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    Wednesday, January 15, 2020

    Fire Emblem Some alt skins for a Smash Byleth

    Fire Emblem Some alt skins for a Smash Byleth

    Some alt skins for a Smash Byleth

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 04:48 PM PST

    Shamir doesn't get enough love, so I made some fan art for her

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:09 AM PST

    My fanart of Edelgard, hail to the Princess!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 04:47 AM PST

    Pretty much sums Xavier up.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 04:59 PM PST

    Custom Fire Emblem Buttons

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 03:42 PM PST

    Challenger Approaching

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:23 PM PST

    I made Camilla on Soul Calibur 6

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 08:05 AM PST

    Chrobin Wedding with wedding garments of my own design ---------- Commissions are open, see https://neri-nea.wixsite.com/portfolio/commissions for more

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:13 PM PST

    Reminder: always Recruit Marianne on your 3 houses runs

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 03:02 PM PST

    Just do it please 😭😭😭😭

    submitted by /u/Shooting-Joestar
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    Slightly late, those were my FE fanarts of 2019, hoping for more in 2020 <3

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 05:24 AM PST

    The best pink-haired axe lady, Hilda Hilda!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:52 AM PST

    ICYMI: Deva Marie (Flayn)’s tweet of her and Mark Whitten (Seteth) modeling longer 60s style hair for their characters

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:13 PM PST

    FE16~ Three Houses Tier List: Ruleset

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 12:19 PM PST

    ...Must we continue? Must we?

    Before we start tiering this saga, we need to clear the metrics to judge units on.

    General Rules:

    • This game's difficulty will be measured on Maddening. Given that tiering Hard would be like tiering FE12 H1, might as well go all the way.
    • This is also English-Localized Three Houses.
    • The game is played with moderate efficiency. No grinding, boss abuse, or elsewise abuse. Move at a speed that you can handle, one that's the best way to tackle the chapter given the context. Ergo, don't try to rush full sprint for the sake of turns if you can't handle that, this isn't an LTC. That said, be prepared to move ahead at speeds above comfortable for the sake of side-objectives or elsewise incentives, and be aware some maps are reccomended to be low turned for some extraneous reason.
    • For the purposes of ranking, New Game+ and paid DLC will be ignored.
    • All characters are recruited. Recruitment cost is thus a non-issue. Examples of things that do not matter: having to wait for characters to arrive on the scene, taking extra time to recruit characters, NPCs being hard to keep alive, etc. In other words, rate unit performance from the moment they are player controlled (Though I'm aware this can vary for some players).
    • Units are rated under the assumption that they are being used.

    How to vote

    Assign a ranking you think the unit in question deserves, and give a minimum one sentence explaining why you are slotting a unit into that tier.

    For example:

    "I think Arthur deserves an A tier performance, as his versatile skillset, solid weapon ranks, great stat progression and easy promotion push him to the top, despite a just-ok starting position."

    Furthermore, if you've never played Three Houses, uh, sorry to say but we won't allow your vote.

    As a new rule, I will restrict myself from voting except in case of a tie.

    Finally, depending on the units, we will have to tier them more than once per round.

    To elaborate:

    Byleth, Sylvain, Flayn, Hubert, Dedue and most of the Staff members will only be rated once, since their route performance hardly changes.

    On the other hand, most students will be rated more than once or twice, for In House and Out of House, and for Catherine we will consider her performance variance on Silver Snow versus Azure Moon and Verdant Wind.

    As you can tell, a unit is considered higher tier should they perform what they do well. But do take into account the four rules of rating a unit:

    • How does the unit start, whether considering base value or join map?
    • To what extent will the unit need training or investment to meet a return?
    • To what extent does the return profit, meet at equilibrium, or fall below input?
    • What does a unit contribute? As in, what niches or value do they hold?

    A good team is equal parts composed of these elements, so I leave it to you to decide whether the individual unit fills out these checkmarks.

    • Standard Combat:
      Without the math you ain't cracking no variables in half, get some good stats.

    Bases>Growths, but ideally you want both to be good.
    Weapon Ranks are pretty neato, nigh, essential even. A Strong PRF is helpful in defining a unit.
    Some Skills/Abilities are pretty strong, you want them too. Not just personal skills, but the kind inherited from classes and rank levelling.
    Moreover, some Combat Arts add unique vitality to a performance.

    • A Good Classline: Depending on the unit's proficiencies, one can easily slip into a niche provided by the class they naturally excel at.

    • Weapon Proficiencies: Yuh, it's really nice for students to learn good weapons, and to not have weapon deficiencies in key areas.

    • Spell Utility: Aight so staffing is important guys. Pretty simple.

    • Refreshing: Yeah, this is pretty key. I suppose a unit who can easily slide into dancer could benefit from such a mention.

    • Niche Utility: You can figure this one out.

