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    Saturday, February 6, 2021

    Fire Emblem Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of February 5th, 2021

    Fire Emblem Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of February 5th, 2021

    Everyone Plays Fire Emblem - Week of February 5th, 2021

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 08:27 PM PST

    Welcome to the next installment of EPFE! This is a casual space for discussing any ongoing Fire Emblem (or related games) playthroughs. Screenshots, impressions, frustrations... gameplay stuff that would otherwise be removed as a standalone post under Rule 8 can be shared here.

    While you can of course ask for advice here, specific questions might get better responses in the General Question Thread here.

    As always, remember to tag your spoilers, and have fun!

    Last week's thread can be found here.

    submitted by /u/Cecilyn
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    Judith (FE3H)

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 02:15 PM PST

    Our good old Plegian Dark Mage

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:30 AM PST

    Awakening characters rough sketches by me~

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:36 AM PST

    POV: You Just Wanted to Say Hi to Lysithea

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 12:27 PM PST

    POV: You got complacent and overextended your unit (Rain version)

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:50 AM PST

    [Original Art] The Crimson Flash, Marisa

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 08:06 AM PST

    Wild Thought: The Agarthans are Dark Foils to the Main Characters

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:46 AM PST

    Dimitri, like Thales, becomes so consumed by the idea of exacting vengeance in the name of Justice that he becomes an uncaring rage monster. So focused on ending his one true enemy he will do any deed, sacrifice anything, everything, to see his vengeance done. Except Dimitri let the blinding rage go and found a cause beyond it. Thales never did.

    Solon, like Claude, is a schemer. While he does have some ambitions and goals, he's not too arsed about failing here or there, and moves on to the next thing casually. They both infiltrate Garreg Mach using genial, well meaning masks to hide their darker intentions. Though for all his interest in poisons, unlike Solon Claude never unleashed a plague on students just because he could. And wouldn't. Probably. And the one time he endangers the populace of Deirdru its a military strategy, one that Edelgard uses in Enbarr to direct battle to certain parts of the city.

    Kronya, like Edelgard is a child who was molded into a tool by TWSitD. This is speculation, but Kronya just comes off as so much younger than Thales, Solon, and the rest, that I assume comparatively she's around Edelgard's age in Agarthan years. They were made to be tools, exploited for their usefulness and discarded when they outlived it without a care. Kronya reveled in her power, developed a sadistic glee in causing mischief and strife. She has no greater ambition than her instant gratification, no consideration for others outside herself, and when she threatens her superiors plans, she's left with no one to reach out to as she's casually sacrificed. That is in stark contrast to Edelgard. Her loss inspired her to use the power forced upon her for her own cause, a cause that would ensure that no more people suffered like she and her siblings for the sake of Crests. She would destroy both evils hidden in the shadows of the Fodlan, The Eternal Archbishop that rules from on high, and the Society of Bitter Hatred that manipulated from below. She would see humanity free of both chains, and create a world where people can pursue the lives they choose without regard for Crests.

    Cornelia and Rhea are thicc af.

    submitted by /u/KBSinclair
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    Here is a simple drawing of Flayn :) Have you included her in your team?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:38 AM PST

    second best Jugdral siblings change my mind

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 05:26 AM PST

    Cat Laguz Doodles - Ranulf, Mordecai, and Caineghis

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 09:22 PM PST

    NO MERCY: Mercedes killing Golden Deer Final Boss WITHOUT killing Elites on Maddening 3H

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:54 PM PST

    What makes them broken? Mage - Sage - Archsage & Dark Mage - Druid

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:58 AM PST

    What makes them broken? Mage - Sage - Archsage & Dark Mage - Druid

    Even Pent seems to know how amazing he is, this man just can't stop flexing.

    Hello and welcome back to: What makes them broken? Thanks to the beauty of democracy, the people have decided that we will cover both the mage and dark mage classes together this time. So, today we'll be covering the mage, sage, archsage, dark mage, Lopt mage, druid, sorcerer, diviner, basara, onmyoji, gremory and bishop (kinda) classes. Now, Fire Emblem games are usually easy enough to allow you to use anyone you like, but when discussing what the best classes are we need to look at who makes the game the easyest and why that is.

