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    Wednesday, May 26, 2021

    Fire Emblem I drew a summer(?) Chrom using his resplendent idea from FeH

    Fire Emblem I drew a summer(?) Chrom using his resplendent idea from FeH

    I drew a summer(?) Chrom using his resplendent idea from FeH

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    I made female Byleth in Miitopia! ^.^

    Posted: 26 May 2021 03:07 PM PDT

    [Question] What are these background pictures on Shadows of Valentia called? Where do I find HD versions of them?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 04:21 AM PDT

    Made some Modern AU flags for various FE Nations.

    Posted: 26 May 2021 04:31 AM PDT

    Step 29: I am a geniu-oh no

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:10 PM PDT

    Just started into my first 3H Blue Lions run recently after finishing the DLC route, and it just feels really nostalgic returning as a Professor and seeing these old flashes of Garreg Mach Monastery's halls again after so long.

    Posted: 26 May 2021 04:27 PM PDT

    Somehow, it feels like Fire Emblem Echoes has been forgotten and ignored compared to it's siblings on the 3DS.

    Posted: 26 May 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    Something I have noticed is that Fire Emblem Echoes seems to have been well, forgotten.

    Compared to it's 3DS siblings, it seems to rarely discussed while Awakening and Fates still get a good amount of discussion.

    Of course, it stood no chance against Three Houses which became the shiny new game in the series and the first on the Switch. . Even in the year of its release, it seemed like Heroes even took away Echoes' spotlight.

    Even outside of Fire Emblem, Echoes seems to be ignored. It has the dubious honor of being the only game to release after Path of Radiance to not get a playable fighter in Smash.

    Ike represents both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, Marth represents the two remakes of his games on the DS, Awakening got Robin, Lucina, and Chrom, Fates got Corrin, and Three Houses got Byleth.

    So, Echoes stands alone since neither Alm or Celica got into Ultimate.

    Did alot of players just ignore Echoes or hold out on getting it in the hopes of a Switch port? I know some other 3DS games that released around the same time suffered from this like Metroid Samus Returns.

    Also once the Switch took off, 3DS game sales plummeted outside of Pokemon.

    Why does it seem like Echoes has been forgotten compared to it's 3DS siblings? Did not many people play the game compared to Awakening and Fates?

    submitted by /u/Caryslan
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    Hilda but shes uhh... very cute... IG & TWT: @Subspace.Barnacle

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    What gameplay ideas from other strategy games do you want to see in FE?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 05:57 PM PDT

    I am a huge strategy game fan. I have watched playthroughs of X-COM, Valkyria Chronicles, Civilization and etc. FE, while an awesome game series in itself, could take some other ideas instead of relying on Kaga's work.

    So, if IS could take inspiration from other strategy games series in general and implement their mechanics into their gameplay what would it be?

    An example would be X-Com's Chosen Mechanic. Uniquely powerful boss characters that you can fight and even kill but will never fully die until you get a mission to do so. They have their own seperate turn actions from the main enemy army, a far larger health bar and insanely strong/annoying abilities. Defeating them is not necessary to win the objective, but doing so will reward you with large amounts of experience and powerful equipment.

    This can give you developed boss characters that you can fight and interact with in several chapters. They might even comment on how many times you keep on killing them but they always come back to end you. This could deal with the issues of essential boss characters just randomly warping after you defeat them.

    Problem is on how to balance the ai to prevent them from completely wiping out your units. Another problem is that you can potentially keep them alive just to grind them out their experience and loot drops.

    Another ideas is utility items, one-off items that give additional tactical advantages. Mines can be dropped to either kill an enemy if they step on them or force them to take into an alternative path. Smoke bombs will temporarily blind your end enemies and lower their accuracy stats.

    submitted by /u/Educational-Course-7
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    A very bad lazy sketch of berkut I guess. Enjoy?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 09:24 AM PDT

    Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon Merciless Mode LTC Chapter 8

    Posted: 26 May 2021 10:51 AM PDT


    There are a bunch of threatening enemies on this map but we don't need to deal with most of them. At the start we are attacked by 4 cavs, since Hardin is 3HKO'd we can take two of them out on EP with our Ridersbane. However in order for Hardin to be able to do this safely we need two units that are more desirable than him. We have Wendell and Merric for that. If Merric is still at base speed then Roshea or Abel could work instead but we'd need to land more unreliable hits.

    Rogers group doesn't move consistently but as it turns out it doesn't really matter as they always end up in a workable formation. The group that moves after Roger can randomly walk in a direction where they would have a chance of killing Wendell, luckily the new recruit Roger is tanky enough to block Wendell if such an event were to occur.

