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    Tuesday, May 18, 2021

    Fire Emblem The future is not written [Lucina Fanart][OC]

    Fire Emblem The future is not written [Lucina Fanart][OC]

    The future is not written [Lucina Fanart][OC]

    Posted: 18 May 2021 03:14 PM PDT

    Happy birthday, Raphael, you big, good boy!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    Japan is getting Genealogy of the Holy War this month for SNES Online.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:12 PM PDT

    Here's the May 2021 update for SNES Online in Japan: https://youtu.be/J2yr1rha4Ao

    submitted by /u/Asad_Farooqui
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    I drew Sylvain and Dimitri! (t: @fufufuyu)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 05:18 PM PDT

    Lucina beadsprite

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:37 AM PDT

    I designed a Ferdinand plush!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    Inigo is an incredibly well-written character. Here's why.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 05:26 PM PDT

    As a disclaimer, this is actually just an edited version of a write-up I released around a year and a half ago, but since that was right after Three Houses came out I'm guessing most people reading this have not already seen this. If you have, my apologies!

    Inigo is one of my all-time favourite characters in the series. Between Awakening and Fates he gets a pretty hefty amount of screentime, which really helps to flesh out his character. Unlike Owain, I believe Inigo's character development was done extremely well across the two titles, and this arc really helped solidify him as a well-written character with a lot of depth and charm.

    Where relevant I am assuming this is Chrom!Inigo, as that is the Inigo I'm personally familiar with. This only impacts a small handful of supports and the analysis is mostly unaffected by it, so no worries if that's not your ship!


    The fierce, fabulous, flirtatious fighter! Being the son of Olivia, Inigo has a penchant for dancing, but contrary to his usual outgoingness, he's quite shy when it comes to showing off his moves. Inigo, at a glance, is a fairly one-note character. The man flirts...a lot. Is her heart beating? Well, that's every box on Inigo's list checked, and he's already after her with a rose in hand. His flirty antics, while deplorable, create plenty of hilarity, since he also acts terribly pathetic at times. Occasionally he can be a bit sassy, and he has a tendency to make exaggerated statements, often statements of woe after a date gone wrong. However, between all of the philandering, Inigo does occasionally showcase true, heartfelt compassion for his fellow Shepherds.

    We meet Inigo at Duma's Gate, where we get a quick overview of what we should come to expect from him. He's using cheesy lines in an attempt to seduce a village maiden who he just saved from bandits. He's brave in the sense that he's willing to put his life on the line for her, but his motivations are certainly not pure. If recruited by his mother, we learn that Inigo also has a bashful side, though despite that he also doesn't miss a beat on throwing a compliment her way. If recruited by Chrom as his father, he'll mention being Lucina's younger brother, a crown prince of Ylisse, and even that he bears a Brand of the Exalt in his right eye, a detail I absolutely love. Chrom is shocked at Inigo's behaviour, but also seems happy to learn he has a son as well. After the battle, and an interrupted teatime, Inigo joins the Shepherds on their quest to kill Grima.

    Inigo's support with his father is one of my favourite supports in the series. It begins with Chrom trying to figure out why he's so different from his sister and is completely dumbfounded by Inigo's exclamation that he won't stop until he has every girl falling at his feet. The first glimpse of Inigo's sassy side can be seen here when he corrects Chrom that he didn't travel across time to be popular with girls, rather, he traveled across to be popular with all girls. Later, Chrom notices that Inigo is trying to hide a leg injury. Inigo's reason for this deception is to keep up his facade of being invincible, to which Chrom loses his temper and scolds Inigo for his unrelenting focus on girls above all else. However, Inigo reveals in an uncharacteristic rage the hellscape he had to live through in his time, and through the pain of losing his parents and the constant Risen barrage, he felt a need to keep a smiling face so that people could look up to him as a beacon of strength (not unlike his sister's goal in choosing to use the name Marth). Though the line doesn't change depending on who his father is, I quite like it in this context, since it makes a lot of sense that the prince and princess of Ylisse would feel the need to put out a strong aura for the people of their country. He then claims he's all smiles and jokes since he feels he can't show weakness to the world. Even after the outburst, he still thanks Chrom for his concern for his injury. In the final part, they both apologize for their previous words and Inigo reveals that beneath his smiling face he's a sensitive and even occasionally pessimistic individual (though what this usually means is that he'll cry a lot after a failed date). The support ends with Inigo embracing his father tightly after receiving some heartfelt words of love from him, with them promising each other they won't lose one another. This support really tugs at my heartstrings. While Inigo's philandering is no less Inigo than his behaviour shown in this support, it reveals that there is much more to him than meets the eye. You get an intimate look as to how the war in his time affected him and how much it means for him to be here now for a second chance. His love for his parents is deep and he's incredibly grateful to be reunited with them.