    Analyzing their viability through the games


    • Magic works a bit differently here as your magic avoid is based on your luck and most enemies have none of, so outdoor bosses can't enjoyy their 30% avoid bonuse against him. Because of this Merric is one of the best bosskillers in the game. He is unfortunately stuck with only 6 move the entire game, along with poor bulk and needs to wait for a while until he recieves his promotion item. However, enemies basically have no resistance for most of the game and Merric has the amazing Excalibur (which is a personal tome in FE1 & 3) on his side and if he promotes he's likely gonna be another warp user for the endgame chapters. On the other hand we have Linde who isn't very good due to her poor bases and while Aura is really strong, it doesn't make up for her many weaknesses.


    • Mage is a pretty useful class in act 1 as enemies have no resistance for the most part and the 4 move they suffer from hasn't become that bog of an issue. Afterwards you bench that loser and get the new chad Luthier. Luthier is one of your best combat units for the rest of the game and even 2RKO's Desaix which isn't an easy feat and he has the very good Excalibur which boasts great accuracy in FE2, which often makes FE6 hit rates look high. He also has a great spell list with Excalibur for accuracy, Thunder for extra range and Sagittae for big damage. He can also use the prayer ring to recover the health he lost using spells and he is quite useful in act 4 when you take into account all the things the game throws at you. You also have his sister who is Linde 2.0. and by that I mean she's bad. Arua hits like a truck and that base resistance is quite nice, but nothing that great overall
    • On the other side we have Mae & Boey. The main difference between the two is that Mae starts out with thunder at base which gives her nice 3 range utility and has higher base power which makes her hit harder compared to Boey. Boey needs the lion head statues to catch up to Mae, but he's luckely muchbulkyer than Mae and can make better use of the leather shield. I'd say that in Gaiden both are pretty useful, but Mae edges out overall. They won't be doing too much in the endgame chapters without a magic ring as your pegasus sisters are gonna be wrecking the rest of the game.


    • This time enemies are quite a bit stronger compared to FE1 so Merric needs to be careful and he isn't the outstanding bosskiller he used to be. However, most enemies still don't know what a resistance stat is and he still has the Excalibur on his side. Because of the forced indoor dismounting Merric has an easier time keeping up with the rest of the cast and has reliable 1-2 range as well, however he won't keep up as well later in the game compared to Marth, snipers and heroes. Linde also isn't great in book 1 as I found it even hard to get Merric to level 10 before the game ended, yet alone her. However, Linde is significantly better in book 2 as she comes much earlyer. Since most enemies have 0 AS she can double most of them with a single speed level up making her a great combat unit. She can also do some enemy phase nosferatu tanking as well. She doesn't need to wait for promotion very long ether as she can recieve the bishop ring through the chapter 5 secret shop. Merric and Arlen come with unimpressive bases, but they can both early promote to fix said bases and be decent combat and utility units for the rest of the game. Jubelo also exists


    • This is a bit of a sad one as enemies still refuse to have a resistance stat, but the problem with mages in this game is that they start infantry locked, so they are gonna be left in the dust compared to your mounted units. Azelle does have some good contributions in chapter 1 and can promote into a mounted class, but he struggles in the arena and by the time he's promoted the game is likely over. Tailtiu gets rid of some pirates to protect Claude and that's the end of her contributions. Lewyn kills a few bandits in his joining chapter and easely clears the arena once he gets the Forseti, and that's about it. Tinee has no purpose. Now, Arthur is interesting as he would suck, but if he has Lewyn as his father he can get the Forseti and kill most things he encounters and use the paragon ring to promote quickly. Afterwards he hops on a mount and becomes amazing for the rest of the game. Some people say that he should never get the paragon ring as it's better on Leif and Seliph, but they don't need it all the time or that Ced is the better user of Forseti and I'm not gonna go onto that whole debate, but I ask who else does Arthur work well with. Maybe, Lex since he gives him vantage and paragon, but I never found it to be that great as Arthur lack any really good tomes. Anyway, this class sucks here unless you're Arthur with a good father.


