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    Monday, November 18, 2019

    Fire Emblem Some Blue Lion best friends out for a walk (animated)

    Fire Emblem Some Blue Lion best friends out for a walk (animated)

    Some Blue Lion best friends out for a walk (animated)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 05:00 PM PST

    Something to protect

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 10:32 AM PST

    (oc) pink girl makes grown man cry

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 11:31 AM PST

    E boy Claude and e girl Hilda

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 02:42 AM PST

    Clothes Swap

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 10:05 AM PST

    Waltz of the Delicate Flower

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 01:46 PM PST

    AU where the FE Heroes website got real about Igrene's backstory

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 11:15 AM PST

    How the Cast of 3H would react to being spontaneously punched in the face.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 03:23 PM PST


    I had a convo with my brother going over the slight sense of paranoia I've built up towards strangers. We lived in some not so safe neighborhoods growing up so my mom's precautions caused me to build up my own mental preparations for a spontaneous fight. It's never gone down to that and probably never will but my brother made a little joke scenario for it. I punch some hooded figure and as it falls off him, my opponent is revealed to be none other than Felix Hugo Fraldarius. He says something along the lines of "and so it begins" and our duel/one sided beatdown commences.

    Ground rules

    There is 0 buildup and literally no motive here. The deepest it ever goes is a sudden urge or a dangerous curiosity over the results. Also, you are a random student. Making you a complete stranger would probably produce similar results with a higher chance of death.


    Edelgard: Would promptly thrash you then walk off gracefully. The existence of Hubert would guarantee you a future interrogation and/or death.

    Dimitri: (Haven't gotten far in BL so an uninformed opinion) Would either restrain you or punch you right back. X factor I guess is how much this boar thing is present in him.

    Claude: Would shrug it off and smile it away. However, you've started a much more long term conflict than you were prepared for. Whether it's a little something in your food or any number of "unfortunate incidents" you will not be happy with the results.

    Black Eagles

    Dorothea: Her B support with Bernadetta has brought to my attention that this beauty has been through some stuff. Would totally kick your butt.

    Caspar: Would take it as a challenge and fight you.

    Ferdinand Von Aegir: Would try to talk you down. At the second punch, he'll be left with no choice but to take you down a notch. Afterwards you'll receive a 30 minute lecture about how unbecoming your behaviour was and how we should all strive to be our best selves at the academy. Might become your mentor, especially if you are of noble birth.

    Bernadetta: I feel like trash just thinking of this scenario. This will shatter her: mind, body, and soul. It will give validity to her mindset so that she only becomes more reclusive and paranoid. This will also get the rest of the Eagles on you. I like to think that Caspar would reach you first. He barges into your dorm, absolutely fuming, and prefaces your doom with "so you like punching people do ya?"

    Petra: She'd dodge it and would use the momentum of your punch to flip you onto the ground and ask "why is it that you wish to be fighting with me"

    Hubert: Would laugh at your foolishness in an increasingly maniacal manner. That would throw you off enough that his Death blast would hit it's mark.

    Linhardt: Would avoid you from then on. Not because he's afraid of you ,but because he can't be bothered to figure out what your issue is with him much less resolve it.

    Blue Lions

    Gilbert: ? Haven't beaten the school phase here yet so I dunno.

    Annette: Her B support with Mecedes has taught me she's down with messing you up. (initially my answer was she'd let it go until another member asks about her bruises and they mess you up)

    Ingrid: Would kick your ass no questions asked. Maybe report it to Seteth afterwards.

    Felix: You've started the fight he's been waiting for. Don't disappoint him.

    Dedue: Would take it as a reaction to his race and thus let it go. As long as Dimitri doesn't find out you're safe. Still a terrible person but safe.

    Sylvain: Would rationalize it as "part of the game". Probably find some unrelated incident to attach you to. Whether he fights back is all up to your gender.

    Mercedes: Would cut you deep emotionally with the reality of why you seek to harm others. Would have to reexamine your whole life.

    Ashe: Admittedly unsure about him. His background would tell me he could make it out fine in a fight but he's such a pure boy that I'm not sure he would fight. My guess is you've made a new friend who's trying to reach out to solve your issues.

    Fear the Deer

    Hilda: Depends on who's nearby. Could totally thrash you to oblivion but will turn into a harmed ,dainty damsel if anyone's nearby. You'll get a mob on you but actually wind up less hurt than if she did it herself.

    Leonie: "Bring it on asshole" would be her attitude as she makes short work of you. Walks off furiously as she asks why jerks like you exist.

