than working on stuff that I really don't get excited to work on, ya know? My personal favorite character is Ephraim, but I'd love to do so many other characters, including the crazy new artworks as seen in Heroes.

    But I can't do this entirely for free... One this would have to be the main focus and not my commissions as making these figures takes a lot of time, and two I work with a 3D modeler who digitally sculpts the characters from scratch for me when need be, and he charges quite a bit as this is a tedious and difficult process, which is where I would need help from the community to pitch in. I could raffle off the figure to only those who donate, or perhaps make two and give the other to a random community member, not sure.

    I really hope I didn't come off as sleazy or anything like I'm just trying to take your guys' money lol. Like I said, I really get excited thinking about being able to work on characters I love, and involving the community and even giving the figure away to one lucky winner. If you are interested please leave me your thoughts! Let me know if you guys think I should start a gofundme or not. Oh, and you can check out my work in my profile, I post a lot of stuff and links to my shop and Instagram can be found.

    tldr; I want to make a custom figure of any FE character the community votes on, but I'll need help funding this from the community, and if you guys are into it I will give away the figure and also can do a new character every month or so. What character would you like to have a one of a kind figure of and do you think this is a good idea that you would donate toward?

    submitted by /u/asimawesomepaints
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    Thoughts on TearRing Saga

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 11:27 AM PST

    2021 left me…with a lot of free time and residual disappointment with the most recent FE, so I decided to sit down and play TearRing Saga. (Character spoilers ahead)

    I forget, what, exactly in my play-through go, "This is Kaga's pure, unfiltered Id" but TearRing Saga…parts of it felt insane, like I bumped into some alternative reality. I can't describe it. I don't want to use the word "horny" but whatever Kaga's narrative favorites are, most of them speak to me. Some bits \are\ "Really, Kaga?" (how many girls need to tell us they're fifteen?), but TRS went the same places — and beyond — as FE4. I genuinely enjoy all the weird, uncomfortable things that happen in FE4's story, both the main story and the bits you learn about the world, and TearRing Saga delivered.

    The actual story felt to be *too* much at times — where am I, who are you people, why are all of you cousins, who are these tiny little countries?! — but letting the scenes digest, about halfway through a second play-through, it's a tight story. It's a long story, prone to info-dumping and I will admit near Chapter 34 I said, "When will it end?!" and started LTC'ing maps. There's the normal blips I've come to expect in a Fire Emblem, but nothing that detracts, ultimately, from my enjoyment of the game.

    Besides "Wait" at the top of commands.

    I'm not a gameplay person, entirely. I can't pick apart FE games and largely play them for the story and characters. Some bits of TRS feel like absolute bullshit — Runan's route and that damn fort! Ernst! — but nothing unconquerable once you pull back and think. The tools are there, assuming you haven't lost anyone. I never felt like, at any point, the game was unbeatable because of the units I decided to invest into. It's all fair. You're given near-broken tools who aren't immortal but nearly to counterweight your deadweight, all of which still have their uses. It's fair and balanced, and I don't say that memetically.

    Staff units being utter dogshit grew on me! Well, they aren't dogshit — they're here to heal and nothing else, and will explode in a thousand pieces if an enemy looks at them, but they heal (most of them), and don't need to do much else. Would it be nice to have staves on Maruj?...eh? He doesn't need them, and there aren't bonkers staves to go around. Fun staves are PRFs. TRS also improved my love of vulneraries and the like. So much fruit…

    (Runan's an ass lord to drag around, to be fair, but that's why we feed him stat boosters! He…gets there.)

    Speaking of Runan, (and others, who made it to the final map)

    Right after recruiting Renee, I said to myself, "I can't do this anymore" and force fed Runan stat boosters. Empower staff, shields, fruits, move potion, Sol sword…you named it, Runan had it. I won't complain too much about his actual character — he's serviceable, and he's not painful to follow around. Confident enough to not whine, but I found his whole thing with Enteh just… frustrating and trope-y, probably one of the more boring things about the game, but I don't play these games for compelling romances. No major grievances.


    Outside of Runan, I like her! Really. She's surprisingly self-aware, confident, and grappling with the things she's done. Her tied-childhood with Rishel (we'll get to him in a moment), the way she's been yanked around her whole life, the subplot with Duke…Tatus? whoever tries to marry her. It was really refreshing. Staffbot/10. Physics like no one else. Made of paper, but what can you do?

    I wish the game did anything with the fact that Enteh, you know, dies, and is brought back, but eh. Limitations of the story and the system etc. Enteh finally conquering her…fear? of what is in her and letting Mousa loose was the light at the end of the tunnel. If Enteh could be wholly separated from Runan, she'd be one of my favorites, but as it is she's way too narratively tied up in him.


    Holmes…Holmes is not for me. I think he's fun — his whole "I'm doing this for myself" but most of his route is dedicated to helping Attrom find/'resurrect' his sister — but I've never liked Holmes' type of character. As a unit? Godly. Pew-pew-pew, and while I could field Holmes *and* a thief, I could just avoid Juni all together.