    Inigo's support with Olivia revolves around Olivia attempting to sneak a peek at Inigo's dancing routine, which Inigo is attempting to practice in secret. This support also reveals the origin of how he started his awful flirting habit. Turns out, when Inigo was a kid he was extremely shy. When he asked Olivia for advice on how to overcome his shyness (I hear the Onett library has a good book on the topic), she suggests that talking to women would be the best solution. This support doesn't involve the same angry confrontation that Inigo had with his father, but it trades that for further focus on the heartfelt reunion between parent and child. It's revealed that the dance Inigo has been working so hard on is one that Olivia taught him in his time. However, the second half of the routine is different, since she died before she got the chance to teach it to him. Olivia promises to teach Inigo the second half of the routine in this timeline, however, and that part of the support makes me so emotional. Inigo tears up while telling Olivia how he used to dance in front of her grave to hear her thoughts, and there's just so much raw emotion in those lines that I absolutely adore seeing from Inigo. Inigo always, always, speaks from the heart, for better or for worse.

    Despite all of the battles and dating misadventures, Inigo's real dream is to be a dancer like his mother. In the Harvest Scramble DLC, he's distracted from fighting Risen by the stage and decorations inspiring new dance moves for him. He speaks with Brady about a dream they had in their time, where they'd travel from town to town as a duo, Inigo dancing and Brady playing Violin, with their goal being to cheer up the townsfolk in such dreadful times. In the Hot-Spring Scramble DLC, Laurent takes the role of therapist a bit with Inigo, getting Inigo to open up as to why he is so bashful when it comes to his dancing, despite his otherwise quite open personality. His goal is to make people happy and smile with his dancing, but he's afraid that if he messes up his routine, people will end up laughing at him for it. Laurent assures him that by stifling his passion by being paralyzed by these conflicting thoughts, he leaves no room for growth, and he convinces Inigo to start being more open with his dancing, a little bit at a time. Inigo, like all of the Awakening children, is held back in some way by his past. But he shows real maturity when he puts forth the effort required to overcome these inner hurdles, slowly but surely.

    The Future Past DLC has Inigo refusing to leave Owain's side, despite Owain's insistence that it's the soundest strategy. Inigo values his friends, and the sacrifices all of their parents have made, too highly to abandon Owain, even when the odds are stacked against them. At the end of the DLC, he reveals that he doesn't feel the urge to flirt so often anymore, since his dancing puts a smile on girls' faces without him saying a word. It's proof that Inigo's real passion, above all else, is to make others smile. That's something I find super admirable about him and is something I feel is easily lost about the character at a surface glance.

    While it doesn't reveal anything of note about Inigo's character, there's a fun reference in the Lost Bloodlines DLC. Inigo has a battle conversation with Larcei, who is absolutely not having his flattery, claiming she's heard enough to last a lifetime. This of course is referring to Iuchar and Iucharba in Genealogy of the Holy War, who both have crushes on Larcei. I'm a fan of Larcei as well, so seeing these two have a battle conversation is pretty awesome.

    A lot of enjoyment from Inigo's support conversations comes from Inigo's various wacky lines, ranging from his awful attempts at hitting on a girl to his sarcastic responses. So, I decided I had to highlight some of my favourites. Narrowing down to just this many was not easy.

    "Then she said she'd rather sleep in an iron maiden than talk to me again! ...Er, and she may have also mentioned something about a chastity belt."

    "Glib banter? Moi? Why, Robin, you do me a grave injustice! What you see as glib is the unvarnished reverence of a heart that yearns for love!"

    "Ha ha! I'm fine, Lucina. It's called miming! That was my "man trapped in a box." Entertaining, no? And entirely silent! Mother taught me that one. She said she uses it quite often."

    "I'd sooner die loveless and alone than touch that thing! Look, you're the older one! You do it! Father told you to protect your little brother, didn't he?"

    ""Every ally hurt within a hundred paces adds a power multiplier..." "At +5, a special move is unlocked that can fell the enemy boss in one hit." Well, that IS impressive! I'm surprised you even need us around, frankly."