    • This is where the fun part starts. Miranda is lol since her promotion actually makes her worse in the last few maps, however Asbel is amazing. His bases are pretty decent, but his main utility is to give him the Ced scroll so that he could get a 105% speed growth which would make him double very quickly thanks to the low enemy quality in FE5. Because of this and the insane promotion bonuses Sage gives him Asbel is easely the best bosskiller for the majority of the game, being able to even deal with the OP gate bonuses bosses recieve. He even gets staves upon promotin and we all know how busted those are in Thracia. However, Asbel likely won't be trained up quickly enough to make the best use of staves as he will likely be more focused on combat, but still, he's amazing.
    • We get our first dark mage and he's pretty good. Cyan Salem sadly isn't notable because of his dark magic as it's too haevy and he makes the best use of wind tomes instead. However, none of that matters because he joins with C rank in staves. His magic might seem a bit shaky, but there are so many ways to boost it that it's not a problem at all for him to hit the tresholds necessary to inflict status effects on most enemies. Anyway, staves are great and so is Salem.


    • This is a bit of a strange turn as while magic is pretty great in the Binding Blade there also aren't that many great users of it. Lilina joins too late for those bases to be salvegable and she doesn't have anny good growths in anything besides magic, Hugh can early promote, but you might as well just recruit him at the lowest price just so you could save more money for the BOOTS in chapter 21, so our main star of the show is Lugh. Lugh is a pretty standard mage in that he has no physical durability and mostly relies on his growths. Lugh is pretty valuable in the earlygame chapters as FE6 enemies are quite bulky and Lugh deals safe and reliable chip damage which is greately appreciated. He also has pretty good growths for FE6 standards and thanks to the low weight of tomes in FE6 he doesn't fear being slowed down despite his low constitution. Unfortunately he lives and dies based of his growths and while his promotion bonuses are pretty strong they only help so much. As such Lugh is mostly gonna be relagted to dealing chip damage, particularly using Aircalibur against the dangerous wyvern riders.
    • Raigh is just bad since dark magic kinda sucks in FE6. However, Niime shows us why you should use prepromotes. He joins with great bases and a very notable A rank in staves, meaning that she can use warp at base and thanks to her high base magic and the +5 magic boost from the Apocalypse tome Niime is the best warper in the game once she joins. She can even have a reliable enemy phase against the chapter 21 wyverns with the constitution ring and 2 speedwings. This grandma is just plain awesome. Also, Sophia is just a free Flux tome and guiding ring.


    • Erk is pretty decent. Tomes start being much heavyer in this game so while enemy quality is low he might need a few speed level ups to double consistently. He will still be able to deal fairly consistent magic chip damage. Erk's promotion is mostly there to give him more durability, but it also gives him E rank in staves. While this may seem useless, because there are so many defend chapters in FE7 Erk can reach A rank in staves even in LTCs, along with having decent magic. Nino is and Est, so we know how this old story goes. Now, Pent is here to dunk on everyone because he joins with bases good enough for endgame and both an A rank in staves and an A rank in anima. Because of this he can use any staff in the game at base and he will one round almost every normal enemy left in the game with a thunder tome. Pent even has an A rank support with Louise which improves his bulk. Overall, Pent is ridiculous.
    • Canas is our only dark mage this time, but he's luckely pretty good. He joins with a high base level which makes him the most likely magic user to promote first. While he won't be able to double at first, thanks to the +3 speed from promotion along with the +1 to con and FE7 enemies being the slower than most turtles he doubles and one rounds consistently with Flux. He can also enemy phase the Cog of Destiny valkyres with Luna and a barrier boost. Luna tends to be really overrated when talking about Canas honeslty, but he's still a great unit. Also evidence that everyone was bad at the game at some point.


    • Lute is quite funny as she's pretty much an earlygame Est. She can start one doubling and likely one rounding enemies with a few level ups and can deal some safe chip damage from a distance. She also has access to the mage knight promotion which gives her a lot of additional constitution and a mount. Sadly, she isn't very good in any type of faster playthrough as she lacks a mount and she doesn't have good enough bases to justify using. Saleh is our OP prepromoted mage and he's als excellent combat wise. He unfortunately comes with C rank in staves which means he's unlikely to reach A rank staves before Artur, even on Eirika route. Still, he is pretty useful as far as combat goes and can get to B rank staves in Eirika route for physis support.
    • Knoll isn't that great. He comes ready for promotion, but he's just kinda mediocre overall. He doues have access to the very cool summoner class which is insanely useful in 0% growths, but on regular playthroughs it isn't that useful.