    And of extra vital importance, the below two factors.

    • Availability Perhaps one of the most important aspects of rating a unit, it's also one I'm guilty of often disregarding. Ideally, do praise a unit for when they are around, and weigh that performance against the maps that they do not perform well in and consider the total amount of maps they're available for.

    • Flaws in units are plentiful. Maybe they fall short in one of these areas, or in another unique way. If there's something wrong with a unit, see how much it actually affects their performance, and judge accordingly.

    Planned Tiers are as follows:

    For the record, all the people below are cobbled together characters that are meant to sorta provide an understanding of what qualities a unit would have in order to be put into a tier. The names are entirely coincidental.

    • Fantastic Performance: S Rank
      Almost always very useful, with few to no flaws. They either provide a valuable niche or perform what they do the best. These units have exceptional qualities that can't be made up for by others.
      Ex: Guy McMasterson (Wyvern ease of access, axes/lances specialty, good bases/growths, amazing availability, carries the team during chapters, swift strikes, good battalion rank, has two badass eyepatches)

    • Great Performance: A Rank
      Useful most of the time, with minor detriments that keep them from pushing the limits. They either fill a good niche or perform what they do splendidly.
      Ex: Kira (Strong bases/growths, bows/lances proficiency, her kit is outfitted to transition into bow knight or falcon knight, kinda iffy authority offset by skills like Point Blank Vengeance)

    • Good Performance: B Rank
      *Useful at times, with detriments that hold them back. While these units perform well, they fail to stand out from their peers, and are less centralizing than the units in S and A Rank.
      Ex: Mara (Functional bases/growths, Reason/Authority proficiency, inflexible but an excellent supporting unit with a viable spell-list and skillset)

    • AOK Performance: C Rank
      Can be put to good use, but definitely have detriments that will need to be addressed. These units can perform well for a while, but either fall off or need more attention than units in the higher tiers to continue performing, or lack worthwhile unique qualities.
      Lancelot (Cavalier ease of access, lances, decent growths/bases but a weakish start, Lances/Swords proficiency but authority deficiency, solid unit but not quite the caliber of those above, but hey at least he's got good authority rank)

    • Iffy Performance: D Rank
      Not useful to field, and have liabilities that other units in the higher tiers do not. These units may be useable short term, but have glaring weaknesses that require more resources/attention to fix in order for them to see long-term usability.
      Ex: Primrose (Her stats aren't the best, and her performance can falter without some help, but she has a funny skillset that can be useful if trained, but far better options exist)

    • At this point, units are no longer recommended by the list, and are instead explicitly meant to be avoided.

    • Lame Performance: E Rank
      Any usefulness these units may offer is outweighed by their problems. They do not offer anything in the short term, and cannot match the performance of other units without an inordinate amount of investment.
      Ex: Erin (Bad bulk and insufficient offenses, even worse proficiencies in Faith and Heavy armour, and has questionable contributions sooner scoffed at even in house)

    • Meme Performance: F Rank
      Hahahaha... man. These lads and lasses don't perform worth a damn. They offer nothing that others can't do better, and getting them to the point where they can start contributing requires a mountain of time, resources, and luck. .
      Ex: Coyne (Lol, here's the fan favourite "worst" unit we'll vote on)

    Will the Goddess forgive us?

    That enough? I think so. Have at it!

    submitted by /u/ForsetiHype
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    My Byleth piece I did

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 03:24 AM PST

    “I love everything about this; this is too wholesome and I'm here for it.” –Joe Zieja reacting to the Dorothea/Ingrid moment after their shared Paralogue during his streamed LP

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:21 PM PST

    Just wanted to share my drawing of Dedue because he deserve more love!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:06 AM PST

    I don't know why I have this, but I found a viskam in the travelers plaza

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 12:16 PM PST

    Diary of a Wimpy Kris Part 24, Ch. 13: The First Time in Forever

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 05:01 PM PST

    A FE OC I made, most likely breaks the canon (being a manakete) but ah well.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 09:46 AM PST

    "Not your god - not today."

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:49 PM PST

    [Bylitza] Food Play (slightly NSFW)

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 05:32 PM PST

    Does anyone else find the NPC units in fe3h more of an obstacle than a help when playing on maddening difficulty?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 06:45 PM PST

    Whether its Gilbert triggering a horde of enemies to destroy your entire party or Jeralt attempting to take on two giant monsters at once, a lot of the ally units feel really dumb in this game with them just rushing headfirst into battle even if they die. I feel like they should either retreat or heal if initiating combat will kill them, but nooooo. The paralogs are also guilty of this with Rodrigues repeatedly dying due to himself targeted by four enemies because he just had to kill that one bandit.

    submitted by /u/Lucambacamba
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    Ike wallpaper cuz I needed one

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:17 AM PST

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