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    Thursday, May 7, 2020

    Fire Emblem [OC] Bridal Dorothea

    Fire Emblem [OC] Bridal Dorothea

    [OC] Bridal Dorothea

    Posted: 07 May 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    Dumb_Strategy.png ( Eunnieverse )

    Posted: 07 May 2020 06:04 AM PDT

    I drew Dancer Marianne!

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    Fell Star Sothis Art

    Posted: 07 May 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Annette Week, day 1: Reason! (witch au)

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    My thoughts on the state of discussion in this subreddit.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:50 PM PDT

    I originally wrote this for the monthly rage thread, but I've got a different topic in mind for that now and I think this is worth its own thread.

    Every month there are people complaining how there's too much art and not enough discussion on this subreddit. I'm pretty frusterated with the state of discussion posts on this sub too, but not for the same reasons. In fact, my first problem is with those complaints. This sub is already one thousand times better than most other gaming subs when it comes to art because of one rule, rule 9: "No Non-OC Fanart". That's huge when the top posts of a ton of other gaming subreddits are some dude finding art they like on Twitter and then posting it for karma, maybe sourcing the tweet if you're lucky. OC art should always be allowed without restriction.

    Cultivating discussion is not about cutting down trees to make room for new ones to grow. there's enough acres on this land for everyone. It's about actually giving attention to discussion posts themselves. The fewer votes a post has, the more a single vote impacts it. An early upvote is huge for momentum, and an early downvote or two can pretty much kill a post outright. So, if you're somebody like me who browses the new tab and loves discussion posts, upvote that shit (and if you really want to go the extra mile, comment). Even if you disagree with the point they're making, as long as they're not being dicks about it and they're putting in an effort, upvote it. There was a post the other day talking about how Verdant Wind was the worst route in Three Houses. I don't agree with that at all, Verdant Wind is my favourite route, but I upvoted the post because it was constructive and had the potential to create interesting discussion. That post died in new, voted "controversial", simply because people disagreed with the title. It takes so little effort to destroy a discussion post.

    You cannot complain about the lack of discussion posts and also not help discussion posts grow. There are way too many people that will abuse the downvote functionality and way too many people that totally waste the power of an upvote by not using it. It's that combination of things that kills discussion on this subreddit. Now, I'm not saying upvote every single post that makes at attempt at discussion, trust me, I know, they're not all winners. But upvotes are free to give out, you've got an unlimited supply, so encourage discussion by using them generously. The more upvotes a post gets, the more eyes will get on it, and the potential for discussion will increase.

    Some of you may be saying "but I do upvote discussions posts!" and "but I do comment!". Great! I'm happy to hear that! Whilst unfortunate, it's a fact that discussion posts will never reach the same audience as art posts. It takes a second to look at a piece of art, while it takes minutes, sometimes quite a few, to fully consume the text in a discussion post. To get on the front page as a discussion post will always be an uphill battle, but that's why every upvote, every comment matters to curate the kind of content you want to see here.

    Some people suggest having a separate subreddit for art. In my experience, that simply doesn't work. When Smash 4 was new, fanart was not allowed on r/smashbros, and r/smashart was created. That subreddit never gained any steam. When an artist goes to reddit to share their work, 9 times out of 10 they're going to go to the main subreddit for the topic of their art. If they find they're not allowed to post there, very few will go research where they're allowed to post there work. The only result is that less art gets posted to this website.

    Some people suggest limiting art to a specific day of the week. I also disagree with this idea, for a few reasons. The first ties back into the last idea, where if somebody comes here on Tuesday to post their art, but learns they can't post until Sunday, well a good chunk of them will probably just not post their art at all. The other reason ties back into an earlier point I made. Getting rid of art posts isn't going to make more discussion posts magically appear out of nowhere, so the only result is that subreddit will just be far less active as a whole.

