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    Thursday, August 19, 2021

    Fire Emblem [OC] Marianne with some friends

    Fire Emblem [OC] Marianne with some friends

    [OC] Marianne with some friends

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    Remember, no Nohrian (OC)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    Biggest brain move you have seen in Fire Emblem ? Here's a contender

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:23 AM PDT

    Lucina receiving a surprise flower crown from Morgan | by @nebokeruu

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 04:55 AM PDT

    What's a random, minor thing about fire emblem that bothers you?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 11:11 AM PDT

    For me it's the names of the thunder and lightning spells/tomes. Why is the light magic tome named lightning? It doesn't even CAST lightning, just a minor twinkle. Because of this, the *actual* tome/spell that casts lightning is stuck with the name "thunder", the SOUND that comes after lightning.

    submitted by /u/floricel_112
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    Added a casual Felix to join Sylvain -- Criticism appreciated from anyone :)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    Collection closed. Looks amazing.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    “Do I look okay?” ���� - Summer Marianne by me!! :3

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:07 PM PDT

    Plegian Dancer Caeda and Catria (OC)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 04:52 PM PDT

    Li'l Kana gives her Mama a nice big hug. Happy Birthday Hinoka!

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:16 AM PDT

    Friendly reminder that the beautiful mess of a game that is Three Houses was developed with an engine for a hack-and-slash game

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:51 PM PDT

    Bupleth Family Portrait

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    Some concerns I have about a hypothetical FE6 remake

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    When people discuss what the next remake could be, it's usually FE4, FE6 and FE9 that get tossed around. Each have their pros and cons, but with FE6 in particular there are a few things that scare me based on IS's history with remakes.

    First, new characters. Every remake so far has had them. The problem here is that FE6 already has one of the larger playable casts in the series. Many of these characters are either undertuned, not fleshed out through the story, or both. Adding more on top of them seems like it could make for a really bloated cast if they don't try to do more with what they have already. This is actually one of my big hangups with trying out Project Ember as well.

    Second, hard mode bonuses. Consensus seems to be that they were not intended to be in the game, but most players seem to enjoy having them. If they really weren't intended then I think the remake would take them out, which would probably be a death sentence for characters who already struggle even with them. Also I think this would probably hurt Rutger a lot because hard mode bonuses are half of what makes him so strong.

    And of course there are the general concerns about forcing an avatar into the game, but I think they learned their lesson with that after Kris because they didn't do it with Shadows of Valentia.

    What do you think? Do you feel like these will be an issue if this remake ever happens?

    submitted by /u/nobody030303
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    Should I buy 3 Houses even though I know the story?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    I'm moving away for college next week and im wondering if 3 Houses is a game I could play on the side. However I pretty much get the gist of all the routes but still lack the knowledge on how to actually play the game/support conversations (except male byleth and Mercedes).

    So should I buy 3 Houses + Cindered Shadows or is it a waste of money?

    submitted by /u/Retrojazzer17
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    If Fire Emblem got another chance at an amine, which game would you want it to be based on?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 04:02 PM PDT

    Full Band Arrangement of Dusk Falls from FE Fates

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    Fire Emblem RNG is fun and painful (POR early map stream)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:45 PM PDT

    A compilation of underrated Three Houses music! figured I'd share here as well :)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    Fire emblem fates and Greek mythology

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 03:22 PM PDT

    Fates takes a lot of inspiration from Greek mythology to start with both start with a war between the gods in which humans are involved . In fates the ancient texts say the first Dragons fought each other to see who was strongest some made pacts with humans giving them power to aid them in their war called the dragonomachy, and in Greek mythology the Olympian gods fought the titan gods for control of earth it was during this war that the olympians made man to aid them in their war against the titans called the titanomachy. Another similarity is that valla is inspired by Atlantis. Both are ancient kingdoms blessed by god Anankos for Valla and Poseidon for Atlantis, and both are destroyed when the people of the kingdom betray their god. Another similarity is that Vallite art and architecture is similar to Minoan art and architecture and the Minoans were the inspiration for Atlantis. The last similarity is fates war between the kingdoms of Nohr and Hoshido to the story of the Trojan war. Both stories take place on two continents in the Iliad it's Europe(Greece) and Asia(Turkey), and in fates it's Nohr and Hoshido. Another similarity is that both wars start when one side breaks the others trust in the Iliad it's when Paris takes Helen king menelaus's wife during a visit to Sparta and in fates when Nohrian king Garen ambushed king Sumeragi after Garon told him it was to negotiate a pact of nonaggression between the kingdoms of Nohr and Hoshido. It was also during this attack that a young Corrin was taken to become a member of the Nohrian royal family. The last similarity between fates and the Iliad is both is the gods give aid to both sides this is not shown in fates mean story but it's lore some of the first Dragons give humans power to fight in their(the dragons)war and the Greek Olympian gods pick and aid both the Trojans the Greeks in the Trojan war. This isn't the only real world inspiration in fates to it's only one.