    • The devs seem to have finally caught onto how good these classes were so they nerf them quite a lot. They now have armor knight movement and tomes are significantly weaker. For example Soren deals a whole 4 effective damage when using the wind tome. You also don't get any prepromoted staff users this time around, besides Elincia technically. However, this doesn't matter that much because of BEXP. BEXP pretty much allows all of your mages to quickly snowball and promote so they can use staves and later they can use siege tomes to just get rid of annoying enemies or just skip some maps entirely. This is definetely a weaker game for them, but they're still useful.


    • Yeah, so this game just straight up kills them. They still have the usual durability problems, but this time they have to fight enemies with actual decent resistance. Another problem is the high quality of enemies makes them unable to double most of them and they still have the low movementthey had in PoR. Another thing is that their speed cap is comically low. Fire based arch sages have the same 3rd tier speed cap as swordmasters. Yep, most archsages only have a slightly higher speed cap them swordmasters. Don't even think about promoting them to get staves as they will be stuck with E rank staves and the healing items in RD give back plenty HP already. Even their tomes aren't that strong and powerful 1-2 range weapons are easy to get most of the time thanks to forging. A terrible game for them.
    • Pelleas is our only dark sage this time and he isn't very good. He's an Est type unit and suffers from the usual problems magic users in RD already do along with having shaky accuracy. He can at least get B rank in staves upon promotion, but even that isn't that useful.


    • They unfortunately don't have access to the ridersbane, so their combat isn't that impressive. Even Merric and Linde dont have exclusive access to their tomes anymore. Still, they can deal some useful chip damage as most enemies don't have that great resistance and Merric can either OHKO or cripple dangerous enemy flyers with the Excalibur. Sages do have access to staves so you could get them to C rank staves so they can user warp, but bishop is generally better for staff utility and it might be harder to get them to that level on faster playthroughs.
    • Drak Mage/Sorcerer is litteraly the same class here just with -1 mageic/+1 resistance compared to Mage/Sage. Etzel is probably the best gaiden chapter unit thanks to D rank in staves though.


    • Quite a bit better here. As there is a lot more enmy variety in this game and warp doesn't exist offensive magic users have more uses, though mage isn't a great class in the prologue for Kris as it lacks bulk. Merric is great in the prologues, but he might fall behind a bit due to his somewhat mediocre bases when he joins back. Linde needs a serpah robe to survive almost anything, but afterwards she can Nosferatu tank (really notable on Lunatic reverse) or deal heavy damage through the Aura tome as it's simply not worthwile to get another female mage with B rank in tomes at this point. Etzel is also great as he can get to C rank staves with quickly for physic and can even use Merric's Excalibur to deal with the many dangerous flyers in New Mystery and maybe even score some critical hits from a distance with Excalibur or Thoron. Nosferatu even allows you to cheese a lot of the difficulty in the game with a strong female sage like Katarina or Linde. No warp also means you can get a high staff rank much more reliably, for things like the again staff. Heck, Katarina with a +10 forged thoron tome or nosferatu is considered a relaible way to deal with Medeus on lunatic reverse. While they may suffer from somewhat not having high movement and low bulk, along with the somewhat problematic 25 speed cap, this is a pretty great game for them overall.


    • This is a weird game for them as usualy enemies usually have lower resistance, Miriel joins with pretty decent magic and magic +2 is pretty good in the earlygame, sage also gives great skills like rally magic and tomefaire, along with E rank in staves which gives you access to the rescue staff. They don't even need to worry that much about movement or bulk thanks to tonics and pair up, they even have safe chip damage from a distance which is quite good on Lunatic and Lunatic+. So, what's their problem? The tomes have no might. To put this into perspective, the wind to Ricken joins with has 1 might, which makes him do 11 damage. It's almost comical. So despite the many ways to boost magic in Awakening the tomes are the ultimate burden here.
    • Dark Mage/Sorcerer is really busted in this game, that's it the end. Why? Nosferatu and Sorcerer's Vengance. If you haven't soloed entire armies with Nosferatu + Vengance + Vantage Robin you haven't truly lived. It's pretty ridiculous honestly.


