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    Saturday, August 21, 2021

    Fire Emblem My Manuela Cosplay🎶

    Fire Emblem My Manuela Cosplay��

    My Manuela Cosplay��

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    The League Of Little Sisters (commission by @SMKittyKat on Twitter)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    Just a reminder that this game exists

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    I was commissioned to draw Wyvern Lord Annette!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 06:06 PM PDT

    Rhea and Seteth stepping out at LOJ 2021!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 12:55 AM PDT

    I decided to checkout a streamer with low view and it was a treat. At the end of their stream they showed a script they been working on that allows mounted units to wear their monastery outfit.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 07:07 PM PDT

    Annette(You can support my twitter @cozybambii)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    Animation of CYL5 for Fire Emblem Heroes (on my Yt GasianYT)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 06:00 PM PDT

    Collaborated and commissioned a sculpt of Olivia modeled off my friend who cosplays her [OC] [Fan Art]

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    I drew Marth as a fire bender

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    I designed wedding dresses for Florina & Manuela :)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    My girlfriend drew her favorite character.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 12:02 AM PDT

    I seriously hope IS poaches the 3 Koei Tecmo writers for future titles.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2021 10:31 PM PDT

    Seriously. The story writing and character support writing was just on another level in Three Houses compared to the 3DS titles, give or take Echoes (which is more than well done IMO)

    I actually enjoyed Fates on 3DS... but that's in an ironic sense. I was just floored after so much cringe that Three Houses was actually good on the writing-front. And credits say it's these 3 guys from Koei Tecmo, same three that wrote Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity and a few other crossovers. I just wanna take a moment to appreciate the fact that the writing in Three Houses was so good that it has spawned this genuine fandom for all the Garreg Mach characters, a legitimate zeitgeist. That's on those writers, I feel. They made you care about these people.

    submitted by /u/linkenski
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    I made a FE8 affinity chart to try pair up as many characters as possible, but then I discovered the Amelia Dilemma.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    Last night I drank too much coke, and caffeine was rushing through my veins. In an effort to keep myself distracted, I began to try and pair up as much people from FE8 as possible, as per usual my brain can only do so much.

    And here it is: https://imgur.com/a/p5t3BPW

    Cute, little, ugly affinity chart. I completely forgot Knoll has no ending with anyone whatsoever. And it's fun to see how Neimi and Colm exist entirely within their bubble. This affinity chart doesn't depict the potential support conversations that can happen, instead is the potential endings characters can share. Although it looks that way, Saleh doesn't have an ending with Tana, it's simply connecting to Myrrh. It past 6 am, bear with me.

    So in order to find everyone's pair up, we should first pair up the people who have no other choice but to be alone or pair up with the other person they can. That means we are pairing up:

    - Cormag & Tana

    - Garcia & Ross

    - Gerik & Tethys

    - Syrene & Gilliam

    - Lute & Artur

    - L'Arachel & Dozla

    - Neimi & Colm

    I've marked with red our current pairings: https://imgur.com/a/wSvDyXc

    Now I'm sure you are pretty observant. You've probably noticed the issue at hand, but yes. Franz and Duessel have only one other person they can pair up with, and that one is Amelia. And thus, the Amelia Dilemma. But we are not finished yet, so let's just mark it with purple and move on.

    Here's the updated chart: https://imgur.com/a/fbcbL4F

    Now this has given us new pairings. Applying the same logic, after making all these pairings, there's some characters that are left in the same situation, they only have one other person they can pair up with. And those are:

    - Marisa & Joshua

    - Forde & Kyle

    - Ewan & Saleh

    Here, the new pairings will be marked with green for the shake of clarity: https://imgur.com/a/UQ6Zg6E

    Once again, applying the same logic gives us new pairings that have to end up together, in this case it leads to:

    - Seth & Natasha

    - Innes & Vanessa

    Another update, let's make it yellow, why not: https://imgur.com/a/shnfI9k

    And finally, Eirika can only end up with Ephraim. Unfortunately, this means Myrrh ends up alone, which is sad considering she's a manakete: https://imgur.com/a/g05fXFX

    Now, Myrrh has 2 endings besides her solo ending. Ephraim and Saleh. Myrrh & Ephraim's ending is not too different from her solo ending, despite the fact that Ephraim would come and visit her often. Saleh & Myrrh ending has the manakete moving into Caer Pelyn with him and the villagers enjoying a happy life as a normal girl. That's heartwarming, and it's an ending I'd appreciate Myrrh got.

    However, because of the Amelia Dilemma, its tough. Figure Franz and Duessel had an ending together, it makes sense too! Franz is all about improving himself, so becoming, I dunno, Duessel's squire and working with him would not be unheard of for his character. That would open up Amelia's ending with Ewan and therefore Saleh could have his ending with Myrrh.

