• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 5, 2020

    Fire Emblem The ocean is far from Garreg Mach... I am feeling a bit lonely at times

    Fire Emblem The ocean is far from Garreg Mach... I am feeling a bit lonely at times

    The ocean is far from Garreg Mach... I am feeling a bit lonely at times

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 12:19 PM PST

    The Ike-men ⚔✨

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 06:27 AM PST

    I wanted to share my wife’s fanart! I think she deserves more visibility for her personal style, don’t you think?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:49 AM PST

    Black knight (OC)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:50 AM PST

    [OC] Archanea Squad feat. Buck-tooth Abel!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:52 AM PST

    War Cleric Petra Sketch

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 03:16 PM PST

    S-Support Series - Advent Calendar #05 - Reyson/Tanith

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 11:57 AM PST

    Waited forever to get this guy, but finally got my Ashe tattoo two days ago and I’ve never been more in love! Done by @/kodiellistattoos on Instagram :)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:56 PM PST

    Made Corrin in Soulcalibur VI

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 02:18 PM PST

    Performance Review (a Disaster Byleth comic)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 01:22 PM PST

    FE1 Camus

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:27 AM PST

    How Big can a Fire Emblem Get?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 03:02 PM PST

    Ballerina Lysithea

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 05:17 PM PST

    Eldigan’s Festive Party

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 09:41 AM PST

    Matthew and Leila taking a stroll in the winter

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:47 PM PST

    Felix's most sincere "You fought well."

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 01:19 PM PST

    Due to the release of Legacy of Archanea, we now have an official localized name for General Rucke

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 10:08 AM PST

    He's Lykke now. Not gonna lie, it's gonna take some getting used to, but it's apparently a Danish name that means...happiness. Nothing says happiness like a coup d'etat.

    Jokes aside, I really love the art book. I've always really adored Archanea so it's such a nice keepsake. The only thing about it that disappoints me is that they changed Cartas's name to Caldas, making it (as far as I'm aware) the only instance of a name from Shadow Dragon getting retconned.

    submitted by /u/OrangeBinturong
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    Fire Emblem music being played during a fire work display in Japan

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:17 AM PST

    One of the most epic Firework displays I've seen.

    Music is Twilight of the Gods from Shadows of Valentia


    submitted by /u/VGDrumCovers
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    Why is everyone so critical of FE1?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 01:36 PM PST

    Hi everyone!

    Maybe less so here but over on /r/Nintendo and /r/NintendoSwitch whenever someone asks about this game there are tons of comments saying it's not worth it. I just want to say if you're curious about this game and can spare the $6, you probably should check it out as it's not nearly as bad as everyone suggests.

    First of all, for an NES game it is extremely impressive. If you've spent time with the NES classic or NSO, you probably noticed most NES games not named Mario or Zelda can get really boring fast. But FE is definitely in the upper echelon. Good sprite work, okay writing so far (I am playing for the first time a few chapters deep), not braindead shallow or totally punishing hard, and the music is great too! Even compared to some of the SNES games on NSO I find this way more engaging.

    As for the flaws, yes it's not a modern FE game. Inventory management is clunky, the systems aren't well explained, and theres no visual indication of unit or enemy range. But once again, those first two issues are present in every NES game (try forcing a kid to play Zelda 1 or 2 and see how confused they get), so I really don't think it's entirely fair to hold that against the game. Really the only feature I miss is auto battle for advancing units towards the end of the map when I've cleared out most enemies.

    Lastly, they did bring in turn rewind, which helps alleviate some of the obtuse systems. This makes experimentation less punishing (like when I first found an arena and faced a mage with my low res cav).

    All in all, please give the game a chance if you have been considering it. It's easily one of the best NES games, and has all the core strategy gameplay that we all love.

    submitted by /u/CardinalnGold
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    Marianne & Keaton - Taming the Beast (commission)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 07:44 PM PST

