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    Saturday, January 16, 2021

    Fire Emblem Summer Breeze Marianne

    Fire Emblem Summer Breeze Marianne

    Summer Breeze Marianne

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 05:55 PM PST

    I drew Mila

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:01 AM PST

    Petra X Ashe by @yaminogame

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 11:33 AM PST

    There is not a single fanart of Ashunera here, so I will be the first

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 12:01 PM PST

    I drew dabbing Marisa

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 06:54 AM PST

    Marianne and Byleth having tea I drew for a commission!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 01:02 PM PST

    I find it interesting that a single member of Awakening's localization team invented the word "paralogue" the way it's used in that game and later games.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 04:44 PM PST

    Like, you'd think it would have already been an existing literary term like "prologue" is, but nope. The only usage I could find outside of Fire Emblem refers to "either of a pair of genes derived from the same ancestral gene".

    After some searching around, I happened to find an old Twitter post by the exact person responsible: Brian Gray. He's a freelance translator frequently contracted by 8-4, and among his other Fire Emblem contributions, he's the sole person credited for translation of Shadow Dragon (the DS remake) and also translated and adapted the lyrics of Shadows of Valentia's ending theme, "The Heritors of Arcadia" into English.

    As some of you may already know or have guessed, the Japanese equivalent term is "gaiden" (外伝) which is far more common. But there doesn't seem to be a direct English equivalent beyond the standard translation of "side story" (and I think the phrase "side story" only exists as a translation of "gaiden"; I don't think it naturally occurs at all in English). Sometimes the term is used to denote spinoffs, but of course that's not what they are in Fire Emblem's context.

    But yeah, while this is a creative choice and all, it's kind of weird that there wasn't really an established term for these kinds of chapters besides just "gaiden" or "side story", so one had to be coined. There's "subchapter", but that implies a chapter within a chapter. Maybe "anecdote", but I feel like even that isn't a perfect fit. I guess the problem is most of these literary terms come from, well, literature, and the inherently linear nature of that medium means there wasn't any need for a word for the kind of chapters we have in recent Fire Emblem games. Anyway, just some neat trivia and personal musings I wanted to share.

    submitted by /u/PaperSplash
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    I drew Gunnthra for a commission~!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:10 AM PST

    Sunshine [Byleth x Leonie] (commission by @Xeno_Gale)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 03:15 PM PST

    PeNekoR released his S16-19 Full Cipher Art

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 05:22 PM PST

    Fire Emblem Heroes - Special Heroes (Dark Desert Rituals)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 07:02 PM PST


    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 06:07 AM PST

    The Last Promise - A game very much still worth playing

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 12:57 PM PST

    The Last Promise is known as a meme by many. Some might just know about Kelik, Siegfried's THIS DIVINE LIGHTNING, or whatever other memes about it exist.

    However, I went into this game pretty much blind outside of the memes and the last map and I must say I had a wonderful time. I did have some buddies direct me on secret shops/and it's "side quests" which are... existent.

    This game is just oozing heart and soul. Despite its flaws, I can't say it was ever done without effort, and I find it to be on par with every other hack released to this day despite the primitive tools to today. This is like the Toy Story of Fire Emblem hacks.

    I think if I needed to use one metaphor for the hack in general it would be Kelik as a unit:

    By all accounts and reasonable sense, he (and the game) should be pretty shit being a swordlocked footie in a pretty enemy phased game.

    But he really isn't. even if every swordlocked footie is basically trash though

    He gets cared by thoughtful design to help him such as a 1-2 prf with... moderate durability and a sprinkling of other 1-2 swords and gaining a really nice 7 move on promo. Then of course for the final maps his super 1-2 prf which gives him some of the best combat in a combat/stat focused final part lets him always feel good to use even if you cant just throw him into a map and clean house. This ties into him as a character as well. He's a witty character with an arc not just a brooding no personality edgelord the entire time.