    • Birthright: This time tomes are part of the weapon triangle. Magic kinda gets screwed over in Fates due to enemies like generals often having lances which have a WTA over tomes, Nosferatu is nerfed beyond belief and most enemies have good resistance. However, there are still a lot of good tomes here like the thunder tome. Orochi is your standard mage diviner, but she has access to capture which gives you access to things like Berserkers or chapter 12 Great Knights. Izana is pretty good and can make for a decent endgame combat unit and Hayato is a benchwarmer. Orochi is likely gonna promote to Onmyoji for rally magic and tomefaire
    • Conquest: Oh boy are dark mages a weird class here. Remmeber how I said that Nosfertu was nerfed to the ground, well that's correct, but it's pretty good. Zoran has showcased pretty well how strong Odin's Nosferatu tanking is despite his confusing growths and low bases, imagine if it came on an even better unit. Well you don't have to as Ophelia is pretty insane and hits like a truck. Odin does still require a notable amount of resources and is usually best left behind in the lategame chapters. Besides that Odin is pretty useful for capturing thanks to heartseeker and getting you access to Calamity gate and Horse spirit. Nyx does have some nice pair up bonuses, but the lack of bulk really hurts her. Also Odin's bulk is really overrated.
    • Revelation: You know every good thing I said about everyone in the last two paragraphs? Wellm Revelation just says to forget about it. Odin joins kinda late with meme worthy stats, Orochi isn't that great, Nyx is also a meme and Izana is dead. So, all our hopes rest on Hayato now. And he's honsetly pretty good. This is because someone making Rev actually thought about balance and made him level 9 so he can quickly get to promotion level and since you're starving for good combat unit in the eralygame Hayato is here to save the day. So, this class is carried by Hayato of all people, lol.

    Echoes: SoV

    • Mages are pretty much the earlygame kings in this game as act 1 is pretty harsh to anyone that isn't a mage so giving 2 speed fountatins to your earlygame mage is really good as they can double soilders. Mae & Boey are also pretty good and to not go into the whole debate about them I'm calling them equals. Mae is a bit better on regular efficency, while Boey is better on LTCs. Mae is good at base, while boey needs more investment, but is better than Mae with the same investment. Mae can function well as a secondary mage and has a useless promotion, while Boey just dies as a secondary mage, but has an servicable promotion. Boey has better enemy phase with the leather shiled than Mae, etc. I'll just call them equals and both are pretty good. Luthier is also quite notable as he is one of your only ways to deal with enemy barons who are incredebly bulky and hard to kill. Delthea and Sonya still suck, you could argue either has a nice place as the worst unit in the game. The main problem mages suffer in this game is the 4 movement which holds them back a lot and even the magic ring doesn't fix that issue, but they are a good class nonetheless in the end.

    3 Houses

    • Mages get fiendish blow for whatever reason, which is just the magic version of death blow. It's pretty ridiculous, get into this class if you're a magic user. After you get fiendish blow reclass your male units to dark mage as it has 1 more base magic and heartseeker. It's optimal trust me. Afterwards just go into warlock and after that into gremory with your female units. Though your male units are probably gonna wanna go into something like dark knight after warlock. The 4 movement is definetely annoying, but you can use the many tools like reposition or stride to make that a non issues for the most part. Magic is also pretty useful in 3H for the most part.

    What makes them broken?

    For the most part it's how enemies usually have significantly lower resistance than defense, so mages often hit harder than you regular units. However, the main reason more often than not is their access to staves. Staves are usually pretty great in FE, so having a unit that can both use staves effectively and fight is pretty great to have. Issues like low physical bulk also usually aren't enough to truly stop them from still being notable combat units. Heck, they could often be considered better arcehrs due to their more reliable chip damage at worst and good combat at worst. Having a class that has weapons that will always hit on the lower defense of most enemies along with having access to 1-2 range all the time along with staves is simply fantastic.