    This is all coming from the perspective of somebody who makes a fair amount of discussion posts themselves, and participates in them often as well. They're my favourite part of the subreddit, and I'd like to see them thrive.

    submitted by /u/PsiYoshi
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    Byleth cosplay

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:43 AM PDT

    The young Fraldarius brothers playing [OC painting]

    Posted: 07 May 2020 02:40 PM PDT

    (OC) Grima

    Posted: 07 May 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    The Princess and her Knight's S-Support [Commission by @ScruffyTurtles]

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    The Cain and Abel of Hoshido, Saizo and Kaze! (@SaikoAkarui)

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:27 PM PDT

    ByMir/ShamLeth - Gazing

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    My take on Annette's S-Support [OC]

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:48 AM PDT

    Timeskip Dimitri, drawn in ms paint by me!

    Posted: 07 May 2020 03:51 AM PDT

    Three Houses Out Of Combat Activities Tier List: Announcement Thread

    Posted: 07 May 2020 04:56 PM PDT

    I honestly think that tiering anything but units would be better so... and yes no one asked for this why do you ask

    Do tell me if I missed any activities though, DLC currently not included but we'll tier them if enough people ask. There might also be multiple Preliminary Rounds just to get things all sorted out if there are any noticeable issues. I also plan on doing a Day 0 just to let people get a full day to discuss Day 1 activities. Hopefully I'll also be more timely than Hype

    Credit to u/ForsetiHype and u/Excadrill1201 for rules/tiers.


    • This game's difficulty will be measured on Maddening. Given that tiering Hard would be like tiering FE12 H1, might as well go all the way.
    • This is also English-Localized Three Houses.
    • The game is played with moderate efficiency. No grinding, boss abuse, or similar abuse. Move at a speed that you can handle, one that's the best way to tackle the chapter given the context. Ergo, don't try to rush full sprint for the sake of turns if you can't handle that, this isn't an LTC. That said, be prepared to move ahead at speeds above comfortable for the sake of side-objectives or similar incentives, and be aware some maps are recommended to be low turned for some extraneous reason.
    • For the purposes of ranking, New Game+ and paid DLC will be ignored.
    • Auxiliary Battles will not have their turns taken count against them. This is to even the playing field when comparing Auxiliary Battles to other activities.
    • The final ranking will be decided by median. If the median causes a tie, mean will then be used to decide the final ranking. If it's still a tie, only then will I force a verdict by casting my own vote.

    Tiers Being Used:

    Fantastic Performance: S Almost always very useful, with very few to no flaws. Makes significant contributions that can't really be ignored. They may also provide a valuable niche, or just perform what they do the best.

    Great Performance: A Very useful alotta the time, with a couple minor detriments that don't really hold them back. They may fill a good niche or perform what they do splendidly.

    Good Performance: B Pretty useful, with some minor detriments that hold them back somewhat. They may fill a niche, but someone might do it better, and they can perform well if given the opportunity.

    AOK Performance: C Can be useful, with detriments that hold them back. They might fill a niche, even if its not useful, and they can perform decently if given the investment.

    Iffy Performance: D Not all that useful, with possible major detriments holding them back. They do not fill any required niches and take more investing than most to perform adequately or not all that solidly.

    At this point, units are no longer recommended by the list.

    Lame Performance: E They absolutely suck. They do not fill any required niches and take far more investing than most to perform adequately or not all that solidly, or just piss poor.

    Meme Performance: F Rank *Hahahaha... man. These guys don't perform worth a damn. They offer nothing that others can't do better, and getting them to the point where they can start contributing requires a mountain of time, resources, and luck. Bottom of the barrel.

    Free Time activities:

    - Explore

    - Seminar

    - Auxiliary Battles

    - Rest

    - Certifications

    Free Time Activities within Explore (cost time):

    - Dining

    - Cooking

    - Tea Party

    - Choir

    - Tournaments

    - Faculty Training

    Free Time Activities within Explore (Do not cost time):

    - Fishing

    - Gardening

    - Blue Spots

    - Giving gifts

    - Returning lost items

    - Recruitment

    - Advice Box

    - Requests

    - Saint Statues

    Classroom Activities:

    - Instruct

    - Group Tasks

    - Goal setting

    submitted by /u/Mark1734
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    This is my first time sharing my work online. I drew corrin!

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    Found a cool little advertisement section in one of my old TT comics! Includes a whole character guide on characters like ephraim, eirika, Joshua, and L’archel

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    Who would you say are the worst Fire Emblem CHARACTERS(not units)?