    I feel like just being carried by thoughtful design is what keeps the plot and characters from being just the memes you hear they are. I honestly think Anakin Kelik Shon and Sieg are all above average lord characters which I wholeheartedly enjoyed having their own goals and not always getting along with each other. By the end they all feel close to one another (maybe Shon does get the short end of the stick here compared to the other 3 but I still quite enjoyed him)

    As someone dabbling in making my own hack with the very flexible FeBuilder that lets you do basically anything you can think of, it really dawned on me how much effort and deliberate programming went into this hack. I got some insights into the programming history of how he used nightmare to basically manually place one tile and enemy at a time which breaks my mind to imagine. In the credits Blazer does say he poured thousands of hours into this and I believe him. This hack always tried a lot I could tell. Even with how good builder is now it's still pain to import music from other games and he made countless gba renditions of other songs that are mostly good.

    Voice acting in cutscenes is still a supreme meme though. More the fact he did it and implemented it is impressive though.

    In just a lil summary, play the last promise if you like GBA FE at all. It feels just as Fire Emblem-y as any mainline Fire Emblem game, and I mean that in the best way possible. This early 2010s romhack feels just as good to play as officially licensed games. It still has its jank but I can't really fault it.

    Also for the love of your sanity use the Triangle Attack against the last like 5 bosses of the hack. They get wayyyyy too overtuned

    submitted by /u/SubwayBossEmmett
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    "Lysithea's Other Secret" ft. Bernadetta & Lysithea

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 02:25 PM PST

    What does it take for them to be good? Pirate - Berserker. Also, Brigands and Onies

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 07:46 AM PST

    NOTE: This episode will be quite complex so you I recommend watching this before so you can understand everything here without issues: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MdfrMO9aaE

    Arrr, me maties and welcome back to What does it take for them to be good? Today we'll be sailing the high seas to see if the Pirate and Berserker classes are worth a fine coin or if they will end up walking the plank. Also, we picked up Gonzales, Marty and Rinkah on this trip too.

    But on a serious note these classes are quite unorthodox. Berserker actually started out as an enemy only class (Source), but gradually developed into their own playable class. Since a lot of games don't feature them I decided to include brigands and onies as it would be a short episode otherwise. With all that out of the way, let us start

    Analyzing their viability through the games


    • So, we start of incredebly with Darros, wait did I say strong, well I meant incrdebly mediocre. Darros does have the unique trait of being able to waterwalk, along with decent bases and ability to use every axe in the game, but his poor speed growth and the fact the FE1 doesn't like axes much make Darros only really useful in the earlygame. Not the best start


    • So we go through 4 games in a row without pirates. Oof, Kaga really doesn't like axes. Luckely we do have Marty as a brigand in FE5. Yeah he sucks. He comes with 0 base speed so he won't be contributing much other than taking some of the captured enemies off of Dagdar since he has some nice constitution. Dagdar technically promotes from a brigand, but I already covered him.


    • And we're back, this game features both playable Pirates and Brigands. Too bad neither of them are very good. Geese joins with very mediocre bases and the poor accuracy of axes hold him back a lot. Gonzales is interesting as HM bonuses serve him well and he has good growths in speed and strength. However, he suffers a lot from the combinatio of low skill and poor accuracy from axes. If you promote him (+5 skill upon promotion), give him a killer axe and all your secret books he can make for a decent unit thanks to a lot of enemies using lances and Berserkers get a +30% critical boost. Because of this Garret is probably the best representative of this class as he comes prepromoted. He is fine for a few maps, but isn't a very useful long term unit. Really, if only axes were a better weapon type in FE6 this class could potentially rival swordmasters. But, alas it wasn't meant to be


    • So, Dart is pretty mediocre due to his bases and having to wait quite some time for his promotion item, but Hawkeyye on the other hand might as well have "Good unit" written over his abs as he coms with solid bases, a high axe rank and even a unique sprite. His waterwalking and peak climbing can ocassionably be useful, but his main attribute is his excellent combat. He has 50 HP and he will most likely kill every generic enemy with his brave axe, not to mention his +15% crti boost. His 11 base speed might seem problematic, but FE7 enemies are so slow, even on HHM that he will double quite a notable number of them without any issues. His main problem is his 16 constitution which makes it hard for him to be carried around by most of your mounted units. Aside from that Hawkeye is an excellent unit and the Berserker class finally has a good representative.