    How do we nerf them?

    It' already been done. RD feels like it was made spesifically to screw over mages. Make tomes have low might, give them low speed, low movement and only give them access to staves in a tier 3 class and even then usually E rank staves. Awakening also just gives tome comically low might. I'd personally simply nerf mages by having a good number of both magic enemies with good resistance and more regular enemies with lower resistance. FE games tend to not be the best when it comes to enemy variety, but I think this method could work.

    Next time: Monks and infantry staffbots

    Previously: Pegasus Knight - Falcon Knight - Seraph Knight

    submitted by /u/Every_Computer_935
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    Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War - Beginning | Orchestral Cover

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:28 PM PST

    Pairings that need more conversations in a Genealogy remake

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 11:57 AM PST

    Seeing as how Shadows of Valentia gave a lot more characterization to Gaiden's original cast which basically had none at all, I expect that an eventual Genealogy of the Holy War remake will do the same for its cast. Granted, FE4 is in a much better spot in terms of characterization than Gaiden was when it was first released, but I do fully expect to see many more conversations between units, however they might be implemented (hopefully through the "Talks" system like in the original, rather than a newly implemented Supports system like in recent games).

    Here are some of the pairs that I believe should get more conversations, since the dynamics between the two characters could be very interesting:


    • Lex/Azelle, Tailtiu/Azelle, Lex/Tailtiu - these three were implied to have been childhood friends long before the events of Generation 1, and I want to see more of that. Specifically, I think more interactions between Lex and Tailtiu would be hilarious, since they have the potential for some funny banter. Maybe the three of them can have their own Memory Prism-type thing like in Shadows of Valentia.
    • Brigid/Holyn - these two are parallels of one another in so many ways. They're both nobles that don't particularly act like it (Brigid being a pirate and Holyn being an arena fighter), but while Holyn admits that his sole motivation was always money before joining up with Sigurd, Brigid acted without care for lining her own pockets, and instead seeks to do good as a pirate. I could see their pairing involving Holyn admiring Brigid for finding greater meaning in her life as a pirate, and hoping to learn from her.
    • Silvia/Erinys - their conversation in the original FE4 was already kinda funny, with Silvia taking Erinys' interest in Lewyn as a challenge, and it gets even better when you see their unique title screen demo cutscene where Silvia literally attacks Lewyn and Erinys with a broken sword and demands to know what their relationship is really like.
    • Lachesis/Beowulf - Beowulf alludes to him being more familiar with Eldigan than he was initially letting on, so expanding on that would definitely help both of their characterizations, depending on how they would handle it.
    • Deirdre/Ethlyn - they became sisters-in-law, they should definitely be able to talk a bit more. They could even go the manga route, with Ethlyn thinking to herself, "She's wayyy too good for Sigurd!" Deirdre already lacked significant characterization in the original FE4, so I look forward to seeing how they expand upon her in a remake.
    • Sigurd/Quan/Eldigan - Quan and Eldigan don't even have a unique battle conversation in Chapter 3, which makes no sense. The game alludes to these three being best friends from their time at the academy in Belhalla, but I want to actually see that in action, rather than just having it told to us.
    • Jamke/Dew - After Jamke frees Dew and Edain from prison, the most notable conversation they have is in Chapter 5, where Dew apologizes to Jamke for being a pain in the neck since they met. I want to see more of that, I think it could be funny, especially since Jamke is a pretty serious guy and Dew is the opposite.
    • Arden, Alec, Noish/Literally Anyone - These three deserve more characterization. The best that any of them get is when Alec and Silvia start flirting in Chapter 2.


