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    Friday, December 10, 2021

    Fire Emblem fire emblem with mods can be accidental comedy gold

    Fire Emblem fire emblem with mods can be accidental comedy gold

    fire emblem with mods can be accidental comedy gold

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 03:42 PM PST

    I traced roy's portrait and I think his portrait was kinda cute

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 10:45 AM PST


    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 05:58 PM PST

    Byleth and Rhea having tea (commission done by @ika_tko)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 02:51 PM PST

    Happy birthday Virion.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 11:41 PM PST

    A very rough draft of the cover of my fanfic… what do you think?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 05:07 AM PST

    Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon is an Overlooked and Underappreciated Remake

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 01:08 PM PST

    In celebration of Book VI, I present to you: Cowmilla

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 03:07 PM PST

    Miriel from Fire Emblem Awakening

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 09:16 AM PST

    i really like drawing fe3h fanart - if you're interested in picking up a print, my etsy shop is on sale for christmas! link in the comments!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 11:14 AM PST

    A Look at the Progression of Rising Prominence of Dancers and Refreshers in Fire Emblem

    Posted: 10 Dec 2021 12:26 AM PST

    This is more just a fun thought piece I kinda noticed and thought it would be interesting to document and point out to others. Refreshers in Fire Emblem have always been one of my favorite units to use and generally just makes the options for the player feel so much more open up. I think as FE noticed how strong the usage of early dancers were, so it's only fitting that the series that loves narrative and gameplay integration started to make lengths to emphasize how special dancers were and connected them with narrative prominence.

    FE1/2/FE3 Book 1/FE11/FE15/FE16

    Unless we're counting Xane here (Freelance could be arguable as a proto dancer idea but I'm gonna lean no) there just are no refreshers before Phina.

    Shadows of Valentia added the again spell on only Faye which is comically late (specifically level 14 promoted), only at one range, and costs like 24 HP

    Three Houses goes the route of the trainee system once more and makes one of your students unlock it based on your choosing, provided they have enough charisma. It's literally not tied to a character.

    FE3 Book 2/FE12

    The first dancer of the series. Pretty straightforward for following what most people think of for dancers in this series. Narratively I guess she exists to prop up Navarre's characterization fighting for and protecting others now? even if he says its to see Ogma again

    But yeah, super minor just helping auxiliary side characters. Has no other dialog for the rest of the game, until the ending.


    Technically 3 dancers in FE4 though Lene and Laylea no not the Layla that shows up in birthright for 6 seconds are effectively the same characters outside of small convo changes.

    Most Silvia acts as is comic relief and gives us a character for Lewyn to play off of and juxtapose against later as he grows over the generation.

    Then Lene/Laylea gives us a way to see firsthand what Ares is like with what Navarre did for Phina beforehand. Also, an excuse for him to join up with Seliph provided he doesn't learn of their father's friendships (aka without Nanna or one just ignores the talk).

    These three get some secret events in villages so are technically more relevant than Phina was in FE3B2, but that's more just being a standard FE4 character IMO.


    This is the first step up for a dancer in the series in regards to having narrative build-up before joining. Though it does lean more on obscure than it ought to. The thief Lara joins in chapter 4 of the Manster arc when the player has nothing else, and could perhaps be your only thief if lifis wasn't recruited/alive. Then in the gaiden map 12x she can talk to Pan/Pernr/Pahn or whatever his name is to both recruit him and "promote" to dancer. Technically not a major glow-up for the dancers but I think in relative terms she does have a more stand-out appearance that isn't just jokey in nature even if it doesn't touch the top of FE5's treatment of certain units.

    Also Lara can be the first 20/20/20/20 unit going thief -> thief fighter -> dancer -> thief fighter because she can use a master seal as a dancer to leave the class if you're crazy


    This is where it gets funny, there are two refreshers in this game locked behind a route split with different stats despite having near identical bulk so it doesn't matter, and neither can use weapons so... ok game?

    But regardless Elffin the bard and Larum the dancer. Both end up joining the army, only one stays as a refresher. If only you had both. Larum is more of a Silvia type comic relief character but has two recruitments which is technically more than most FE6 characters. Elffin on the other hand ends up like a minor tactician to Roy's army upon his join? He shows up to talk about legendary weapons at a few points ig. He is the singular character in the cast that simply retreats on death and does not return unlike Merlinus does in FE6. If you weren't aware Elffin is gasp more important than he seems and is actually the pronounced dead prince of Eturia

    There's a funny and understated amount of parallels Elffin has with Lewyn as a character beyond surface-level bard stuff, but that's for another time.