    • This a rather interesting game for them. Dozla suffers a lot from his base 9 speed, despite his decent bases in other areas and good speed growth which makes him rely on crits. He isn't even a bad combat unit due to his nice strength and use of axes. Ross is more interesting as he does start off bad andwith bad growths, but he can be reasonaby trained up, then used as a pirate and then promoted into Berserker for the Ghos ship to do some waterwalking and also be an additional combat unit. Besides some waterwalking trickks Ross isn't too useful.


    • Largo is in this game. He is servicable enough filler combat unit, but by the time he joins your cavalry and fliers have likely already grown strong enough to not care about the rest of the game. He also lacks the +15% crit boost in the Japanese version because IS did careful calculations and realised that he'd be way too OP with said boost.


    • Largo is the only playable unit in PoR that didn't return as a playable unit in RD, so no Berserkers to be found here


    • Not a bad class here technically as axes are good in SD and Berserker & Pirate are fine classes, but not that many good units can reclass into said classes and Darros is simply bad. If someone like Barst, Minerva or many others could recalss into Berserker it would be a much more viable class.
    • NOTE: I made a mistake. Barst can indeed reclass into Berserker.


    • Much better here as free reclassing allows any male unit to reclass into pirate and berserker. Pirate is great thanks to nice stats and waterwalking, while Berserker is excellent thanks to axes being a good weapon type, them having waterwalk utility and a very good speed cap. They don't give the best bonuses upon reclassing, but for the most part it's a pretty good class in this game. Also, Darros is finally decent.


    • Berserker is a pretty cool class in Awakening, it's kinda hard to get into it as you get no Berserkers in Awakening, so you're gonna need to second seal someone like Gregor or Vaike. Both of them also wanna go Hero to get Sol, so you're gonna need to wait a bit to get a Berserker. Other than that it's a fine enough infantry class.


    • I aready covered the main Berserkers, Arthur and Charlotte. Neither of them are that great so they often don't even get into Berserker and if the do they become a pair up bot for someone who really benefits from the boosts like Xander. We also have the other side of the coin, Onie who are a hoshidan class. Now, Rinkah is your main oni and she's bad in REV like a lot of the cast there. On the other hand she is a more interesting unit in BR. Rinkah is supposed to be your main defenseive unit and nobody in Hoshido has any bulk and with her 65% def growth she can actually take some hits, because as we all know wearing no armour makes you durable. However, she suffers from a poor HP growth which somewhat lower her tanking utilities. She also hillariously starts off with E rank axes. Fiery blood is a cool skill in theory as it gives her +4 str/mag when she isn't at full HP, but you need to give her an HP tonic to use said skill effectively. She can also struggle to one round even earlygame enemies and you also quickly get Silas who is also quite tanky, but offers more utility. However, she has some nice utility as she gives very nice pair up bonuses to the mostly frail Hoshido units such as Kaze and if she promotes to Oni Chieftain she can become a useful combat unit, not to mention getting shove at level 10. Rinkah's overall design philosophy is just a bit puzzling. Also, hillariously enough because of gamble you can often have higher crit rates than hit rates on your berserker.
    • Kumagera is also a good unit to capture.


    • No axe units here

    3 Houses

    • So, brigand is a class that pretty much every unit wants to get in. That's because the skill for mastering the brigand classline is Death Blow which gives +6 damage when attacking. This is a hillariously powerful skill that wastly improves the combat of pretty much everyone. Get this skill on as many units as you can ASAP.

    What makes them bad?

