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    Wednesday, May 6, 2020

    Fire Emblem Camilla Nohrian Princess Art

    Fire Emblem Camilla Nohrian Princess Art

    Camilla Nohrian Princess Art

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Hilda’s New BFF (Pasha Saga #3)

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    3H linhardt cosplay

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:24 AM PDT

    Hilda! #4

    Posted: 06 May 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    Young Lyn commission

    Posted: 06 May 2020 12:54 PM PDT

    A throw back commission of an OG QUEEN - Nailah by Daniel Deng for Anna's Roundtable

    Posted: 06 May 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    OC | A Late Anniversary Drawing!

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:12 PM PDT

    Daughter (oc)

    Posted: 06 May 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Quarantine made me make a Three Houses redbubble

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    I honestly really hope the next FE game doesn't take too many gameplay beats from 3H and instead focuses on what Conquest and other gameplay-minded FEs done well.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    Three Houses had a really good story overall, and I honestly can completely see why it's utterly enthralled everyone regarding it. You could tell that IntSys finally took to heart the criticism from the 3DS titles' weak writing and made a world on par with Jugdral and Tellius, and I love them for that.

    But at the same time, 3H is perhaps one of my least favorite FEs in spite of that, and I'm bound finding myself playing Conquest or even Birthright a lot more overall. I think that's because of the clear design philosophies that went into 3H and Fates differing from each other.

    What I noticed is that Fates ultimately leaves a lot of its content optional and designed in the sense you can skip on it now but pick it up later and not really miss a whole lot of it. There's a lot to do in regards to the game's calendar and hubworld, from engaging in local arena activities or upgrading your equipment, this even extended to Fates having its children being optional as a whole. While as a result the story justifications suffered, the inclusion of Offspring Seals made it easy to pick up whenever you want to without it having it be a hassle for the player. And when you break it down, a lot of Fates' best moments comes from this sort of breathing room from managing your inventory and classes, and the game manages to be fun with or without reclassing. And that, as a result, made me more invested in the game and much more willing to do research on the classes and characters as a whole.

    This is something I've also noticed about Radiant Dawn. The BEXP system, huge roster of casts, ability to support anyone with anyone and sheer breadth of choices and applications made the game a huge improvement over PoR in terms of gameplay, but the added convenience and emphasis on more optional content made the story suffer too - but that was something I was willing to ignore thanks to how fun most of the game was otherwise, and like Fates, a lot of its worst moments came when it forced you to play by its book of rules. Regardless, both it and Fates were really fun when you could clearly experiment with better ways of playing, even counting the bad classes and units.

    Point is, it's a game that valued the player's time and convenience, and I think that's why I loved both. And that's something I feel 3H misses quite considerably.

    3H as a Monastery was easily my least favorite point of the game despite presenting the option to skip it, which doesn't even really come until later and pretty much strings you along in following a curriculum and grinding like with a Persona game. The reason why I feel this doesn't work is because most Fire Emblem games take anywhere from 15 to 25 hours to complete, if not faster depending on your skill level, and the fact that all units and comparisons therein have kind of been rendered null and void by how everyone's the same and nobody's different. I used to think I'd like the metagame to be "balanced," but I think I realize in retrospect there's a lot of charm in having freedom and uniqueness to play how you want, even if that way is suboptimal. I'd sooner use a bad unit I like than have them have no distinction between each other.

    Add that to the fact many of 3H maps across routes were copypasted, and the overall experience marks among my least favorite FEs, above only Shadow Dragon, NMotE, Awakening and FE4 for me - and with the exception of one, all of those games have some degree of inconvenience or anti-choice for players playing a certain way over others. And given how much universal acclaim 3H got that hasn't been seen since Awakening, I am very worried that IntSys will repeat history and double down on what made 3H successful with FE17 or the FE4 remake. I really hope that's not the case, as while I like the story and also the characters, I'd sooner play an FE that's fun and stupid over one that's well-written and boring to play.

    submitted by /u/Wanderer2691
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    What's the most "oh" moment you've had in a Fire Emblem game?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    It can be either an "oh wait" or an "oh, right" moment.

    For me, it was "oh right, the automaton had pass." R.I.P. Nina, you were a Defense Tonic away from me not having to reset.

    submitted by /u/Thunderbolt_Zeke
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    If you had to survive in a FE world, which one would you choose?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Remember, you're like a 10 HP villager green unit. You're not a recruitable character or like a soldier or anything.

    I feel like Jugdral is the worst and the best choice. On one hand, it takes bandits like 5 turns to burn down your village, so you'll probably live in time for someone to save you. On the other hand, if you're a kid then you're completely f*cked.

    So I guess my vote is Archanea?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Acepaladin
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    FE12 New Mystery REWRITE: Chapter 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

    Posted: 06 May 2020 12:14 PM PDT

    3Houses- My take on Leonie meeting the Eisners

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    I sketched Edelgard, hope y'all like it

    Posted: 06 May 2020 04:01 AM PDT

    Just casually made the destroyer of worlds

    Posted: 06 May 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    The next Fire Emblem game should better integrate permadeath to the story.

