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    Friday, June 11, 2021

    Fire Emblem Byleth/Rhea outfit swap (commission by @sakuuremi on twitter)

    Fire Emblem Byleth/Rhea outfit swap (commission by @sakuuremi on twitter)

    Byleth/Rhea outfit swap (commission by @sakuuremi on twitter)

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    Graduated from High School Today! Had to decorate my cap with my favorite game series!

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 03:02 PM PDT

    I drew Anna for her birthday!

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    You guys seemed to like my other lysithea drawing, so here’s another

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 08:13 PM PDT

    2nd content update for Unofficial Gay Fates is finally finished!

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    Byleth in Dimitri's Cloak

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 02:55 PM PDT

    I got all the Corrin figures!!

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 06:24 PM PDT

    Sylvain and Byleth at the Goddess Tower

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    First HHM Iron Man is going well

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 04:39 PM PDT

    After about 30 resets I finally beat chapter 1 of Shadow Dragon on Merciless (God why am I doing this to myself)

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 05:11 PM PDT

    [FE4] First Playthrough Thoughts

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    Hi everyone and Happy Friday!

    It's been a long time coming, but I finally finished FE4 and want to share my thoughts here w/ the community. I actually finished it a week ago, but couldn't do a write-up that day bc I was going out-of-town. Well, life's been a bit busy, but I still wanted to do this write-up bc this game has become my favorite FE that I've played thus far and it's also the most emotionally attached I've felt to a story/cast in a very long time... so here we go! Disclaimer: I am a pretty Casual player, do not aim for optimal gameplay/LTC, etc., so while you won't see any sort of ground-breaking strategies/analysis you haven't seen before, I welcome you on in nonetheless :)

    [Background / Initial Impressions] So I actually decided to play Genealogy thanks to Heroes— specifically, thanks to February's DSH banner, which featured Duo!Sigurd (spent 500 Orbs for a +1... pain). I love canon couples, thought their art was adorable, and had always had inklings of wanting to play Genealogy, so after a bit of research, I was up and running! I had known coming into the game that it was known for its maps, which even if you didn't, you'd quickly learn after playing the longest Prologue in the series :O. Overall, I think I fall into the camp of enjoying the larger maps. They of course take much more time/energy to play through than your average FE, but that really isn't an issue given you can save every turn, and I loved how integrated the story felt with the gameplay as a result of the larger maps. I also remember being very charmed by the graphics! I struggled with (and still have not picked back up) Shadow Dragon, as I find its graphics quite straining on the eyes, but I genuinely love FE4's!

    [Story] I'm not sure that I have much to say that others haven't before, but Sigurd and Seliph have become my favorite Lords in the series. It's hard not to root for Sigurd's tragic story and how, despite his best efforts, his fight for justice just continues to spiral further and further out of control. He is also, as Deirdre says, "in every way the man I had imagined" as a unit, but also a fairytale prince (what can I say, I'm a sucker for the fairytale romance him and Deirdre had, even if it wasn't the done the best). And then comes Seliph... sweet, sweet Seliph. I love how he gradually learns he is fighting this war for not just himself, but for the entire future of Jugdral. I really enjoyed watching him grow into the role of the savior Jugdral needed w/ the love and support of his family, friends, and country. Moving on to the villains... given my reason for starting Genealogy, it probably doesn't come as a surprise that I absolutely despised Gen 1 Arvis... and was shocked at how much I softened up to him in Gen 2. It was honestly a bit disheartening/almost unsettling to see how far he had fallen and how utterly powerless he was to protect Julia (Julius had some pretty good burns on his Dad tho, lmao). I never really hated Julius like I hated Arvis, I think bc I knew he had been controlled by Loptyr from even before we met him, whereas Arvis was just... not a good person...

    [Gen 1] It's been a long time since I played Gen 1, but I'll summarize some things I remember standing out. I remember loving Aideen's theme (criminally underrated imo), thinking Ayra was so BA from the way she was introduced, and I think the most stuck I ever got in Gen 1 was in Ch 3, fighting Eldigan (;__;). I remember getting lucky w/ the enemy AI (which, if I've read correctly, seems to be pretty random?) and having Lachesis and Quan survive a round of assaults from his Cross Knights/him. Another thing is that I did not Arena train my units in Gen 1 other than maybe one or two runs w/ Sigurd in Ch 2 or 3 (LMAO)... so I was uh... very poor, for most of Gen 1 (and most of Gen 2 too, actually). I don't love "grinding" in FE games (if you consider this grinding) and was told by someone here I could get by w/o it, and while they were ultimately right, gosh would my life had been way easier if I did! So I didn't get Holyn/Chulainn, and I also didn't really promote many Gen 1 units either. I definitely promoted Aideen and Lewyn, I think I might've promoted Erinys, and er, yeah, can't remember if I did anyone else... definitely a bit of a mistake on my part, but we got through despite it all! Cue the tears at the end of Ch 5...