    "Easy for you to say. They were fawning over you! Well, good for you, Mr. Popular. I'm reeeeeeeeal happy for you."

    "Huzzah! I got a heavily qualified and slightly sarcastic compliment from Severa!"

    "Oh, wait! Or you could say... "Hey baby. Ever ridden a wyvern before?" ...Oh, that's good. I may have to start riding wyverns so I can use that line."

    "I WANT TO BE MANHANDLED! This makes FOUR TIMES I've taken you out and had the ladies completely ignore me. How does this keep happening? Huh?!"

    "Ha! Everyone thinks they know Inigo. Well, they don't know squat! ...But, yes. That's what happened."

    "I... I just saw my life flash before my eyes... I saw the faces of a thousand girls, dressed in black. They...wept for me."

    Inigo's philandering is inexcusable. Even with the purest intentions, the women he talks to are rarely appreciative of his advances (though he surprisingly hits it off with Mia from Tellius). He also has a tendency to whine once and a while when things don't go his way. We've also seen how he values his friends and family above all else, and that when all's said and done, he just wants everybody to smile. He's deeply pained by his past, and sometimes that pain holds him back, while other times it's what keeps him going. Inigo is a flawed character, but a respectable one, in my eyes. However, after the events of Awakening. Inigo, Severa, and Owain make a deal with Anankos, and end up in the service of the Nohrian royal family. This leaves a whole 'nother game to see what Inigo's like.


    In Fates, Inigo ends up becoming a retainer to Prince Xander of Nohr. He takes up the name Laslow in order to hide his true identity, but for consistency's sake, I'm going to continue to use his real name, Inigo, while writing about him.

    Inigo's support with Corrin highlights how Inigo's grown a bit more introspective than before. His life in his original world, the war in the Ylisse of Awakening, and the journey that led him to Fateslandia, have all given Inigo some life lessons and maturity. Some of my favourite quotes in the series stem from this support conversation, where he focuses on how you should cherish each moment since you never know where life will lead you next.

    "Hm. I suppose you've a point. But I prefer to treat each meeting as if it were special. Because it is! We will never meet precisely the same way at the same time again. I think we should treasure every moment of our lives as much as most do gems"

    "Milord, if I may be frank, I feel that parting is a deeply sorrowful thing. If it were up to me, I'd never have to say farewell to anyone. I've had to do that far too much in my life... But it is not up to me. It's a part of life. And life cares little for our feelings. So it is, I suppose, as important to learn to let go as it is to cherish every moment"

    "And besides! The sorrow of parting makes reunion all the sweeter, does it not? And saying good-bye to one person usually means saying hello to another. If I had not said good-bye to many people I loved, I'd never have met you, for example"

    Though Inigo was taught these lessons through a harsh life of war and death, I think it's applicable to many of our lives, pleasant as they may or may not be. A common event for many that this could apply to is graduating from high school or university. Friends you may have known for years and talked to daily may simply disappear from your life. Sometimes it may take a few months, maybe a year, but often times you will eventually drift apart, and it is sad. But the memories made with these friends and how they shaped you never leave, and wherever life may have taken you, you can meet new people, make new friends, and create new memories.

    Azura is my pairing of choice for Inigo. They're both performers who are foreign to the land in which they now reside, and they've both lost their parents, but they speak of how their mothers (adoptive mother, in Azura's case) push their growth as performers, even though both Olivia (of Inigo's initial timeline) and Mikoto are both not with them anymore. Azura gets Inigo to put all of his passion into his dancing, and in return, Inigo lets Azura know that her singing's effects are more than just her pendant's powers. In this way, they help each other grow as performers. Their relationship is kind of poetic, with one of them singing, and the other dancing, it almost feels like they were made for one another, which is reflected in their S support. I also find the bloodline of Shigure and Soleil fascinating with my pairing preferences, since it means Shigure and Soleil have both Ylissean royal blood (and therefore Brands), and Vallite royal blood in them.

    Inigo actually helps redeem what is probably Fates' least popular character, Peri. Well, somewhat redeem anyway, there's no truly excusing Peri's actions. Inigo has spent his whole life killing just to survive. When he traveled across time in Ylisse, he remarked about how the change from killing Risen to killing actual people haunted him. So when Peri tells him about how she'd kill her servants if she got mad, Inigo is rightfully horrified. He tells her about how even their enemies are people, with lives and families of their own (something he brings up in other supports too, showing how empathetic he is during war), and this actually manages to get through to her a bit. She later opens up to him about how her mother died, and they find common ground together through that. Peri shows real empathy for probably the first time since her mother died thanks to Inigo's own caring heart.