    • Scathach or Dalvin/Iuchar or Iucharba - it only makes sense that the two guys with massive crushes on Larcei/Creidne would try and get her brother's approval. Comedy ensues.
    • Scathach/Shannan - Larcei and Shannan's relationship is pretty well-developed for FE4 standards (sometimes unfortunately), but Scathach should get a chance to talk with his cousin as well.
    • Oifey/Shannan - this is the big one. These two spent 15+ years raising a bunch of kids in Tirnanog, they must have developed a really strong bond over that time. This is another one where I would like to see a Memory Prism situation with them raising Seliph in Isaach, coping with what happened in Belhalla, etc. They can even give them a custom paired ending (since, let's be honest, neither of them should really be romancing any of the other Gen 2 characters)

    Feel free to share some conversations you want to see happen in a remake of FE4. There's a lot of room for expanded characterization, and I barely even scratched the surface (especially with the substitutes of Gen 2).

    submitted by /u/unsubbin
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    Awakening Lunatic 0% Growths - Chapter 16

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 10:02 AM PST

    Lore Building: Flying Steeds

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:17 PM PST

    A short thing I wrote sometime ago.


    Equus pluma

    The pegasus is an equine species with light bones, and what appear to be feathered wings. The feathers are actually specialized clumps of hair, but they are still called "feathers", even though they are different from those of birds. Pegasi are the only member of the horse family that can fly. They are thought to have evolved eons ago at the same time as the common horse. The earliest pegasi lived in snowy mountain regions and had to grow wings to survive. They were likely all white to blend in, as many still are today, but other colors also exist.

    They are herbivores, like all equines. The same things used to feed horses like hay, oats, and grass can also be used to feed pegasi. But thanks to their ability to fly, fruit and leaves are also part of their regular diet. Both wild and domestic pegasi have been observed soaring to the treetops to eat the fruit and leaves. They ignore the fruit that has fallen to the ground. At first glance it would appear that they are leaving it for their wingless cousins, but they actually have a low tolerance for rotted and bug infested fruit, it makes them deathly sick. Fruit at the top of the tree is less likely to have gone bad.

    A pegasus has a slightly longer life expectancy than a horse. While horses can live for around thirty years, pegasi can reach ages of up to forty on average. Pregnancies last for one year or eleven to twelve months. Pegasi are slightly more likely to have twins than horses, with roughly 75% of births being twins. Foals can walk and run shortly after birth, but the wings on a newborn foal are too small and weak to fly with. They reach their proper size at around two years of age. When pegasi are raised as steeds, they are introduced to their riders at this time, but it usually takes one more year before they are skilled enough fliers to carry a rider.

    Pegasi reach sexual maturity at around four years. In the wild, pegasus stallions can become aggressive and uncontrollable, especially when mares in the herd are in heat. It's not uncommon for them to get into fights over mares that can result in injury. Domestic pegasi don't have this habit, due to selective breeding by humans. Domestic pegasus stallions, because of their more docile natures, don't adjust well to wild life. They are often run out of any herd they try to join by the dominant males.

    Domestic pegasi will only accept female riders. They will become spooked if a male tries to ride them, but they will allow men on their backs if they are wounded in battle and their rider is present to transport the wounded man to safety. Nobody knows exactly why, but there are a few theories. The most common and widely accepted theory: perhaps in the earliest time of human history, when people were uncivilized, hunting parties made up of men would target pegasi and club them to death. The species evolved a natural fear of male humans as a result.


    Draco bipes

    The wyvern is a species of dragon. It is the only non magical dragon species, being unable to take human form and/or transfer the magic needed to shapeshift into a stone. It is also the only winged dragon with only two legs. They have fleshy ruffs attached to their cheeks, with males' being larger. They can be almost any color, for both main body and eyes. Instead of having a magical breath ability like other dragons, they have acidic venom. This venom can corrode metal and burn skin. It often mixes with saliva, so even a lick can hurt.

    Like all dragons, wyverns are carnivores. They hunt in packs in the wild, similar to wolves. Ancient cultures believed that the first wyverns were wolves blessed by the gods and transformed into dragons. Dragons have been considered godly creatures almost since the dawn of time, and there are still some religions whose gods appear in draconic forms. Tame wyverns are fed by their handlers, but they sometimes get the urge to hunt, which can result in farmers losing their livestock.

