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    Tuesday, February 2, 2021

    Fire Emblem I drew the three FE3H lords as students! (OC)

    Fire Emblem I drew the three FE3H lords as students! (OC)

    I drew the three FE3H lords as students! (OC)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:18 PM PST

    Erika and Seth, only they're from a 1996 Sega Saturn JRPG.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:54 AM PST

    Prepare yourself for the Gatekeeper ultimate form!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:30 AM PST

    Chrom: Risen King Upscaled PNG cutout

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:22 PM PST

    Boba Hilda

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:25 PM PST

    |REQ| Morgan and Anna Bonding Time by JDRider

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:27 PM PST

    A Day on the Life of Heroes - No Disarm, No Harm

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 07:03 PM PST

    Those Two Agarthans [12] - "Choose Your Legend"

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:00 PM PST

    Congrats to miss Marianne!! (OC)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:57 PM PST

    Marianne deserves the world! CYL5 1st Place Winner~ (OC)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:43 AM PST

    Marianne von Edmund... as a Flier! Congratulations for her victory in CYL 5!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 01:54 PM PST

    [OC] I tried to draw Marianne as a dancer!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 04:08 PM PST

    My Fire Emblem Favs A-Z (feel free to judge my bad taste)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:49 PM PST


    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 03:23 PM PST

    The Daily Life of My 10 Merged Marth #1 - 10

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 02:44 PM PST

    Happy Hilda Day! (OC)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:16 PM PST

    [Art] Our path (Edelgard and Dimitri)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 05:31 PM PST

    A deep dive into Crimson Flower's military campaign

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 07:53 PM PST


    Crimson Flower is often criticized for many reasons. One of the reasons it is criticized for is that the military campaign is too one-sided and Edelgard owns her enemies too easily making her opposition too weak. I disagree and believe her opponents are more competent than people let on and hopefully this post will try to convince you of why. Edelgard does win rather quickly but this has to do with her having a really strong army, Byleth support, as well as being very clever and having another smart tactician as opposed to plot convenience making her opposition incompetent.

    State of war during timeskip

    First of all, there is a dumb criticism of Edelgard that I want to address. This is to do with her being incompetent without Byleth because she made no major gains in the five year war.

    While the Imperial Army is the strongest military individually, they are up against a united front between the Church of Seiros and the Kingdom of Faerghus who rival them.

    It is Imperial Year 1185. Half a decade has passed since Emperor Edelgard ascended the Imperial throne, yet the continent of Fódlan still remains lost in a tempest of turmoil and bloodshed. In the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, King Dimitri has welcomed Archbishop Rhea and her knights, who were driven out of Garreg Mach, to the Kingdom capital. As they work to build a unified front, the war with the Empire rages on to the west. Meanwhile, Claude, leader of the Alliance, staves off Imperial intervention by strategically stirring up conflicts between Leicester lords in an effort to feign neutrality. As events unfold, Edelgard and her Black Eagle Strike Force begin to take action in an attempt to break the war's current state of deadlock.

    The Knights of Seiros may be small in number but as far as quality fighters go, it surpasses the Empire's.

    Hubert: Yes, I suppose so. Although the Imperial army is powerful, if we were to compare the strength of our best to the best of the Knights of Seiros, we would likely come up short. The Kingdom's army and House Blaiddyd are also renowned for their unmatched persistence. On the battlefield, it can be assumed that their one and only goal will be to strike you down.

    Also, the Church of Seiros is still very strong in Crimson Flower compared to the other routes.

    Edelgard: Rhea, Seteth, the knights, and the others are in prime condition. They've set up their base within the Kingdom capital. The Immaculate One and her family have yet to fight on the front lines. However, we must eventually face and defeat them. It would mean a great deal to have you with us when the time comes.

    The same should be true of Faerghus' knights who are taught to fight before reading and writing. Strength is the biggest value in Faerghus so the average citizen of Faerghus is more likely to be fit for military service which implies that the Empire having a larger population isn't as big of an advantage as it may seem.

    Felix: Why? Hm. I never really thought about that. I learned to thrust a sword before I learned to write my name. Of course, my upbringing wasn't unique. That's how it is for all children in my country. You're of no use if you can't swing a sword, however mighty your Crest may be. It was the perfect environment for me. I could live free of stodgy values and virtues. Grow strong so you may live, and live to grow stronger. That's what I was taught.

