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    Tuesday, August 17, 2021

    Fire Emblem Are you a demon, a ghost, or a human?

    Fire Emblem Are you a demon, a ghost, or a human?

    Are you a demon, a ghost, or a human?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:11 AM PDT

    Feed the horses quickly!

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    "Trust me. I don't pick dresses I can't wear." If Eirika can wear her brother's clothes, I don't see why Ephraim can't do the same!

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:55 AM PDT

    Cosplay made by me. Another photo that I like a lot.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 09:51 AM PDT

    [OC] Marth fanart :D

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 04:38 AM PDT

    I am new to this series. I am playing this one, completely blind! I know only the names of some characters in smash. That's it. WISH ME LUCK

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    My Fire Emblem shelf

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    I drew a picture of one of my favorite parings, Lysithea and Cyril. How is it? What can be improved upon? Do they even look like the characters?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    Bernie doodle (You can support my twitter @cozybambii)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    What other fantasy creatures would you like to see in Fire Emblem at some point?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 05:00 PM PDT

    Note that I don't mean Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, etc. (Goblins are a possibility, but I'd personally avoid them.) Fire Emblem is mainly about human conflicts, but that doesn't mean they can't come across fantasy creatures beyond pegasi, wyverns and dragons.

    A few creatures I'd like to see in Fire Emblem at some point:

    • Minotaurs
    • Hydras
    • Demons (something like what you had in Heroes of Might and Magic 5)
    • Rakshasas
    • Qilins
    • Unicorns
    • Centaurs
    • Treants
    • Chimeras
    • Coatls (in reference to Quetzalcoatl)
    • Genies (Djinns, Efreeti, etc.)

    I'd also like seeing a few enemies that take a page from Phoenix Point's Pandorans, which are largely inspired by Cthulu mythos.

    submitted by /u/darkdill
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    Eva+ Marianne sketch (You can support my twitter @cozybambii)

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 09:06 PM PDT

    What is a Localization change people don't talk about?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    Localization changes are very common in a script-heavy series like Fire Emblem, and there is an unfortunate buzz about it, with some actively seeking what is being "withheld" from us international fans. Many of us are familiar with some more drastic changes, like name changes, FE7's quintessence/Aenir thing, and support reworks like Garcia/Dozla's support removing references to alcohol and the infamous Corrin/Soleil support. A bit fewer are aware (from what I've seen) of things like Radiant Dawn using a different script for localization rather than the "extended" script, to mixed reception. Or how drastic of a localization we got with Shadow Dragon and Shadows of Valentia, both of which are commonly viewed as positive changes.

    Are there any changes made in localization you feel people don't talk about? A small, yet charming change, or a major alteration that no one seems to notice? Is there something in a non-English language that doesn't get much attention because of the language barrier?

    submitted by /u/ThePsyShyster
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    Hello! I want to play fire emblem.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 04:44 AM PDT

    So, I was reintroduced to the fire emblem franchise when I remembered I mained Ike in super smash bros. brawl when I was first getting into Nintendo games.

    I thought the series seemed really interesting and I wanted to get into it as a fan since I like playing strategy games with great stories. Problem is, the entire series is huge, and it intimidated me when I tried to get into it. One youtuber suggested I should play awakening for the ds, however I'm still kind of unsure.

    I can't play the newest installment since I don't have a switch, but I can play other games before it.

    submitted by /u/A_weird_ghost
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    Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude's names appear in Bluey Episode. I found out why!

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude's names appear in Bluey Episode. I found out why!



    In this episode of Bluey, Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude's names appear on boxes in the background. I got to ask the director of the series as to why. He said that he doesn't even know what Fire Emblem is. He thinks someone on the graphics team likely snuck it in as an Easter Egg.

    submitted by /u/TheRigXD
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    Which NPC character you think should've been recrutible?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 03:08 PM PDT

    The Fallen Family

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:06 PM PDT

    A Day in the Life of Heroes - Darling Younger Sister

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:41 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade - Friendship and Adventure | Or...