    And that's not even all of it, completely ignoring the fact Myrrh ends up alone in this scenario, who is Amelia's best ending between Duessel and Franz?

    Duessel & Amelia's ending has Amelia reuniting with her long lost mother, providing a tearful and emotional reunion in their little paragraph of an epilogue. Franz & Amelia's on the other hand, is less so focused on Amelia's past, and rather on Amelia's potential in the present and the future. Franz & Amelia's relationship makes each other want to improve and protect each other, and has Amelia finding a new home in Renais. This relationship is even mentioned on Duessel's supports!

    Imo, Amelia's endings with Duessel and Franz are not exclusive to each other. After coming back to Grado and reuniting with her mother, Amelia becomes Duessel's companion in helping and advising other nations in Magvel. In my headcanon, this can prompt her coming back to Renais and meeting Franz once again, deciding to stick with him after finishing off her duties to Duessel, prompting Franz's ending.

    Now after all this useless exposition, what do you think? Please give me your input, maybe there's a different way to tackle this I'm missing!

    tl;dr.... just give Franz and Duessel and ending plz.

    submitted by /u/Like_A_Frog
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    Made Roy in the style of Smash 64

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    Why does Fates get so much hate?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 07:33 PM PDT

    (Minor Spoilers for Fates) I know obviously a main is reason is the waifuism and, well Camilla, but I don't think that's enough to hate it. From playing Birthright and Conquest, I have not played Revelations and don't plan on ever playing it, both games have many charms. While Birthright is easy I still find it fun to make my units super OP and destroy everything, which obviously isn't for everyone and if you dislike Birthright it's understandable. Conquest on the other hand I find to be fantastic, it has some of the best gameplay of any fire emblem game, a story that is bearable (obviously it's not the best but it's still not the garbage people say it is), and has solid characters, while most characters only have one or two personality traits they are still fun, for example Arthur's justice and bad luck make him a very funny character that has a deeper side to him, his want to protect Elise and the work he does to help other people and protect Elise at the same time make him a super cool character, prime examples are his supports with Effie and Elise. The three from Awakening, Odin, Laslow, and Selena are done really well too, as the game builds a story for them instead of pretending they are different characters, and still making them a bit different and funny. Finally, I want to bring attention to Kaze, Jakob, Dwyer, and Leo. These four characters are fantastic as they are deep characters while still keeping the humor that most Conquest characters have, Kaze owing his life to Corrin and Leo causing his betrayal to Hoshido is so cool, and Jakob and Dwyer's uptight or lazy personalities that are in face the opposite once you get to know them is, while a bit cliche, really well done and in my opinion they are two of the best characters in the franchise, Leo is also really well done because he isn't based around Corrin, all of the Fates royals, except Hinoka she just sucks, are well done characters but get screwed over by their Corrin obsessions, while Leo isn't. Leo's role in Birthright's story is very well done too as he knows that Nohr is in the wrong and that Garon is evil but refuses to join Hoshido not because he cares about his country, but because he wants to protect Elise, Camilla, and Xander even though they aren't real siblings making him a Camus archetype with one of the best reasons.

    submitted by /u/KingBidoofXI
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    Why won’t it let me upgrade her class if I complete all the prerequisites?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    I drew my favourite angry boi

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    Share your opinions about forge systems in Fire Emblem games

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 12:54 PM PDT


    I have an issue with forging systems. Path of Radiance balanced it by having 1 forgeable weapon per chapter, but it had the issue of weight-str for attack speed penalty and mostly made good units even more broken by allowing mounts to have insane weapons. Radiant Dawn had serious money struggles to avoid forge spamming but at the same time you could just powerlevel one unit and forge it a good weapon or abuse knife forge to get Sothe to ORKO most p1 ennemies at 1-2 when no one else could do it with 7+ movement.

    In Fates, you can't forge what you want and the limit of forges is mostly the limit of your ressources, how many similar weapons and gems you can collect at each time of the game and the +2 limit before forge upgrade. Since silvers were bad, you would most likely use +2 irons most of the time as the regular weapons that had more damage than steels and then +2 steels to imitate silver weapons. The fact you could run with +3 or +4 weapons in midgame was really problematic since it meant you could just use very few units, forge OP weapons without drawback and not care about damage thresholds (+2 iron shuriken have 8 Mt, 1-2 range and give +2 speed, that's literally better than GBA hand axes, +4 have 12 Mt! That's nearly the Mt of forking silver swords! That's also higher than Raijinto's Mt and Kagero can double down on it with higher strength than Ryoma for a moment if she goes mechanist!).

    In Awakening, you can forge similarly to Radiant Dawn, but all of the early game you're broke all the time if you try to forge several weapons (I forge Virion's iron bow so that he either OHKOs the wyverns in ch5 in hard mode without support or he lets them so low that even Sully with a bronze weapon can finish them, and Sully with a bronze weapon has 2 less base damage than base Virion...but then I need the bullions to be able to buy anything else). I think Awakening made forges a little too pricey.