    Wyverns can live for around fifty years. They lay clutches of two to three eggs about a week after mating, and the eggs hatch ten months later. Clutches in the wild are laid in nests that the parents dig out of the ground, often in rugged areas like mountains or caves. The parents take turns guarding the nest and hunting for food, much like many species of birds. Domestic wyverns have learned to use the egg boxes that their human companions provide. Wyvern eggs are about the size of a newborn puppy. Baby dragons of any type are called draclings. Wyvern draclings hatch with tiny, unusable wings and no venom. They gain their venom at around six months of age, but cannot fly until they're about a year old. At the age of two years, they are big enough to carry riders and are often introduced to their riders at this time. They reach sexual maturity at around five years.

    All draconic creatures are smarter than the average reptile. Wyverns are no exception, even though they can't speak like other dragons. They have a complicated social structure in the wild. They will fight other groups over food and territory, and have one individual that serves as the leader. The leader decides when the group will hunt and always gets to eat first. The draclings are kept in caves when the adults hunt, and breeding with a member of another group is illegal in wyvern society. If this happens, the group leader will kick the individual out and smash the eggs. Lone wyverns can join a group only with the leader's approval. The leader is often the biggest and strongest one in the group. To become leader, a wild wyvern must earn it by beating the current leader in a fight or being the strongest in general if the leader dies while still in that position.

    Domestic wyverns retain some of the structure from the wild groups. The leader is often the steed of the highest ranking human in the group, regardless of size or strength. But the overall structure is looser and less strict. The leader doesn't decide when to hunt, they are all fed by their riders. There are also less rules about breeding, all domestic wyverns are considered a part of the same group, and the riders usually control the lineages anyway. Wyverns accept both male and female riders and are loyal like dogs despite their scary appearance.

    submitted by /u/Dragoncat91
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    The JP FEH Twitter posted a picture of Tone Kentarou (voice of Wrys, Bartre & Reinhardt) wearing a Reinhardt mask from the round table discussion vol.2 livestream... so I decided to use FaceApp to make him smile and got the old meme smile as a result.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:21 AM PST

    Passing of the Torch Comic by @Icytomostars

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 07:25 PM PST

    Dedue Sketches (OC by me)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 10:08 PM PST

    Lore Building: Promotions

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 06:15 PM PST

    This is a short thing I wrote around the time Fates was new. It has not been changed or added to.

    Promotions are something that are widely sought after. They provide status and authority, as well as being able to master new techniques and weapon types. Many people have reported feeling more powerful after a promotion, like the gods have blessed them.

    Most promotions happen via a challenge, a ritual. The challenge is put on by an experienced mentor who decides what it should be. Most likely it will be related to the person's "class", which is a term that describes what weapons they use, if they have a steed and what kind, and other traits. The mentor will always be promoted themselves.

    Because the promotion mentor comes up with the challenge themselves, it may or may not be honest and dignified. Bandits often come up with cruel challenges involving harming innocent people. One notable incident: a thief seeking to become an assassin was told to break into a rich noble's mansion, steal a fortune's worth of valuables, and murder the master of the estate in his sleep. She failed and was almost killed by the guards in the resulting scuffle. Her mentor was jailed. Thief promotions since then rarely include stealing or pickpocketing and focus on stealth instead.

    The promotion mentor will sign a paper stating the challenge was passed. Additions may be added, such as a prayer or blessing by the clergy or a medal or badge. There's a decent sized market for promotion badges, they are all marked with fitting images and have names like "Orion's bolt" or "Elysian whip". They can be obtained by showing the vendor the signed paper and a small fee. But although pretty and fun to display, promotion badges are optional.

    On some occasions someone will be able to promote without a mentor and a challenge. Royalty can take the place of the mentor and promote whoever they find deserving of it. They have to earn it anyway, but there's no set challenge they have to pass. Nobles and royals usually promote this way. And although extremely rare, people of a lower social rank can be promoted by a royal.

    Promotion is an almost sacred event. Interfering with or sabotaging a promotion challenge or ritual is not just rude, it's taboo, and even considered a crime against the gods in most cases. People believe that anyone who does so will be punished by divine forces. Not everyone thinks that way of course, bandits and pirates have been known to turn their promotion rituals into free for all, everyone for themselves brawls and whoever comes out of it in the best shape gets the promotion regardless of who it was originally for.

    submitted by /u/Dragoncat91
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