    Posted: 06 May 2020 01:59 PM PDT

    Just now Chaz uploaded in his channel a video where he discusses the function of the permadeath feature in older games and how the system is irrelevant in Three Houses. That motivated me to share something I've been thinking for a while. Although permadeath is a mechanic that scares many players not familiar with the series, and that is not even embraced by 100% of the fans, it is actually one of the main reasons I got interested in the series in the first place, and I believe many people can relate to that.

    My first game was Awakening, and I was completly fine with most of my deaths, reseting only a few times. But the game really disapointed me when Lissa "died" in a mission, just to found out that she was alive and well in the next cutscene. I felt kinda cheated that I could not use her, and really bothered that no one reacted to the fact that she was "injured". It felt almost as if I wasn't supposed to let her die. Seeing her in the cutscenes breaked my immersion, and after that I noticed I had started to reset more and more.

    One of the problems with permadeath is that you don't always feel or notice the positive side that Chaz brings up in his video, and that's why we reset everytime a character dies. And it's even worse in a story-driven game like 3H or even Awakening, where letting a character die can make you lose considerable amount of content. In 3H you lose paralogues, conversations and supports that can fill you in more about that universe, you also don't get to see their ending. If you let a woman die in Awakening and Fates, you won't ever know the existence of some characters. It's also pretty shitty when your fav dies and no one acknowledges it. Of course, permadeath can be engaging despite all that, but I think the feature could be more rewarding in relation to the story. A game where you need to develop characters to develop your story don't go well with a game where anyone can die at any time.

    So here is my idea. Since Fates the series is going in a route where they want to make games with branching paths, where the player can make some decisions. This is something that gave 3H higher replayability and allowed the player to experience the story in many ways. Unfortunaly, at the same time they sacrificed the relevance of permadeath, one of the defining features of the series. But what if they integrated permadeath to the story? Every time a character dies, your story steers in a new direction, and the more relevant the characters, the bigger the change. Smaller ones you get a few different dialogue lines, bigger ones can lead you to a completely different ending or missions. Your characters could pay respect to that amazing unit who died due to an unlucky crit, and you would feel that his sacrifice was not in vain. That way, when you let a character die you won't be losing content, but finding out new stuff. Replaying the game would be even more rewarding, since you won't know for sure what is going to happen. The games would still get more character/story driven, while mantaining a key feature relevant to the new audience. I know people (including me) still would reset sometimes, but the objective is not to make you never reset, but to give you a better reason not to.

    I don't know how good that idea would be in practice, but I believe IS already has the technology and resource to make a game like that.

    submitted by /u/janjos_
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    Favorite VA Performances in the FE Series?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    Hello, everyone! KoolioKenneth here with an important question for you all: out of all the VA performances across the Fire Emblem series, which would you say are your personal favorites? As for myself, if I had to pick one, I'd have to go with Xander Mobus as Arvis in the English version of Fire Emblem Heroes as my personal favorite. I'm a huge fan of his work (Smash Bros, Persona 5, etc.) and his role as Arvis is no exception. He absolutely nails the whole threatening antihero vibe while still holding onto the desperation that defines Arvis' character. On the Japanese side, I absolutely love Jun Fukuyama as Roy. His grunts and yells are legendary, while still sounding kind and affable in his spoken dialogue. But I'm more curious to know what YOU think. Are there any performances in the FE series that really stuck out to you? What made them so impactful? Please let me know!

    submitted by /u/KoolioKenneth
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    Ashnard - Mad King (new unit in Heroes) Art!

    Posted: 06 May 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    So what if an FE game had animal raising mechanics?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 10:37 AM PDT

    Assuming the next FE game did have some sort of base-system, would you be interested if you actually had to care for your mounts? as well as having to buy more of them.

    You could name them and they'd have their own stats, this also means that if someone promotes to a mounted unit, you actually have to get them a mount rather than them suddenly having one.

    So maybe a particular Pegasus, Wyvern, Horse or Camel would be "Fast", so they can move a few extra spaces between turns, maybe another is "Vicious" so it does more damage but has a chance of beserking and forcing it's rider to charge the enemy when attacked.

    Additionally, possibly animal racing would be a non-violent alternative to Arenas using your mounts to race other Pegasus, Wyverns, Horses or elephants for gold.

    Additionally, it'd be possible for the mount or the rider to die without the other dying too. (So you could lose a rider then you'd have a beserked pegasus attacking the enemy that you can't control or you'd lose a mount and have an injured rider.) because Perma-death wants your tears when your favourite animal dies infront of you.

    submitted by /u/Samz707
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    Why can't Hapi summon monsters?

    Posted: 06 May 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Why is it only a storyline ability?

    submitted by /u/RangoTheMerc
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