    Marriane: Would rationalize that she deserved it somehow. Why did I make this post again? I'm scum for even writing this.

    Lorenz Hellman Gloucester: Would not stoop to such a barbaric level. Will certainly give you an earful of reprimands though and once his tea buddy Ferdinand hears about this, they'll shape you into the ideal commoner/noble you should be.

    Ignatz: Would apologize if he upset you somehow or pass it of as an accident.

    Raphael: Chuckle as he watches the tiny one try. Would lead to refreshing big brother talk and maybe a new training buddy.

    Lysithea: Would take it as trying to beat on the little one. The ensuing rage would ensure a crest proc crit with her Hades strike. You had a good run.

    Staff and misc

    Hanneman: Absolutely flabbergasted by your impudence. Would report you to the proper channels.

    Manuella: Would be really mad that she can't smack you back. After it's over, she'd despair over how her appeal has dropped so low that anyone would even seek to fight her.

    Rhea: She is the pope. U ded. Only thing to wonder is whether she'd beat the heathen herself or if you get a formal execution.

    Seteth: The rabble we allow in the academy nowadays is unacceptable. You're getting a good ol timeout.

    Catherine: Would be really disappointed that Rhea won't let her show you what a real punch is. Would try to pass it off as "educational" to no avail.

    Shamir: You wouldn't hit her. The end

    Cyril: Stop picking on my son. Anyway, would wish the rest of humanity could be as kind as lady Rhea.

    Flayn: Seteth senses a disturbance in the force. Winds up leaving a tea party with Rhea to hone in on your location. Rhea would've picked up what happened by his face and all of the knights would be on you. Only a matter of who gets there first.

    Gatekeeper: Why would you even try reading this? Absolutely despicable.

    Afterwords or something

    I had a hard time deciding if this was too dumb or just dumb enough to share. I hope you had fun reading this and feel free to add/correct my guestimates.

    submitted by /u/Lucas5655
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    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 03:15 AM PST

    A strange thing to check (3 houses spoilers)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 04:43 PM PST

    I wanted to share my student Edelgard cosplay!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:53 PM PST

    Edelgard fanart

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 04:39 PM PST

    This is an extra portrait that post-timeskip Dedue has. How would you describe the emotion on his face?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 05:09 PM PST

    WAIFU: Ross

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:39 PM PST

    Roy and Wolt just hanging, also theres Alan

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:34 AM PST

    Sketch of Lucina I got from character designer Yosuke Kozaki this weekend at a gallery in Los Angeles

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 07:18 AM PST

    Accidentally drew Lorenz

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 02:27 AM PST

    Why I think Verdant Wind is the worst route in Three Houses

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 05:33 PM PST

    Verdant Wind, in my opinion, is the weakest route in Three Houses. It feels like a messier version of Silver Snow and, to an extent, a less emotional and character driven version of Azure Moon. So I'll just go ahead and give my hot take on Claude and his route that I'm sure most of y'all reading this are gonna disagree with.

    White Clouds

    White Clouds is almost the same in all the routes, but I think it works rather well at building up all non-VW routes. WC sets some heavy red flags on Rhea and the Church of Seiros, and both the BE routes handle this in different ways. In CF, the game follows through with the suspicions the player probably already has with the Church and has you fight against it and even features the red flag lady going off the deep end and burn down a city. In SS, the game pulls a little sneaky on ya. The guys you expected to be evil actually turn out to be pretty alright and you're instead fighting against who used to be your best bro. In Azure Moon, the game integrates the family members of your various party members (The only BL characters who don't have someone in their family that you meet later on are Dedue and Ingrid). Both BL and BE manage to integrate their lord pretty well into the game's first half. In BE, it becomes exceedingly obvious that Edelgard is the Flame Emperor, and the game leaves it up to you whether to take that as a warning sign or to take a leap of faith and trust Edelgard. In BL, the game tells you in the first hour or so that Dimitri has something pretty bad going on with him. Throughout WC, Felix lays some heavy suggestions that Dimitri's really not okay, only for Dimitri to suffer a violent PTSD episode in Remire, and it ultimately culminates in him breaking down at the Flame Emperor reveal.

    So all in all, pretty good stuff.

    In GD, however, the game doesn't really have much going for it in White Clouds. You don't really get much in terms of building up future plot points. You get some context about the Enlightened One. You get an extra scene with Tomas, which makes the reveal that he's Solon a bit less out of the blue (but it's not like it makes Tomas matter in the grand scheme of things). You get some foreshadowing that both Edelgard and Claude are planning something. So sure, it has some build up, but not exactly in a way that gives more impact to future plot points. None of what happens in GD White Clouds makes the second act of the game more impactful like it does in the other routes. Speaking VW not building up things...