    Furthermore, in AM, when the Empire was numerically superior, Rodrigue did say that the Kingdom's forces are elite, thus implying they are on average stronger than the Empire ones but not enough to compensate for the Empire's military superiority.

    Rodrigue: I'm afraid the difference in military strength is far from negligible. While we are elite soldiers, I am still uneasy about this...

    In AM, where only the Eastern parts of Faerghus were free, Dimitri still managed to invade the Empire with an army that is half as numerous as the Empire's so I can see a united Kingdom and Church of Seiros having a military that has similar man power compared to the Empire.

    Here is proof that the Kingdom army was half as numerous as the Empire. Gilbert says that the Empire has more than double the number that the Kingdom has but this is before getting the help of Charon.

    Gilbert: We have received a report from our spy. It would seem the Empire is gathering troops at Fort Merceus. This is undoubtedly in response to us taking the Great Bridge of Myrddin. Their numbers are more than double ours.

    After getting help from Charon and the Alliance, their numbers now rival the Empire.

    Rodrigue: Even if we do receive Count Charon's aid, we still won't have the troops we need to face the Empire.

    Gilbert: But if we join forces with the Alliance, then our numbers will rival the Empire's.

    Conversely in Verdant Wind, the Alliance only has half as many men as the Empire, so do the math and you get that a fractured Kingdom is able to match it.

    Ferdinand: We captured the Great Bridge of Myrddin, but the fight has only just begun. Enbarr, the Imperial Capital, lies far to the south, beyond Gronder Field. And waiting on the way there is the entire Imperial army, with twice as many troops as us. We had better brace ourselves.

    Also, Edelgard suddenly going on the offensive when Byleth comes back is a great strategic move because they are a great morale booster which can help in making rapid advances. Also, Byleth's return would be devastating for Edelgard's opponents who would also be caught off guard by the sudden offensive when they only had to deal with a stalemate for 5 whole years.

    Edelgard: Although we were of different houses, we were companions who lived and learned together. Some of our ranks are hesitant to battle against them. However, knowing that you're alive is sure to raise their spirits.

    Finally, during the 5 year timeskip, the Empire managed to seize much of Western Faerghus while losing no territory of its own. Thus it stands to reason that while the war was at a stalemate, Edelgard was still slowly winning it even without Byleth's support.

    Hubert: Allow me to brief you on the details of our situation. The Empire firmly controls the western portion of Faerghus. However, the central and eastern regions continue to put up heavy resistance.

    All in all, assuming Edelgard is incompetent without Byleth is completely baseless.

    Great Bridge attack

    Claude was proactive enough to send Judith and her men to the Great Bridge. This is a clever move on his part because he knows how Gloucester is pro Empire so by sending his loyalists to the bridge, he prevents the Empire and the pro Imperial Alliance from linking up more formally, establishing trade and military ties, etc.

    Edelgard: An Alliance stronghold has been built at the Great Bridge. We'll take that and then head north. At the same time, we must defeat the one who defends it, Judith von Daphnel. If we can also take control of Daphnel territory, it would be greatly beneficial to us. Prepare yourselves. The next battle will be a momentous one. Join me, my friends, as we begin our journey to bring peace and solace to this war-ravaged world.


    Hubert: So, we've somehow managed to take the Great Bridge of Myrddin. That means House Gloucester should now be ready to join the fold more formally. We've blown a major hole in Claude's plans to preserve the Alliance. We should press on to Derdriu before he has the opportunity to adjust his strategy.

    Edelgard made it a goal to kill Judith and force her army to surrender creating a power vacuum in Daphnel allowing her to seize it immediately afterwards.

    Edelgard: Don't let her escape! If we take her out now, the Daphnel territory will be ours! That will allow us to march safely through the Alliance.

    Claude anticipated Edelgard's strategy and told Judith to retreat if she's ever in danger which would have allowed him to continue to hold on to Daphnel.

    Judith: The boy said to run if I was in danger, but... I could never do that. I'll hold out until reinforcements arrive!

    Unfortunately for Claude, Judith was too stubborn and attempted to retreat when it was too late.

    Claude: It seems they've set out from Garreg Mach... That's sooner than expected. Losing the Great Bridge of Myrddin was a serious blow. So is the fact that Teach is still alive. On top of all that...Judith. I told her to run if things looked grim. Damn it. So many people will die, and by my call.