    Posted: 07 May 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    I've seen a lot of discussion about the best and worst characters in Fire Emblem, but most of what I've seen is more about the characters as units instead of as well... characters.

    Because of that, I thought it would be fun to start a discussion thread! Who would you guys say are the worst characters in Fire Emblem not as units, but personality wise and why?

    And feel free to list multiple characters that you don't like, whether it's a top 5 or even 10, or simply your least favorite from each game!

    Oh, and one last thing:

    PLEASE tag any spoilers that you might mention for the sake of any newcomers to the fandom!

    submitted by /u/Rantardo
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    Edelgard Sketch

    Posted: 07 May 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Byleths Art Nouveau Style

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    Pouting Julia. (OC)

    Posted: 07 May 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    I drew Dimitri and dancer Byleth

    Posted: 07 May 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    My thoughts about Dimitri's character arc (Warning, long post!)

    Posted: 07 May 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    I usually just shitpost here, but I just wanna dump my thoughts this time. Dimitri is a very popular character, and for good reason in my opinion. People have varying opinions about his character arc; some don't like it, some think it's great.

    It didn't sit well with me the first time I watched the scenes that kickstart his growth, but when I watched them a second time with some more insight into his character, it made much more sense to me- so I do think it's understandable to have problems with his arc.

    First of all, the thing that makes Dimitri redeemable in the first place is the fact that he does not even want to kill. He actually abhors murder and considers whoever kills people, a monster. He has a rather black-and-white sense of morality which will be very important later on. His intense Survivor's Guilt makes him think he owes vengeance to the people who died in Duscur (whose "spirits" constantly call for him to avenge them) so that their spirits may finally rest in peace, driving him to indulge in the one thing he hates the most, murder. He obviously knows he is being a hypocrite, since he shows surprising self-awareness at times, which is eating away at him on the inside; ruining his self-esteem, even making him suicidal because he thinks he simply doesn't even deserve being alive because of his black-and-white thinking.

    This is what makes his character arc possible in the first place, because even though he denies this in response to Byleth saying "I miss the Dimitri I once knew", he does have a bit of his old self within (obviously the extremely cynical and self-loathing Dimitri at the time wouldn't speak well of himself).

    Somehow, Rodrigue and Byleth understand how they can reach out to Dimitri (or rather, how they cannot). If you noticed, not once do they try to convince him what he's seeing and hearing constantly aren't actual spirits of the people who've fallen. Indeed, trying to convince the delusional Dimitri that his hallucinations aren't real would just make him grow defensive (or aggressive, lmao) and they could probably never get him to open up ever again. The two seem to still believe they can still reach out to the part of Dimitri who does not want to do what he's doing, despite how he behaves.

    Rodrigue and Byleth's approach is good, but not enough. Dimitri must see the consequences of his actions first-hand. This is where Fleche comes in the equation. When Fleche attacks Dimitri on the Gronder Field, he sees just that. In a moment of extreme irony, Fleche acts really similar to Dimitri himself in that scene, obviously a hard learned lesson about the cycle of revenge for Dimitri who ends up getting stabbed by her. Even worse, Rodrigue sacrifices himself to save him. Now, if Dimitri tried to defend himself he could have easily evaded this outcome, but he didn't (as seen from the CG, plus he literally says: "this punishment was mine to bear!", meaning he saw dying at the hands of Fleche a fitting punishment so he intended to just let her kill him).

    Now, if only Dimitri was injured in this event, I think he would have learned nothing. He needed to see someone else hurt by his own lack of regard of his own wellbeing; because he cares much, much more about others getting hurt. Another huge factor is Rodrigue's last words, he's probably the only person whose dying wish was not vengeance, but Dimitri's own well being. As a person who believes he is duty-bound to the dead, this is bound to shake Dimitri to his core.

    I believe that, after this event, Dimitri started to seriously second-guess his actions but believed redemption was beyond his reach (since he literally says "it's far too late to stop" and "could one such as I truly hope for such a life?") because he could only see himself as "evil", because of a lack of nuance in his sense of morality... So he needed Byleth to restore his hope that he can be a better person if he tries: All he needs to do is do what he wants to do, not what the "spirits" are telling him to. All of this would have been impossible if Dimitri was a truly as evil as he thought he was, even at his darkest times.