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 05:27 PM PDT

    FE4 arena question

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:32 PM PDT

    Should I let all my characters continue to fight in Arena until they get defeated, or pull them out if I think the enemy they're about to face will defeat them? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/patheticasthetic
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    Who from Fire Emblem could you see yourself wanting to date?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    Basically, who from the games would you be insterested in dating if they were real people based on what you're attracted to.

    submitted by /u/Mattywellk
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    I finally beat Genealogy of the Holy War (FE4) for the 1st time. Revenge complete.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    This . . . was a long time in the making. If I were to make a detailed review of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War based on my personal experience, it would be longer than both my FE10 & FE6 reviews combined. As a result, I'll go over the need-to-know details, but I'll answer more questions in the comments.


    Unlike with every other FE game I've played where I start a playthrough and do my best to finish it completely (even if it takes many months), FE4 is the first game in which I voluntarily restarted a run from scratch after not completing it the first time. I first tried playing FE4 around early 2020, but when I got to Chapters 1 & 2, I found the game to be incredibly tedious to where I dropped it entirely.

    I didn't know about secret events or how to abuse the arena, so I got FUCKED by Chapter 2 as everyone kept dying on me. What didn't help my impression of the game was that I was also playing FE9 at the time. FE9 ended up becoming my favorite FE game, so FE4 ended up looking infinitely worse. I was also extra harsh on FE4 because so many people (including certain YouTubers) kept calling it the GOAT FE game.

    A New Mindset

    Come late June 2021, I decided to give the game another chance. I knew this was a beloved game with an iconic story, so I did my best to look up guides on how to properly play FE4. More importantly, I went into the game with a new mindset. Instead of treating it like a normal FE game where each map is a deliberately designed puzzle that can be completed in one sitting, I treated the game like a long-form arena/marriage-sim RPG since that's essentially what it is.

    It allowed me to appreciate the unit-building aspects such as arena-grinding & inheritance, and I enjoyed making busted units with insane Holy Weapons. I save-scummed and arena-grinded for hours because fuck trying to play this game the normal way. Arena strats such as trading low-durability weapons to save money or trading the Paragon Ring efficiently can make or break your run. Despite the game's relatively easier difficulty, FE4 has the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 issue of teaching its own mechanics very poorly.

    I still think it's stupid design for game-changing items like Lex's Brave Axe & Arden's Pursuit Ring to be hidden behind secret events. If FE4 ever gets remade, those secret events should be hinted at more explicitly. They should take a page from the Xenoblade Chronicles series by making those events similar to Heart-to-Hearts. Those tiles should be visibly marked (like Awakening's sparkled tiles) while also listing the criteria (like specific party members and conditions) needed to view the event. For example, the icon on the peninsula tile would list Lex's name while the "Requirements" would list an Iron Axe.

    Speaking of stupid design, Kaga was a masochist for making Chapter 2. First, saving Lachesis's guards is entirely luck-based even if you rush Sigurd & Quan, requiring RN-burning at the arena. Second, you must seize Heirhein quickly to save the Bargain Ring village, but Pavise-blocking halts progress (and should be changed to 50% damage in a remake). Third, the villages are so far away that getting Dew or Edain there and back is a nightmare. Finally, the backtracking feels so padded and unnecessary whereas the Prologue, Chapter 3, Chapter 6 (recruiting Iucharba), Chapter 8, Chapter 10, & Endgame respect the player's time.

    Gen 1: Good Story, yet Slightly Oversold

    People often talk about how Gen 1 is the best part of FE4, and that's mostly because of the plot. While I agree that Gen 1's plot is the best of the two generations, I honestly think it's slightly overrated. While the worldbuilding is brilliant for its time, the storytelling itself is not nuanced enough for the kind of epic tale it wants to be.