    Although Judith did try to retreat after it was clear she would lose so it's not like she was incompetent but simply got overwhelmed. Most bosses stubbornly stick to their position and not retreat which goes to show how Edelgard's opponents are rather competent than the average opponents of other lords.

    (If Leonie and Ignatz, or their substitutes if they were recruited, were both killed)

    Judith: This is it... Claude, I'm sorry. I couldn't defend the bridge. All who are able, retreat!

    If Judith successfully followed through Claude's instructions, the Empire's strategy would have been foiled.

    If Judith escapes

    Judith: Avoided death yet again, huh? I'll join Claude and prepare for a counter attack!

    Hubert: Judith's escape will widen the battlefront. Our strategy's failed...

    Furthermore, while Edelgard predicted Claude would send reinforcements, she underestimated how fast they would arrive so she did fail in her initial objective of securing the bridge before reinforcements arrived. Furthermore, she didn't properly predict how quickly Claude would react, which goes to show while she can read her opponents, she has some difficulty reading Claude.

    Edelgard: We'll be capturing the Great Bridge of Myrddin, a key strategic location of the Leicester Alliance. Claude will surely be sending reinforcements, so we must prevail before they arrive.

    Ally Phase Three

    (Several Alliance reinforcements appear on the map, two of them being Acheron and Leonie, the latter if she was not recruited)

    Edelgard: Enemy reinforcements... We didn't finish in time. Don't let them secure the ballista!

    Assault on Derdriu

    Claude's first act is to prevent the civilian population from leaving the city showing he's a morally grey schemer.

    Hubert: Yes. The people of Derdriu have suddenly found it difficult to leave or enter the city. We can safely assume he is preparing for battle, but I am certain his plans extend beyond that as well. Do you not think we should take Derdriu at once?

    This is the same tactic that Edelgard uses in Enbar so there's an obvious parallel between the two which is why neither Edelgard or Claude end up condemning the other for it.

    Shamir: Our scouts confirmed the citizens haven't been evacuated. They're being kept in town.

    Claude: I've got to hand it to Her Imperial Majesty. Using her citizens as a shield to protect the castle takes some resolve.

    Edelgard managed to foil this strategy by taking over the gates that Claude had blockaded. These gates were full of Alliance troops so taking them prevented Alliance reinforcements too.

    Edelgard: It seems Claude has blockaded the city and occupied the naval port.

    Hubert: Heh. If that is the case, he will have no choice but to engage us from there.

    Edelgard: Yes. Though putting myself in Claude's place leaves me with an unpleasant feeling... If we take over the port and close the entry to the city, Derdriu will be under our control. Each soldier should bear that in mind as they advance. ...............................................

    Enemies are meeting Alliance reinforcements in front of the gates that lead to Derdriu. Defeat the enemies in front of the gates to stall the reinforcements!

    When Edelgard starts attacking Derdriu, Claude ends up flanking her army with Almyran troops. She was caught completely off guard which goes to show she can't really predict him. It is quite unpredictable because the Almyrans are feared by the Alliance and Claude's heritage is a secret.

    Claude: Now it's our turn, Almyra's elite! Strike the flanks of the Imperial army!

    (The ships on the right side of the map appear, as does Nader and two Almyran Soldiers.)

    Claude: Those fangs and claws the Alliance fears so much will now be their salvation!

    Nader: Leave it to us, kiddo! My undefeated streak will live on. Another chapter in my heroic saga!

    Edelgard: That flag and banner... Is that the Almyran army? Ugh, you really did it, Claude!

    An oft-repeated criticism of the military campaign against the Alliance is that it happens too quickly and Claude ends up turning into a joke due to how quickly he loses. I disagree with this take because as I've shown below, even when united, the Alliance is half as strong as the Empire in terms of manpower as shown in Verdant Wind.

    Ferdinand: We captured the Great Bridge of Myrddin, but the fight has only just begun. Enbarr, the Imperial Capital, lies far to the south, beyond Gronder Field. And waiting on the way there is the entire Imperial army, with twice as many troops as us. We had better brace ourselves.

    Right now the anti Imperial Alliance is half as strong considering how the pro and anti Imperial forces within the Alliance are roughly equal in strength. Therefore, the Imperial army may very well be 4 times as stronger than the Alliance army.

