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    Monday, October 5, 2020

    Fire Emblem Hilda fanart

    Fire Emblem Hilda fanart

    Hilda fanart

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    watercolor sothis

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Commission I did of best girl Edelgard (feat. Byleth's arm)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem Black Ink II - Deirdre

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    drew some Halloween Claude & Hilda!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    Also attempted the drawing challenge, but with Dimitri

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Lethe Flex [by Crescentia Fortuna]

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Special Heroes (Dragons Harvest)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    So I decided to get some gold at the arena for once (I’m usually too cautious to try it) and I decided that if a character loses twice (me backing out) I’m done. We are at chapter 5 sitting on 20000 gold with this beast of a man

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:39 PM PDT

    .:2nd Reply letter from Nintendo for my writings to them expressing the love, appreciation, and strong relationship I have with Ike over these long 15 years.:.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    Drew Owain Dark in a Hel outfit for the spooky season

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    drew Julia for the redraw meme!

    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    i made a very dumb fe7 story synopsis with lots of memes (spoilers obv)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Which Fire Emblem Pairings Has the Worst Writing Behind It? Which Pairings Has the Best?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    I've been wondering this for a while but which Fire Emblem Canon Pairings do you all think is really bad?

    Like I remember someone saying Alm and Celica's relationship was forced but I wanna hear which pairings you think writing wise is worse or better than the other ones. Honestly for me I haven't branched out yet so I can't say but since I love character writing I just wanna know what to expect when I play any of the other games and hear everyone's thoughts on it.

    submitted by /u/Gemrhia_Twinstone25
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    Drawing Claude for exprimental purposes [oc]

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:04 AM PDT


    Posted: 04 Oct 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    How strong of a unit do you think Lords/Avatars should be?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    On one hand, you have the "bad" Lords like Lyn or Roy, who have bad stats, bad weapon selection, or super late promotion. Then there are the ultra powerful, broken ones like Dimitri, Edelgard, or Robin, who have great stats and ridiculously powerful abilities or personal weapons.

    Seeing as every Lord/Avatar since Awakening has been very strong, I think that is the direction the series is staying. Which makes sense- if you are forced to use them or are self-inserts, players would want them to be good. But maybe it's better having a weaker Lord that you have to protect or train carefully, to add more strategy to the game. I haven't played Radiant Dawn, but from what I know, I think Micaiah is kind of in that situation.

    Personally, I'd prefer a Lord to be strong, but I'm kind of over then being one of, if not the best unit in their game. Just have them be strong and worth using, but not overly powerful. Maybe Ephraim is a good reference for what I mean.

    submitted by /u/CrestOfTheBeast
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    Greetings everyone I am The Averagest and part 26 of Vision Quest is up! I. Hate. These. Chickens.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    Just beat Chapter 10 of Awakening, and... wow

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 03:36 AM PDT

    I loved absolutely everything about this map. The atmosphere, the music, the dialogue with Mustafa and his men. It just really hit me on an emotional level, you know?

    Although my FE experience is fairly limited, like beating two routes in 3H and the beginning levels of a few others, this is without question among my favorite levels in the series. The map was basic, sure, but I just didn't care.

    Not a lot more to say here. Just really needed to gush about this.

    submitted by /u/MoraguKroten
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    My friend shared this song with me, it made me think of Ingrid and Sylvain lol

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Tada: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33Uh8G37hqM

    Hope you have a great day :D

    submitted by /u/Link5963
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    Do you think Kaga wanted to make other short games for Jugdral?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    It's well known that Thracia 776 was supposed to be a quick game, just showing some in-depth events mentioned in FE04. If we think about it, the same could be done with Eldigan in Agustria, for example, or the time Quan was absent, or many other situations. Do you think Kaga thought of this? (Or even if there's any confirmation for this.) If so, do you think the idea would be feasible/appealing enough?

    submitted by /u/chr_perrotta
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    I beat Awakening Lunatic+ without using Staves (or Veteran/Nosferatu/Sol/Skirmishes/DLC and a bunch of other restrictions).