    The saddest part of it all is, his mental issues have not been healed at all. He still has some serious low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts, seemed like he was about to lose control of his anger when he was facing Cornelia and in his S support mentions that he still sees the "spirits". Still, it's a bittersweet ending Dimitri earned, plus his friends are now aware of his problems and are willing to support him though it all, which is heartwarming.

    There is still absolutely no justification for Byleth not using Divine Pulse to save Rodrigue though. Why IS, why?? Anyway, I like Dimitri's character arc a lot even though it still has its flaws. Hope you find my takes interesting at least, and thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/ReversePanda023
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    Just finished Genealogy of the Holy War for the first time, thoughts.

    Posted: 07 May 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    I'll try not to write an essay here.

    Quick background, I've played the series since like 2001, started with 7. Played everything from Blazing Sword to 3H (including new mystery) and then went back to play Binding Blade. I'm a big fan but not one of my friends play the series, so I'm posting here instead. I played fe4 on the "old patch", which was definitely the cause of some problems with non-existent item and skill descriptions. I still don't know what the cutter sword does. Anyway....

    I thought the story was alright. It took some effort to remember all the names (especially when I would look things up and characters would have different names), but once I got past that I was golden. After what I feel has been nothing but avatar/MC worship since sacred stones, I truly appreciated a story where Sigurd had flaws, made some not great choices, and then saw consequences for those decisions. Especially as we as the audience see the immediate impacts, and know what's in store for the party. Unfortunately the story becomes a lot more generic FE in the second gen, but it's nothing bad. Arvis / Travant were the most interesting parts, since we get to see fallout and regret from the first gen, but they don't have much screen time. The patch I had didn't translate the ending, so I had to look it up separately and all the names were different again.

    The gameplay was not for me at all. I'm convinced half my play time was just moving units across the maps. I think giant maps and enemies moving in formation sounds cool, but in practice it was spending 5 turns moving toward a castle to fight all of the enemies at once, and then repeating that 3-5 times a chapter. The move stat is always important in any FE game, but it's to absurd degrees here. I basically stopped using non mounted units after awhile, because lugging 5 move around these maps meant they never participated anyway. Unit balance is all over the place, doubling as a skill was a poor idea, and great shield is actually cancer. I really disliked the pawn shop; I cannot accept that two sword users standing next to each other cannot trade a sword. It made every village into a save state, because I might have gotten a good item on a person that didn't need it and then would have had to spend tens of thousands of dollars to get it on the right person. Secret events existed to forced players to buy guides.

    My biggest thought as I played was that it felt like the game was constantly battling itself with the integration of story elements into gameplay. Holy weapons are actually as strong as the lore implies. This is great for bringing the game to life, and horrendous for balance. If you weren't a holy weapon user, you were largely dead weight for the last couple chapters. I had Lachke max str/skill/speed and meme into 25 defense, and she couldn't touch late game bosses since holy weapons fly past caps. On the flip side, my 22 strength / 17 speed max level Celice basically soloed the final map. Even Nino could rule the world with Holsety. Only Celice and Aless had the res to advance on sleep staff armies, and only with their holy weapons. Nothing was more representative of fe4 for me than my final sequence being sending Celice to Velthommer by himself, soloing everyone there, and then having to walk a 5 move level 12 Julia across half the map to dunk on Julius since no one else could deal double digit damage.

    It was disappointing because I'd always heard High Praise for the game, but I just really didn't have fun with it. I think I would give it a remake of this game a shot, but I don't think I would ever play the base game again. It had some ideas that were cool, but I don't think those ideas translated into fun gameplay. I just started Thracia chapter 3 and am already having immensely more fun, idk about movement stars though.

    Anyway I'm just glad I got to talk about my thoughts, so even if nobody reads this or comments at least I have that. If there are typos it's because I typed this whole thing on my phone.

    Tl;dr story pretty good, gameplay slow and not entertaining.

    submitted by /u/Boomhauer_007
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