    Edelgard: Since the beginning, territories within the Alliance have been split between those who support the Empire and those who oppose it. Claude has been acting as an intermediary between the two, essentially keeping the Alliance pacified. As both sides are of equal strength, he's created a situation in which they've all agreed to avoid fighting each other and causing undue bloodshed. By carrying on as though the Alliance is united, he's minimized the Empire's influence there.

    Finally, its not like Claude is ideologically opposed to Edelgard so him guaranteeing its safety in Edelgard's hands isn't a major loss especially when he can simply return to Almyra so I don't see how Claude got screwed in CF anymore than the other non VW routes.

    Claude: Too true. It's best if I leave this place altogether. I'll just have to find some other way to pay back my debt to you. All I ask is that you go easy on the Alliance. After all, no one there would dare defy you. And please, treat my former classmates well. I've asked them to cooperate with you if I lost.

    Defense of Garreg Mach

    After taking the Alliance, the main body of the Imperial Army moves to the Alliance in preparation to attack the Kingdom.

    Soldier: The main body of the Imperial army is moving to the western region of the former Alliance territory to attack the kingdom. The time when victory or defeat will be decided between us and the Kingdom is close at hand.

    This made it the perfect opportunity for the Church of Seiros to launch an attack on Garreg Mach because the Imperial Army is now more spread out.

    The Church of Seiros uses Rhea's army to engage the Imperial army. This is done as a diversion so that another force can infiltrate the monastery.

    Alois: Lady Rhea and Catherine are holding back most of the Empire's army. Thereby leaving us, the expeditionary force, free to recapture the monastery! (If Alois was not recruited)

    Edelgard and Hubert deduce that the Church of Seiros will have an advantage due to knowing the terrain and secrets very well.

    Edelgard: Our enemy knows Garreg Mach from inside and out. They can come and go as they please. It would have been best if we had detected them sooner, but that can't be helped. Professor. We must hurry and intercept them ourselves. I'll leave the preparations to you.

    (Byleth nods.)

    Hubert: Heh. The battle looks to be rather cumbersome. We are still guarding all of Garreg Mach, but there are undoubtedly numerous secret passages and magic traps... There is still much about this place that we do not know. It is quite possible that they will attack from a location we cannot anticipate.

    Certainly, the Church of Seiros uses the forest to hide troops in such as Flayn. They also utilize fire to create an opening in order to create another breach point.

    Enemy Phase Two

    Seteth: Now!

    Edelgard: Come at me, so that I may put you out of your misery! (Flayn and several Church Soldiers appear on the right side of the map.

    Flayn: The time is now! As long as we stand here, you shall not pass!

    Enemy Phase Twelve

    Alois: Now! Light it up! Like the goddess's fiery wrath, these flames will engulf our enemies. (If Alois not recruited)

    (Upper part of the map becomes engulfed in flames. Another capture tile becomes available to the enemy.)

    Shamir: Great. A path has opened for us. (If Shamir was not recruited)

    While the Empire managed to repel the expeditionary force that tried to take the monastery, the Imperial Army fighting Rhea and Catherine's army ended up getting decimated. The decimation of the army was so bad that Randolph and Ladislava, both highly respected Imperial generals, end up dying.

    Catherine: Lady Rhea. The unit that invaded the monastery has been completely driven away. We were able to make a clean sweep of those who came to attack us. However, I fear we can do nothing but retreat for now.


    Randolph: It will do no good. I can't be saved... You must know that. Ladislava has also passed... The enemy has withdrawn... You are safe now...

    I like how in CF, you end up losing two highly ranked members of the army. Compare that to the other routes where you don't really lose anyone on your side after time-skip as a result of a battle.


    Edelgard tried to get House Rowe to defect so that the Empire can seize Arianrhod without a fight. Her plan was foiled by Rodrigue entering the city and taking charge which shows how Rodrigue is quite intelligent and proactive in foiling any attempts at betrayal. Makes sense as he is known as the Shield of Faerghus and proves his title by defending the loyalist portion of the Kingdom from the combined strength of the Empire and Dukedom.

    Edelgard: What about House Rowe in Arianrhod, the Fortress City? Will they not side with us?