    I'll do some favorites! Favorite map to play was Ch 3 (despite my struggles trying to tank Eldigan D:), favorite track was either Girl of the Spirit Forest or Disturbance in Agustria, and favorite character other than Sigurd (I always have Lord bias) was Lewyn. Speaking of Lewyn, his dialogue w/ Queen Rahna in Ch 4 was one of my absolute favorite convos in the game—I still remember being really touched by the conversation where he gets Forseti. Truly a child of the wind~


    • Aideen x Midir
    • Ayra x Lex
    • Bridget x Jamke
    • Erin x Lewyn (I actually restarted Ch 4 once, maybe twice to get their auto-marry convo, but they beat me to it both times...)
    • Raquesis x Beowulf
    • Silvia x Alec
    • Taillte x Azel

    Overall, I was happy w/ the lover convos and kids I got—some (lover convos), however, were way better than others (I was very confused at Raq x Beo, but have since read that it's typically interpreted as them splitting up?). But the lover convos were a pleasant surprise in of themselves, as I had no idea I'd get them and thought they were generally pretty cute. Unfortunately, I ended up benching a lot of the guys I didn't marry off—no wife, no fight. Sorry fellas! In terms of any changes I'd make, hmmm, I might've done Raquesis x Finn, as I would've liked to have seen him have a father convo in Gen 2 and also bc of Thracia lore. But Dermott came out pretty good so I don't have too many regrets!

    [Gen 2] I remember my heart feeling very heavy after the Ch 5 cutscenes, but getting to the end of the Ch 6 intro, where it goes "Among these proud, young warriors is a young man, dubbed the 'Scion of Light' by the people of Isaach and revered as the rightful prince of the Grannvale Empire. He is the brave young leader of the liberation army. His name is Seliph." Dang, I get still shivers typing that out :'). Ch 6 in general was really emotional for me, and I loved getting to meet all the children throughout Gen 2. In fact, I really liked the way Genealogy handles children versus Awakening and Fates. I remember much more from Gen 2 since it was much more recent and obviously can't list it all here, but some memorable events included meeting Lewyn in his new role (and seeing his whole journey unfold throughout the story), pretty much all of Seliph's convos (I really love the one he has w/ Julia about shopping in Miletos), and I didn't do this w/ Gen 1 bc I don't really remember a lot of the bosses, nor were most of my units strong enough to kill them aside from Sigurd and Lewyn, but I really enjoyed fighting Ishtar w/ Tinni. Tinni struggled to get going, but became an absolute monster for me towards Endgame (I did use Arena in Gen 2, but not until Ch 10). The first couple of times I met Ishtar I remember thinking "I'm not sure why she has such a huge fan following, she's just okay", but the last few chapters really sold her character for me, and her death quote was particularly touching. To parallel my comments re Gen 1, I think I struggled the most fighting Travant's army in Ch 9. Most of my army was unpromoted, I had split them up, and was trying to help Leif get a sentimental kill against Travant, but I can't remember if he got the final blow or not... I also surprisingly struggled a ton against not her herself, but Ishtar's falcon knight trio in Endgame...

    Favorite map to play was either Ch 6 or Endgame, favorite track was Light Inheritors, Dragon Knights of Thracia or Light and Dark, and favorite character other than Seliph was... hmmm... this is a bit harder, as I really love all the kids, but probably Ares. I loved his relationship w/ Lene, how he represents loyalty but also compassion and vulnerability, and Mystletainn is just an insane weapon. I could pretty much rely on him to take on anyone I struggled w/!


    • Fee x Arthur
    • Larcei x Johan (this was an accident, I was trying to get her to marry Lester -__-)
    • Lana x Seliph
    • Lene x Ares
    • Nanna x Leif
    • Patty x Shanan
    • Tinni x Ced

    I kind of regret recruiting Johan over Johalva, as I've read Johalva is a much more compelling character and Johan was kind of a bozo, but I probably wouldn't have ended up using him much more anyway (swords too stronk). I used most of the children, even those I didn't marry off (Lester and Faval were amazing units for me), w/ the only ones I really "benched" being Patty and Coirpre.

    Jeez... I've written so much, and yet, I still feel like I have so much I could say about this game! That's how much I love it... the OST has been on repeat since I finished, I've looked up a lot of the community's analysis posts (including the Examining the Crusader series by Skele, who btw, was such a huge help to me in answering my many questions—so Skele, if you happen to read this, special thanks to you!), and I am manifesting a remake getting announced this Tuesday. I'm ready to go through it all again :')~

    Thanks if you've made it this far and please feel free to share your thoughts! Also, I plan on playing Thracia next (haven't downloaded or even looked into anything just yet), so if anyone has advice for that, please feel free to share. I've read Thracia isn't exactly friendly to go in "blind", but I'm actually pretty unspoiled about most of its plot (I mean, other than what we know from Genealogy), so would love some advice on how to manage that and maintaining my sanity while playing :)

    submitted by /u/dimisum
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    Interesting fact about the sacred weapons and the ten elites. The elites couldn't use their sacred weapons.

    Posted: 11 Jun 2021 07:10 PM PDT

    I think the unexplained lore of this game is really fascinating and I wish they had had more time to work on the game to develop it. There are little hints about what they are. I think I just noticed one that I haven't heard brought up. The sacred weapons associated with elites' crests can't be used by the original elites.

    The Axe of Ukonsrava, which bears the Gloucester crest is an A rank axe. However Gloucester has an E rank in axes.

    The sword of maralta, which bears the Fraulderius crest, is an A rank sword. Fraulderius only has a c rank in swords.

    The sword of begalta, which bears the Riegan crest, is an A rank sword. Riegan has an E in swords.

    Finally, there's the Tathlum bow, which bears the crest if lamine. An A rank bow. Yet, Lamine has an E rank in bows.

    What does any of this imply? The weapons weren't crafted for the associated elites. They were either crafted for the dragons that came before them, or humans who would come after.

    submitted by /u/BackAlleySurgeon
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