    Some aspects of Inigo never change. He's still always looking for a date, and his efforts rarely end well. He also keeps some of his quirky behaviour, such as when he asks Mozu to repeat her compliment to him, just because he doesn't get them very often. Plus, he keeps his sassy side, even when talking to his lord, Xander.

    Xander: I've had complaints of a royal retainer hitting on women in town. ...Some of whom were even in the presence of their spouses at the time.

    Inigo: Oh? Do you... know the identity of this gorgeous fiend, milord?

    Xander: It was you, Laslow.

    Inigo: Ah, indeed. Once again, your powers of deduction astound me, milord.

    Inigo has an amazing support with his daughter, Soleil. Inigo scolds her for risking her life for him, to which Soleil retaliates that she grew up all alone in her Deeprealm, and now that she's with Inigo again, she can't bear to let him die. Inigo has a moment of self-reflection when he realizes that Soleil's situation parallels his own experience with his parents, and they end up having a close heart to heart about never wanting to lose one another. It's sweet to see Inigo understand his parents' point of view from his world, and also to make sure that Soleil never has to go through what he did.

    In Fates, Inigo speaks often of cherishing life and friendship. The weight of his past has not let up after Grima's fall, and it's possible that being in an unfamiliar world, once more without his family, and with only two others he knows, exaggerates this burden.

    Admittedly, back when I first saw Inigo in Awakening, I just enjoyed his flirtatious personality and the antics that went along with that. But as I kept learning more and more about the character, I really grew to love him. Inigo's dialogue, plus his flaws and strengths, all mingled together in just the right way to create the chemistry for a perfect character in my eyes.

    Though I haven't mentioned it until now, I'm also a huge fan of Inigo's design. While writing supersedes design for me when all is said and done, there's no denying that the design of a character does impact how I feel about them, and like with Lucina, I think Inigo just hit it out of the park design-wise. Starting with his official art, everything is pretty much perfect in conveying his personality. He does that suave hair curl with his finger, combined with his tilted head and soft look in his eye, you can tell immediately Inigo is a charmer. Though lacking full art still, his Fates portrait shows off his new look. The Fates mercenary outfit is one of my favourite class designs in the series, so the fact that Inigo gets to rock it is absolutely fantastic! By comparing his Fates portrait with his Awakening portrait, you can see a change in his demeanor. His arms are behind his back in Fates, as opposed to on his hips in Awakening, and there's a softer look on his face in Fates compared to Awakening as well. It's subtle changes like these that convey a sense of new-founded maturity before you even read the dialogue. Also, I'm insanely fortunate, since his Cipher artwork is done by none other than Sachiko Wada, my favourite FE artist. My favourite being this artwork of Inigo gallantly fighting bandits at sunset. In Fates, it's said that his fighting style is like he's toying with his enemy, and I like to imagine Inigo employing his dancing skills in his fighting, keeping him light on his feet in the midst of battle. Finally, and I almost can't believe it myself, but Inigo's Easter alt from Heroes actually made me like a Spring unit design. So much so that I actually +10'd him haha. He really does rock the outfit, with the carrot earrings being my personal favourite touch.

    Well, that's all I've got to say on Inigo. Once again, I tried my best to keep things as concise as possible, but it's easy to start rambling when talking about something you love so much! I hope I made the right decisions on what to cut and what to keep!

    If you're interested in reading more, consider checking out some of these other write-ups I've done:


    submitted by /u/PsiYoshi
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    Life is pain

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:36 PM PDT

    Fated Rivals: Grandmaster Morgan and Dreadfighter Owain [Commission from @SnipperPool]

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    I finished Radiant Dawn for the first time, and it is my new favorite game in the series.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 05:35 AM PDT

    I like to post to the subreddit when I finish a game. And for this one.... Oh boy, there is a lot I can write. I'll try to keep it short, so feel free to AMA about my playthrough!

    I think I like the game so much because it feels so unique. I liked switching armies, because it forced myself to make use of units I may otherwise never touch. I played on Normal (Japanese Hard) and it was a decent enough challenge. RD also improves on the PoR mechanics quite a lot. Bonus EXP is now better used for "patching up" units, Forging is a lot better to me because gold is less plentiful, and the open Support system is cool (no real Support convos is a minus. But I get why they couldn't put them in). And last, I think the final boss is one of my favorites. The setup with the auras was very interesting to me, and the fight was 10000% more enjoyable than Ashnard was.