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    Hey, I just finished a challenge I'm really proud of and just wanted to share. Awakening L+ is my favorite game, and finding new restriction sets to use is really fun for me.

    The full ruleset was the following:

    No Staves, No Veteran

    No Nosferatu/Sol/Glitter spaces

    No Merchants except up to two Second Seals

    Rout every chapter (except the Chapter 21 Mire Sorcerers)

    No Skirmishes/DLC/Renown/Barracks/Spotpass/Logbook/etc

    Soft rule: No lowmanning

    Some explanations/clarifications about the rules:

    Robin starts with Veteran equipped, so "No Veteran" starts once you can unequip it (so before Chapter 3). "No Sol" however works differently, in that I'm not allowed to trigger the Sol skill at all, even in the chapter I attain it. This mostly means that after getting a Hero to level 5 I need to bench them until the next chapter.

    For the Merchants rule I didn't actually sit around for weeks waiting to finally get a Merchant with a Second Seal to show up (twice). I save edited to simulate a purchase, so I bought 5k gold worth of stuff, discarded it, and save edited two Second Seals.

    Routing the Mire Sorcerers in Chapter 21 is possible, and I've done a proper Full Rout before, but I didn't want to deal with getting an Armsthrift Sorcerer again. "Rout" refers to only finishing the chapter when every enemy is dead. This is most relevant for Endgame, which has infinite reinforcements. I "routed" it by only killing Grima once he was the last enemy alive.

    The motivations for these rules range from "this prevents cheese strats/uninteresting gameplay" (the grinding and Nosferatu restrictions fall under this, for example) to "this just sort of makes it harder and I like hard" (such as the Glitter, Merchants, or Rout rules). The most flashy one is, of course, the ban on Staves. The most immediately obvious consequence of that is that healing becomes much harder. The remaining ways of healing are items, healing tiles (mostly forts), and certain skills (Relief, Renewal, Lifetaker). In particular, I usually can't both make an attack with a unit and heal them in the same turn. This also greatly affects the very early game, which has a very limited amount of healing items. The second consequence, which should be obvious to everyone who's beaten the game on Lunatic+ without using the resetless route is that this forbids Rescue staves. Rescues are insanely strong on L+ as they allow you to snipe dangerous frontrunners in enemy groups (usually units with Counter) in order to take some of the rest of the group with someone who now doesn't die to getting countered. In practice, Rescue fairly frequently reads "kill an enemy of your choice." There are also some more subtle downsides. Staff using gives an absurd amount of EXP in this game, and missing out on this is actually a major downfall. It is typically quite easy to take an otherwise mediocre character who can use staves and just get them to level 15+ advanced class fairly early in the game. Staff EXP also isn't the only thing that limits your choice of viable characters. Certain characters become much harder to recruit (most noticably Severa, but also Ricken, Maribelle, Anna, Say'ri, Libra, Noire) when you can't Rescue them out of harm's way.

    Now with the "objective" stuff out of the way, I'll talk just a little bit about myself. I started playing Fire Emblem in 2016 with Fates, but I kind of stopped early on in Conquest and came back to it mid 2017. The only FE games I've actually played are the three Fates games, New Mystery, and obviously Awakening. This post should give you a decent idea why this is the case. I replay games and try to get good at them (although I've only gone this hard on Awakening). The first game I played on Lunatic was Conquest in early 2018, and I got absolutely murdered by it. Since then I've been trying to struggle a similar amount again, but it's quite difficult to come up with (possible!) challenges that balances out how much better I've gotten since then. Something else that's important to note is that I absolutely do not look at strategy advice, or really talk strategy about these games until I'm "satisfied" with what I've done. For Awakening this was after I first beat it on L+, but even then it's only about very general stuff ("Is Sol too strong?"). I certainly never consulted with anyone about how to best approach a challenge like this. What I do look up is data. Reinforcemens, growth rates, weapon proficiency bonuses, etc. I also discussed enemy AI behavior with people better than me (mostly KuroiTsubasaTenshi).