    I have no screenshots :( Well, there's her in the final chapter, but she's not at her best there. Indifferent to her. I think she goes well with Holmes, even if I don't like her, but she's a good staff bot and dragoning out is a nice braindead way to play sometimes. RGHHHAH.


    Wish I had an opinion on you, or any of your lackeys. I like the backstory with the nurse, but other than that. Nefya has a banging design.


    I am far more fond of Tia. She does things! Ultimately, she has to be Plotted, but unlike the other shamans, she's….not forceful, but she doesn't wilt behind her designated love-interest and let him be the mouthpiece in story scenes. I'm overselling it, I know, but to have Battle Shaman was a breath of fresh air.

    Honorable mentions to Richard here, too. What a man.


    I have no memory of using him, but looking at Dullahan I actually did. I did not get Sierra, which meant I, uh, got the Julia/Shigen ending which made me LOL. "Oh, Kaga!" Looking at Map 31, and, yep, it's a map I warp-skipped. Sorry. TRS has fatigue, but it only affects the player. Actually talking about Shigen? I liked his interactions with Holmes. Backstory could take it or leave it. I know swordmasters have potential in this game but they aren't my style of play.


    I was not doing the Leteena event, lol. Rebecca's here. That's it. Nice staff bot. Nice design.


    He's dismounted here, so adjust the stats as you will. Despite how telegraphed it is I did not expect him to still be alive! And I'm glad he is! The Ernst chapter was hell *with* him. I can't imagine what it would be like without him! Getting him back together with the Queen was a treat.


    For aesthetic purposes I kept her as a pegasus knight. I'm very impressed that she ends the game single? It was nice. I actually recruited Luka (we'll get into that) and there's a hint of Luka/Sasha if you keep him alive, but I was gunning for Sasha/Kate the whole game, even an ambiguous ending where Kate pledges her service formally or something, not whatever Kate actually got! Sasha has nice chemistry with ladies. Shame she disappears after the first quarter of the story, basically. Nice and spunky. Caeda/10. Getting her to level 10 hurt but paragon steamrolled her afterwards.


    Mel is not a cleric, and therefore, she can attack! She is the game's only mounted healer, and the only one who can attack via STR. Also, she has a move growth! It procced once but I had to reset and never saw it again. Her dynamic with Maruj was refreshing. Mounted healer/10. She fell off after a while, in the sense I forgot about her, as she Physic'd and not much else. Honorable mentions to her beau, Roger, who I stubbornly dragged late into the game.


    Little shit. I love him. Fed him potions. Solo'd maps with him. He's pissed and it's YOUR problem. A boy mage with teeth! Fucking great. Always had my back. Wish him the best in the future and maybe a therapy session.


    I tried to use her early-game, but gave up. Everything changed when AURA RAIN RECEIVED. Fed her a magic potion and promoted her at level 10. She mostly gained her levels through attacking Monsters with Starlight, and when she wasn't Aura Rain'ing she supported…


    Insane. Redhead magic user with a def-boosting fire tome? Where have I seen this before? That's not important, but 70 use 1-3 range monster effective tome…a man after my own heart. I love him. Love his shtick with Enteh, with Meriel, with Martel (disappointment). Definitely doesn't outshine the Velthomers, but he's damn near personally tailored to my narrative and gameplay tastes.


    Seth, but he was promoted to a wyvern after chapter 8. Shit's insane. Rishel is insane because I like Rishel, I like Kaga's other redhead mages, and his backstory. Raffin? I don't know a thing about him. Where the fuck is Garuda? I don't know! I don't care! How did Garuda fall with Raffin in it? What if we let Raffin use spears while dismounted? What if we gave the player access to a 1-2 brave spear that weighs 4 (sword weight), then had a bunch of indoor maps where only a handful of people can use the lance? GOD. And this is after carrying your ass from chapter 2 with pilums! Man holds on forever and doesn't give up. Honorable mentions to Esther. I don't know why I kept using her. His ending with Sharon is just There, but you are doomed to get it unless you, for some reason, don't promote him.


    So cute! So busted! The first time I went to Verje, I did not understand the power of Narron, the power of Gold Knight, and picked Luka, only to never use him, so this is a Narron later recruited by Holmes. Insane. Balance incarnate. Hope Narron and his momma are well taken care of for the rest of their days after her son carried my ass. Good job on the kid, ma'am.


    On one hand, I'm sorry, Plum. I'm double sorry, as I got the Plum/Bartz ending. On the other hand, a dancer! What else can I say? The stuff with Lionheart bored me, but hey, she dances! Plum is…Plum is just…I'm not bothered by it. It takes a lot to squick me out in fiction. But with Plum and *everything else* in TRS it gets to a point of, "Kaga, please, no more."


    I don't know why I used her. Her singing gimmick went off a few times! A nice Empower staff. Can't even use physics. She's just…here. I ended up getting the Xeno/Juni ending (WORSE MISTAKE OF MY LIFE meme here), so her ending is actually her just wandering off to who knows where. Godspeed, Lyria.