    What I think is that Awakening's forge system combined with Fates limitations per part of the game would probably be a good balance. You have to pay limited ressources (gold, 1 weapon per chapter or whatever) but not too much if it's gold otherwise, like in Awakening, you end up broke all the time you forge a weapon past +1 (some iron +3 or +4 forges cost literally more than a silver weapon up to about the same price as brave weapons! AND THEY BREAK!). Specific weapons like returning knives/shuriken should not be able to exceed a certain Mt because they're thieves' throwing weapons, not forking hammers...the day you see a throwing knife destroy a plate armor or brigandine armor, please call me.

    Maybe forged weapons should be named and become indestructible, in which case the price could be as expensive as it is in Awakening but this would last you the entire game, with a repair system and limited uses per map (the equivalent of a +2 weapon in Fates could have 20 uses before needing to be repaired by the smith at 20% of the price of the initial forge). This would look a little like what I've understood about FE4's weapon system.

    What are your opinions about forges, how they help or destroy game balance and so on? (for me flying classes should be forbidden to use forges because otherwise they ORKO too easily, give a +2 steel naginata to Hinoka and she doubles, gains 1 def/res and ORKOs most ennemies since they have 13 Mt and she has 9 strength and C lances, meaning she gets 23 damage for no reason just from a good forge and ORKOs about everything with that).

    submitted by /u/mangasdeouf
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    Three Houses Challenge Run Idea: The King of Fódlan (aka Oops, All Shotos!)

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    I was looking at Three Houses challenge run ideas for future playthroughs, and I often came across brawlers-only runs. But then I came up with an idea to expand on that concept: a challenge run based off of fighting game archetypes, specifically, the shoto.

    As you know, there was a lot of debate regarding what a shoto is after Kazuya got into Smash. Kazuya isn't one, but can Three Houses characters be?

    The main requirements for this run are simple. Like with the all brawlers run, only brawling attacks can be used. Magical gauntlets are allowed - can reference the electrical effect of attacks in Tekken. However, there is one exception in this run, that being the Fire spell. This is the Fire Emblem equivalent to Ryu's Hadouken.

    (I'm not entirely sure what can act as the Tatsumaki, since there's no kicking in the game, but let me know if there are any hurricane like moves. Also, I'd appreciate if you could specify which brawling combat arts match Shoryuken, because for some reason there's no "all brawling attacks" video on YouTube.)

    Now, this just seems like a (slightly) easier all brawler run, with the added (one) magic attack. To make things more difficult, I'll be making Three Houses more like traditional fighting games.

    • No battalions. These are one-to-one fights! Mostly. Adjutants are allowed, as tag teams are often a thing in the fighting game genre.

    • No mounts. Pretty obvious.

    • No shields either.

    • Combat arts and crests are allowed, though. There are often special moves in fighting games.

    • No healing during active combat. Now, no one should have any healing moves anyway, or at least never use them, but if you want to heal with a potion, you can't let an enemy attack you during their turn. You need to make sure you are far enough away so that enemies can't attack you before healing. This references how you don't really heal health in traditional (not Smash) fighting games, at least off the top of my head.

    Here are some other optional ideas to really hone in on the fighting game theme.

    • Play on Blue Lions. Faerghus has a king, referencing King of Fighters and the King of Iron Fist tournament. Dimitri has extreme physical strength. And most importantly, the Blue Lions have the most family drama, if you really want to go all Tekken with this.

    • Compete in the monastery tournament every month, and win. You must win. This means you have to work on leveling up other weapons, even if you can't use them in the main maps.

    • Limit movement. For example, maybe a unit can only go one or two spaces each turn, or maybe they can go further, but only in a straight line one direction. Basically, no diagonals, and this includes your position when attacking an enemy from a distance with Hadouken / Fire. This references movement in 2D traditional fighters.

    • Play on casual mode. These fighting game characters survive almost anything, it seems. But if you want more challenge, don't do this. Casual could allow for a stock system, however. Fighting games have multiple rounds, usually a set of 3. Maybe a unit could die 3 times before they can't be used anymore.

    • Make your own unit archetypes. There are tons of fighting game archetypes that count inspire unit builds, and you could come up with an entire run based off them. Leave your ideas down in the comments!

    I plan to try this out myself in the future, but let me know what you think of the concept first.

    submitted by /u/TechnetiumTc
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    Made a Felix fanart!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    Why is Ike liked as well as he is?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 04:36 AM PDT

    I'm still new to fire emblem but from what I see Ike is the most liked but I'm not sure why I can't find a good reason yet what do you guys think of him? What is Ike's character that is what I would like to know.

    submitted by /u/Vallitehomer
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