    Knowing who I am and what my mindset is towards this game, what did I expect of this challenge? Well, first of all, I expected it to be hard, obviously. I expected the super early game to be about trying to minimize potion usage. I expected the early game to be a big juggle of using items vs making attacks and killing things. I expected Robin to be much less beyond the curve than usually, become unable to tank nearly as well, and often be unable to one shot an enemy through Counter. I expected Chapter 12 to annihilate me, since sniping a couple units in the mass you're surrounded by is normally a pretty big part of my strategy. After Chapter 12 you start being able to buy Rescues (rather than having to ration the ten charges you have until then), so I expected the difficulty difference to really pick up from there. I expected to struggle really badly to deal with enemy groups spearheaded by Counter guys. I expected to struggle badly with Chapter 16, because the reinforcements there are really brutal (remember I have to rout it). I expected the game to stay very hard until the final chapter, which I also expected to be extraordinarily difficult, as routing it is mostly a "kills per turn" game, when I'm lacking a "kill this enemy"-staff and have to spend turns drinking Elixirs rather than just using a fortify.

    So, what did I get? Most of the stuff about the earlier part of the game was correct. Robin wasn't as behind as I expected him to be (though still enough behind to where I had to make some compromises to get him strong enough for Chapters 5 and 6), but otherwise I was quite fulfilled and satisfied with the difficulty. I actually ended up struggling more with Chapter 11 than 12, but I was quite alright with that, as I love Chapter 11. After Chapter 12 however it took a bit of a turn. I expected the ruleset to affect this part of the game much more, but the lack of Rescues ended up very managable once I got ahead in the EXP curve (thanks to doing Paralogue 10 (Severa) right after Chapter 13). I actually went on a bit of a streak of either first trying or "essentially" first trying (resetting before passing turn 1 or once resetting on turn 2 because I realized I could get a Thief because he walked differently than I thought he did) a bunch of maps. I'm still pretty convinced that Chapter 16 is really hard with this ruleset, but I ended up getting absurdly lucky with enemy skills on what's probably the most important turn in the chapter. From then on the game stayed relatively "easy". I'll note that with "easy" I mean relatively to what I was expecting, and to my skill level with the game. It absolutely wouldn't have been even remotely easy for 2018 me. Routing the final chapter was still extremely fun, even though I unfortunately first tried it. To illustrate the difference in difficulty difference (yes, I worded this correctly), here are some stats: In my previous playthrough, which was my Full Rout, it took me a total of 33h to make it past Chapter 13, and 87h to beat the game (~38%). In this playthrough it took me 74h to make it past Chapter 13, and 137h to beat the game (~54%).

    Overall, it was an extremely fun experience, and my difficulty itch was scratched at least for a while. There is a lot more stuff I could talk about, such as the characters I used, how I classed, when I did what paralogue, and other more specific stuff, but this post is already quite long for such a specific thing. I would be very happy to answer any question if there were to be any.

    Lastly, in case anyone is both still reading this and also questions the veracity of my claims (anyone can just claim anything after all), I live streamed this playthrough and the collection of highlights of the clear attempts can be found here: https://www.twitch.tv/collections/l7tjYmFDOxbuJQ I wouldn't exactly recommend this for entertainment purposes, as I play VERY slowly (yes, this 72h long playlist contains only the winning attempts).

    submitted by /u/Vormanax_
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    Does anyone have some silhouettes of some FE characters?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2020 06:27 PM PDT

    Just wondering cause I want to put them on my homes screen of my phone and can't find any, I would prefer Azura, Corrin, Lysithia, Edelgard, Claude, Leo, marriane, and hilda. Any one of those would be amazing but will take anything thanks

    submitted by /u/jack-413
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