    Hubert: The head of House Fraldarius, Lord Rodrigue, has entered the city. It is possible that he has seized it.

    Edelgard: I see. Then it might prove too difficult to strike Fhirdiad right away.

    Anyhow a month later, Edelgard concocts another scheme to take Arianrhod. Basically she spreads the information to her entire army to prepare for an assault on Fhirdiad while in reality preparing to take Arianrhod instead.

    Edelgard: The time has come to invade the Kingdom capital. Or so I declared. In truth, we'll be advancing to a different location. Only you and the rest of the Black Eagle Strike Force can know. Please bear that in mind.

    Edelgard's strategy allowed her to fool Rodrigue into sending some of his troops to the capital. It exploits Rodrigue's loyalty to Dimitri as he is certainly going to make sure Dimitri is safe. It also exploits Cornelia's arrogance, who was sure that TWSITD have Edelgard under their control.

    Rodrigue: Cornelia! I have a report from our scouts. The Imperial army that departed from Garreg Mach en route to the capital now appears to be marching here.

    Cornelia: What did you just say?!

    Rodrigue: The speed of the army's movement quickens... They will be here to invade within days. I just sent some of my troops to support the capital. It is likely to be a fierce fight...

    Cornelia: How could this be? I have not heard a thing about... Ah... I understand now. I am the target.

    With this move, Edelgard managed to play Cornelia like a puppet, the same individual who plays Faerghus like a puppet.

    Cornelia: Ah... All is in accordance with this carefully crafted script of ours... What a masterpiece! What a delightful dance... (Note: this line was mistranslated from the original Japanese text. The original line aligns to "Ah, so this... is the script you have carefully crafted... What a masterpiece! The ones that were being forced to dance around were in fact...us!")

    Of course, Arundel saw through Edelgard's ploy and punished her for it by destroying Arianrhod, causing a huge amount of casualties in Edelgard's army as well as her new allies.

    Hubert: Ah, my apologies. I, of all people, should be able to control my discomposure. The pillars of light descended and exploded, resulting in the complete destruction of the main building and the north wall. It is believed that all key people within House Rowe, including its leader, were killed. Of the Imperial officers and men we kept at Arianrhod, about a third are unaccounted for...

    Edelgard: It can't be true... So...this is my uncle's trump card. In exchange for striking down Cornelia, he has destroyed Arianrhod!

    Edelgard managed to turn around the bad situation with a propaganda coup boosting morale in her army. She kills two birds with one stone, inspires hatred in the army for the Church as they hadn't overtly done any atrocities up to this point and also hides the fact there is internal friction within the Empire.

    Edelgard: I'm sure everyone has heard about what transpired at Arianrhod. The church has displayed their cowardice by indiscriminantly using forbidden practices to kill the residents there. Their victims also include members of House Rowe, the Imperial army, and many, many more.

    Considering how there is a legend about the pillars of light being from the goddess, linking the church to it makes even more sense than you one would think.

    Marianne: Oh, I finally remembered! The legend goes that this valley was born from the wrath of the goddess...

    Marianne: They say a pillar of light poured from the heavens and completely burned away the forest that used to be here...

    Edelgard truly is the lady of deceit.

    Tailtean Plains

    Right after Rodrigue was killed, the Empire attacks Fraldarius, taking advantage of his death for an easy victory.

    Hubert: The leader of one of the Imperial factions has already initiated an attack on the Fraldarius territory lost by Rodrigue... Soon, all obstacles blocking our path to Fhirdiad will have vanished.

    By taking Fraldarius, Edelgard aims to launch an attack on Fhirdiad from both the South and East.

    Edelgard: When Arianrhod falls, we'll focus on striking Fhirdiad from both the south and the east. The deeper we carve our way into Kingdom and church territory, the more favorable our position.

    With the capture of Arianrhod complete, the Imperial army moves to invade the Kingdom capital. They plot to send troops toward now vulnerable Fraldarius territory and plan to attack Fhirdiad from two sides.

    Dimitri shows his strategic prowess in CF, unlike when he's a boar in the other routes. He realizes that allowing the Empire to lay siege to Fhirdiad would be a bad idea and instead prepares to meet the Empire on the Tailtean Plains. He concocts a strategy where the Knights of Seiros will flank the Empire while the Empire is busy with the Kingdom army.