    The Flame Emperor

    Kind of a weird point to bring up, but I hate how VW handles the Flame Emperor reveal. It's built up enough in BE that it barely even counts as a plot twist, but the fact alone that it's Edelgard, your house leader and the choice at the Holy Tomb altering the story makes the Flame Emperor reveal a really big deal. And it's built up just enough in BL where it seems likely that Edelgard's the Flame Emperor, but there's still enough room for doubt in there. And Dimitri's anger towards the flame emperor (both pre and post reveal) makes the Flame Emperor feel like an important character through and through

    But in Verdant Wind, it's like they shat out some Flame Emperor reveal using the assets already there from the other routes. I... just have nothing to say about it other than they could have done a way better job at it than that. It's not even an event it's just some post battle dialogue where Edelgard goes "Fun fact I'm actually the Flame Emperor."

    Claude's fence-sitting

    I can't tell you how many times I wanted to reach through my TV, slap Claude in the face, and tell him to pick a damn side already. Are you with the Church or against them? Are you with the Empire or against it? Do you want to ally with the Kingdom or fight it? Just make up your damn mind already. You've had five years to think about how you feel about the Empire and the Church and you're still pulling that "muh both sides" shit. Say what you will about how justified Dimitri or Edelgard were but at least they knew what side they were on. Dimitri and the lions are on the anti-Empire side. They team up with the Church of Seiros because they're both against the Empire. Edelgard and the Eagles are on the anti-Church side. They team up with TWSITD because they're both anti-Rhea. Do you want to know why attacking the Alliance makes no sense in CF, or why the battle in Grondor makes no sense in BL/VW? It's because Claude isn't on any side.

    The game wants to shove this three way war thing, but Claude just doesn't fit into that narrative. IS wants the game to be Fire Emblem Three Houses, but the way the Alliance is fitted into it makes the game more Fire Emblem Church v Empire with the Kingdom in the mix really hating the Empire and the Alliance watching from the sidelines. It almost feels like Verdant Wind was designed to be the Revelations of the game, then one of the writers halfway through said that this would destroy the point of 3H so they changed it but didn't have the time to rewrite the game's entire conflict from the ground up (actually a fairly plausible theory considering deadlines in Japanese companies). Both Edelgard and Dimitri feel a lot dumber than they should in VW. Dimitri isn't willing to make any allegiances with the Alliance so you need to fight him, despite the fact that in AM and CF he worked with the Church as a means to an end. Edelgard doesn't want to talk it out with Claude even though their goals aren't mutually exclusive. Despite the fact that she worked with TWSITD as a means to an end (and I get that she was planning on killing them later but that's beside the point).


    Sorry Claude fans but I gotta give my opinion.

    Claude, in my eyes, is the least interesting of the three lords. I don't think he's a bad character. Far from it. I think he would be a great protagonist... in a different game. Compared to Edelgard, Dimitri, and Seteth (if he counts), Claude just has the least going on. Sure, he's got the whole Almyra thing going on, but that feels more like some tacked-on subplot than anything else. Overall, I feel kinda neutral towards Claude. I've read through most of his supports and he just didn't really resonate with me in the way that the other lords did. But I've been writing this rant for the past hour and a half so I'll just leave it at that.

    The villains

    Edelgard, Thales, and Nemesis feel so.... thematically irrelevant. The main theme of Verdant Wind is finding the truth (I think) and the villains just don't mesh with that. The theme of CF is revolution. Fittingly, the main villain, Rhea, is someone who embodies the status quo. The theme of AM is coming to terms with the past. Fittingly, the main villain, Edelgard, was a former friend of Dimitri and they're able to come to an understanding with each other before the final battle. The final bosses of CF, AM, and SS all mesh with the routes themes.

    And I want to talk about Nemesis for a moment because what the hell is he? He's a literal who that we know next to nothing about but we're supposed to feel threatened by him. From what Rhea tells us, he's the bandit boss you fight at the start of every Fire Emblem game, except he was just really, really good at his job (And considering that Rhea personally knew him, she's probably right). That's the kind of idea that sounds really funny on paper, but in actuality, is kinda eh. He just kinda feels like a shoehorned endboss. I will say though that the actual fight against him is pretty dope, so that redeems him somewhat in my eyes

    Emotional Storytelling

    There was never really any moment exclusive to Verdant Wind where I felt sad. I'm serious. Except maybe in that convesation with Rhea at the end. But even then, Silver Snow's a thing. Verdant Wind felt very happy and upbeat in its tone, which felt very weird for a game that very clearly wasn't going for that tone. It feels like kind of an anomaly in comparison with the other routes.