    Rewriting Three Houses' Chapters 3 & 5 for non-Blue Lions - Golden Deer

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 06:29 PM PST

    Recently decided to get back into Three Houses, and in doing so remembered how incongruous a few of the opening chapters are if you're not running the Blue Lions. In that route, you get character development for two of your party members, get to see the impact of the Tragedy of Duscur, learn more about the politics of the Kingdom, and better understand Dimitri's growing frustrations that he is as of yet powerless to help fix the many problems that ail his homeland. When you're going down that route, it feels worthwhile and integrated into the narrative the story is building towards. When you're not, however, there's a disconnect – you're likely not particularly attached to Ashe or Sylvain if you're going through your first run-through and they're not in your party, nor do you feel particularly invested in the goings of the Kingdom – at least not as much as you are the Empire or Alliance, respectively, because that's the point of having the different routes. Hell, your guest party member in Chapter 5 basically disappears from the plot if you're not going on to Azure Moon. While most of White Clouds feels like it's interchangeable regardless of which group of students you pick, Mutiny in the Mist and Tower of Black Winds both feel very Blue Lions-centric, and I feel like the game would've been better served having separate chapters for each group. And so, here are just a couple proposals to how you could write out those chapters for the Black Eagles and Golden Deer.

    Gameplay and Narrative Purposes of the Current Chapters Three and Five

    Before we get too far into rewriting things, we first must account for what the purposes Chapter 3 and 5 hold in the original narrative, lest we depart too far from the original point. I'd argue that 3, 4 and 5 basically are their own little narrative arc, all revolving around the Heroes' Relics. In Chapter 3, you're introduced to the power of the Heroes' Relics via Catherine and Thunderbrand – in Chapter 4, you recover a Heroes' Relic of your own in the Sword of the Creator, while in Chapter 5, you discover the consequences of misusing the Heroes' Relics with the fate of Miklan in Chapter 5. I'd argue any overarching narrative replacing those chapters would still have to cover those broad points. We also need to take into account the additional pieces of the narrative that need to be addressed: the insurgency of the Western Church, for example, which allows you to see Rhea's more tyrannical side, as well as the letter you find on Lonato in Chapter 3. That sets up the suspicions of Chapter 4 – that the attack on Rhea is a ploy to misdirect the Church from a different, ulterior motive that you and your students sniff out revolving around the Rite of Rebirth.

    In addition to the narrative, we should also consider the gameplay goals of 3 & 5, since they're fairly early chapters and introduce you to new concepts. Starting with Chapter 3, we first ought to mention that because of the importance of Heroes' Relics narratively, we should have Catherine accompany you regardless of which mission you take, because it allows the characters to bring up and discuss the importance of Thunderbrand as well as be able to show it in action. It's also the game's first fog of war map and is set up as an ambush – even if the circumstances aren't exactly the same, regardless of which group you're with, the scenario should be able to be written up as an ambush so that we can carry the fog of war mechanics along with us.

    With Chapter 5, the primary thing is the introduction to your first climactic monster battle, complete with rushed intro on how to fight them with Sothis. Unlike Catherine, Gilbert doesn't really have greater plot importance (unless again, you're already on Blue Lions), so we can make the guest spot more dependent on who would be important for each route's greater plot. Regardless, the one thing that any replacement chapter must have is a large, bestial opponent so that you can be introduced to how to fight with them. In addition, such a beast should be related to Crest Stones and Heroes' Relics, so that we can cover the plot point of the consequences of misusing them.

    Finally, I'd like to keep the narrative thread of focusing on units that are in your party but not the leading lord. With all that said, let's get on with actually writing about the new chapters, shall we?

    Golden Deer, New Chapter 3

    One of the more minor things that you might miss at first glance is that when you're first introduced to the Golden Deer, Lysithea is only shown with one Crest – her minor Crest of Charon. Now if you choose them, she instantly picks up her second Crest without any explanation from the game – the importance of having twin Crests is not revealed until you start unlocking her support conversations. I'd like to lean into this a bit more, and so propose that at the game start, if you're going Golden Deer, that Lysithea's Major Crest of Gloucester remain hidden – and that if you activate it during the first couple chapters that it be shown as a Mystery Crest, just like Byleth's at the beginning or the Ashen Wolves during their early DLC chapters. The revelation will instead become part of Golden Deer's Chapter 3, with her as the focus character.

    Narratively, we run into a bit of a problem with the Golden Deer here. The Western Church, the focus of the early game conflict, is on the other side of the continent from the Alliance and really plays no part in its politics other than representing opposition to the Church. The Eastern Church which covers Alliance territory is directly mentioned as being suppliant to the Central Church and just rewriting the Western Church to be the Eastern Church for one of the three routes feels cheap, so I'm going to say that in this route the Western Church's rebellion should be mentioned throughout the monastery, but not be your direct concern this chapter – instead coming up in a more or less unchanged Chapter 4.