    Edit: Also Larum can get a paired ending with Roy... That's technically ascended prominence????

    I don't think I've heard of anyone act like this is a real pairing or see someone unironically post fan art......~


    Now, this is where refreshers go from ascended side character to active primary character in story in Nils and Ninian. They're so important they're on the damn box art for the game.

    The main plot is centered on villains trying to get to them for a lot of the time, and they frequently interact with the main lords. The story argues their powers of dancing and using dancer rings are just a fraction of their amazing power and differences from the rest of humanity. And I think I really like that. Dancer rings weren't returned to, but they were a great demonstration of power....

    Well, Nini's Grace (+10 def/res) and Fila's Might (+10 attack) are, the other two are super late and super not good (+10 avoid or +10 crit)???

    Ninian as most know is the defacto implied Eliwood pairing which just cements the idea that she is really is just that important and a focus of the game from start to finish.


    Taking a major step back from FE7, hell even FE6 for the most part. Tethys is a cool character and all, but she really just.... is existing and doesn't exist outside her join map. She doesn't talk to anyone but Gerik. She can just straight up die from joining until end of game and nothing in plot gets altered unless its in her join map and then in that case Gerik just nopes out which is interesting.

    FE9 + FE10

    Tellius uses its Heron royalty for its refreshers. Reyson, Leanne, and Rafiel. Though Reyson def is the "golden child" in terms of attention.

    Reyson is both an evolution and a regression compared to Ninian. More grounded in the world and set up as someone interacting differently in battle than all others. He is specifically a special last group of people in tune with the world more than all other Laguz. He is a primary character in FE9 and has a solid lord support. He really is the focus of the Bengnion mini arc and shows off Oliver/general scummiest parts of the Senators in Tellius.

    Leanne is a damsel in distress in FE9 and lets Naesala be cool? But she isn't playable until RD.

    Rafiel certainly... exists. He is the fiance to Nahliah another laguz royal, so that's cool? He almost kinda humanizes a coward Senator?? Idk characters new to RD def are mostly undercooked.

    They kinda more just exist in RD because "well guess we'll have a dancer for these parts of the game when you have this army" and not particularly anything organic which is a disappointment to me. But alas, better than not having them I suppose.


    Olivia is a reversion to Tethys/Larum status dancer but has a lord marriage for memes which is basically Larum but it's not completely terrible support I guess? low key kinda good and fits chrom if u do their rushing into marriage

    She gets like one cutscene escorting your army before she joins but the game more just says "hey yeah dancers are good, trust us" instead of implicitly treating them differently from other characters.

    FE14 Azura

    Part of the reason why I made this.

    She is almost more of a main character that guides the plot than Corrin in practice, and as far as I'm aware in the first trailers of the game some people thought she was going to be the main character.

    Azura is kinda more of a walking plot device in the chapter-to-chapter moments that come across as someone cold and knows everything. Just shuffling the plot along, but the game does emphasize that she is important and so is her singing. Her song is the defining song of Fates done by her wonderful VA. She is supposed to be Corrin's partner at all times and they want her to be Corrin's main pairing while giving her 3 unique support chains, one per route which is fascinating. Then they also made you her literal cousin haha...

    Conquest affirms her utility/need by making her absence for 2 maps vs other routes emphasize her utility on the "hard route" vs BR and Rev.

    She is the one that weakens all the final bosses. Use the plot device magic. Knows character's true forms. Understand and explain the rules of V*lla. And it goes on.

    I do think she just suffered narrative fatigue having to sacrifice her personality to ensure the plot is actually advancing. Her supports are good in my opinion.


    I think it's interesting to see the general upward trajectory Dancers/Refreshers have had in the series as the games understand their importance, it tries to justify what makes them special and why the player should give them the time of day in likely a full roster at that point. Though it's def not every game it's hard to deny that they've come a long way from Phina to being Co-star of the last non-remake game.

    Though as I said at the start 3h dropped the ball for making refreshing tied to a particularly important as a character but it's still some flavor in the school schedule that stands out as a competition that feels "earned" in the player's mind. Also generalized funny/endearing quotes about being picked and winning.

    If you're going to ask "when is a refresher going to be a lord?" Well jokes on you! Blazer did it in 2012 before Fates and Azura came out.