    So I've harped on a lot about Crimson Flower and Azure Moon, so you can probably guess how I feel about those routes, but I want to talk about Silver Snow for a bit. Silver Snow, in my opinion, is Verdant Wind done better. It doesn't have any weird subplot tacked on to it. It's narrative is a lot more focused and as a result the storybeats hit a lot harder. It doesn't go off on some weird tangent about Almyra or anything. It keeps the story about Byleth, Rhea, Edelgard, and Seteth. And I really liked Seteth so I was pleasantly surprised by him being more prominent in SS. Take Edelgard's death, for example. It makes sense in SS. After all, she used to be your bff/underage love interest. But in VW, it feels so off for her to spend her final words talking about how she only wanted to walk with Byleth.

    I would go further, but it's 7:30pm and I wanna get this over with.


    I would probably rank the routes something like this: AM > CF > SS > VW. I think that AM and CF feature the strongest narratives of 3H, with SS and VW working primarily as backstory routes. However, I think that SS manages to do that and still be an emotional route in its own right. And VW feels like a messier, more confused version of SS. I think VW is good in a vaccuum, but it kind of falls flat when compared to the other routes.

    But anyway, feel free to tell me why I'm wrong in the comments.

    Edit: Okay but I will say that VW's ending was dope. Claude shooting off Nemesis' arm has got to be the single most badass moment in the game

    submitted by /u/PaulCapricorn
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    I really should have appreciated El's weapon art in my CF run

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:15 AM PST

    Here's the last phase. Took long enough to finish my personal circumstances

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 10:35 PM PST

    Ideas for S-Supports for Three Houses

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:19 PM PST

    In order to make S-Supports work in 3H, they should be restricted to the final month of any route. This way it doesn't hurt the flow, the timing is just right, and it allows you to avoid unintended pairings. Plus if it's done in the final month, there's no chance for "future children" like Fates.

    Here are some I came up with, including one I wrote for a contest.

    Dorothea X Ferdinand (by me)

    Ingrid X Sylvain

    Sylvain is in the middle of a battle when the enemy commander knocks him to the ground. Ingrid swoops in and saves Sylvain, after which the fight is basically over. As Sylvain thanks Ingrid, she makes a remark on "What would you do without me, Sylvain?" Being already on his knees, Sylvain takes the opportunity to pull out a ring from his satchel, and tells Ingrid plainly that he really can't live without her. Ingrid is caught completely off guard by this, as she thought Sylvain wanted them to stay as friends. Sylvain admits that he cannot think of her just as a friend anymore, and that due to everything she has done for his sake he wants to make her happy for the rest of her life. All around the two, their subordinates (i.e. from their battalions) see this proposal and cheer Sylvain and Ingrid on, which hugely embarrasses Ingrid. In the end, though, Ingrid accepts, but she gets mad at Sylvain when he sweeps in and kisses her right in front of their troops (in a "Not here, you dummy!" sort of way).

    Linhardt X Flayn

    Linhardt calls Flayn in for another round of questions, and once again Flayn is being dodgy. Shortly into the questioning, Linhardt calls Flayn by her real name, Cethleann, revealing that he's figured out her true identity. When Flayn asks how he figured it out, Linhardt brings up the fact that Flayn physically hasn't aged a day in 5 years. Combined with his other findings, Linhardt came to the hypothesis that Flayn was actually Cethleann, and thus tricked her into confirming his theory. Flayn at first appears indignant, but then Linhardt adds that it doesn't quite matter if she's an immortal Saint or just an unusual girl; he's fond of her either way. However, Linhardt then has an awkward time trying to ask for her hand in marriage, which leaves Flayn confused until she sees that he has a ring for her. Flayn is left a bit dismayed, as she knows she will significantly outlive Linhardt, but in the end she can't deny that she's fallen for him. She then intends to tell Seteth the news, but Linhardt insists that they keep it between each other for the moment.

    Petra X Caspar

    During a skirmish, Caspar ends up taking a hit meant for Petra. After the battle, Caspar is recovering from his injury when Petra storms up to him. She is apparently furious that he tried to sacrifice his life for hers, as she thinks he was trying to make amends for how Count Bergliez killed her father. She does not want him dying for her sake, however, because it would hurt her far more than anything else. As Caspar tries apologizing for his actions (and messes it up badly), Petra is left so emotional from him screwing up his apology that she kisses him. She then confesses that she loves him, and that she wants him to go with her to Brigid after the war ends. Now realizing just how much Petra values him, Caspar agrees to this, vowing to help her and her people in any way he can. Petra is quite happy to hear this, which results in plenty more kisses between the two.