    submitted by /u/Vallitehomer
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    In Defense of Miracle

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, as it says on top. I don't think Miracle is that bad. Many would argue that Miracle is a waste of an ability slot especially for abilities that always have an impact on gameplay such as the weapon authorities, any of the blow skills (death blow, fiendish blow, darting blow), or even the breaker abilities. I thought the same when I picked up three houses, while it was my first fire emblem game, I was familiar with how it works thanks to watching a Fates playthrough on YouTube and my own time being spent on the wiki page reading on the mechanics about this old game series that had cool characters like Ike, and Marth.

    Needless to say when I discovered Miracle it did sound like a good ability, it gave my squishy and other times defenseless healers the ability to survive critical damage. Then I learned about the full ability effect from a Mangs character spotlight on Sakura. I first thought that "Miracle can't be that useless, can it" but after some time I started to see what most of us to see when we hear about Miracle, a potentially life saving ability that has a low activation rate. (That rate being the character's luck stat total over 100).

    Now the Luck stat in fire emblem is, there.. I wouldn't call it useless, critical hits either make or break a chapter as all of us can attest to. In three houses, Luck is also factored into the avoid stat for magical attacks but otherwise that is it; critical hits and magical avoid. It doesn't increase crit chance, it doesn't raise attack damage or attack speed, heck it doesn't even contribute to the unit's bulk in anyway. And understandably so, Luck has become silently regarded as one of the worst stat improvements to get, outside of maybe HP alone. Do not misunderstand me, getting stat improvements of any kind are always a good thing. But we all have had a bad level up before, and all of us can say if one stat were to be increased upon level up we don't want that to be luck almost all the time.

    "So what's your point? Up till now all you have done is cite reasons why miracle and the luck stat are useless. So why do you think Miracle is not a terrible skill?"

    You see my answer comes from my own experience when playing, and the experiences I'd viewed of others. Miracle has saved a unit of mine from death more times then I am willing to admit, three houses is my first fire emblem game, its not the hardest game in the series, it definitely isn't thanks to Divine pulse and online mode giving free weapons and exp. But I am still in that point of my fire emblem career where I still play recklessly, I play fast and tend to misclick the position I want my units to go because I can afford to do so. But mistakes still happen regardless, on my first playthrough I was trying to level up my units and Flayn was in rage of a brawler that I didn't notice. Flayn would have died had I not have miracle on her still. (I was working to get her Renewal) That was a moment where I didn't purposely overextend, it was just me making a mistake. But it had saved me a divine pulse. Miracle would later on prove to be a skill that'd save my units multiple times from death because I had no other skill to equip that made sense or otherwise.

    So dear reader what my point is that, miracle may be unreliable at best, but it is better than nothing, and heck I know how miracle has screwed with people before when bosses have it, especially the dragons on harder difficulties.

    TL:DR Miracle is not a terribly useful skill because of the activation rate, but Miracle has saved my bum more times than I will admit to, and surprised me because I forgot I left it on some of my units. Miracle makes bosses harder which makes the game more interesting, and at times can save you a divine pulse charge because you didn't see the range. It is good for newer players that are trying to be less reckless, and I do not think that it should be discounted solely because of the nature of it.

    If you have it on a unit and their other skills or lack their of, that are barely helpful (like any of the magic authority skills before you get an attack spell) Miracle gives that unit a chance to do the impossible. Who knows, it might just be the thing that gets you through the map, something something, miracle pun.

    submitted by /u/Ok-String-1631
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