    Fun, cute, I like what he has with Renee! I fed him goodies and watched him thwacked monsters seven different ways, and I sent him after more annoying bosses. His recruitment chapter is…painful? It's not bad, but it's incredibly close knit and he's not super durable at first, so keeping him and Katri alive on a map of that size got a little harrowing, but I'm glad I did. "My sister's alive!" Good kid. Wish him all the best as…Holmes' bastard brother?! Attrom, and Sasha, highlight one of my issues with *everyone* being related in TRS, somehow. Mel and Maruj are Sennet's cousins, for instance, not even to get into the other magic bloodlines. Rebecca and Lyria take it too far in the other direction, to the point of "Why are you here?" but your player army being kin in some way or another…eh.


    A healer with stats! I have no proof, but the map design takes a sharp turn downward after you get her, and the Warp staff, so once I had the power of Warp, I skipped the maps when I could. It felt intentional. I like her relationship with Attrom and Meriel, but the Lionheart romance could've been left behind. Some kind of Renee/Lyria interaction could have been nice to flesh out Lyria (since they're all from the same orphanage if I remember correctly?) but I'll take what I can.


    Admittedly, he's not as busted as Raffin, but he's pretty good. I like that his gimmick is He's Just Here, with Holmes even remarking on it, and then you find out he's married/engaged to a hottie and the heir to some country. Funny axeman go chop chop.


    met a terrible fate after opening a door and handing over his inventory, never to be seen again.

    Would I recommend playing TRS? Absolutely. It's a smooth transition from playing other Kaga-FE games. Storywise, I have no complaints with it that I don't have with normal FEs, but from FE1 to TRS it feels like Kaga's game design gets tighter and tighter, but it's not from inflated stats or enemies 'cheating'. It's cool. It's a good game, genuinely. The characters that *are* written are written well, and duds like Lyria are a minority. I didn't expect to enjoy TRS as much as I did, but its been one of my better gaming experiences.

    (I, personally, prefer very limited supports (and while TRS does not have GBA style supports, there are events triggered by waddling around the world map) opposed to "C-A supports with 15 different people" and believe less is more, as piecing things together about characters is much more interesting to me then being spoon fed everything about a character and/or being beat over the head with their gimmick.)

    Also, Arkiss died. Sorry bud.

    I told myself I wouldn't play Berwick Saga, but it beckons me…its siren song…

    submitted by /u/Possible-Cancel9507
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    Fire Emblem board game fan project unboxing

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 02:16 PM PST

    Revelations Female Only PMU

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 01:59 PM PST

    Decided I want to do my first PMU on Rev Lunatic Classic. I don't remember the join chapters for them all but eh. Few rules

    1. No memes

    2. Can pair up males to get child units

    3. No DLC grinding. Have access to 2 Dread fighters, 2 Dark Falcons, and 1 Witch

    4. Try to not double up on classes

    5. Need 13 chars + Female Corn

    You can pick more tha one unit

    Thanks in advance

    1. Witch F!Corrin +mag -str

    2. Berserker Azura S-rank Keaton

    3. Kinshi Knight Oboro via Takumi

    4. Paladin Kagero via A+ Peri

    5. Hero Rinkah through A+ with Charlotte.

    6. Ninja Selena via Saizo

    7. Rinkah!Midori Blacksmith

    8. Spear Master Beruka from buddy Oboro

    9. Master ninja Peri via A+ Kagero






    submitted by /u/SonicSpeed0919
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    Which instruments were used in Dusk Falls

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 11:17 AM PST

    Hi, I was listening to the fire emblem fates ost, and I loved dusk falls. That being said I was curious as to what instruments were being used, I had read that this song takes both Asian and European influence.

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    Ironing out some rules for a Three Houses Marathon Ironman, need some advice

    Posted: 02 Dec 2021 06:44 PM PST

    I'm starting a three houses run soon, but I want some advice on a few rules I'm adding.

    Set in stone rules:


    No turnwheel

    Do as little monestary as possible

    No extra battles (aside from story and maybe paralogues)

    The run will be 3 segments long, CF, AM, and VW/SS. Units that die in any segment are banned for the rest of the run (ie: losing Bernie in CF means she is unrecruitable in the AM and VW/SS runs).

    Here are the things I need help deciding:

    VW or SS for the third route? (I prefer VW, but SS is much harder, which seems appealing)

    Gambits/Battalions: Banned or Allowed?

    Is manual tutoring allowed, or do I let it do it automatically?

    My current plan is to do NG+ and buy B supports with all out of house students. Is that fair?

    Paralogues or No?

    Do I ban/limit wyverns? (Was thinking of maybe adding a rule of 1 person per advanced/master class at a time to force me to diversify my team)

    Do I skip free days or simply seminar/rest on them?

    For context, I'm more concerned with this run being too easy than too hard, and I cannot be convinced to do maddening or full monestary.

    I would appreciate anyone weighing in on any of these. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/HeroVP7
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