    Similar to fighter it's mostly that these classlines are usually populated by mediocre units in them. Axes are a problem in FE6, but afterwards they want better units in them like Hawkeye so that this class has strong representatives

    What does it take for the to be good?

    • Pirates/Berserker - Make waterwalking valuable enough to make use of it and make axes a good weapon type
    • Brigand - +6 damage is probably a bit overkill, but aside from that make death blow still a valuable skill, just maybe not that valuable
    • Oni Savage/Chieftain & Blacksmith - I like the idea of a more defensive classline, but Onies really don't sell that as well as armor knights do with their often revealing outfits. I wouldn't mind this experimental class coming back, just give it some modifitactions.

    Anyway, I think that is gonna put to rest our axe classes for a while now. Luckely, next time we're covering a consistent classline once again, yep it's Armor Knights furries. Yep.

    Next time: Manaketes, Laguz, Wolfskin and Kitsune

    Previously: Thief - Rogue - Whisper

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    I keep coming back to Fates because of the Multiplayer and freedom/postgame

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:38 AM PST

    Now, I know that FE is, at its core, a singleplayer game. And just the thought of giving Fates any sort of credit is not going to sit well with people, but hear me out.

    There was a ton of freedom in which you can build your units in Fates. You can come up with different support combinations for child units, you can try different skill sets and most importantly: You can actually use them against other people.

    I am one of those weirdos who actually have friends to do that stuff with: We start Fates over, work on different builds and then kill each other in PvP. Its great. Today my Ryoma actually lost to my friends Oboro! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!? She got a CRIT. One would think that Ryoma is the one who'd come out on top here, but she won against all odds. It was amazing and Ryoma couldn't beat her even with Vantage and Rend Heaven.

    This is when I realized: I still have to finish Golden Deer in Three Houses. Sure, the story is really great, but I am always super bummed out that I leave all my units in Three Houses behind. Three Houses has no postgame, or multiplayer. You basically come for the story and characters, which is fine, but then you just... leave it-

    I know Fates' story has huge issues but I can't help but always fall back on it. I am playing Revelation again - which, by all means, the maps are gimmicky and the story is shit. But I have an incredible amount of freedom in how I want my units to turn out and which combinations I want them to be in. Some work better with others, and there are so many classes to choose from. And I know, in Three Houses, I COULD make a General Lysithea just for the heck of it. But why? Nobody is ever going to see it and once I beat the final chapter, that Lysithea is gone. What's the point of building stuff if I can only enjoy the end result for a few endgame chapters?

    I remember, at the time Fates was new, there were fun YouTube videos. People essentially being like "Okay, how about I ONLY use Units I have captured with Niles?" and the incredible amount of freedom in which you can build units actually made it possible to compete against other players AND the story chapters. This is fun!

    This is by no means an attempt to shit on Three Houses or anything... But I really wish IS would capitalize on this stuff more. At least give us any sort of postgame maps or something. Awakening had really hard DLC maps that you had to prepare some real godlike units for. That stuff was ACTUALLY FUN. Why take it away??? I spend HOURS on my units in Three Houses, but its essentially only for the final chapter, really.

    submitted by /u/orig4mi-713
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    Why are Azura and Lucina so popular?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 04:56 PM PST

    Title says it all, simply wondering why so many people like Azura and Lucina. Not trying to hate on them, I've just never seen the appeal. I'd be happy to hear out why you like them, too, just know I probably won't marry either, at least not terribly soon.

    Again, not hating, I just want to know why so many seem to adore them, whether general consensus or personal reasons.

    submitted by /u/trublugamer
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    Fire Emblem Cipher in English (Edits)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 06:31 AM PST

    I've been working for some time on editing Fire Emblem Cipher cards into English just for fun. Here are those from B22 I've done so far.

    I'm looking for ideas or suggestions.

    Thank you all.



    submitted by /u/SaberRiderX
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    I Made Book of Blood tome from FE Heroes

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 09:19 PM PST

    Awakening Lunatic 0% Growths - Chapter 4

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 03:11 AM PST

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