    Rhea: The scouts have just now returned. It seems the Imperial army is marching toward the Kingdom capital. Are you certain about this, Dimitri? As king, do you think it wise to intercept them yourself?

    Dimitri: No need to worry yourself. Even if I am defeated, the Blaiddyd bloodline will live on. And the Kingdom's territory has never been rich in resources. If the castle falls under siege, our loss is inevitable. I will deploy my army onto the plains and wait for the enemy. Please position your forces so that they can flank the Imperial army.

    Rhea: Yes, given the present situation, making the plains our battlefield is a logical choice. I have no objection.

    Edelgard managed to deduce the fact that Dimitri will try to intercept her for both strategic reasons as well as a historical one showing how well she's at reading her opponents, even more so than Hubert. It also shows she's good at finding multiple reasons to explain her prediction.

    Hubert: What do you think, Lady Edelgard? Will they shut themselves inside of Fhirdiad?

    Edelgard: They will try to intercept us. Of course, Fhirdiad will not fall so easily. Even so... If were to cut off their supply with a large army, it would eventually fall. It makes much more sense for them to wager everything on a victory at the Tailtean Plains. Byleth: The Tailtean Plains...

    Edelgard: The same plains where the so-called divine Seiros defeated Nemesis, the King of Liberation, in a comeback victory over 1,000 years ago. And about 400 years ago, the hero Loog created the Kingdom by defeating the emperor of the time on those very plains. Their goal must be to recreate that scene.

    Anyhow, Dimitri shows that he's quite deceptive and was in fact planning to get the church to engage the Imperial army first, not the other way around like he told Seiros.

    Dimitri: I was hoping they would strike the church first... We must have miscalculated the rate of their advance. Reorganize the formation. We have no choice but to buy time until the church arrives. It will be a long battle... Are you afraid, Dedue?

    Edelgard deduces that Dimitri is planning to use the church and realizes that the weather is preventing the two from coordinating.

    Edelgard: I can't imagine that Dimitri would leave the capital to the church and face us with the Kingdom army alone. He must be planning to use the church to gain the upper hand in battle. With the rain, that must be difficult to coordinate... Still, the Knights of Seiros must be around here somewhere.

    Hubert tells the Imperial army to prepare for an attempt at a flank.

    Hubert: Then we should be on alert for attacks from the side and rear as well. Inform the entire army.

    Dedue shows proactive thinking by giving some soldiers crests to transform into beasts without telling Dimitri about his plan. It's a similar last resort to Edelgard at the end of AM. Even Hubert was taken by surprise. Also, the fact that Dedue didn't tell Dimitri shows that Dedue understood that his liege would never accept such a strategy being employed which goes to show how perceptive he is.

    Hubert: What the— That Kingdom soldier just changed into a Demonic Beast. Did Thales... No. This is something simpler.

    Dimitri: This is the work of a Crest Stone... But why...

    Dedue: I gave them Crest Stones from the castle vaults.

    Dimitri: You fool! Why did you do that?

    Dedue: If we lose here, the Kingdom falls. It's our only hope.

    Dimitri: You call this hope?! Well, we must now claim victory so their deaths were not in vain.

    Dedue was also smart enough to command the soldiers to transform in phases which means not to transform all at once. This puts uncertainty in even Hubert and makes the Empire more prone to making rash decisions due to having to kill soldiers quickly to avoid having them transform.

    (After a second Kingdom soldier transforms into a Demonic Beast)

    Hubert: This battle may turn against us if we allow any more of them to transform. We don't know which soldiers have Crest Stones. We must do away with all of them, and quickly!

    The Kingdom is still sending its own reinforcements from Gautier territory which shows it is putting its all and even Edelgard feels there's a possibility that the Empire can get overwhelmed if they don't defeat the Kingdom generals quickly.

    (Reinforcements enter from the north)

    Kingdom General: Gautier reinforcements have arrived! We shall crush the Empire weaklings! (If Mercedes was recruited)

    Edelgard: Reinforcements... We're in danger. We must defeat the enemy's generals before we're overwhelmed.

    After Dimitri's death, the Kingdom army is in chaos which Rhea exploits by having them act as a distraction so that her own knights can retreat back to Fhirdiad. She also keeps morale in her knights by invoking the goddess showing how even when things become tough, she can still keep order. Rhea using Dimitri's men as pawns for her own is an interesting role reversal to how Dimitri attempted to use the Knights of Seiros to preserve his own forces. Rhea basically ends up outplaying Dimitri in his own game.