    The foreshadowing in this game is not very good. The incest plotline is explicitly set up when Manfroy talks about it in Chapter 1 (needing Sigyn's children), so that element wasn't a surprise later on. In Chapter 2, we hear the story about how Sigyn had an affair with Kurth, which led to Arvis's father committing suicide. We're told Arvis is Sigyn's son, so clearly he must have a sister out there (presumably Kurth's daughter).

    In Chapter 3, it's confirmed that Deirdre is Sigyn's daughter when Manfroy kidnaps her. At this point, it's explicitly clear that Deirdre and Arvis are related through their mother, so what Manfroy said in Chapter 1 is coming to fruition. The reveal of Deirdre being married to Arvis happens around the middle of Chapter 5, which makes the Battle of Belhalla scene later much less impactful.

    Sigurd is supposed to be distraught at the Deirdre reveal, but that moment is lost because we already knew ahead of Sigurd. If we had discovered it at the same time as he did, then the tragedy would hit harder. People nitpick the Flame Emperor reveal in 3H for being too obvious, but the true surprise of that scene was in Dimitri's reaction. With Sigurd, you knew how he'd react, so it was just a waiting game rather than an actual surprise.

    Gen 2: Great Gameplay, Underwhelming Story

    Gameplay-wise, Gen 2 was WAY more fun than Gen 1. Perhaps this is a hot take, but I found the kids way more fun to play with than their parents. For one, the kids have infinitely better growths and skills, so even though they start at a low level, they progress at a way faster rate with actual results from their growths. In Gen 1, growth rates only give you about 2 stats per level-up, so you're just slowly grinding to Level 20 for the promotion bonuses, but in Gen 2, each level-up feels significant as you regularly get 3-5 stat boosts.

    Whoever has Lex as their father will have insanely high HP, Str, & Def growths, not to mention Paragon & Vantage. The Lex-Ayra pair is fantastic for Chapter 6 since Larcei & Scáthach will progress splendidly with Seliph at the beginning. Larcei with high HP, Str, & Def along with Paragon, Astra, and the Brave Sword is insane! Even for canon characters who'll always show up, Leif & Ares are so fun to play with. I used Light Brand Leif for FE5 canon, and Ares is very fun due to Mystletainn's unique qualities.

    Unlike other Holy Weapons that usually buff your Spd, Mystletainn gives +20 Skl & +10 Res. That +20 Skl gives +40 Hit from equipping it, giving him 144 Hit at base. That +10 Res makes Ares a Res-tank in a game where Res usually sucks outside of Julia and Tyrfing Seliph. His weakness is low AS and no 2-range, but his Adept & Vantage make him a viable enemy phase unit that can kill hordes with Mystletainn one-shots, Adept procs, or crits. It also helps that Ares is my favorite Gen 2 character who deserves more story relevance as Eldigan's son.

    Story-wise, I agree with other people in that Gen 2 isn't as interesting as Gen 1. The plot has the FE6 issue of being just two people (Seliph & Lewyn) talking to each other with Lewyn giving exposition. I get that FE had a hardcore permadeath identity with Kaga, but why didn't he give Oifey & Shannan plot armor so that they could show up in cutscenes even when defeated? Those are the men that raised Seliph, yet they're made disposable by the plot. I'd also make Leif & Ares plot-relevant since they're canonical characters and the children of Sigurd's buddies.

    On the other hand, I don't dislike Seliph as much as other people seem to. I imagined him having Christian La Monte's voice (Seliph's FEH VA & voice of Ignatz), so it added a lot of weight to his dialogue. Yes, he is very much set up to be a ruler by the people around him, but I liked that he wasn't someone who felt entitled to the crown. He still considers Isaach his home, and he merely took on the hero role out of moral duty rather than personal vengeance. If there was any character I was underwhelmed by in Gen 2, it was Arvis.