    The plot is... Pretty good. Not as good as PoR, because of the blood contract and all that. But I liked it for the most part.

    I definitely want to try Hard mode eventually. No enemy ranges is a dumb change for sure, but I think I can manage. Lots of enemies stand still anyways.

    I had lots of fun moments in game, and characters I loved using. My picks for the tower were Marcia (duh), Caineghis, Tibarn, Nailah, Mia, Nephenee, Oscar, Jill, Ilyana, Shinon, and Reyson. Bonus points if you can guess who my #1 unit ended up being at the end!

    submitted by /u/LeatherShieldMerc
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    [OC] Thea and Klein have reached A-Rank Support Level

    Posted: 17 May 2021 11:56 PM PDT

    Doodle dump jeritza edition

    Posted: 17 May 2021 09:42 PM PDT

    I made Ryoma from Fates in Miitopia! Access code: 30DMKPP

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:17 AM PDT

    Fun fact: Fire Emblem Fates was partially written by a Senran Kagura writer.

    Posted: 18 May 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Yukinori Kitajima and his scriptwriting company Synthese were partially responsible for the plot and dialogue seen in Fire Emblem Fates. The former was mainly responsible for combing through the initial draft put forth by lead writer Shin Kibayashi, while the latter studio wrote the scenario for Revelation and the many support conversations seen in the final game. So there's a fun piece of trivia for you.

    submitted by /u/Asad_Farooqui
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    Would you like the Heavy Spear, Zanbato/Longsword and Halberd/Poleaxe to return in future games?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    Three Houses brought back many things that have been absent from the series for some time like the Wo Dao, the Luna Spell and the Canto ability of mounted units. However, they didn't bring those weapons I mentioned in the title and kept only the ones with the same effects we had in recent games which are the Armorslayer, the Hammer and the Ridersbane. Do you want IS to return these weapons in future games? Because I do.

    submitted by /u/PkmnTrainerLucas
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    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Delusory Dungeon: Let's Get Things Pumping!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:09 PM PDT

    FE6 Max Move LTC: Chapter 1 in 1 turn

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    FE9 Redux Tier List Round 20: Largo and Geoffrey

    Posted: 18 May 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    FE9 Redux Tier List Round 20: Largo and Geoffrey


    Welcome to Round 20: Largo and Geoffrey

    Each round will last about 24 hours in between each other. Rate the units in each tier, and give clear explanations as to why. Feel free to comment on each other and discuss why you agree or disagree. Be polite, and remember, this is all in good fun. After the 24 hours, I will review all the answers and understand what the consensus reached has been, posting the result in the next round. If there is no clear majority, a tally will be made. If a tie ensues, well the round will be extended until a tiebreaker comment appears. At the very end, a hub finalized tier list will be created, providing full analyses for FE9 units as well as a good solid tier list for the community.

    Preliminary round

    The results from the last round are Lucia F and Bastian E



    Class: Berserker (Axes)

    Joins: Chapter 25

    Base stats

    7 52 21 4 21 20 12 10 3 15 7 17

    Growth rates

    80 70 5 45 45 30 25 20

    Weapon ranks

    Swords Lances Axes Bows Staves Fire Magic Thunder Magic Wind Magic
    0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0


    Affinity: Wind



    Class: Paladin (Lances and Bows)

    Joins: Chapter 25

    Base stats

    11 43 18 9 17 19 12 21 9 11 9 35

    Growth rates

    65 50 25 55 55 20 45 45

    Weapon ranks

    Swords Lances Axes Bows Staves Fire Magic Thunder Magic Wind Magic
    0 A 0 C 0 0 0 0


    Affinity: Fire

    Skill: Paragon



    • The game is played somewhat efficiently. No grinding, boss abuse, etc.
    • The game is played on the NA Hard version
    • Killing enemies quickly is good. Killing enemies slowly is bad. Anything that results into either of these directions, be it high offensive or defensive stats, movement, 1-2 range, availability, etc is fair game. Finishing chapters quickly is cool too.
    • Personality and other story-related things do not matter. Sorry, everyone's a robot.
    • All characters are recruited. Recruitment cost is thus a non-issue.
    • This is not an LTC playthrough, so there's no need to go that extreme. But it's not a completionist one either.
    • Supports are acknowledged as a part of the character's viability
    • Votes must have an explanation with them. I'm not asking for a paragraph but the bare minimum is a sentence or two describing why you're putting X unit into Y tier. If you do not put an explanation under your votes, your vote shall not be counted
    • When it comes to resources like BEXP, characters are tiered with how well they make use of possible resources, if they have other competition for said resources and how well they perform without them. Arguments as to why a certain units deserves investment are important.
    • Be respectful


    Tiers Being Used:

    Fantastic Performance: S

    Insanely useful from the get go, always a dominant force from the moment they arrive and require little investment if any. Contributes in a significant enough manner that they always sticks out and have a substantial role. The game changes substantialy when these units are sidelined.