    Instead, our set-up will be courtesy of Tomas, who as we find out later in the story is Solon in disguise. No hint of malfeasance should show up in this chapter to keep that plot point under wraps, but sometime after the reveal in Chapter 8, Claude should realize that this particular mission was actually a set up all along. In any case, he should deliver a petition supposedly from House Ordelia (saying it was sent to him because House Ordelia originally recommended him to the church) that there have been recent attacks on travelers in their territory and requesting aid. With the Central Church, as aforementioned, still occupied with the rebellion, Rhea passes on the job to our dear professor and the Golden Deer as their mission for the month. She is not yet comfortable with sending out students without an escort, however, and so as to not too heavily compromise the Knights' mission to subjugate the Western Church, she decides to send Catherine with her Thunderbrand out with you, believing her more than capable of handling the job as the one woman army she is, explaining why she's still with you for our Heroes' Relic narrative purposes.

    As the mission commences and we travel onwards to Ordelia territory, Lysithea regales the story of how her house was largely ruined by their support of house Hrym during that house's rebellion against the Empire, and blames the situation for her house's current weakness, suspecting it as the reason why they had to ask the Church for help. The Golden Deer discuss the Alliance's fractious internal politics when they start noticing a fog rolling in. Cue Catherine realizing that the group is walking into an ambush, and the start of the battle, which would still function much the same as the Magdred Ambush map.

    After the battle, Claude raves about seeing Thunderbrand in action, and has his discussion with the professor about Heroes' Relics, much like he does at the end of the original Chapter 3. Also like in the original Chapter 3, Catherine mentions finding a note on the enemy boss, describing the ambushers as mercenaries, hired by the Western Church to draw out the Knights so as to leave Lady Rhea susceptible to their "assassination plot", tying us back in to Chapter 4 and the broader Western Church narrative. However, in addition to those things, one of the Golden Deer mentions that something seems to be distracting Lysithea. She explains that the dark mage causing the fog seemed familiar, and after some hesitation decides to reveal her secret, describing the experimentation she had to undergo as a consequence of House Ordelia's fall. She manifests her second Crest for them, which a stunned Lorenz identifies as the Crest of Gloucester. Lysithea swears them to secrecy, which they all agree to, but for gameplay purposes, Lysithea now shows as having her two Crests like she usually would for the rest of the game.

    Golden Deer, New Chapter 5

    In the original chapter 5, we get to watch as Miklan is subsumed by the Lance of Ruin and turned into a Black Beast – but he's not the only character who is transformed by the power of a Heroes' Relic specifically, and not just a Crest Stone. We learn in her paralogue that Maurice, the ancestor of Marianne, even despite his Crest, overused its power and was transformed into a giant monster as well – leading his Crest to be known as the Crest of the Beast. Though it would likely require a rework of Marianne's paralogue a bit, this fits perfectly for what he need of the overarching narrative here in Chapter 5, so we'll put Marianne as our focus character for this chapter.

    We should also note that Judith makes her first appearance during this chapter, even in the base game, and given her overall importance to the Verdant Wind narrative, I feel comfortable placing her as our guest star party member replacing Gilbert. Indeed, her presence could also mark why this particular mission is given to the Golden Deer. In addition to talking to Claude about the health of his grandfather and prepping him for an Alliance meeting, she can also during her visit to Garreg Mach bring up to Rhea rumors of disturbances in the Edmund territories. This would lead to the Golden Deer joining her on the trip back to the Alliance, as Rhea assigns the task of investigating these troubles to the house's students.

    As the chapter's main mission begins, the students arrive in the forests surrounding Edmund territory. While discussing Claude's growing responsibilities as the next leader of the Alliance, they come across a swarm of brigands, initially suspecting them to be the cause of the problem. This begins the first half of the chapter. As the Golden Deer beat the bandits back, and progress further into the forest pursuing the thieves, they come across the true culprit of all the commotion – the monstrous form of Maurice, which triggers the climactic boss battle, and the Sothis' tutorial on how to fight monstrous opponents. Now we're stuck with a minor dilemma here – if we actually finish off Maurice then all we've really done is swap out Chapter 5 with Marianne's prologue, and now we have to write a new one of those, instead. So to make things simpler, victory merely drives him off, much like how Macuil and Indech don't die at the end of those paralogues. At the end of it all, Marianne explains the story of her family's curse to the Golden Deer, explaining that misuse of the Crest's power turned Maurice into a monstrous beast, as she does in her paralogue explaining that narrative plot point for the audience. This leads to Byleth's later discussion with Rhea about their concerns over their use of the Sword of the Creator, much as the original does.