    Church Soldier: Lady Rhea! King Dimitri has fallen in battle! The Kingdom's army has retreated! It is impossible to preserve the front line! (if Seiros was defeated before defeating Dimitri)

    Seiros: Gah... Everyone withdraw immediately! Fall back to Fhirdiad! The goddess is watching over us! If we hold strong we will surely be saved!

    Church Soldier: Understood! Retreat!


    Edelgard: Rhea... She is our enemy, but I must admit that she plays her cards magnificently.

    Hubert: You mean using the goddess's name in order to boost morale?

    Edelgard: That's true, but she also shows great skill in devising her tactics. Using the bewildered Kingdom army as a shield while she and the knights retreated... If they ran all the way back to Fhirdiad, it will be very difficult to pursue them.

    Attack on Fhirdiad

    Rhea's now desperate for revenge as her chances at outright winning her zero. Catherine suggests to flee Fodlan for the time being but at this point, Rhea is no longer interested in retreating.

    Catherine: Lady Rhea...Or rather, Lady Seiros. The Imperial army is calling for our surrender. Is it wise to ignore them? Perhaps we could leave Fódlan and devise another plan...

    Seiros: We shall not surrender. We must not lose! Even if it must split the heavens, we shall not yield to the wicked ones!

    Her plan is to set the capital on fire, making it hazardous for the Imperial army to fight in. This is also going to cause the Knights of Seiros to eventually perish as well but at this point, Rhea is willing to sacrifice everyone for the sake of revenge.

    Seiros: Now, Catherine. Set fire to the city. The Imperial army will burn in the flames of eternal torment!

    Catherine: What?! No, you can't do that!

    Seiros: Catherine. Now.

    Catherine: As...as you wish. But is there truly no other way?

    Seiros: I have no patience for foolish questions. I shall sacrifice as many lives as it takes! That apostate who insists on taking everything from me...will by crushed by my own hands!

    I don't really understand Rhea's logic in setting the capital on fire. The explanation is that it will prevent the Empire from bringing in large forces which is true and it did successfully prevent Edelgard from launching an all out assault on the capital from two directions.

    Catherine: With fire raging all over the city, our enemies won't be able to advance in large numbers. Instead, they may try to defeat us with small squads of elite warriors.

    The Immaculate One: Indeed, I suspect as much. And at their head is the one who stole my mother from me and likely that mutinous whelp, Edelgard.

    However, what if Edelgard just decided to let the city burn and not have her army enter it? You could argue that Edelgard would not allow so many civilians to perish in the flames but why would Rhea think this?

    I suppose an argument could be made that Edelgard trying to avoid pointless deaths due to delaying her offensive is proof she would not allow civilians to burn.

    Hubert: Their silence speaks volumes. Shall we commence our attack?

    Edelgard: I'll wait just a moment longer. There are still many residents within the city. Unlike my attack at Garreg Mach five years ago, the church will not allow the inhabitants to evacuate. What the hell are they planning...

    But that could simply be because she wants to preserve her own forces which is more likely to be assumed by someone who hates Edelgard.

    Anyway, if you find any way to rationalize burning Fhirdiad being a strategically good move, please feel free to share your rationale.


    Overall, I hope everyone has gained a better appreciation of the military campaign in CF. Sure it's short but a lot is happening on both sides of the conflict.

    On a final note, I would like to refute this notion of Edelgard being more competent on the other routes. People say that because Edelgard controls far more territory in the other routes, she's more competent. But that's mainly because of Cornelia's coup. She ends up on the losing streak once the actual route starts and never recovers.

    submitted by /u/lcelerate
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    I drew Mitama and Caeldori ✨

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 11:21 AM PST

    It happened lads

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:51 AM PST

    So uh, how bout that CYL?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 08:58 AM PST

    f!grima commission i did for a friend:)!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 03:27 AM PST

    Made Edelgard dressed as tall vampire lady, no idea what I was doing.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 10:59 AM PST

    To celebrate the 4th Anniversary of Fire Emblem: Heroes, here is my Fire Emblem corner in my room! Thank you Fire Emblem for all the fun memories!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2021 09:17 PM PST

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