    Includes: Titania, Marcia, Jill, Reyson

    Great Performance: A

    Extremely useful and always a good addition to a team. Doesn't require too much investment and if they do then it's enough to make them stand out compared to most units. Biggest things holding them back are that they either don't stand out as much as the S tiers or even with investment they aren't as dominant in their role as the S tiers.

    Includes: Oscar, Kieran, Tanith

    Good Performance: B

    Is pretty useful and has some sections of the game where they stand out and help. Overall solid, isn't the most significant unit, but definitely contributes in a helpful way. Aren't the highest priority when it comes to deployment, but will definitely be one of your deployment options to fill out your team. Biggest things holding them back are good but not amazing stats, not the best class access, not the best weapon access and maybe not the best availability. Good, but has some significant flaws that hold them back from being great.

    Includes: Ike, Boyd, Soren, Rhys, Ilyana, Mist, Mordecai, Volke, Astrid, Makalov

    AOK Performance: C

    Perfectly average, they do work and can become pretty good with investment but do fine without investment. At the end of the day they are just serviceable, neither a detriment nor a priority when it comes to being used and are essentially filler.

    Includes: Lethe, Stefan, Muarim, Calill, Haar

    Iffy Performance: D

    Can perform a niche role and do something, but generally aren't that useful. Don't really do much and if they do something unique then it's usually done much better by a bunch of other units. Severely outclassed by most other units and while they can do something, it's usually pretty bleh in execution.

    Includes: Gatrie, Zihark, Tormod, Janaff, Tauroneo

    Lame Performance: E

    Straight up bad, no way around it. There are very few places where they are actually useful, and they are actively difficult units to use effectively. Can probably do something at base such as heal other units, rescue canto others or chip stuff with effective weapons but it's such a bare minimum contribution that calling them good would be a stretch. They can do something, that's the most you can say for them. Other then that they're bad.

    Includes: Shinon, Mia, Nephenee, Sothe, Devdan, Ulki, Ranulf, Bastian

    Meme Performance: F Rank

    These units are just really bad, complete bottom of the barrel. So bad that even with an insane amount of investment they either end up still bad or at best incredibly mediocre and this is accounting for immense babying and all stat boosters going to them. E ranks can at least do something that counts as contribution. These units can't even have that as a claim to fame, they're so bad that they just do little if anything in a non casual/non meme context.

    Includes: Rolf, Brom, Lucia


    The next round will be Elincia, Nasir and Ena

    submitted by /u/Kind_Cauliflower160
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    Question about Blizzard and Fimbulvetr. is it it's own domain of Magic, or is just a subset of Wind Magic?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    Having gotten into Fire Emblem through Path of Radiance and later Radiant Dawn, one of my first impressions of the nature of ice-based anima spells (Blizzard, Fimbulvetr, Rexcalibur) was that it was a subset of Wind magic rather than Ice magic, which always struck me as really interesting given in most fantasy settings the distinction is attempted to be made between the two magic forms. And in a way, that still appears to be the case.

    However, the more recent games in the series - namely, Fates, Three Houses, and the spin-off TMS #FE has put this assumption into doubt by having ice magic simply be it's own domain, full stop, as shown with the Ice Tribe and the Blizzard and Fimbulvetr spells in Three Houses being listed as ice magic. It's made me wonder if there hasn't been a change of mind to IntSys what with TMS #FE introducing ice magic (which in that game, ice has always been one of the four magic types in the MegaTen franchise), but I wonder if it isn't still just a domain of wind magic, going by the earlier portrayals.

    If anyone has any idea what to classify ice magic as, that'd be most appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Wanderer2691
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    FE Vision Quest Chapter 2-1x

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:38 PM PDT

    I found this by accident. I dont get how I triggered it. All I recall is having Honeydew talk to Gunnar during the previous chapter. Can anyone provide me any information on important stuff this side quest chapter?

    submitted by /u/S20-Urza
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