    As for how this affects Marianne's prologue, I would change it so that rather than being confronted about possibly transforming into a beast by an outsider, it instead changes to Marianne deciding that the necessities of the war effort and the Empire using Demonic Beasts in their army means she, despite her worries, has decided that she must recover her family's Relic and decides to go confront Maurice. He tells her that the only way to do so would be to kill him – but that while he would not begrudge her of it, as he has been stuck for far too long in his terrible form, he also cannot control himself from trying to kill her. Cue that paralogue and receiving Blutgang.

    That does it for the Golden Deer. This all ended up taking a lot longer to write than I initially thought, so I'll put this out here for now, and if people are still interested, I'll put up my thoughts on how to rewrite the Black Eagles chapters later.

    submitted by /u/McSharkson
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    I tried to imagine what traits the students from Three Houses would have in Crusader Kings 3

    Posted: 05 Dec 2020 08:20 AM PST


    • Edelgard

    Personality Traits: Ambitious, Diligent, Just, Cynical
    Congenital Traits: Albino, Intelligent
    Lifestyle Traits: August
    Commander Traits: Organizer
    Dynasty Traits: Child of Concubine

    • Hubert

    Personality Traits: Callous, Deceitful, Diligent, Cynical
    Lifestyle Traits: Schemer

    • Bernadetta

    Personality Traits: Craven, Paranoid, Shy
    Coping Mechanism: Reclusive, Journaller

    • Linhardt

    Personality Traits: Calm, Fickle, Lazy
    Lifestyle Traits: Scholar

    • Caspar

    Personality Traits: Diligent, Honest, Just
    Physical Traits: Dull

    • Ferdinand von Aegir

    Personality Traits: Diligent, Just, Stubborn

    • Dorothea

    Personality Traits: Ambitious, Diligent, Gregarious
    Congenital Traits: Beautiful
    Dynasty Traits: Bastard

    • Petra

    Personality Traits: Compassionate, Diligent, Honest,
    Lifestyle Traits: Hunter
    Congenital Traits: Intelligent


    • Dimitri

    Personality Traits: Compassionate, Just, Vengeful, Cynical
    Congenital Traits: Herculian, Lunatic
    Lifestyle Traits: Galant
    Physical Traits: One-eyed
    Commander Traits: Aggressive Attacker

    • Dedue

    Personality Traits: Calm, Content, Diligent
    Congenital Traits: Giant

    • Ingrid

    Personality Traits: Brave, Diligent, Just
    Congenital Traits: Beautiful
    Lifestyle Traits: Galant
    Coping Mechanism: Comfort Eater

    • Sylvain

    Personality Traits: Lazy, Lustful, Gregarious
    Congenital Traits: Intelligent

    • Felix

    Personality Traits: Diligent, Chase, Callous
    Lifestyle Traits: Blademaster

    • Mercedes

    Personality Traits: Compassionate, Forgiving, Humble

    • Annette

    Personality Traits: Compassionate, Diligent, Fickle

    • Ashe

    Personality Traits: Content, Diligent, Honest


    • Claude

    Personality Traits: Ambitious, Diligent, Gregarious, Cynical
    Congenital Traits: Intelligent
    Lifestyle Traits: Strategist, Master Hunter
    Commander Traits: Flexible Leader

    • Hilda

    Personality Traits: Content, Lazy, Gregarious
    Congenital Traits: Beautiful
    Phyiscal Traits: Shrewd

    • Raphael

    Personality Traits: Content, Diligent, Gregarious
    Phyiscal Traits: Strong, Dull

    • Leonie

    Personality Traits: Brave, Diligent, Chase
    Lifestyle Traits: Blademaster

    • Ignatz

    Personality Traits: Content, Diligent, Gregarious

    • Lysithea

    Personality Traits: Content, Diligent, Impatient
    Congenital Traits: Albino, Feeble, Genius

    • Marianne

    Personality Traits: Calm, Compassionate, Shy
    Congenital Traits: Melanchonic, Beautiful
    Dynasty Traits: Disinherited

    • Lorenz

    Personality Traits: Ambitious, Arrogant, Just, Cynical

    submitted by /u/Warlord41k
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