    We bought a new Wing Spear for Caeda. We could have used it on the boss but it would have been unreliable. The primary use for this weapon will be to save uses on her forged spear against non boss enemies. Wendell gets 3 staff uses in on this map which makes up for the fact that he didn't use any in chapter 6 or 7 making him only 3 uses away from C rank as a bishop.

    Overall CoS: 92.8% (94.3% and 98.4% respectively)

    New Recruits:

    Caesar - Honestly not terrible statwise. Caesar's biggest issue is he comes at level 3 in the B class set which is the same base level than Barst was when he joined. Barst is already a difficult unit to raise to promotion so Caesar will be even worse. I actually do end up deploying this guy on a map later but it's not because he does anything unique.

    Radd - Negative speed base. A lot of people may give Matthis shit for being a base cav but at least his stats aren't negative. There are a lot of decent filler opportunities for an A class unit that Radd simply can't do because he has negative speed. The fact that he joins at level 1 in chapter 8 really says it all.

    Roger - Sick bases and also joins at a reasonable level. Unfortunately, Barst is better. There isn't a whole lot left in the game for B class units to do so he basically would just kill feed until level 10 and do one thing useful if we actually wanted to use him so he's not a spectacular unit.

    submitted by /u/Valkama
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    Here Comes A Thought [OC]

    Posted: 26 May 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    Was asked by a friend to make FE8 in Fates but wanted to see if more people were interested in that or just FE8 units in Fates. So there's a strawpoll

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    I haven't played Fire Emblem Three Houses for a while and has missed the characters so I wanted to share these simple backgrounds :D

    Posted: 26 May 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    FE8 PME

    Posted: 26 May 2021 08:02 PM PDT

    I want to play FE Sacred Stones again but this time I want to spice things up with FEBuilder.

    Rules: I will pick 12 units total to use, which must include both Eirika and Ephraim. I will be playing on Hard Mode Ephraim's route and using the skills patch. You may change a unit's class, level, stats, growths, skills, or personal weapons. Try to not make a unit too OP or too underpowered.

    Edits: 1. Ross (Wyvern Knight) +10% Growths + Fierce Stance 2. Moulder (Pirate) + Death Blow

    submitted by /u/Ivan_5439
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    Reminder: with FE4 now on Japan’s Nintendo Switch Online, players in the rest of the world can access it too (of course in Japanese)

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:46 AM PDT

    As of today, FE4 is available to Japanese owners of Switch Online, joining FE3 and FE1. But anyone with a Switch Online account anywhere in the world can access them too- and though they're in Japanese of course, this is still the first time that these games have officially been made available on non-Japanese hardware.

    In order to get it, you need to make a Nintendo account based in Japan, and link it to your Switch. This is a pretty simple process, and I followed instructions I found here.

    Once you've done this and can access the Japanese eShop, you can download Famicom and Super Famicom Online for no additional cost if you already have an NSO account, and these can be played on any account on your Switch, so you only need the Japanese account for eShop access. Once that's done, you have access to FE4 on the Switch! I don't know that I can recommend playing it in Japanese if you don't speak it, but if you do then it's worth doing, and if you don't it might be worth the novelty. Of course, you can also access FE1 and FE3, since they've been available to Japanese players for a while.

    Here's some footage of it working on my Switch.

    submitted by /u/Froakiebloke
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    How are man made PRF's made?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    It's something that I've been wondering for a long time. There's no shortage of divine or legendary weapons in the series, many come with locks on them to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands or keep them within a certain group of people. These are usually made by divine beings or some spirit bullshit or something. Other PRF's are more status symbols, like technically nothing is stopping other people from using the weapon other than the fact that the lord's gotta have something special. Ragnell, rapiers, and lief's Light brand come to mind.

    But there are some PRF's that don't really fall in this category I think. The Kia staff for one. As far as i'm aware, Manfroy made the staff, and then somehow locked it to his bloodline. The Eckesachs in binding blade as well, cuz as far as I know, it's only useable by the monarch of bern, but how was it even locked in the first place? or rather, how could the sword even determine who the monarch is?

    submitted by /u/PandaShock
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    I don't know why ive made 50 smash fighters (doing all) mashed up with Jimmy's dad but here they are on that insta

    Posted: 26 May 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    If Heroes existed by the time Awakening was released, do you think we'd have Heroes OC as Einherjar units?

    Posted: 26 May 2021 09:38 AM PDT


    Or, if Awakening was released today.

    Or, if a future FE game implements something like the Awakening amount of Einherjar-like units.

    Einherjar Alfonse, Sharena, Poeny, Eir...

    submitted by /u/chr_perrotta
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