    Bernadetta X Ferdinand

    While at Garreg Mach, Bernadetta is accosted by several men led by none other than her father, the former Count Varley. Count Varley is supposed to be in exile, but does not intend to let Bernadetta inherit his title and lands, and tries to kill her. Before he can, Ferdinand intervenes and singlehandedly defeats Count Varley and his men, sparing the former Count's life at Bernie's insistence. When Count Varley starts raving over how he'll never let Bernadetta have his inheritance, Bernadetta suddenly shuts him up by telling him that she is renouncing her claim to House Varley. She then (comically) says that she's in love with Ferdinand and that compared to said love, her title means nothing. Afterwards, as Bernadetta is panicking over how much she blurted out, Ferdinand happily confesses his own love for Bernie. The two of them more-or-less exchange their vows as a furious Count Varley is arrested and dragged away.

    Annette X Felix

    Annette calls Felix over to her room because she wants to sing him a new song she made up. Felix obliges, and Annette's song turns out to be more-or-less a love confession. At first, Felix doesn't appear to have gotten the message behind the lyrics, prompting Annette to start crying and call him an idiot. Felix then reveals that he actually did understand the lyrics, and was just testing Annette's sincerity. He then surprises Annette by giving her a ring, and asking for her to marry him. Still crying, Annette happily accepts.

    Dimitri X Catherine

    Dimitri finds Catherine at the training grounds and, after asking for her to have a word with him, abruptly confesses that he has fallen for her. However, Dimitri is also conflicted in that he knows Catherine is devoted to Rhea, and he feels it's somewhat wrong that he's asking for her hand in marriage. Still, he didn't want his love for her to go unsaid. Catherine is touched by this, and admits she is rather fond of Dimitri as well, so she decides on an ultimatum: if Dimitri can beat Catherine in a duel when she's fighting at her absolute best (Thunderbrand and all), she'll marry him. Dimitri accepts these terms, and the two get into an intense duel that leaves the training grounds wrecked. Dimitri narrowly wins the fight, so Catherine decides that she'll have to comply and agree to be his wife.

    Dimitri X Marianne

    During a battle with Imperial forces, Dimitri takes a hit that was meant for Marianne and is badly wounded. The Kingdom forces win the battle, but Marianne screams as Dimitri collapses from his injuries.

    Later on, at the cathedral of Garreg Mach, Marianne is praying and crying. Dimitri then enters the cathedral, which dismays Marianne since he's supposed to be recovering. Dimitri says that he needed to see her, but Marianne tells him to stay away from her, not wanting him to get hurt again because of her. Dimitri refuses to stay away, so Marianne tries to run. Dimitri, despite his wounds, quickly catches her and pulls her into an embrace, despite her struggling to break free. Dimitri then confesses that he would be lost without her, and would do anything to keep her safe. Marianne breaks down crying, and says that if he had died for her sake she would never have been able to live with herself. Dimitri then promises that he will live for her sake, and then asks if she will live for his, revealing a ring in his hand. Overcome with emotion, Marianne can only continue crying as she accepts Dimitri's proposal.

    Have any ideas of your own? Feel free to share.

    submitted by /u/darkdill
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    Let's think of the absolute worst Fire Emblem ship ever.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 03:48 PM PST

    Here's a good one. Marth/Roy. Not even from the same universe and they have next to nothing in common.

    submitted by /u/ColdBrewCoffeeGuy
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    The Two Abyss NPCs Disappear During Chapter 11

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:06 PM PST

    The Shifty Merchant that talks about the underground as well as the Monk who speaks about the Abyssians disappear from the Monastery during Chapter 11.

    It wouldn't normally be a big deal except for the fact they've been in the same spots at the monastery the entire time since they first appeared. As anyone who has played the game already knows, Chapter 11 is the end of Part 1.

    While all speculation, this can hint at a few things:

    -These 2 disappearing maybe hints that the sidestory is during Part 1 and they're no longer around because the matter by this point should have been dealt with.

    -Less likely is they disappear in favor of more NPCs relevant to the Abyss story line which aren't in the game yet. If that's the case there's a possibility that the side story is an alternate Part 2.

    Either way, while I like the fact the DLC will be part of the actual playthrough, it worries me about how it will further disrupt the game's balance. Hopefully doing the side story further auto levels the Part 2 maps to make up for the additional experience and growth you may get doing the Abyss.

    submitted by /u/Snails22
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