    The Tragic Tale of Arvis

    Perhaps this is due to me hanging around the FE community too much, but people built up Arvis to be way more interesting than how he was actually portrayed in-game. People often debate between him or the Black Knight for GOAT FE villain, but now that I've finished FE4, I can definitively state that the Black Knight is miles better. In truth, I even liked Travant more as a villain than Arvis considering Travant had 2 chapters of screen time compared to Arvis's 1.

    Gen 1 has good setup for Arvis in that he basically manipulates the other Grannvale lords into getting killed by Sigurd & crew thus leading Arvis to cement his position as Emperor and kill Sigurd himself. Gen 2 has interesting ideas on paper where Arvis becomes a pathetic shadow of his former self and expresses regret about his actions, but most of this character development happens offscreen to where we don't see him again until Chapter 10.

    Prior to FE7, FE games had a stupid tradition of never showing villain conversations unless they were within the general area of our main party. Seriously, would it really have destroyed IS's budget to include an occasional "Legion of Doom" segment where we see what the bad guys are up to? I shouldn't need exposition, manga, or developer's notes to appreciate your villains. FE4 is a game with so much lore that fans love, but some people let their love of supplemental lore cloud their judgement of the in-game storytelling.

    Continuing from an earlier point, the incest plotline was handled very differently from what I expected. Not only is it not actually a twist in the story (with it being explicit from the start), but as far as we know, no one besides Manfroy seems to be aware of the fact. Was Arvis unaware the whole time (despite it being obvious that "Kurth's daughter" had to have been Sigyn's child), or was he fully complicit in banging his sister? That self-reflection would've been so fascinating to see in Gen 2.

    Even Arvis's battle dialogue with Seliph was underwhelming since he spewed generic villain BS (mocking Sigurd to piss Seliph off). I'm guessing this was a tactic to provoke Seliph into killing him at full strength (with Julia being held hostage thus forcing Arvis to fight against his will), but seeing as he's the reason Seliph even has Tyrfing, Arvis should've given him a tiny bit of respect/acknowledgment in defeat. As far as the in-game dialogue is concerned, Arvis is a remorseless asshole to everyone not named Julia.


    With so many ups and downs throughout my playthrough of FE4, I finally completed it after a month and well over 100 hours. With that hurdle now cleared, my revenge tour is complete. By not treating this like a normal FE game, I was able to appreciate it for what it was. The busted Holy Weapons and unit-grinding make this an interesting RPG stuck within a system of outdated mechanics.

    If this game ever gets remade, the biggest changes I'd make (besides modern supports & QoL updates) are to Gen 1's gameplay and Gen 2's story. The Gen 1 characters need buffed growth rates to not get wrecked by Chapter 2 without arena-grinding. Secret events need visible event tiles with clear requirements listed (like Heart-to-Hearts in Xenoblade). As for Gen 2's story, give plot relevance to Oifey, Shannan, Leif, & Ares. More importantly, give Arvis as much attention as Berkut received in SoV so that we can witness his decline before our eyes.

    With FE4 done, I have now completed 12 out of 16 FE games. I completed every localized game (not including Conquest & Revelation) before trying the JP-only games, and then I completed both FE6 & FE4 this year. Besides the extra Fates routes (having only played Birthright), that leaves FE2, FE3, FE5, & FE12 as the only games left. Personally, I think I need of a break from FE considering the last 2 calendar years (2020-present) have been hefty in content for me as I've beaten FE9, FE10, FE1, FE6, & FE4 in that order.

    Until we get a new FE game announcement, I'm probably going to be playing some other series for the rest of the year. I recently finished The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve, which came out in late July (and is one of the best games I've ever played). With no new Ace Attorney, Fire Emblem, Xenoblade Chronicles, or The Legend of Zelda games until at least 2022, I want to branch out and try some new/different series & genres for the rest of 2021.

    Thank you for reading this long review of FE4. Please be respectful in the comments as I'll answer any questions you might have.

    submitted by /u/Mr96POP
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