    This whole post was secretly a "The Last Promise" shill post, and I bet none of you noticed. Now play TLP, I believe in you.

    submitted by /u/SubwayBossEmmett
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    I am still full of anger that Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia did not win best voice acting. That game has the best dub of all the games I have played. Aaaagghh it deserves so much more

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 06:09 PM PST

    Yes, this is a rant now that today are the awards

    submitted by /u/InigoArazco
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    Vestaria Saga: The Sacred Sword of Silvanister Officially Announced & Other Vestaria Saga News

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 05:02 PM PST

    An Idunn sketch I did a while ago

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 12:19 PM PST

    Every 5 points of luck increases your other growths by 1%

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 11:09 AM PST

    This would be a very small change, barely noticeable in the grand scheme of things (for a unit averaging 15 luck that's barely 1 point average to the rest of the stats over 40 levels, and it's back-loaded since luck will be lower at the start of the game), but it might be a nice way to make luck feel a little more useful than it currently does.

    What units would change with this, if any? I think it might have the most impact on Awakening/3H, as stats can get very high in those games.

    Edit: as this is mostly a feel-good change, a way for it to stand out could be if the level up arrow would say "lucky!" and have a different color if the RN landed in the difference between the unit's base growth and the luck-adjusted ones

    submitted by /u/dialzza
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    The Recruit vs. The Emperor; Or, I trained up Amelia to restore the good name of Grado by freeing Vigarde’s spirit!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 05:12 PM PST

    The best Fire Emblem unit, by an AI. - GPT-3. (OpenAI)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 02:35 PM PST

    1/7 scale Lyn arrived today. She‘s so pretty and I love her a lot :D very excited for Marth and Ike as well :D do any of you collect figures as well?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 12:42 PM PST

    Which is your favorite route on three houses? I want reasons, mine is Crimson Flower because is the less cliche and the most dramatic

    Posted: 10 Dec 2021 01:48 AM PST

    Which character in hindsight were more charming than you gave them credit for.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 02:48 PM PST

    For me it had to be Viviron,Kellam,noire and Miriel I know their all awakening character but that's the game I played the most and have a massive soft spot for.

    Kellam is just funny,the gag where his invisible get funnier and funnier everytime I read it. I'm a simple man

    Viviron I like him more just cause I don't like the purple guy from the deer house in three house.Discount viviron make me appreciate full price viviron.

    Noire I'm simple guy who like whack jobs,it might be mean but I love how just shitty noire life is and circumstances are.Abused by her mother a father ,in my games either kellam or Henry, that did jack all or in the case of the avatar was clearly the least favourite child of and developed a split personality from the stress and trauma.also it's very funny when I pair her with laslow

    I didn't like Miriel,I didn't like ricken either mages was just kinda ass in my opinion but now I have a appreciation for her. Mostly cause she has some real mature teacher / librarian / scientists vibe that I'm totally down for ,now that I'm older she is total my type.

    submitted by /u/reallyfatjellyfish
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    Any Character Concepts for FE You Have and Want to Share?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 10:46 AM PST

    So ideas for new/original characters, everybody has them. An idea for an FE character that you would like to see. So here is a place to let them out.

    A unit that fulfils a niche? Character personality or story that you would like to see? Gameplay and story ideas are welcomed. Could be as simple or in-depth as you like. Go nuts.

    And if it turns out the series has already done it. Well, your prayers have already been answered or IS should do it again.

    submitted by /u/TakenRedditName
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    A bit of Christmas-themed Lucina art.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 12:20 PM PST

    Beginner Suggestions/Tips

    Posted: 09 Dec 2021 10:18 PM PST

    Hi guys!

    I'm a beginner Fire Emblem player. The only game I've ever played is The Sacred Stones (though I've watched playthroughs of the gameplay for the other two GBA games) I loved sacred stones as a kid a ton, and now heading into three houses, I'm excited but also overwhelmed. There is so much to do in battle and between battles. I picked Normal difficulty mode but Classic, and so far the only two battles I've done are mock/practice battles and I had a character die in each one. The route I chose was the Golden Deer.

    Any tips on how to be less overwhelmed? Any mechanics I should get used to right away? For example, I know about supports (already have C with Claude and Lysithea) but not much about Gambit and Battalions and instructing and exams and gardening and motivations and goals and recruiting and.....yeah basically anything that wasnt in the gba games i don't know.. I'm assuming the weapon triangle still exists? But I don't know because my gambit boosted hilda missed every attack against Lance users and couldnt dodge for her life so....not sure what gambit does but hopefully that wasn't a side effect of Claude using it near her..

    Should I just Yolo and enjoy my first playthrough being a complete noob?

    submitted by /u/fantasticKingKnight
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